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File metadata and controls

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Managing Containers - Learning about Common Container Operations

In the previous chapter, we have learnt about container lifecycle management including how to create, launch, connect to, stop and remove containers. In this chapter, we are going to learn how to launch a container with a pre built app image and how to access the app with published ports. We will also learn about common container operations such as inspecting container information, checking logs and performance stats, renaming and updating the properties of a container, limiting resources etc.

As part of this lab, we are going to launch a python based webapp for a sample voting application.

Launching a container with a pre built app image

To launch vote container run the following command. Don't bother about the new flag -P now. We will explain about that flag later in this chapter

docker container run  -idt -P  schoolofdevops/vote


Unable to find image 'schoolofdevops/vote:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from schoolofdevops/vote
Digest: sha256:9195942ea654fa8d8aeb37900be5619215c08e7e1bef0b7dfe4c04a9cc20a8c2
Status: Downloaded newer image for schoolofdevops/vote:latest

Lets check the status of the container

docker ps -l


CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
7d58ecc05754        schoolofdevops/vote   "gunicorn app:app -b…"   27 seconds ago      Up 26 seconds>80/tcp   peaceful_varahamihira

Renaming the container

We can rename the container by using following command

docker rename 7d58ecc05754 vote

[replace 7d58ecc05754 with the actual container id on your system ]

We have changed container's automatically generated name to vote. This new name can be of your choice. The point to understand is this command takes two arguments. The Old_name followed by New_name Run docker ps command to check the effect of changes

docker ps


CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
7d58ecc05754        schoolofdevops/vote   "gunicorn app:app -b…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>80/tcp   vote

As you can see here, the container is renamed to vote. This makes referencing container in cli very much easier.

Ready to vote ?

Let's see what this vote application does by connecting to that application. For that we need,

  • Host machine's IP
  • Container's port which is mapped to a host's port

Let's find out the port mapping of container to host. Docker provides subcommand called port which does this job

docker port vote  


80/tcp ->

So whatever traffic the host gets in port 2368 will be mapped to container's port 32768

Let's connect to http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT to see the actual application

Finding Everything about the running container

This topic discusses about finding metadata of containers. These metadata include various parameters like,

  • State of the container
  • Mounts
  • Configuration
  • Network, etc.,


Lets try this inspect subcommand in action

docker inspect vote

Data output by above command contains detailed descriptino of the container an its properties. is represented in JSON format which makes filtering these results easier.

Checking the Stats

Stats command

This command returns a data stream of resource utilization used by containers. The flag --no-stream disables data stream and displays only first result

docker stats --no-stream=true vote

docker stats
Top command

To display the list of processes and the information about those processes that are running inside the container, we can use top command

docker top vote


UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 TIME                CMD
vagrant             6219                6211                0                   14:07               ?                   00:00:00            npm
vagrant             6275                6219                0                   14:07               ?                   00:00:00            sh -c node index
vagrant             6276                6275                0                   14:07               ?                   00:00:11            node index

Examine Logs

Docker log command is to print the logs of the application inside the container. In our case we will see the log output of vote application

docker logs vote


[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.6.0
[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Listening at: (1)
[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [10] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 10
[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [11] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 11
[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [12] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 12
[2018-05-01 15:36:01 +0000] [15] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15```  

If you want to **follow** the log in real-time, use **-f** flag  

To follow the logs,

docker logs -f vote

Now try to read the articles available in our blog and see the log output gets updated in real-time. Hit ctrl+c to break the stream

Stream events from the docker daemon

Docker events serves us with the stream of events or interactions that are happening with the docker daemon. This does not stream the log data of application inside the container. That is done by docker logs command. Let us see how this command works
Open an another terminal. Let us call the old terminal as Terminal 1 and the newer one as Terminal 2.

From Terminal 1, execute docker events. Now you are getting the data stream from docker daemon

docker events

To understand how this command actually works, let us run a container from Terminal 2

docker run -it alpine:3.4 sh  

If you see, in Terminal 1, the interaction with docker daemon, while running that container will be printed

[Output - Terminal 1]

2016-09-16T13:00:20.189028004Z container create 816fcc5e9c8dca13c76f3ff4546a7769bed497c4f4153b20ec34459c88f7b923 (image=alpine:3.4, name=tiny_franklin)
2016-09-16T13:00:20.190190470Z container attach 816fcc5e9c8dca13c76f3ff4546a7769bed497c4f4153b20ec34459c88f7b923 (image=alpine:3.4, name=tiny_franklin)
2016-09-16T13:00:20.257068692Z network connect c0237b5406920749b87460597b8935adf958bae1ce997afd827921a0dbc97cdc (container=816fcc5e9c8dca13c76f3ff4546a7769bed497c4f4153b20ec34459c88f7b923, name=bridge, type=bridge)
2016-09-16T13:00:20.346533821Z container start 816fcc5e9c8dca13c76f3ff4546a7769bed497c4f4153b20ec34459c88f7b923 (image=alpine:3.4, name=tiny_franklin)
2016-09-16T13:00:20.347811877Z container resize 816fcc5e9c8dca13c76f3ff4546a7769bed497c4f4153b20ec34459c88f7b923 (height=41, image=alpine:3.4, name=tiny_franklin, width=126)

Try to do various docker operations (start, stop, rm, etc.,) and see the output in Terminal 1

Attach to the container

Normally, when we run a container, we use -d flag to run that container in detached mode. But sometimes you might require to make some changes inside that container. In those kind of situations, we can use attach command. This command attaches to the tty of docker container. So it will stream the output of the application. In our case, we will see the output of vote application

docker attach vote

Hit our blogs url several times to see the output


root@swarm-03:~# docker attach vote
[2018-05-01 15:44:49 +0000] [1] [INFO] Handling signal: winch

You can detach from the tty by pressing ctrl-p + ctrl-q in sequence. If you haven't started your container with -it flag, then it is not possible to get your host's terminal back. In that case, If you haven't started the container with -it option, the only way you will be able to detach from the container by using ctrl-c, which kills the process, in turns the container itself.

It is possible to override these keys too. For that we have to add --detach-keys flag to the command. To learn more, click on the following URL

Copying files between container and client host

We can copy files/directories form host to container and vice-versa
Let us create a file on the host

touch testfile

To copy the testfile from host machine to ghsot contanier, try

docker cp testfile vote:/opt  

This command will copy testfile to vote container's /opt directory and will not give any output. To verify the file has been copies or not, let us log into container by running,

docker exec -it vote bash

Change directory into /opt and list the files

cd /opt  



There you can see that file has been successfully copied. Now exit the container

Now you may try to cp some files from the container to the host machine

docker cp vote:/app  .  

Controlling Resources

Docker provides us the granularity to control each container's resource utilization. We have several commands in the inventory to achieve this

Putting limits on Running Containers

First, let us monitor the utilization

docker stats --no-stream=true

[Example Output]

"docker stats --no-stream=true
CONTAINER ID        NAME                                CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O           PIDS
7d58ecc05754        vote                                0.02%               56.5MiB / 1.955GiB    2.82%               648B / 0B           0B / 0B             0
9fc1aec8cb6a        gallant_brattain                    0.00%               328KiB / 1.955GiB     0.02%               690B / 0B           0B / 0B             0
08f0242aa61c        vote.2.qwxduexkwpmdnowouxjzwjwag    0.02%               56.33MiB / 1.955GiB   2.81%               1.94kB / 0B         0B / 0B             0
8469b95efc81        redis.4.s5i3kid9yohpbim05bsw59sh2   0.12%               6.223MiB / 1.955GiB   0.31%               1.36kB / 0B         0B / 0B             0
ce823d38adaf        redis.1.qfx6geh6t9vuy8awq94u10m07   0.08%               6.227MiB / 1.955GiB   0.31%               7.25kB / 5.39kB     0B / 0B             0

For monitoring resources continuously,

docker stats --no-stream=true

You can see that Memory attribute has 0 as its value. 0 means unlimited usage of host's RAM. We can put a cap on that by using update command

docker update --memory 400M --memory-swap -1 vote   



Let us check whether the change has taken effect or not

docker inspect vote | grep -i memory
docker stat 


"Memory": 419430400,
"KernelMemory": 0,
"MemoryReservation": 0,
"MemorySwap": 0,
"MemorySwappiness": -1,

As you can see, the memory utilization of the container is changed from 0 (unlimited) to 400 mb

Limiting Resources while launching new containers

The following resources can be limited using the update command

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Disk IO
  • Capabilities

Open two terminals, lets call them T1, and T2
In T1, start monitoring the stats

docker stats


CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O             PIDS
b28efeef41f8        0.16%               190.1 MiB / 400 MiB   47.51%              1.296 kB / 648 B    86.02 kB / 45.06 kB   0
CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O             PIDS
b28efeef41f8        0.01%               190.1 MiB / 400 MiB   47.51%              1.296 kB / 648 B    86.02 kB / 45.06 kB   0

From T2, launch two containers with different CPU shares. Default CPU shares are set to 1024. This is a relative weight.

docker run -d --name st-01  schoolofdevops/stresstest stress --cpu 1

docker run -d --name st-02 -c 512  schoolofdevops/stresstest stress --cpu 1

When you launch the first container, it will use the full quota of CPU, i.e., 100%

[Output - After first container launch]

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT       MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O             PIDS
b28efeef41f8        0.01%               190.1 MiB / 400 MiB     47.51%              1.944 kB / 648 B    86.02 kB / 45.06 kB   0
764f158d6523        102.73%             2.945 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               648 B / 648 B       3.118 MB / 0 B        0

[Output - After second container lauch]

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT       MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O             PIDS
b28efeef41f8        0.00%               190.1 MiB / 400 MiB     47.51%              2.592 kB / 648 B    86.02 kB / 45.06 kB   0
764f158d6523        66.97%              2.945 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               1.296 kB / 648 B    3.118 MB / 0 B        0
a13f98995ade        33.36%              2.945 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               648 B / 648 B       3.118 MB / 0 B        0

Observe stats in T1 Launch a couple more nodes with different cpu shares, observe how T2 stats change

docker run -d --name st-03 -c 512  schoolofdevops/stresstest stress --cpu 1

docker run -d --name st-04  schoolofdevops/stresstest stress --cpu 1

[Output - After all containers are launched]

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT       MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O             PIDS
b28efeef41f8        0.00%               190.1 MiB / 400 MiB     47.51%              3.888 kB / 648 B    86.02 kB / 45.06 kB   0
764f158d6523        32.09%              2.945 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               2.592 kB / 648 B    3.118 MB / 0 B        0
a13f98995ade        16.02%              2.945 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               1.944 kB / 648 B    3.118 MB / 0 B        0
f04e9ea5627c        16.37%              2.949 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               1.296 kB / 648 B    3.118 MB / 0 B        0
abeab389a873        31.71%              2.949 MiB / 1.797 GiB   0.16%               648 B / 648 B       3.118 MB / 0 B        0

Close the T2 terminal


Try to these exercises, to get a better understanding

  • Put a memory limit
  • Set disk iops

Launching Containers with Elevated Privileges

When the operator executes docker run --privileged, Docker will enable to access to all devices on the host as well as set some configuration in AppArmor or SELinux to allow the container nearly all the same access to the host as processes running outside containers on the host.


Running a sysdig container to monitor docker

Sysdig tool allows us to monitor the processes that are going on in the other containers. It is more like running a top command from one container on behalf of others.

docker run -itd --name=sysdig --privileged=true \
           --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/docker.sock \
           --volume=/dev:/host/dev \
           --volume=/proc:/host/proc:ro \
           --volume=/boot:/host/boot:ro \
           --volume=/lib/modules:/host/lib/modules:ro \
           --volume=/usr:/host/usr:ro \
           sysdig/sysdig:0.11.0 sysdig


Unable to find image 'sysdig/sysdig:0.11.0' locally
0.11.0: Pulling from sysdig/sysdig

0f409b0f5b3d: Pull complete
64965da77fc6: Pull complete
588eeb0d4c30: Pull complete
9aa18e35b362: Pull complete
cc036f2dca14: Pull complete
33400f3af946: Pull complete
b39ed90e36fd: Pull complete
1fca16436380: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ee9d66a07308c5aef91f070cce5c9fb891e4fefb5da4d417e590662e34846664
Status: Downloaded newer image for sysdig/sysdig:0.11.0
docker exec -it sysdig bash



After this, press f2 and select containers tab
Now check what are the processes are running in other containers



[Resource Management in Docker by Marek Goldmann] (