- SECTION 1. Introduction
- SECTION 2. Prerequisites
- SECTION 3. API Usage
There are about 37 APIs contained within admin, review and access modules. This guide shows how they can be used.
- Completed env setup: README-QUICKSTART
- Optional, see sample package py-fortress-sample as starting point for your program.
The following samples pulled from here: test_samples.py.
- Prepare your python module for usage by importing:
from rbac import (
# model
# apis:
#exception handling:
These are used to check the policies at runtime. For example, to authenticate is create_session and authorization is check_access here.
Now test signing on the RBAC way:
def test_create_session(self): """ create session """ print('test_create_session') try: session = access.create_session(User(uid='foo1', password='secret'), False) if not session: print('test_create_session fail') self.fail('test_create_session fail') else: print('test_create_session pass') pass except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_create_session failed, exception=' + e.msg)
The session will then be held on to by the client for subsequent calls like check_access and session_perms
Here's how to check a single permission:
def test_check_access(self): """ create session and check perm """ print('test_check_access') try: session = ... obtained earlier result = access.check_access(session, Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add')) if not result: print('test_check_access fail') self.fail('test_check_access fail') else: print('test_check_access pass') pass except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_check_access failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Retrieve all of the permissions as a list:
def test_session_perms(self): """ create session and get perms for user """ print('test_check_access') try: session = ... obtained earlier perms = access.session_perms(session) if not perms: print('test_session_perms failed') self.fail('test_session_perms failed') for perm in perms: print_perm(perm, 'session_perms: ') pass except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_session_perms failed, exception=' + e.msg)
These are for programs that manage and search the data. For example admin guis, conversion programs, reporting apps.
Add a user:
def test_add_user(self): """ Add a basic user """ print('test_add_user') try: admin.add_user(User(uid='foo1', password='secret')) print('test_add_user success') except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_add_user failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Add a role:
def test_add_role(self): """ Add a basic role """ print('test_add_role') try: admin.add_role(Role(name='Customer')) print('test_add_role success') except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_add_role failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Add an object:
def test_add_obj(self): """ Add a basic perm object """ print('test_add_obj') try: admin.add_object(PermObj(obj_name='ShoppingCart')) print('test_add_obj success') except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_add_obj failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Add a perm:
def test_add_perm(self): """ Add a basic perm """ print('test_add_perm') try: admin.add_perm(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add')) print('test_add_perm success') except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_add_perm failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Assign a user:
def test_assign_user(self): """ Assign a user to a role """ print('test_assign_user') try: admin.assign(User(uid='foo1'), Role(name='Customer')) print('test_assign_user success') except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_assign_user failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Grant a permission:
def test_grant_perm(self): """ Grant a permission to a role """ print('test_grant_perm') try: admin.grant(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'), Role(name="Customer")) print('test_grant_perm success') except RbacError as e: self.fail('test_grant_perm failed, exception=' + e.msg)
Read a user:
def test_read_user(self): """ Read a user that was created earlier. Expects a unique uid that points to an existing user. """ print_test_name() try: out_user = review.read_user(User(uid='foo1')) print_user(out_user) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
thows exception if user is not present
Search for users with a matching uid:
def test_search_users(self): """ Search for users that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended. Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set. """ print_test_name() try: users = review.find_users(User(uid='foo*')) for user in users: print_user(user) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type user
Search for users assigned a role:
def test_assigned_users(self): """ Search for users that are assigned a particular role. Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set. """ print_test_name() try: uids = review.assigned_users(Role(name='Customer')) for uid in uids: print_test_msg('uid=' + uid) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type string contain the user id
Search for users who have a permission:
def test_perm_users(self): """ Search for users that have been authorized a particular permission. Will return zero or more records, of type user, one for each user authorized that particular perm. """ print_test_name() try: users = review.perm_users(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add')) for user in users: print_user(user) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type user
Read a role:
def test_read_role(self): """ The read role expects the role name to point to an existing entry and will throw an exception if not found or other error occurs. """ print_test_name() try: out_role = review.read_role(Role(name='Customer')) print_role(out_role) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a single entity of type role
Search for roles matching a particular name:
def test_search_roles(self): """ Search for roles that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended. Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set. """ print_test_name() try: roles = review.find_roles(Role(name='Customer*')) for role in roles: print_role(role) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type role
Search for roles assigned to a user:
def test_assigned_roles(self): """ Return the list of roles that have been assigned a particular user. Will return zero or more records, of type constraint, one for each role assigned to user. """ print_test_name() try: constraints = review.assigned_roles(User(uid='foo1')) for constraint in constraints: print_test_msg('role name=' + constraint.name) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type role_constraint
Search for roles who have granted a particular permission:
def test_perm_roles(self): """ Return the list of roles that have granted a particular perm. Will return zero or more records, containing the role names, one for each role assigned to permission. """ print_test_name() try: names = review.perm_roles(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add')) for name in names: print_test_msg('role name=' + name) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of strings containing the role names
Read an object:
def test_read_obj(self): """ The ob_name is the only required attribute on a fortress object. Will throw an exception if not found. """ print_test_name() try: out_obj = review.read_object(PermObj(obj_name='ShoppingCart')) print_obj(out_obj) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
return a single entity of type object
Search for objects matching obj_name field:
def test_search_objs(self): """ Search for ojects that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended. Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set. """ print_test_name() try: objs = review.find_objects(PermObj(obj_name='ShoppingCart*')) for obj in objs: print_obj(obj) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type object
Read a permission entry:
def test_read_perm(self): """ Permissions require obj_name and op_name, obj_id is optional. This will throw an exception if not found. """ print_test_name() try: out_perm = review.read_perm(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add')) print_perm(out_perm) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
Search for perms:
def test_search_perms(self): """ Search for perms that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended. Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set. """ print_test_name() try: perms = review.find_perms(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart*', op_name='*')) for perm in perms: print_perm(perm) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type perm
Search for perms by role:
def test_role_perms(self): """ Search for perms that have been granted to a particular role. Will return zero or more records, of type permission, one for each grant. """ print_test_name() try: perms = review.role_perms(Role(name='Customer')) for perm in perms: print_perm(perm) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type permission
Search for perms by user:
def test_user_perms(self): """ Search for perms that have been authorized to a particular user based on their role assignments. Will return zero or more records, of type permission, one for each perm authorized for user. """ print_test_name() try: perms = review.user_perms(User(uid='foo1')) for perm in perms: print_perm(perm) except RbacError as e: print_exception(e) self.fail()
returns a list of type permission