A Flutter plugin 🛠 to schedule Local Notifications. Ready for iOS and Android 🚀
- Send local notifications to iOS and Android 📢
- Schedule notifications ⏰
- iOS: Version 10.0+
- Android: minSdkVersion 16
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
schedule_notifications: "^0.1.8"
- One shot:
ScheduleNotifications.schedule("Notification Text", new DateTime.now(), []);
- Schedule notifications:
List daysToRepeat = [DateTime.sunday, DateTime.monday]; // repeat every sunday and monday
ScheduleNotifications.schedule("Notification Text", new DateTime.now(), daysToRepeat);
- Unschedule:
- To set icon of notifications:
int iconResourceId;
try {
iconResourceId = await _platform.invokeMethod('getIconResourceId');
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
print('Error on get icon resource id');
- To request authorization of user:
We would ❤️ to see your contribution!
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
Created by Fabricio Serralvo and Marcos Aoki.