diff --git a/website/docs/api-optimizers.md b/website/docs/api-optimizers.md
index 2deab184e..2055caa7d 100644
--- a/website/docs/api-optimizers.md
+++ b/website/docs/api-optimizers.md
@@ -207,6 +207,25 @@ and parameter name.
| _keyword-only_ | | |
| `lr_scale` | float | Rescale the learning rate. Defaults to `1.0`. |
+### Optimizer.last_score {#last_score tag="property", new="9"}
+Get or set the last evaluation score. The optimizer passes this score to the
+learning rate schedule, so that the schedule can take training dynamics into
+account (see e.g. the [`plateau`](/docs/api-schedules#plateau) schedule).
+### Example
+from thinc.api import Optimizer, constant, plateau
+schedule = plateau(2, 0.5, constant(1.0))
+optimizer = Optimizer(learn_rate=schedule)
+optimizer.last_score = (1000, 88.34)
+| Argument | Type | Description |
+| ----------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
+| **RETURNS** | Optional[Tuple[int, float]] | The step and score of the last evaluation. |
### Optimizer.step_schedules {#step_schedules tag="method"}
Increase the current step of the optimizer. This step will be used by schedules