There is a custom test case included which you can use to write Django tests
that need access to :class:`~neo4django.db.models.NodeModel` instances. If
properly configured, it will wipe out the Neo4j database in between each test.
To configure it, you must set up a Neo4j instance with the cleandb extension
installed. If your neo4j instance were configured at port 7475, and your
cleandb install were pointing to /cleandb/secret-key
, then you would put
the following into your
NEO4J_TEST_DATABASES = { 'default': { 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 7475, 'ENDPOINT': '/db/data', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLEANDB_URI': '/cleandb/secret-key', 'username': 'lorem', 'password': 'ipsum', } } }
With that set up, you can start writing test cases that inherit from :class:`neo4django.testcases.NodeModelTestCase` and run them as you normally would through your Django test suite.