All notable changes to modules
will be documented in this file.
- Refactor: Replace '/' with DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR in the File generation Concerns by @coolsam726 in #103
Full Changelog:
- Failing Tests: Changed the test to use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR by @coolsam726 in #99
- Code Cleanup: PHPStan was failing by @coolsam726 in #100
- Bug Fix: Duplicate src in file path by @coolsam726 in #102
Full Changelog:
- Bug Fix: Wrong Directory Separators causing errors when registering Module Plugins by @coolsam726 in #98
Full Changelog:
- New Test: Testing the convertPathToNamespace helper method by @coolsam726 in #93
- Attempt 1 to fix the
helper by @coolsam726 in #94 - Attempt 2: Test if convertPathToNamespace is fixed by @coolsam726 in #95
- Attempt 3: To Fix convertPathToNamespace for windows platform by @coolsam726 in #96
- Bug Fix: Registering Module Service Providers was not working on windows by @coolsam726 in #97 - Fixes #92
Full Changelog:
- Early Registration of the Main providers for each module. by @coolsam726 in #91
Full Changelog:
- New Feature: A command to generate a Theme inside a module by @coolsam726 in #89
- README: Added the Filament Theme command documentation by @coolsam726 in #90
Full Changelog:
- 4.x dev - Support for nwidart/laravel-modules 11.x by @coolsam726 in #82
- Added Version 4.x Documentation by @coolsam726 in #84
- README Adjustment: Put the version NOTE below the badges by @coolsam726 in #86
- support laravel-modules v11 for laravel 11 by @vellea in #81
- Fixed Tests by @coolsam726 in #87
- Fix PHP version in phpstan workflow by @coolsam726 in #88
- @vellea made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog:
- Bug Fix: navigation label translation key during filament cluster generation by @coolsam726 in #83
Full Changelog:
- Support for Filament Shield and Module Permissions (WIP) by @coolsam726 in #33
- 3.x dev by @coolsam726 in #39
- Package Name change from filament-modules to modules by @coolsam726 in #40
- Composer requirements: by @coolsam726 in #41
- Added sidebar start and end hooks for modular panels by @coolsam726 in #42
- Fix: Moved sidebar hooks to the register function after filament has been resolved. by @coolsam726 in #43
- 3.x dev - Updated the Sidebar Render Hooks by @coolsam726 in #44
- Bump aglipanci/laravel-pint-action from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #60
- Laravel 11 Support by @askippers in #58
- Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 1.6.0 to 2.0.0 by @dependabot in #59
- Bump aglipanci/laravel-pint-action from 2.3.1 to 2.4 by @dependabot in #64
- Package rewrite to for v3 by @coolsam726 in #65
- Adjusted README and run-tests workflows to fix the repository link by @coolsam726 in #68
- Adjusted the run-tests workflow to capture the testbench and carbon matrix by @coolsam726 in #69
- Separated Tests for Laravel 10 and Laravel 11 by @coolsam726 in #70
- Added support for nunomaduro/collision v8.x by @coolsam726 in #71
- README fix: Changed the name of the workflow for the code styling workflow by @coolsam726 in #72
- New Feature added: Command to create a Filament Resource inside a module by @coolsam726 in #73
- New Feature: Command to Create Filament Pages in Modules by @coolsam726 in #74
- Make the Cluster Navigation Label translatable by @coolsam726 in #75
- New Feature: Widget Generation Command by @coolsam726 in #76
- Bug Fix: README Badges - fixed the workflow file name by @coolsam726 in #77
- Updated README with the package's documentation for v3.x by @coolsam726 in #78
- Update by @coolsam726 in #79
- @askippers made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog:
- initial release