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808 lines (607 loc) · 18.1 KB

File metadata and controls

808 lines (607 loc) · 18.1 KB


Below is a list of linters supported by haml-lint, ordered alphabetically.


Don't use tabs for alignment within a tag.


  %p		Hello, world
  %span	This is visually aligned with its sibling's content using tabs

Acceptable, though not recommended

  %p    Hello, world
  %span This is visually aligned with its sibling's content using spaces


  %p Hello, world
  %span This does not worry about alignment of tag text


img tags should have an accompanying alt attribute containing alternate text.


%img{ src: 'my-photo.jpg' }


%img{ alt: 'Photo of me', src: 'my-photo.jpg' }

Include alt attributes is important for making your site more accessible. See the W3C guidelines for details.


Prefer static class attributes over hash attributes with static values.


%tag{ class: 'my-class' }


Unless you are assigning a dynamic value to the class attribute, it is terser to use the inline tag syntax to specify the class(es) an element should be assigned.


Whether classes or ID attributes should be listed first in tags.

EnforcedStyle: 'class' (default)

Bad: ID before class




These attributes should be listed in order of their specificity. Since the tag name (if specified) always comes first and has the lowest specificity, classes and then IDs should follow.

EnforcedStyle: 'id'

Bad: Class before ID




As IDs are more significant than classes to the element they represent, IDs should be listed first and then classes should follow. This gives a more consistent vertical alignment of IDs.


Option Description
max_consecutive Maximum number of consecutive comments allowed before warning (default 1)

Consecutive comments should be condensed into a single multiline comment.


-# A collection
-# of many
-# consecutive comments


  A multiline comment
  is much more clean
  and concise


Option Description
max_consecutive Maximum number of consecutive scripts allowed before warning (default 2)

Avoid writing multiple lines of Ruby using silent script markers (-).


- expression_one
- expression_two
- expression_three



In general, large blocks of Ruby code in HAML templates are a smell, and this check serves to warn you of that. However, for the cases where having the code inline can improve readability, you can signal your intention by using a :ruby filter block instead.


Empty object references are no-ops and can safely be removed.





These serve no purpose and are usually left behind by mistake.


Don't write empty scripts.

Bad: script marker with no code



- some_expression

These serve no purpose and are usually left behind by mistake.


Files should always have a final newline. This results in better diffs when adding lines to the file, since SCM systems such as git won't think that you touched the last line if you append to the end of a file.

You can customize whether or not a final newline exists with the present option.

Configuration Option Description
present Whether a final newline should be present (default true)


Don't use the HTML-style attributes syntax to define attributes for an element.




%tag{ lang: 'en' }

While the HTML-style attributes syntax can be terser, it introduces additional complexity to your templates as there are now two different ways to define attributes. Standardizing on when to use HTML-style versus hash-style adds greater cognitive load when writing templates. Using one style makes this easier.


Check the naming conventions of id attributes against one of two possible preferred styles, lisp_case (default), camel_case, pascal_case, or snake_case:

Bad: inconsistent id names


With default lisp_case style option: require ids in lisp-case-format


With camel_case style option: require ids in camelCaseFormat


With pascal_case style option: require ids in PascalCaseFormat


With snake_case style option: require ids in snake_case_format

%div{ id: 'snake_case' }


Avoid writing %div when it would otherwise be implicit.

Bad: div is unnecessary when class/ID is specified


Good: div is required when no class/ID is specified




HAML was designed to be concise, and not embracing this philosophy makes the tool less useful.


Check that spaces are used for indentation instead of hard tabs.

Option Description
character Character to use for indentation. space or tab (default space)
width Number of spaces to use for space indentation. (default 2)

Bad: indentation is 1 space

 Hit me

Bad: indentation is 4 spaces

    Hit me

Good: indentation is 2 spaces

  Hit me

Note: width is ignored when character is set to tab.


Tags should not contain inline style attributes.


%p{ style: 'color: red;' }



Exceptions may need to be made for dynamic content and email templates.

See CodeAcademy to learn more.


Checks that instance variables are not used in the specified type of files.

Option Description
file_types The class of files to lint (default partial)
matchers The regular expressions to check file names against.

By default, this linter only runs on Rails-style partial views, e.g. files that have a base name starting with a leading underscore _. If you want to ensure that you don't use any instance variables at all, you can set file_types to all.

You can also define your own matchers if you want to enable this linter on a different subset of your views. For instance, if you want to lint only files starting with special_, you can define the configuration as follows:

  enabled: true
  file_types: special
    special: ^special_.*\.haml$

To avoid using instance variables in partials, ensure you are passing any needed variables as local variables. Alternatively, you can use only helper methods to place data in your views.


Separate comments from the leading # by a space.


-#Comment with no space


-# Comment with space

The latter is more readable.


Option Description
max Maximum number of columns a single line can have. (default 80)

Wrap lines at 80 characters. You can configure this amount via the max option on the linter, e.g. by adding the following to your .haml-lint.yml:

    max: 100

Long lines are harder to read and usually indicative of complexity. You can avoid them by splitting long attribute hashes on a comma, for example:

%tag{ attr1: 1,
      attr2: 2,
      attr3: 3 }

This significantly improves readability.


Don't span multiple lines using the multiline pipe (|) syntax.


%p= 'Some' + |
    'long' + |
    'string' |

Good: use helpers to generate long dynamic strings

%p= generate_long_string

Good: split long method calls on commas

%p= some_helper_method(some_value,

Good: split attribute definitions/hashes on commas

%p{ data: { value: value,
            name: name } }

The multiline bar was made awkward intentionally. haml-lint takes this a step further by discouraging its use entirely, as it almost always suggests an unnecessarily complicated template that should have its logic extracted into a helper.


Don't span Ruby script over multiple lines using operators.


- if condition ||
-    other_condition
  Display something!


- if condition || other_condition
  Display something!

While writing code this way may sometimes work, it is actually a result of a quirk in how HAML generates code from a template. While the following code will compile and run:

- if condition ||
-    other_condition
  Display something!

...this code will fail with a parse error:

- if condition ||
-    other_condition
  Display something!
- else
  Otherwise display this!

Thus it's best to stay away from writing code this way.


Don't use HTML placeholder attributes.


%input{ placeholder: 'Placeholders arent very accessible' }


#my-details Placeholders arent very accessible
%input{ 'aria-describedby': 'my-details' }

Placeholder attributes are considered an anti-pattern.


Don't use the object reference syntax to set the class/id of an element.




%li.user{ id: "user_#{}" }

The object reference syntax is a bit magical, and makes it difficult to find where in your code a particular class attribute is defined. It is also tied directly to the class names of the objects you pass to it, creating an unnecessary coupling which can make refactoring your models affect your views.


The id attribute must be unique on the page since is intended to be a unique identifier. Repeating an id is an error in the HTML specification.






Option Description
ignored_cops Array of RuboCop cops to ignore.

This linter integrates with RuboCop (a static code analyzer and style enforcer) to check the actual Ruby code in your templates.

-# example.haml
- name = 'James Brown'
- unused_variable = 42

%p Hello #{name}!

Output from haml-lint

example.haml:3 [W] Useless assignment to variable - unused_variable

This linter will respect any RuboCop-specific configuration you have set in your .rubocop.yml files, but will overwrite some configuration that are required to format Ruby code similarly to HAML code.

Here are the forced configurations.

You can reference to HAML files for things such as "Exclude" configuration in your .rubocop.yml files just as you would for a Ruby file. So you can do Exclude: [foo.haml].

The simplest way of doing configurations for HAML would be to have a distinct .rubocop.yml in your view directory.

Alternatively, you can ignored some Cop only for HamlLint using the ignored_cop option to the RuboCop linter (in your .haml-lint.yml configuration).

You can also explicitly set which RuboCop configuration to use via the HAML_LINT_RUBOCOP_CONF environment variable. This is intended to be used by external tools which run the linter on files in temporary directories separate from the directory where the HAML template originally resided (and thus where the normal .rubocop.yml would be ignored picked up).

Displaying Cop Names

You can display the name of the cop by adding the following to your .rubocop.yml configuration:

  DisplayCopNames: true


Prefer HAML's built-in comment over ad hoc comments in Ruby code.

Bad: Space before # means comment is actually treated as Ruby code

- # A Ruby comment


-# A HAML comment

While both comment types will result in nothing being output, HAML comments are a little more flexible in that you can have them span multiple lines, e.g.

-# This is a multi-line
   HAML comment


Separate Ruby script indicators (-/=) from their code with a single space.

Bad: no space between = and some_expression



= some_expression


- some_value = 'Hello World'

Ensuring space after -/= enforces a consistency that all HAML tags/script indicators are separated from their inline content by a space. Since it is optional to add a space after -/= but required when writing %tag or similar, the consistency is best enforced via a linter.


Check the style of hash attributes against one of two possible preferred styles, space (default) or no_space:

Bad: inconsistent spacing inside hash attributes braces

%tag{ foo: bar}
%tag{foo: bar }
%tag{  foo: bar }

With default space style option: require a single space inside hash attributes braces

%tag{ foo: bar }

With no_space style option: require no space inside hash attributes braces

%tag{foo: bar}

This offers the ability to ensure consistency of Haml hash attributes style with ruby hash literal style (compare with the Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces cop in Rubocop).


Checks for the presence of a locals magic comment at the beginning of a file.


%h1= title


-# locals: (title:)

%h1= title

If you want to disable the use of locals in partials, you can do it like this:

-# locals: ()
Option Description
file_types The class of files to lint (default partial)
matchers The regular expressions to check file names against.

By default, this linter only runs on Rails-style partial views, e.g. files that have a base name starting with a leading underscore _.

You can also define your own matchers if you want to enable this linter on a different subset of your views. For instance, if you want to lint only files starting with special_, you can define the configuration as follows:

  enabled: true
  file_types: special
    special: ^special_.*\.haml$

Read more about the locals magic comment in the Ruby on Rails Guides.


Tag names should not contain uppercase letters.





This is a de facto standard in writing HAML documents as well as HTML in general, as it is easier to type and matches the convention of many developer tools. If you are writing HAML to output XML documents, however, it is a strict requirement.


HAML documents should not contain empty lines at the end of the file.


HAML documents should not contain trailing whitespace (spaces or tabs) on any lines.


Avoid using unnecessary interpolation for inline tag content.


%tag #{expression}

Good: more concise

%tag= expression


Avoid outputting string expressions in Ruby when static text will suffice.


%tag= "Some #{interpolated} string"

Good: more concise

%tag Some #{interpolated} string

HAML gracefully handles string interpolation in static text, so you don't need to work with Ruby strings in order to use interpolation.


Keep view templates to a manageable length.

Large views can be split into separate partials.

Presentation logic can be extracted to a view helper, presenter or decorator.

Domain logic can be extracted to a model or service object.