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RISC-V Custom Instructions

OpenVM intrinsic opcodes are callable from a RISC-V ELF as custom RISC-V instructions. For these instructions, we will use the standard 32-bit RISC-V encoding unless otherwise specified. We follow Chapter 21 of the RISC-V spec v2.2 on how to extend the ISA, aiming to avoid collisions with existing standard instruction formats. As suggested by Chapter 19, for instructions which fit into 32-bits, we will use the custom-0 opcode[6:0] prefix 0001011 and custom-1 opcode[6:0] prefix 0101011. Note that instructions are parsed from right to left, and opcode[1:0] = 11 is typical for standard 32-bit instructions (opcode[1:0]=00 is used for compressed 16-bit instructions). We will use custom-0 for intrinsics that don’t require additional configuration parameters, and custom-1 for ones that do (e.g., prime field arithmetic and elliptic curve arithmetic).

Almost all intrinsics will be R-type or I-type.

R-type format: [funct7] [rs2] [rs1] [funct3] [rd] [opcode]. I-type format: [imm[11:0]] [rs1] [funct3] [rd] [opcode].

We will use funct3 as the top level distinguisher between opcode classes, and then funct7 (if R-type) or imm (if I-type) for more specific specification. In the tables below, the funct7 column will specify the value of imm[11:0] when the instruction is I-type.

We start with the instructions using custom-0 opcode[6:0] prefix 0001011..


RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 imm[0:11] RISC-V description and notes
terminate I 0001011 000 code terminate with exit code code
hintstorew I 0001011 001 Stores next 4-byte word from hint stream in user memory at [rd + imm]_2 (i32 addition).
reveal I 0001011 010 Stores the 4-byte word rs1 at address rd + imm in user IO space.
hintinput I 0001011 011 0x0 Pop next vector from input stream and reset hint stream to the vector.
printstr I 0001011 011 0x1 Tries to convert [rd..rd + rs1]_2 to UTF-8 string and print to host stdout. Will print error message if conversion fails.


RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 funct7 RISC-V description and notes
keccak256 R 0001011 100 0x0 [rd:32]_2 = keccak256([rs1..rs1 + rs2]_2)
sha256 R 0001011 100 0x1 [rd:32]_2 = sha256([rs1..rs1 + rs2]_2)

256-bit Integers

RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 funct7 RISC-V description and notes
add256 R 0001011 101 0x00 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 + [rs2:32]_2
sub256 R 0001011 101 0x01 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 - [rs2:32]_2
xor256 R 0001011 101 0x02 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 ^ [rs2:32]_2
or256 R 0001011 101 0x03 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 | [rs2:32]_2
and256 R 0001011 101 0x04 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 & [rs2:32]_2
sll256 R 0001011 101 0x05 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 << [rs2:32]_2
srl256 R 0001011 101 0x06 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 >> [rs2:32]_2
sra256 R 0001011 101 0x07 [rd:32]_2 = [rs1:32]_2 >> [rs2:32]_2 MSB extends
slt256 R 0001011 101 0x08 [rd:32]_2 = i256([rs1:32]_2) < i256([rs2:32]_2) ? 1 : 0
sltu256 R 0001011 101 0x09 [rd:32]_2 = u256([rs1:32]_2) < u256([rs2:32]_2) ? 1 : 0
mul256 R 0001011 101 0x10 [rd:32]_2 = ([rs1:32]_2 * [rs2:32]_2)[0:255]

We support a single branch instruction, beq256, which is B-type.

RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 RISC-V description and notes
beq256 B 0001011 110 if([rs1:32]_2 == [rs2:32]_2) pc += imm

Modular Arithmetic

We next proceed to the instructions using custom-1 opcode[6:0] prefix 0101011..

Modular arithmetic instructions depend on the modulus N. The ordered list of supported moduli should be saved in the .openvm section of the ELF file in the serialized format. This is achieved by the moduli_declare! macro: for example, the following code

moduli_declare! {
    Bls12381 { modulus = "0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab" },
    Bn254 { modulus = "21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583" },

generates classes Bls12381 and Bn254 that represent the elements of the corresponding modular fields. Hexadecimal and decimal formats are supported.

For each created modular class, one must call a corresponding setup_* function once at the beginning of the program. For example, for the structs above this would be setup_0() and setup_1(). This function generates the setup intrinsics which are distinguished by the rs2 operand that specifies the chip this instruction is passed to..

We use config.mod_idx(N) to denote the index of N in this list. In the list below, idx denotes config.mod_idx(N).

Note: The output for the first 4 instructions is not guaranteed to be less than N. See above for more details.

RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 funct7 RISC-V description and notes
addmod<N> R 0101011 000 idx*8 [rd: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 = [rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 + [rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 (mod N)
submod<N> R 0101011 000 idx*8+1 [rd: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 = [rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 - [rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 (mod N)
mulmod<N> R 0101011 000 idx*8+2 [rd: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 = [rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 * [rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 (mod N)
divmod<N> R 0101011 000 idx*8+3 [rd: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 = [rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 / [rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 (mod N) (undefined when gcd([rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2, N) != 1)
iseqmod<N> R 0101011 000 idx*8+4 rd = [rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 == [rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 (mod N) ? 1 : 0. Enforces that [rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 and [rs2: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 are both less than N and then sets rd equal to boolean comparison value.
setup<N> R 0101011 000 idx*8+5 assert([rs1: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 == N) in the chip defined by the register index of rs2. For the sake of implementation convenience it also writes something (can be anything) into [rd: N::NUM_LIMBS]_2 if ind(rs2) = 0,1 (for add_sub, mul_div) or it overwrites the register value of rd if ind(rs2) = 2 (for iseq).

Since funct7 is 7-bits, up to 16 moduli can be supported simultaneously. We use idx*8 to leave some room for future expansion.

Short Weierstrass Elliptic Curve Arithmetic

Short Weierstrass elliptic curve arithmetic depends on elliptic curve C. The instruction set and VM can be simultaneously configured ahead of time to support a fixed ordered list of supported curves. We use config.curve_idx(C) to denote the index of C in this list. In the list below, idx denotes config.curve_idx(C).

RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 funct7 RISC-V description and notes
sw_add_ne<C> R 0101011 001 idx*8 EcPoint([rd:2*C::COORD_SIZE]_2) = EcPoint([rs1:2*C::COORD_SIZE]_2) + EcPoint([rs2:2*C::COORD_SIZE]_2). Assumes that input affine points are not identity and do not have same x-coordinate.
sw_double<C> R 0101011 001 idx*8+1 EcPoint([rd:2*C::COORD_SIZE]_2) = 2 * EcPoint([rs1:2*C::COORD_SIZE]_2). Assumes that input affine point is not identity. rs2 is unused and must be set to x0.
setup<C> R 0101011 001 idx*8+2 assert([rs1: C::COORD_SIZE]_2 == C::MODULUS) in the chip defined by the register index of rs2. For the sake of implementation convenience it also writes something (can be anything) into [rd: 2*C::COORD_SIZE]_2. If ind(rs2) != 0, then this instruction is setup for sw_add_ne. Otherwise it is setup for sw_double. When ind(rs2) != 0 (add_ne), it is required for proper functionality that [rs2: C::COORD_SIZE]_2 != [rs1: C::COORD_SIZE]_2; otherwise (double), it is required that [rs1 + C::COORD_SIZE: C::COORD_SIZE]_2 != C::Fp::ZERO
hint_decompress R 0101011 001 idx*8+3 Read x: C::Fp from [rs1: C::COORD_SIZE]_2 and rec_id: u8 from [rs2]_2. Reset the hint stream to equal the unique y: C::Fp such that (x, y) is a point on C and y has the same parity as rec_id, if it exists. Otherwise reset hint stream to arbitrary C::Fp. rd should be x0.

Since funct7 is 7-bits, up to 16 curves can be supported simultaneously. We use idx*8 to leave some room for future expansion.

Complex Extension Field Arithmetic

Complex extension field arithmetic over Fp2 depends on Fp where -1 is not a quadratic residue. The instruction set and VM can be simultaneously configured ahead of time to support Fp2 arithmetic for a subset of the Fp with modular arithmetic enabled. We use the same config.mod_idx(Fp::MODULUS) to denote the index of Fp2 in this list. In the list below, idx denotes config.mod_idx(Fp::MODULUS).

RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 funct7 RISC-V description and notes
add R 0101011 010 idx*8 Read x: Fp2 from [rs1..]_2 and y: Fp2 from [rs2..]_2. Write x + y to [rd..]_2
sub R 0101011 010 idx*8+1 Read x: Fp2 from [rs1..]_2 and y: Fp2 from [rs2..]_2. Write x - y to [rd..]_2
mul R 0101011 010 idx*8+2 Read x: Fp2 from [rs1..]_2 and y: Fp2 from [rs2..]_2. Write x * y to [rd..]_2
div R 0101011 010 idx*8+3 Read x: Fp2 from [rs1..]_2 and y: Fp2 from [rs2..]_2. Write x / y to [rd..]_2

Optimal Ate Pairing

Instruction for accelerating optimal Ate pairing depend on a pairing friend elliptic curve C and associated Fp, Fp2, Fp12 and constant XI: Fp2. Presently only the curves BN254 and BLS12-381 are supported, with pairing_idx(Bn254) = 0 and pairing_idx(Bls12_381) = 1. In the list below, idx denotes pairing_idx(C).

RISC-V Inst FMT opcode[6:0] funct3 funct7 RISC-V description and notes
miller_double_step R 0101011 011 idx*16 Read S: EcPoint<Fp2> from [rs1..]_2. Write miller_double_step(S): (EcPoint<Fp2>, UnevaluatedLine<Fp2>) to [rd..]_2. rs2 must be zero.
miller_double_and_add_step R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 1 Read S: EcPoint<Fp2> from [rs1..]_2 and Q: EcPoint<Fp2> from [rs2..]_2. Write miller_double_and_add_step(S, Q): (EcPoint<Fp2>, UnevaluatedLine<Fp2>, UnevaluatedLine<Fp2>) to [rd..]_2.
fp12_mul R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 2 Read x: Fp12 from [rs1..]_2 and y: Fp12 from [rs2..]_2. Write x * y: Fp12 to [rd..]_2.
evaluate_line R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 3 Read line: UnevaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs1..]_2 and (x_over_y, x_inv): (Fp, Fp) from [rs2..]_2. Write evaluate_line(line, x_over_y, x_inv): EvaluatedLine<Fp2> to [rd..]_2.
mul_013_by_013 R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 4 Read line_0: EvaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs1..]_2 and line_1: EvaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs2..]_2. Write mul_013_by_013(line_0, line_1): [Fp2; 5] to [rd..]_2. Only enabled if the sextic twist of C is D-type.
mul_by_013 R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 5 Read f: Fp12 from [rs1..]_2 and line: EvaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs2..]_2. Write mul_by_013(f, line): Fp12 to [rd..]_2. Only enabled if the sextic twist of C is D-type.
mul_by_01234 R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 6 Read f: Fp12 from [rs1..]_2 and x: [Fp2; 5] from [rs2..]_2. Write mul_by_01234(f, x): Fp12 to [rd..]_2. Only enabled if the sextic twist of C is D-type.
mul_023_by_023 R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 7 Read line_0: EvaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs1..]_2 and line_1: EvaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs2..]_2. Write mul_023_by_023(line_0, line_1): [Fp2; 5] to [rd..]_2. Only enabled if the sextic twist of C is M-type.
mul_by_023 R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 8 Read f: Fp12 from [rs1..]_2 and line: EvaluatedLine<Fp2> from [rs2..]_2. Write mul_by_023(f, line): Fp12 to [rd..]_2. Only enabled if the sextic twist of C is M-type.
mul_by_02345 R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 9 Read f: Fp12 from [rs1..]_2 and x: [Fp2; 5] from [rs2..]_2. Write mul_by_02345(f, x): Fp12 to [rd..]_2. Only enabled if the sextic twist of C is M-type.
hint_final_exp R 0101011 011 idx*16 + 10 Read f: Fp12 from [rs1..]_2 and reset hint stream to equal hint_final_exp(f) = (residue_witness, scaling_factor): (Fp12, Fp12) flattened into bytes. rd, rs2 should be x0.

RISC-V to OpenVM Transpilation

We describe the transpilation of the RV32IM instruction set and our custom RISC-V instructions to the OpenVM instruction set.

We use the following notation for the transpilation:

  • Let ind(rd) denote the register index, which is in 0..32. In particular, it fits in one field element.
  • We use itof for the function that takes 12-bits (or 21-bits in case of J-type) to a signed integer and then mapping to the corresponding field element. So 0b11…11 goes to -1 in F.
  • We use sign_extend_24 to convert a 12-bit integer into a 24-bit integer via sign extension. We use this in conjunction with utof, which converts 24 bits into an unsigned integer and then maps it to the corresponding field element. Note that each 24-bit unsigned integer fits in one field element.
  • We use sign_extend_16 for the analogous conversion into a 16-bit integer via sign extension.
  • We use zero_extend_24 to convert an unsigned integer with at most 24 bits into a 24-bit unsigned integer by zero extension. This is used in conjunction with utof to convert unsigned integers to field elements.
  • The notation imm[0:4] means the lowest 5 bits of the immediate.

The transpilation will only be valid for programs where:

  • The program code does not have program address greater than or equal to 2^PC_BITS.
  • The program does not access memory outside the range [0, 2^addr_max_bits).

RV32IM Transpilation

RISC-V Inst OpenVM Instruction
add ADD_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
sub SUB_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
xor XOR_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
or OR_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
and AND_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
sll SLL_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
srl SRL_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
sra SRA_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
slt SLT_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
sltu SLTU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 1
addi ADD_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_24(imm)), 1, 0
xori XOR_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_24(imm)), 1, 0
ori OR_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_24(imm)), 1, 0
andi AND_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_24(imm)), 1, 0
slli SLL_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(zero_extend_24(imm[0:4])), 1, 0
srli SRL_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(zero_extend_24(imm[0:4])), 1, 0
srai SRA_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(zero_extend_24(imm[0:4])), 1, 0
slti SLT_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_24(imm)), 1, 0
sltiu SLTU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_24(imm)), 1, 0
lb LOADB_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
lh LOADH_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
lw LOADW_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
lbu LOADBU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
lhu LOADHU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
sb STOREB_RV32 ind(rs2), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
sh STOREH_RV32 ind(rs2), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
sw STOREW_RV32 ind(rs2), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
beq BEQ_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 1
bne BNE_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 1
blt BLT_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 1
bge BGE_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 1
bltu BLTU_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 1
bgeu BGEU_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 1
jal JAL_RV32 ind(rd), 0, itof(imm), 1, 0, (rd != x0)
jalr JALR_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 0, (rd != x0)
lui LUI_RV32 ind(rd), 0, utof(zero_extend_24(imm[12:31])), 1, 0, 1
auipc AUIPC_RV32 ind(rd), 0, utof(zero_extend_24(imm[12:31]) << 4), 1
mul MUL_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
mulh MULH_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
mulhsu MULHSU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
mulhu MULHU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
div DIV_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
divu DIVU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
rem REM_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1
remu REMU_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1

Custom Instruction Transpilation

RISC-V Inst OpenVM Instruction
terminate TERMINATE _, _, utof(imm)
hintstorew HINT_STOREW_RV32 0, ind(rd), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 2
reveal REVEAL_RV32 0, ind(rd), utof(sign_extend_16(imm)), 1, 3
hintinput PHANTOM _, _, HintInputRv32 as u16
printstr PHANTOM ind(rd), ind(rs1), PrintStrRv32 as u16
keccak256 KECCAK256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
sha256 SHA256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
add256 ADD256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
sub256 SUB256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
xor256 XOR256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
or256 OR256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
and256 AND256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
sll256 SLL256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
srl256 SRL256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
sra256 SRA256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
slt256 SLT256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
sltu256 SLTU256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
mul256 MUL256_RV32 ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
beq256 BEQ256_RV32 ind(rs1), ind(rs2), itof(imm), 1, 2
addmod<N> ADDMOD_RV32<N> ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
submod<N> SUBMOD_RV32<N> ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
mulmod<N> MULMOD_RV32<N> ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
divmod<N> DIVMOD_RV32<N> ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
iseqmod<N> ISEQMOD_RV32<N> ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
setup<N> SETUP_ADDSUB,MULDIV,ISEQ_RV32<N> ind(rd), ind(rs1), x0, 1, 2
sw_add_ne<C> SW_ADD_NE_RV32<C> ind(rd), ind(rs1), ind(rs2), 1, 2
sw_double<C> SW_DOUBLE_RV32<C> ind(rd), ind(rs1), 0, 1, 2
hint_final_exp PHANTOM ind(rs1), pairing_idx, HintFinalExp as u16