By using a custom authentication backend, you can make use of Django's authentication framework while storing users in Neo4j.
First, make sure the :mod:`django.contrib.auth` and
:mod:`django.contrib.sessions` middleware and the :mod:`django.contrib.auth`
template context processor are installed. Also make sure you have a proper
set. :mod:`django.contrib.sessions.backends.file` will
work fine for development.
Next, add :mod:`neo4django.graph_auth` to your INSTALLED_APPS
, and add:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('neo4django.graph_auth.backends.NodeModelBackend',)
in your If you're running Django 1.5+, set the AUTH_USER_MODEL
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'graph_auth.User'
To create a new user, use something like:
user = User.objects.create_user('john', '', 'johnpassword')
Login, reset password, and other included auth views should work as expected. In your views, :attr:`~Request.user` will contain an instance of :class:`neo4django.graph_auth.models.User` for authenticated users.
Other models are free to reference users. Consider:
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from neo4django.db import models from neo4django.graph_auth.models import User class Post(models.NodeModel): title = models.StringProperty() author = models.Relationship(User, rel_type='written_by', single=True, related_name='posts') user = authenticate(username='john', password='johnpassword') post = Post() post.title = 'Cool Music Post' = user assert list(user.posts.all())[0] == post
Swappable user models are supported for Django 1.5+. You can subclass the included NodeModel user, remember to set also the default manager as follows:
from neo4django.db import models from neo4django.graph_auth.models import User, UserManager class TwitterUser(User): objects = UserManager() follows = models.Relationship('self', rel_type='follows', related_name='followed_by') jack = TwitterUser() jack.username = 'jack' = '' jack.set_password("jackpassword') jim = TwitterUser() jim.username = 'jim' = '' jim.set_password('jimpassword') jim.follows.add(jack)
And in your, add:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'my_app.TwitterUser'
If you're still using 1.4, you can use the subclassing approach, with caveats. First, that :class:`~User` manager shortcuts, like :func:`~create_user`, aren't available, and that :func:`~authenticate` and other included functions to work with users will return the wrong model type. This is fairly straightforward to handle, though, using the included convenience method :meth:`~neo4django.db.models.NodeModel.from_model`:
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate user = authenticate(username='jim', password='jimpassword') twitter_user = TwitterUser.from_model(user)
Because neo4django doesn't support :mod:`django.contrib.contenttypes` or an equivalent, user permissions are not supported. Object-specific or contenttypes-style permissions would be a great place to contribute.