scenario hg git
clone a repo hg clone ignore file .hgignore .gitignore global config file ~/.hgrc ~/.gitconfig cmd-specific help hg help foo man git-foo
status hg status; hg st git status; gs status (ignoring untracked) hg st -armd summary hg summary
remote repo aliases hg paths git remote -v add remote (hand-edit .hg/hgrc ?) git remote add name url track remote branch git branch [--track|--set-upstream] branch-name origin/branch-name
log changes for specific user and/or path hg log -u sbale -l 3 path git log -3 path graphical log hg glog -l 8 [includes branches]
update working dir (or switch revisions) [discard uncommitted] hg up [-C] [default|2112]; hg co; hg checkout; hg update revert hg revert --no-backup -r 2113 [-a|path/to/foo.hs] commit specific file w/ message hg commit -m "yadda yadda" something.clj get latest revisions from remote repo hg pull git fetch ...and update to new branch head hg pull -u git pull ...and rebase working directory to branch head hg pull --rebase see any incoming changes hg in; hg incoming push specific revision to remote repo hg push -r 2113 push revision with new head hg push -f -r 2113 add to vc hg add foo remove from vc hg remove foo; hg rm foo see difference hg diff specific revision hg diff -c 2112 meld hg meld [-c 2112] (see ~/.hgrc) identity of current (or specific) revision hg id -nib [-r 2112] remove untracked files from working copy hg purge
rebase hg rebase [--collapse] -s 2112 -d 2115 git rebase upstream branch remove revision (and children) hg strip 2112 stash/unstash hg shelve [foo.hs] / hg unshelve git stash [foo.hs] / git stash pop merge working dir w/ revision [using tool] hg merge -r 2115 [-t internal:local] (see hg help merge-tools) see/resolve merge conflicts hg resolve [-l] cherry-pick hg graft 2113
create a branch hg branch teh-awesome
update working dir to tag or branch hg up teh-awesome
push revision with new branch hg push --new-branch -r 2113
close a branch hg commit --close-branch
path - symbolic name for remote repository default, default-push - path names with special meaning for push/pull head - changeset with no children tip - special reserved name, tag that identifies the most recent revision
head - master - special built-in main branch name? tree - trunk - pull - fetch + merge