- Business ( Provider, Data, Creator, Facade )
- Communication ( Controller, Request )
- Persistence ( Model, Migration, Saver, Updater, Deleter )
This package is organized the same way the modules are generated, across that,
it uses chain responsability for the factory services to generate the classes.
To generate a new whole module, for example CarModule, you would type into the terminal.
If you want it to be translated, you add the --translated option to the command.
php artisan abacus:create:module Car
Don't forget to update your bootstrap/providers.php
use App\Providers\AppServiceProvider;
use App\Business\Car\CarServiceProvider;
return [
PS: In case your default controller is moved from default location,update the Communication/{module}/Controllers/*Controller.php accordingly.
namespace App\Communication\Car\Controllers;
use App\Business\Car\Data\CarData;
use App\Business\Car\Facades\CarFacade;
use App\Communication\Car\Requests\CarRequest;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; // <- Check this
class CarController extends Controller
public function __construct(private readonly CarFacade $facade)
public function store(CarRequest $request): int
return $this->facade->store(CarData::fromRequest($request));
public function update(int $id, CarRequest $request): int
return $this->facade->update($id, CarData::fromRequest($request));
public function delete(int $id): ?bool
return $this->facade->delete($id);