Once you've installed neo4django, you can configure your Django project to connect to Neo4j.
An example settings.py:
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db', 'test_database.sqlite3') } } NEO4J_DATABASES = { 'default' : { 'HOST':'localhost', 'PORT':7474, 'ENDPOINT':'/db/data' } }
If you'd like to use other Django apps built on the regular ORM in conjunction with neo4django, you'll still need to configure DATABASES
with a supported database. You should also install a database router in your settings.py so the databases will play nice:
DATABASE_ROUTERS = ['neo4django.utils.Neo4djangoIntegrationRouter']
Once your project is configured, you're ready to start :doc:`writing-models` !