Runs the Parser on multiple machines in parallel. Distribute provisions machines on ec-2 or azure, then processes chunks of your data on each machine, and finally terminates the machines.
Before you begin, follow the instructions in Setup to install Distribute.
Launch instances on ec-2 or azure. Note: For ec-2, the General Purpose instance type is recommended (e.g.
); instace types with lower memory/core may cause parser to abort.fab launch:cloud=ec2,num=1
This will launch 1 instance on ec-2. It will also put status information about the launched instance into
. -
Install dependencies on remote machines
fab install > install.log
Copy chunks to remote machines, run parser on remote machines and collect results:
time fab copy_parse_collect > parse.log
Tip: You can schedule the remote machines to be terminated on task completion automatically; note though that if the
operation fails, nodes may not terminate:time fab copy_parse_collect terminate > parse.log
Tip: You can provide additional parameters to override defaults:
time fab copy_parse_collect:input=test/input.json,batch_size=1000,parallelism=8,key_id='item_id',content_id='content' > parse.log
is left unspecified, it will be computed automatically. Note that very large batch sizes may cause memory errors. See Parser documentation for details on parser parameters. Note also that commas need to be backslash-escaped when passed in as parameters. -
To check global status of distributed parse, run:
fab get_status
If not automatically terminated as above, or if error occured, terminate remote machines:
fab terminate
If termination is successful, the status information in
will be deleted.
Your parsed information should now be available as a tsv file named result
in your working directory.
If you have sudo rights, run ./
If you don't have sudo rights, follow these steps instead. These have been tested on raiders3 (Stanford):
cd bazaar
python env --no-setuptools
source env/bin/activate
pip install fabric
pip install urltools
pip install azure
pip install botocore
The fab command line tool should work now.
Note that you will have to run source env/bin/activate
after each login to initialize the environment.
Now, generate SSH keys.
Finally, create a self-extracting installer that will be run on worker nodes.
cd installer
cd ..
See variables in
and override as needed.
For ec2, we recommend storing credentials at ~/.aws/credentials
following this
Make sure to chmod 400 ~/.aws/credentials
and insert your access key and secret key:
aws_access_key_id =
aws_secret_access_key =
For azure, upload ssh/mycert.cer
to the management portal via the "Upload" action of the "Settings" tab, and set the following variable in
You can log into any of the launched nodes on ec-2 or azure:
ssh -i ssh/bazaar.key -p PORT USER@HOST
where USER, HOST, PORT are contained in
. -
You can choose different instance types (see
). -
Test your distribution setup on smaller samples of your data, and more basic instance types (eg. Standard_D2 for azure). Then, when you are confident that everything works as expected, choose a more powerful instance type (eg. Standard_D14 on azure), and increase the parallelism in step 4 above (eg. 8 or 16).
By default, Azure only allows you to use a maximum of 20 cores in total. This means you can not launch more than one instance of type Standard_D14 (16 cores) at a time. You can submit a request to Microsoft to increase your quota of cores.
In case of errors, make sure you stop running VMs through the Azure management portal or AWS management console. You may have to
rm -r .state
to continue using Distribute.