A SCTA compliant graph must include a reference to the scta context file.
"@context": "http://scta.info/api/core/1.0/people/context.json",
"@context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scta/scta-people/master/context.json",
The SCTA context file describes the available vocabularies and property values allowed within a SCTA compliant graph.
A basic "stub" record looks as follows
"@context": "http://scta.info/api/core/1.0/people/context.json",
"@id": "sctar:Aquinas",
"@type": "sctar:person",
"dc:title": "Thomas Aquinas",
"sctap:shortId": "Aquinas",
"sctap:numberID": 100000,
"owl:sameAs": [
While the stub record offers a default label, a medieval name can have many forms in many different langugages.
A medieval person may have several names appear in several different languages.
For a name we use http://schema.org/name or schema:name
For alias we use http://schema.org/alternateName or schema:alternateName
Each name or alternateName can take a literal as a direct value, for example:
"schema:name": "Thomas Aquinas"
or an object declaring the language type, for example:
"@value": "Thomas Aquinas",
"@language": "en"
or an array of objects containing the same name in multiple langagues, for example
"@value": "Thomas Aquinas",
"@language": "en"
"@value": "Thomas von Aquin",
"@language": "de"
Reconciliation Policy:
The SCTA will always aim to record a single name record for a person resource, but will support the collection of multiple alias.
Name entries within the scta graph will be considered to have a first priority. Linked graphs will be crawled, and if an identical string value for a name in a given language, further information can be collected from this feed and appended to the record.
Otherwise, such names will be appended as schema:alternativeName
Overtime, certain variation forms of names will emerge. These will be added to a name entry, and will serve to black list these variations from being added as alternativeName.
For example, an external feed might offer a name for Thomas Aquinas like:
"@value": "Saint Thomas Aquinas",
"@language": "en"
"@value": "Thomas of Aquinas",
"@language": "en"
These are neither alternative names nor the same name in a different language.
During aggregation, these names will initially got logged as schema:alternativeName. As they are recognized as variations, they will get appended to the name entry as a "variation", like so:
"@value": "Thomas Aquinas",
"@language": "en",
"sctap:nameVaration": "St. Thomas Aquinas"
These variations will effecitvely blacklist the aggregator from ever adding this value as an alternativeName.
Possible values include:
- scholastic
- classical
- patristic
Possible values include:
- secular
- dominican
- franciscan
- augustinian
- carmelite
- benedictine
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