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Daniel Shao edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 1 revision


This is the home page of the auto-gnuplot wiki!

Here are some tricks for your own project:

Project directory renaming

After git clone, the directory name of the root project is automatically set to auto-gnuplot. This name is free to change for your own project, and does not necessarily keep pace with the name(s) of remote repositories. That is, multiple remote repositories are supported by Git.

Multiple remote Git repositories

After this project is cloned, a default remote link called origin is set to However, it makes those who prefer managing scripts with Git uncomfortable. The problem might be solved in the future by installing binaries to system-wide PATH. Nowadays the best way is to use multiple remote URLs or just reset the origin to your own.

Multiple remote URLs

Use the following command to USE MULTIPLE remote URLs:

$ git remote rename origin auto
$ git remote add origin <your-url>

(auto is an arbitrary word here.)

Sync (Merge/Rebase) with this upstream repository in the future:

$ git fetch auto
$ git merge auto/master


$ git fetch auto
$ git rebase auto/master

Replace or delete the URL to this project

Replace the URL of origin with your own URL:

$ git remote set-url origin <your-url>

Delete origin:

$ git remote remove origin

Future plans

  1. Make executables system-wide.
  2. Support whether or not to create symbolic links in the output directory.
  3. Change default names of src and output with options.
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