<script setup>
defineProps ({
field: {
type: Object ,
default : () => {},
required: true
submitted: {
type: Boolean ,
default: false
</script >
<template >
<div v-if =" field.$invalid && submitted" style =" margin-bottom : 16px ;" >
<span v-for =" (error, index) of field.$silentErrors" :key =" index" >
<span class =" p-error" >{{ error.$message }}</span >
</span >
</div >
</template >
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.p-error {
color : red ;
</style >
Sample Register Example using VuelidateHelper Component
<script setup>
import { reactive , ref } from ' vue'
import VuelidateHelper from ' @/components/VuelidateHelper.vue'
import { useVuelidate } from ' @vuelidate/core'
import { email , required , minLength , helpers } from ' @vuelidate/validators'
const submitted = ref (false )
const state = reactive ({
firstName: ' ' ,
lastName: ' ' ,
email: ' ' ,
password: ' ' ,
confirmPassword: " "
const passwordIsSame = (password ) => {
return password === state .password
const rules = {
firstName: { required },
lastName: { required },
email: { required, email },
password: { required, minLength: minLength (6 ) },
confirmPassword: { required, passwordIsSame: helpers .withMessage (' Passwords must be same' , passwordIsSame) }
const v$ = useVuelidate (rules, state)
const handleSubmit = (isFormValid ) => {
submitted .value = true
if (! isFormValid) {
registerAccount ()
const registerAccount = () => {
alert (" Register Account" )
</script >
<template >
<div >
<form @submit.prevent =" handleSubmit(!v$.$invalid)" >
<div >
<label for =" firstname" >First Name</label >
<input type =" text" v-model =" v$.firstName.$model" id =" firstname" name =" firstname" placeholder =" Your first name" >
<VuelidateHelper :field =" v$.firstName" :submitted =" submitted" ></VuelidateHelper >
<label for =" lastname" >Last Name</label >
<input type =" text" v-model =" v$.lastName.$model" id =" lastname" name =" lastname" placeholder =" Your last name" >
<VuelidateHelper :field =" v$.lastName" :submitted =" submitted" ></VuelidateHelper >
<label for =" email" >Email Address</label >
<input type =" email" v-model =" v$.email.$model" id =" email" name =" email" placeholder =" Your email address" >
<VuelidateHelper :field =" v$.email" :submitted =" submitted" ></VuelidateHelper >
<label for =" password" >Password</label >
<input type =" password" v-model =" v$.password.$model" id =" password" name =" password" placeholder =" Password" >
<VuelidateHelper :field =" v$.password" :submitted =" submitted" ></VuelidateHelper >
<label for =" confirm-password" >Confirm Password</label >
<input type =" password" v-model =" v$.confirmPassword.$model" id =" confirm-password" name =" confirm-password" placeholder =" Confirm Password" >
<VuelidateHelper :field =" v$.confirmPassword" :submitted =" submitted" ></VuelidateHelper >
<input type =" submit" value =" Register" >
</div >
</form >
</div >
</template >
<style lang="scss" scoped>
form {
max-width : 500px ;
margin : 64px auto ;
input [type = text ],
input [type = email ],
input [type = password ] {
width : 100% ;
padding : 12px 20px ;
margin : 8px 0 ;
display : inline-block ;
border : 1px solid #ccc ;
border-radius : 4px ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
input [type = submit ] {
width : 100% ;
background-color : #4CAF50 ;
color : white ;
padding : 14px 20px ;
margin : 8px 0 ;
border : none ;
border-radius : 4px ;
cursor : pointer ;
input [type = submit ]:hover {
background-color : #45a049 ;
</style >