neo4django is an Object Graph Mapper that let's you use familiar Django model definitions and queries against the Neo4j graph database.
You can install the latest stable release from PyPi
> pip install neo4django
or get the bleeding-edge from GitHub.
> pip install -e git+
Configure your project to connect to Neo4j.
Define models to interact with the database.
Query against models in Neo4j.
Store and interact with users in Neo4j.
Use Django's admin interface with Neo4j.
.. toctree:: :hidden: getting-started writing-models querying auth writing-django-tests debugging-and-optimization multiple-databases-and-concurrency running-the-test-suite
We love contributions, large or small. The source is available on GitHub- fork the project and submit a pull request with your changes.
Uncomfortable / unwilling to code? If you'd like, you can give a small donation on Gittip to support the project.