For RBAC0 administration and review..
- SECTION 1. Introduction
- SECTION 2. Prerequisites
- SECTION 3. Run it
The py-fortress CLI drive the admin and review APIs.
- Prepare your terminal for execution of python3. From the main dir of your test directory:
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
- To run the CLI:
cli entity operation --arg1 --arg2 ...
executes a package script that maps here: pyfortress.test.cli
- user
- role
- object
- perm
- add
- mod
- del
- assign
- deassign
- grant
- revoke
- read
- search
- Consists of two dashes ‘- -‘ plus the attribute name and value pair, with a space between them.
--attribute_name value
- if an attribute value contains white space, enclose in single ‘ ‘ or double tics ” “.
--attribute_name 'some value' --attribute_name2 "still more values"
For example, a perm grant:
$ cli perm grant --obj_name myobj --op_name add --role 'my role'
$ python3 -m pyfortress.test.cli
- This command invokes Python’s runtime with the program name,, followed by an entity type, operation name and multiple name-value pairs.
- The above used –role is the only argument that isn’t an entity attribute name. It’s used on user assign, deassign, perm grant, revoke operations.
- list of string values, separated by whitespace
--phones '+33 401 851 4679' '1-212-251-1111' '(028) 9024 6609'
--mobiles ' 017x-1234567' '+44 020 7234 3456' '1-212-650-9632'
--emails '' '' ''
--props 'name1:value1', 'name2:value2', 'name3:value3'
Each value contains a name:value pair.
Both the user and role entity support adding temporal constraint
name : label for user, i.e uid
--name foo3
For user, this can be any safe text. For role, it must already be passed in, with the role's name.
timeout : 99 - set the integer timeout that contains max time (in minutes) that entity may remain inactive.
--timeout 30
30 minutes
begin_time : HHMM - determines begin hour entity may be activated.
--begin_time 0900
9:00 am
end_time : HHMM - determines end hour when entity is no longer allowed to activate.
--end_time 2359
11:59 pm
begin_date : YYYYMMDD - determines date when entity may be activated.
--begin_date 20150101
Jan 1, 2015
end_date : YYMMDD - indicates latest date entity may be activated.
--end_date 20191231
Dec 31, 2019
begin_lock_date : YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
--begin_lock_date 20180602
Jun 2, 2018
end_lock_date : YYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status.
--end_lock_date 20180610
Jun 10, 2018
day_mask : 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day of week entity may be activated.
--day_mask 1246
Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri
all together
user mod --uid someuser --name anysafetext --timeout 30 --begin_time 0900 --end_time 2359 --begin_date 20150101 --end_date 20191231 --begin_lock_date 20180602 --end_lock_date 20180610 --day_mask 1246
role add --name manager --description 'manager works 8-5, M-F' --timeout 10 --begin_time 0800 --end_time 1700 --begin_date 20100101 --end_date none --day_mask 1246
Constraints are optional and may be applied to user and role entities on add and mod operations
- These commands have a one-to-one mapping to the admin and review APIs. For example, the perm grant command maps to the admin.grant function and perm search –uid calls review.user_perms.
- The description of the commands, including required arguments, can be inferred via the api doc inline to the admin and review modules.
- The program output echos the inputted arguments and the results.
AdminMgr Examples:
a. user add
$ cli user add --uid 'chorowitz' --password 'secret' --description 'added with py-fortress cli' uid=chorowitz description=added with py-fortress cli user add success
b. user mod
$ cli user mod --uid 'chorowitz' --l 'my location' --ou 'my-ou' --department_number 123 uid=chorowitz department_number=123 l=my location ou=my-ou user mod success
c. user del
$ cli user del --uid 'chorowitz' uid=chorowitz user del success
d. user assign
$ cli user assign --uid 'chorowitz' --role 'account-mgr' uid=chorowitz role name=account-mgr user assign success
e. user deassign
$ cli user deassign --uid 'chorowitz' --role 'account-mgr' uid=chorowitz role name=account-mgr user deassign success
f. role add
$ cli role add --name 'account-mgr' name=account-mgr role add success
g. role mod
$ cli role mod --name 'account-mgr' --description 'this desc is optional' description=cli test role name=account-mgr role mod success
h. role del
$ cli role del --name 'account-mgr' name=account-mgr process_role,delete success
i. object add
$ cli object add --obj_name page456 obj_name=page456 object add success
j. object mod
$ cli object mod --obj_name page456 --description 'optional arg' --ou 'another optional arg' obj_name=page456 ou=another optional arg description=optional arg object mod success
k. object del
$ cli object del --obj_name page789 obj_name=page789 object del success
l. perm add
$ cli perm add --obj_name page456 --op_name read obj_name=page456 op_name=read perm add success
m. perm mod
$ cli perm mod --obj_name page456 --op_name read --description 'useful for human readable perm name' obj_name=page456 op_name=read description=useful for human readable perm name perm mod success
n. perm del
$ cli perm del --obj_name page456 --op_name search obj_name=page456 op_name=search perm del success
o. perm grant
$ cli perm grant --obj_name page456 --op_name update --role account-mgr obj_name=page456 op_name=update role name=account-mgr perm grant success
p. perm revoke
$ cli perm revoke --obj_name page456 --op_name update --role account-mgr obj_name=page456 op_name=update role name=account-mgr perm revoke success
ReviewMgr Examples:
a. user read
$ cli user read --uid chorowitz uid=chorowitz user read chorowitz uid: chorowitz dn: uid=chorowitz,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com roles: ['account-mgr'] ... *************** chorowitz ******************* success
b. user search
$ cli user search --uid c uid=c user search c*:0 uid: canders dn: uid=canders,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com roles: ['csr', 'tester'] ... *************** c*:0 ******************* c*:1 uid: cedwards dn: uid=cedwards,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com roles: ['manager', 'trainer'] ... *************** c*:1 ******************* c*:2 uid: chandler dn: uid=chandler,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com roles: ['auditor'] ... *************** c*:2 ******************* c*:3 uid: chorowitz dn: uid=chorowitz,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com roles: ['account-mgr'] ... *************** c*:3 ******************* success
c. role read
$ cli role read --name account-mgr name=account-mgr role read account-mgr dn: cn=account-mgr,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com members: ['uid=cli-user2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=chorowitz,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'] internal_id: 5c189235-41b5-4e59-9d80-dfd64d16372c name: account-mgr constraint: <model.constraint.Constraint object at 0x7fc250bd9e10> Role Constraint: raw: account-mgr$0$$$$$$$ timeout: 0 name: account-mgr *************** account-mgr ******************* success
d. role search
$ cli role search --name py- name=py- role search py-*:0 dn: cn=py-role-0,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com description: py-role-0 Role constraint: <model.constraint.Constraint object at 0x7f17e8745f60> members: ['uid=py-user-0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=py-user-1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', ... ] internal_id: 04b82ce3-974b-4ff5-ad21-b19ecca57722 name: py-role-0 *************** py-*:0 ******************* py-*:1 dn: cn=py-role-1,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com description: py-role-1 Role constraint: <model.constraint.Constraint object at 0x7f17e8733128> members: ['uid=py-user-8,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=py-user-9,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'] internal_id: 70524da8-3be6-4372-a606-d8175e2ca63b name: py-role-1 *************** py-*:1 ******************* py-*:2 dn: cn=py-role-2,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com description: py-role-2 Role constraint: <model.constraint.Constraint object at 0x7f17e87332b0> members: ['uid=py-user-3,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=py-user-5,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=py-user-7,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'] internal_id: d1b9da70-9302-46c3-b21b-0fc45b863155 name: py-role-2 *************** py-*:2 ******************* ... success
e. object read
$ cli object read --obj_name page456 obj_name=page456 object read page456 description: optional arg dn: ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com internal_id: 1635cb3b-d5e2-4fcb-b61a-b8e91437e536 obj_name: page456 ou: another optional arg success
f. object search
$ cli object search --obj_name page obj_name=page object search page*:0 obj_name: page456 description: optional arg dn: ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com ou: another optional arg internal_id: 1635cb3b-d5e2-4fcb-b61a-b8e91437e536 page*:1 obj_name: page123 description: optional arg dn: ftObjNm=page123,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com ou: another optional arg internal_id: a823ef98-7be4-4f49-a805-83bfef5a0dfb success
g. perm read
$ cli perm read --obj_name page456 --op_name read op_name=read obj_name=page456 perm read internal_id: 0dc55181-968e-4c60-8755-e20fa1ce017d dn: ftOpNm=read,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com abstract_name: description: useful for human readable perm name obj_name: page456 op_name: read success
h. perm search
$ cli perm search --obj_name page obj_name=page perm search page*.*:0 abstract_name: op_name: read internal_id: 0dc55181-968e-4c60-8755-e20fa1ce017d obj_name: page456 dn: ftOpNm=read,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com description: useful for human readable perm name page*.*:1 roles: ['account-mgr'] abstract_name: page456.update op_name: update internal_id: 626bca86-014b-4186-83a6-a583e39868a1 obj_name: page456 dn: ftOpNm=update,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com page*.*:2 roles: ['account-mgr'] abstract_name: page456.delete op_name: delete internal_id: 6c2fa5fc-d7c3-4e85-ba7f-5e514ca4263f obj_name: page456 dn: ftOpNm=delete,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com success
i. perm search (by role)
$ cli perm search --role account-mgr perm search account-mgr:0 abstract_name: page456.update obj_name: page456 op_name: update roles: ['account-mgr'] dn: ftOpNm=update,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com internal_id: 626bca86-014b-4186-83a6-a583e39868a1 account-mgr:1 abstract_name: page456.delete obj_name: page456 op_name: delete roles: ['account-mgr'] dn: ftOpNm=delete,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com internal_id: 6c2fa5fc-d7c3-4e85-ba7f-5e514ca4263f success
j. perm search (by user)
$ cli perm search --uid chorowitz perm search chorowitz:0 dn: ftOpNm=update,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com internal_id: 626bca86-014b-4186-83a6-a583e39868a1 roles: ['account-mgr'] abstract_name: page456.update obj_name: page456 op_name: update chorowitz:1 dn: ftOpNm=delete,ftObjNm=page456,ou=Perms,dc=example,dc=com internal_id: 6c2fa5fc-d7c3-4e85-ba7f-5e514ca4263f roles: ['account-mgr'] abstract_name: page456.delete obj_name: page456 op_name: delete success