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+# Logs
+# Editor directories and files
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+ "recommendations": ["Vue.volar"]
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+# Divicards
+Desktop Application for Path of Exile divination cards
+## Platform
+- [Tauri](https://tauri.app/)
+- Vue3
+## Recommended IDE Setup
+- [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) + [Volar](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.volar)
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+import { defineConfig } from 'histoire';
+import { HstVue } from '@histoire/plugin-vue';
+export default defineConfig({
+ plugins: [HstVue()],
+ setupFile: 'histoire.setup.ts',
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+import './src/style.css';
+export function setupVue3({ app }) {
+ // app.provide('test', 'hello')
+ // app.use(...)
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+ Vite + Vue + TS
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+checksum = "d2d7d3948613f75c98fd9328cfdcc45acc4d360655289d0a7d4ec931392200a3"
+name = "zip"
+version = "0.5.13"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "93ab48844d61251bb3835145c521d88aa4031d7139e8485990f60ca911fa0815"
+dependencies = [
+ "byteorder",
+ "bzip2",
+ "crc32fast",
+ "flate2",
+ "thiserror",
+ "time 0.1.44",
diff --git a/src-tauri/Cargo.toml b/src-tauri/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa49d47f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+name = "app"
+version = "0.1.0"
+description = "A Tauri App"
+authors = ["you"]
+license = ""
+repository = ""
+default-run = "app"
+edition = "2021"
+rust-version = "1.57"
+# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
+name = "lib"
+path = "lib/src/lib.rs"
+tauri-build = { version = "1.1.1", features = [] }
+serde_json = "1.0"
+serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
+tauri = { version = "1.1.1", features = ["api-all"] }
+wry = "0.21.1"
+tauri-api = "0.7.5"
+strsim = "0.10.0"
+csv = "1.1.6"
+tokio = { version = "1.2", features = ["full"] }
+tracing = { version = "0.1", features = ["log"] }
+tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3", features = ["env-filter"] }
+dotenv = "0.15"
+reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"] }
+reqwest-retry = "0.1.1"
+# by default Tauri runs in production mode
+# when `tauri dev` runs it is executed with `cargo run --no-default-features` if `devPath` is an URL
+default = [ "custom-protocol" ]
+# this feature is used for production builds where `devPath` points to the filesystem
+# DO NOT remove this
+custom-protocol = [ "tauri/custom-protocol" ]
diff --git a/src-tauri/build.rs b/src-tauri/build.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..795b9b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/build.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+fn main() {
+ tauri_build::build()
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/128x128.png b/src-tauri/icons/128x128.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6be5e50e
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/128x128.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/128x128@2x.png b/src-tauri/icons/128x128@2x.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e81becee
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/128x128@2x.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/32x32.png b/src-tauri/icons/32x32.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a437dd51
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/32x32.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square107x107Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square107x107Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ca4f271
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square107x107Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square142x142Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square142x142Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b81f8203
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square142x142Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square150x150Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square150x150Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..624c7bfb
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square150x150Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square284x284Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square284x284Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c021d2ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square284x284Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square30x30Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square30x30Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62197002
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square30x30Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square310x310Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square310x310Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9bc0483
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square310x310Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square44x44Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square44x44Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5fbfb2a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square44x44Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square71x71Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square71x71Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63440d79
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square71x71Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/Square89x89Logo.png b/src-tauri/icons/Square89x89Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3f705af
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/Square89x89Logo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/StoreLogo.png b/src-tauri/icons/StoreLogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45563882
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/StoreLogo.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/icon.icns b/src-tauri/icons/icon.icns
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87f09b40
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/icon.icns differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/icon.ico b/src-tauri/icons/icon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3636e4b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/icon.ico differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/icons/icon.png b/src-tauri/icons/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1cd2619
Binary files /dev/null and b/src-tauri/icons/icon.png differ
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/.gitignore b/src-tauri/lib/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fffb2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/Cargo.toml b/src-tauri/lib/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c0906d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name = "lib"
+version = "0.1.0"
+edition = "2021"
+# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
+csv = "1.1.6"
+serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
+tokio = { version = "1.2", features = ["full"] }
+tracing = { version = "0.1", features = ["log"] }
+tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3", features = ["env-filter"] }
+dotenv = "0.15"
+serde_json = "1.0"
+reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"] }
+reqwest-retry = "0.1.1"
+strsim = "0.10.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/config/mod.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/config/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f41b4160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/config/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+mod total_divines_config;
+pub use total_divines_config::TotalDivinesConfig;
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/config/total_divines_config.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/config/total_divines_config.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..537d272f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/config/total_divines_config.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use crate::error::Error;
+use std::env;
+pub struct TotalDivinesConfig {
+ pub card_price: f32,
+ pub divine_price: f32,
+ pub filename: String,
+impl TotalDivinesConfig {
+ pub fn new(mut args: core::iter::Skip) -> Result {
+ let card_price: f32 = match args.next() {
+ Some(arg) => match arg.parse() {
+ Ok(arg) => arg,
+ Err(err) => return Err(Error::ParseError("Problem with card price parsing", err)),
+ },
+ None => {
+ return Err(Error::ConfigError(
+ "Didnt get a chaos price(first argument)",
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ let divine_price: f32 = match args.next() {
+ Some(arg) => match arg.parse() {
+ Ok(arg) => arg,
+ Err(err) => {
+ return Err(Error::ParseError("Problem with divine price parsing", err))
+ }
+ },
+ None => {
+ return Err(Error::ConfigError(
+ "Didnt get a divine price(second argument)",
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ let filename = match args.next() {
+ Some(arg) => arg,
+ None => return Err(Error::ConfigError("Didnt get a file name(third argument)")),
+ };
+ Ok(TotalDivinesConfig {
+ card_price,
+ divine_price,
+ filename,
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/csvm.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/csvm.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..802f27e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/csvm.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+pub fn write_sold(initial_path: &str, after_path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let initial_vec = get_records_from_csv(initial_path, None)?;
+ let after_vec = get_records_from_csv(after_path, None)?;
+ write_to_csv(&initial_vec, "output_initial.csv")?;
+ let mut initial_map = HashMap::::new();
+ let mut after_map = HashMap::::new();
+ for record in initial_vec {
+ initial_map.insert(record.name.clone(), record);
+ }
+ for record in after_vec {
+ after_map.insert(record.name.clone(), record);
+ }
+ let mut sold_vec = Vec::::new();
+ for (name, record) in initial_map {
+ let after_record = after_map.entry(name.clone()).or_insert(Record::default());
+ after_record.name = record.name.clone();
+ after_record.calculated = record.calculated;
+ let calculated = match record.calculated {
+ Some(price) => price,
+ None => match &name {
+ _ if record::is_legacy_card(&name) => 0.0,
+ _ => return Err(Error::NoPriceError(name.to_string())),
+ },
+ };
+ let stack_size = record.stack_size - after_record.stack_size;
+ let total = calculated * stack_size as f32;
+ let sold_record = Record {
+ name: name.clone(),
+ calculated: Some(calculated),
+ stack_size,
+ total: Some(total),
+ };
+ sold_vec.push(sold_record);
+ }
+ let nullified_after_vector = after_map.values().cloned().collect::>();
+ write_to_csv(&nullified_after_vector, "output_after.csv")?;
+ write_to_csv(&sold_vec, "output_sold.csv")?;
+ Ok(())
+pub fn write_add_sold_to_final(final_path: &str, sold_path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let final_vec = get_records_from_csv(final_path, None)?;
+ let sold_vec = get_records_from_csv(sold_path, None)?;
+ let mut final_map = HashMap::::new();
+ for record in final_vec {
+ final_map.insert(record.name.clone(), record);
+ }
+ let mut sold_map = HashMap::::new();
+ for record in sold_vec {
+ sold_map.insert(record.name.clone(), record);
+ }
+ let mut summarized_vec: Vec = vec![];
+ for (name, record) in sold_map {
+ let mut final_record = final_map.entry(name.clone()).or_insert(Record::default());
+ final_record.name = name.clone();
+ final_record.calculated = record.calculated;
+ let calculated = record.calculated;
+ let stack_size = record.stack_size + final_record.stack_size;
+ let total = calculated * stack_size as f32;
+ let summarized_record = Record {
+ stack_size,
+ name,
+ calculated,
+ total,
+ };
+ summarized_vec.push(summarized_record);
+ }
+ write_to_csv(&summarized_vec, "output_final_plus_sold.csv")?;
+ Ok(())
+pub fn add_sold_diff_in_one_function(
+ initial_path: &str,
+ after_path: &str,
+ final_path: &str,
+) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ write_sold(initial_path, after_path)?;
+ write_add_sold_to_final(final_path, "output_sold.csv")?;
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/dev.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/dev.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..634a35bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/dev.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan;
+pub fn init_tracing() {
+ let log_filter = match std::env::var("RUST_LOG") {
+ Ok(filter) => filter,
+ Err(_) => String::from("app=debug,tauri=debug,lib=debug"),
+ };
+ println!("tracing mode: {}", log_filter);
+ tracing_subscriber::fmt()
+ .with_env_filter(log_filter)
+ .with_span_events(FmtSpan::CLOSE)
+ .init();
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/error.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/error.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e11a61b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/error.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+use serde::Serialize;
+pub enum Error {
+ ConfigurationError,
+ ConfigError(&'static str),
+ CSVError(csv::Error),
+ ParseError(&'static str, std::num::ParseFloatError),
+ IOError(&'static str, std::io::Error),
+ NoPriceError(String),
+ NotDivinationCard(String),
+ FromUtf8Error(std::string::FromUtf8Error),
+ ReqwestError(reqwest::Error),
+impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ match &*self {
+ Error::ConfigurationError => write!(f, "Configuration error"),
+ Error::ConfigError(err_str) => write!(f, "No argument: {}. Example usage: ./divcards 5.5 200 data.csv\nWhere 5.5 - minimal card price, 200 - divine price in chaos, data.csv - path to data file", err_str),
+ Error::ParseError(err_str, _) => {
+ write!(f, "Parse error: {}. ", err_str)
+ }
+ Error::CSVError(ref err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
+ Error::IOError(err_str, ref err) => write!(f, "{} : {}", err_str, err),
+ Error::NoPriceError(name) => write!(f, "Divination card has no price. Card name: {}", name),
+ Error::NotDivinationCard(name) => write!(f, "This item is probably not a divination card: {}", name),
+ Error::FromUtf8Error(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
+ Error::ReqwestError(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
+ }
+ }
+impl Serialize for Error {
+ fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result
+ where
+ S: serde::Serializer,
+ {
+ serializer.serialize_str(self.to_string().as_ref())
+ }
+// impl From for Error {
+// fn from(err: std::num::ParseIntError) -> Self {
+// Error::Parse(err)
+// }
+// }
+impl From for Error {
+ fn from(err: std::string::FromUtf8Error) -> Self {
+ Error::FromUtf8Error(err)
+ }
+impl From for Error {
+ fn from(err: csv::Error) -> Self {
+ Error::CSVError(err)
+ }
+impl From for Error {
+ fn from(err: reqwest::Error) -> Self {
+ Error::ReqwestError(err)
+ }
+impl From for Error {
+ fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {
+ Error::IOError("", err)
+ }
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/lib.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..930b910e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+pub fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> usize {
+ left + right
+pub mod config;
+pub mod dev;
+pub mod error;
+pub mod types;
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn it_works() {
+ let result = add(2, 2);
+ assert_eq!(result, 4);
+ // let mut map = std::collections::HashMap::<&str, i32>::new();
+ // map.insert("The Doctor", 4000);
+ // map.insert("The Mayor", 50);
+ // let max = map
+ // .iter()
+ // .max_by(|a, b| {
+ // println!("a: {a:?} , b: {b:?}");
+ // a.1.cmp(&b.1)
+ // })
+ // .map(|(k, _v)| k);
+ // println!("max: {:?}", max);
+ let a = strsim::normalized_damerau_levenshtein("The Hook", "The Hook");
+ println!("{a}");
+ }
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/card.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/card.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a0d0efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/card.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+pub struct Card {
+ pub name: String,
+ // #[serde(rename = "chaosValue")]
+ // #[serde(rename(serialize = "calculated", deserialize = "chaosValue"))]
+ // pub calculated: f32,
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/mod.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60b34092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+pub mod card;
+pub mod record;
+pub mod weighted_record;
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/file.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/file.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c075856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/file.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::File};
+// use csv::Reader;
+use tracing::instrument;
+use crate::error::Error;
+use crate::types::record::{self, Record};
+pub fn read(path: &str, minimum_card_price: Option) -> Result, Error> {
+ let mut reader: csv::Reader = match csv::Reader::from_path(path) {
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ Err(err) => {
+ tracing::event!(tracing::Level::ERROR, "{:?}", err);
+ return Err(Error::CSVError(err));
+ }
+ };
+ let price = minimum_card_price;
+ let mut records: Vec = vec![];
+ for record in reader.deserialize::() {
+ let record = match record {
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ Err(err) => return Err(Error::CSVError(err)),
+ };
+ if record.calculated.unwrap_or_default() >= price.unwrap_or_default() {
+ records.push(record);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(records)
+pub fn write(records: &Vec, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let mut writer = match csv::Writer::from_path(path) {
+ Ok(writer) => writer,
+ Err(err) => {
+ tracing::event!(tracing::Level::ERROR, "{:?}", err);
+ return Err(Error::CSVError(err));
+ }
+ };
+ for record in records {
+ match writer.serialize(record) {
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ Err(err) => {
+ tracing::event!(tracing::Level::ERROR, "{:?}", err);
+ return Err(Error::CSVError(err));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+// / Merges correct csv divination card files into one.
+// / # Example usage:
+// /
+// / ```rust
+// / merge_n_files(
+// / starter_map,
+// / &[
+// / "ready_files/5k.csv",
+// / "ready_files/6066.csv",
+// / "ready_files/40k.csv",
+// / ],
+// / "ready_files/output.csv",
+// / )?;
+// / ```
+fn merge_n_files(
+ starter_map: HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+ file_paths: &[&str],
+ output_path: &str,
+) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let mut vectors: Vec> = vec![];
+ let mut maps: Vec> = vec![];
+ for path in file_paths {
+ let v: Vec = read(path, None)?;
+ vectors.push(v);
+ }
+ for vector in vectors {
+ let map: HashMap<&str, Record> = record::vec_to_map(vector, starter_map.clone())?;
+ maps.push(map);
+ }
+ let mut new_vec: Vec = vec![];
+ for (name, record) in starter_map {
+ let mut same_name_records: Vec<&Record> = vec![];
+ for map in &maps {
+ let record: &Record = map.get(name).unwrap();
+ same_name_records.push(record);
+ }
+ let mut new_record = Record::default();
+ new_record.name = name.to_string();
+ let calculated = match record.calculated {
+ Some(price) => price,
+ None => match name {
+ _ if record::is_legacy_card(name) => 0.0,
+ _ => return Err(Error::NoPriceError(name.to_string())),
+ },
+ };
+ new_record.calculated = Some(calculated);
+ new_record.stack_size = same_name_records.iter().map(|r| r.stack_size).sum();
+ new_record.total = Some(new_record.stack_size as f32 * calculated);
+ new_vec.push(new_record);
+ }
+ write(&new_vec, output_path)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub fn write_empty_table(output_path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let mut records: Vec = vec![];
+ for name in record::NAMES {
+ let mut new_record = Record::default();
+ new_record.name = name.to_string();
+ records.push(new_record);
+ }
+ write(&records, output_path)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub fn read_polish_write(
+ input_path: &str,
+ output_path: &str,
+ starter_map: HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let rec = read(input_path, None)?;
+ let rec = record::polish_records(rec, starter_map)?;
+ write(&rec, output_path)?;
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/mod.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81265331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+pub mod file;
+pub mod string;
+// use crate::error::Error;
+// pub fn calc_divines_from_csv(config: TotalDivinesConfig) -> Result {
+// let records = record::csv::read(&config.filename, Some(config.card_price))?;
+// let divines = record::total_price_divine(&records, config.divine_price);
+// Ok(divines)
+// }
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/string.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/string.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4c99a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/csv/string.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::vec;
+use csv::Reader;
+use tracing::instrument;
+// use tracing::instrument;
+use crate::error::Error;
+use crate::types::record::{self, Record};
+pub fn read(content_string: &str, minimum_card_price: Option) -> Result, Error> {
+ let mut reader = Reader::from_reader(content_string.as_bytes());
+ let mut records: Vec = vec![];
+ for record in reader.deserialize::() {
+ let record = record?;
+ if record.calculated.unwrap_or_default() >= minimum_card_price.unwrap_or_default() {
+ records.push(record);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(records)
+pub fn write(records: &Vec) -> Result {
+ let mut writer = csv::Writer::from_writer(vec![]);
+ for record in records {
+ writer.serialize(record)?;
+ }
+ let content_string = String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().expect("Error with csv serialize"))?;
+ Ok(content_string)
+pub fn read_polish_write(
+ content_string: &str,
+ map: HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+ minimum_card_price: Option,
+) -> Result {
+ let records = read(content_string, minimum_card_price)?;
+ let records = record::polish_records(records, map)?;
+ let output_content_string = write(&records)?;
+ Ok(output_content_string)
+pub fn total_chaos(content_string: &str, minimum_card_price: Option) -> Result {
+ let records = read(content_string, minimum_card_price)?;
+ Ok(record::total_price_chaos(&records))
+pub fn merge(
+ starter_map: HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+ csv_file_strings: &[&str],
+) -> Result {
+ let mut vectors: Vec> = vec![];
+ let mut maps: Vec> = vec![];
+ for content_string in csv_file_strings {
+ let v = read(content_string, None)?;
+ vectors.push(v);
+ }
+ for vector in vectors {
+ let map: HashMap<&str, Record> = record::vec_to_map(vector, starter_map.clone())?;
+ maps.push(map);
+ }
+ let mut new_vec: Vec = vec![];
+ for (name, record) in starter_map {
+ let mut same_name_records: Vec<&Record> = vec![];
+ for map in &maps {
+ let record: &Record = map.get(name).unwrap();
+ same_name_records.push(record);
+ }
+ let mut new_record = Record::default();
+ new_record.name = name.to_string();
+ let calculated = match record.calculated {
+ Some(price) => price,
+ None => match name {
+ _ if record::is_legacy_card(name) => 0.0,
+ _ => return Err(Error::NoPriceError(name.to_string())),
+ },
+ };
+ new_record.calculated = Some(calculated);
+ new_record.stack_size = same_name_records.iter().map(|r| r.stack_size).sum();
+ new_record.total = Some(new_record.stack_size as f32 * calculated);
+ new_vec.push(new_record);
+ }
+ Ok(write(&new_vec)?)
+mod test {
+ #![allow(unused_variables)]
+ use std::collections::HashMap;
+ use crate::types::record::Record;
+ fn merge() {
+ let doctor_price = 4000.0;
+ let nurse_price = 400.0;
+ let dragonheart_price = 50.0;
+ let mut map = HashMap::<&'static str, Record>::new();
+ map.insert(
+ "The Doctor",
+ Record {
+ name: "The Doctor".into(),
+ calculated: Some(doctor_price),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ );
+ map.insert(
+ "The Nurse",
+ Record {
+ name: "The Nurse".into(),
+ calculated: Some(nurse_price),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ );
+ map.insert(
+ "The Dragon's Heart",
+ Record {
+ name: "The Dragon's Heart".into(),
+ calculated: Some(dragonheart_price),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ );
+ let doctor = Record {
+ stack_size: 1,
+ name: "The Doctor".into(),
+ calculated: Some(doctor_price),
+ total: Some(doctor_price),
+ };
+ let nurse = Record {
+ stack_size: 2,
+ name: "The Nurse".into(),
+ calculated: Some(nurse_price),
+ total: Some(2 as f32 * nurse_price),
+ };
+ let vec1: Vec = vec![doctor.clone(), nurse.clone()];
+ let doctor2 = Record {
+ stack_size: 2,
+ name: "The Doctor".into(),
+ calculated: Some(doctor_price),
+ total: Some(2 as f32 * doctor_price),
+ };
+ let dragonsheart = Record {
+ stack_size: 1,
+ name: "The Dragon's Heart".into(),
+ calculated: Some(dragonheart_price),
+ total: Some(dragonheart_price),
+ };
+ let vec2: Vec = vec![doctor2, dragonsheart];
+ todo!();
+ }
+// pub fn read_csv_from_string(data: &str) -> Result {
+// let mut reader = Reader::from_reader(data.as_bytes());
+// let mut writer = csv::Writer::from_writer(vec![]);
+// let mut records: Vec = vec![];
+// for record in reader.deserialize::() {
+// let record = record?;
+// writer.serialize(record.clone())?;
+// records.push(record);
+// }
+// // let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&records)?;
+// let data = String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().unwrap())?;
+// Ok(data)
+// }
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/initial_data.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/initial_data.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8f21490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/initial_data.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use crate::error::Error;
+use super::{NinjaRecord, Record};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+pub const LEGACY_CARDS: [&'static str; 15] = [
+ "Friendship",
+ "Vile Power",
+ "Squandered Prosperity",
+ "Blessing of God",
+ "The Devastator",
+ "The Iron Bard",
+ "Luck of the Vaal",
+ "A Note in the Wind",
+ "The Valley of Steel Boxes",
+ "Akil's Prophecy",
+ "Birth of the Three",
+ "The Mayor",
+ "The Transformation",
+ "The Mad King",
+ "Treasures of the Vaal",
+pub const NAMES: [&'static str; 423] = [
+ "A Dab of Ink",
+ "A Familiar Call",
+ "A Fate Worse Than Death",
+ "A Modest Request",
+ "A Mother's Parting Gift",
+ "A Sea of Blue",
+ "A Stone Perfected",
+ "Abandoned Wealth",
+ "Acclimatisation",
+ "Alluring Bounty",
+ "Alone in the Darkness",
+ "Altered Perception",
+ "Ambitious Obsession",
+ "Anarchy's Price",
+ "Arrogance of the Vaal",
+ "Assassin's Favour",
+ "Astral Protection",
+ "Atziri's Arsenal",
+ "Audacity",
+ "Azure Rage",
+ "Azyran's Reward",
+ "Baited Expectations",
+ "Beauty Through Death",
+ "Bijoux",
+ "Birth of the Three",
+ "Blind Venture",
+ "Boon of Justice",
+ "Boon of the First Ones",
+ "Boundless Realms",
+ "Bowyer's Dream",
+ "Broken Promises",
+ "Broken Truce",
+ "Brotherhood in Exile",
+ "Brother's Stash",
+ "Brush, Paint and Palette",
+ "Buried Treasure",
+ "Burning Blood",
+ "Call to the First Ones",
+ "Cameria's Cut",
+ "Cartographer's Delight",
+ "Chaotic Disposition",
+ "Chasing Risk",
+ "Checkmate",
+ "Choking Guilt",
+ "Costly Curio",
+ "Council of Cats",
+ "Coveted Possession",
+ "Cursed Words",
+ "Dark Dreams",
+ "Dark Temptation",
+ "Darker Half",
+ "Deadly Joy",
+ "Death",
+ "Deathly Designs",
+ "Dementophobia",
+ "Demigod's Wager",
+ "Desecrated Virtue",
+ "Desperate Crusade",
+ "Destined to Crumble",
+ "Dialla's Subjugation",
+ "Disdain",
+ "Divine Justice",
+ "Doedre's Madness",
+ "Doryani's Epiphany",
+ "Draped in Dreams",
+ "Duality",
+ "Dying Anguish",
+ "Dying Light",
+ "Earth Drinker",
+ "Echoes of Love",
+ "Emperor of Purity",
+ "Emperor's Luck",
+ "Endless Night",
+ "Etched in Blood",
+ "Eternal Bonds",
+ "Fateful Meeting",
+ "Forbidden Power",
+ "From Bone to Ashes",
+ "Further Invention",
+ "Gemcutter's Mercy",
+ "Gemcutter's Promise",
+ "Gift of Asenath",
+ "Gift of the Gemling Queen",
+ "Glimmer of Hope",
+ "Grave Knowledge",
+ "Guardian's Challenge",
+ "Harmony of Souls",
+ "Haunting Shadows",
+ "Her Mask",
+ "Heterochromia",
+ "Home",
+ "Hope",
+ "House of Mirrors",
+ "Hubris",
+ "Humility",
+ "Hunter's Resolve",
+ "Hunter's Reward",
+ "Immortal Resolve",
+ "Imperfect Memories",
+ "Imperial Legacy",
+ "Jack in the Box",
+ "Judging Voices",
+ "Justified Ambition",
+ "Keeper's Corruption",
+ "Lachrymal Necrosis",
+ "Lantador's Lost Love",
+ "Last Hope",
+ "Left to Fate",
+ "Lethean Temptation",
+ "Light and Truth",
+ "Lingering Remnants",
+ "Lost Worlds",
+ "Love Through Ice",
+ "Loyalty",
+ "Lucky Connections",
+ "Lucky Deck",
+ "Luminous Trove",
+ "Lysah's Respite",
+ "Magnum Opus",
+ "Mawr Blaidd",
+ "Merciless Armament",
+ "Might is Right",
+ "Misery in Darkness",
+ "Mitts",
+ "Monochrome",
+ "More is Never Enough",
+ "No Traces",
+ "Nook's Crown",
+ "Parasitic Passengers",
+ "Peaceful Moments",
+ "Perfection",
+ "Prejudice",
+ "Pride Before the Fall",
+ "Pride of the First Ones",
+ "Prometheus' Armoury",
+ "Prosperity",
+ "Rain of Chaos",
+ "Rain Tempter",
+ "Rats",
+ "Rebirth",
+ "Rebirth and Renewal",
+ "Reckless Ambition",
+ "Remembrance",
+ "Sambodhi's Vow",
+ "Sambodhi's Wisdom",
+ "Scholar of the Seas",
+ "Seven Years Bad Luck",
+ "Shard of Fate",
+ "Silence and Frost",
+ "Society's Remorse",
+ "Something Dark",
+ "Struck by Lightning",
+ "Succor of the Sinless",
+ "Terrible Secret of Space",
+ "The Academic",
+ "The Admirer",
+ "The Adventuring Spirit",
+ "The Aesthete",
+ "The Apothecary",
+ "The Archmage's Right Hand",
+ "The Arena Champion",
+ "The Army of Blood",
+ "The Artist",
+ "The Aspirant",
+ "The Astromancer",
+ "The Avenger",
+ "The Awakened",
+ "The Bargain",
+ "The Battle Born",
+ "The Bear Woman",
+ "The Beast",
+ "The Betrayal",
+ "The Bitter Blossom",
+ "The Blazing Fire",
+ "The Blessing of Moosh",
+ "The Body",
+ "The Bones",
+ "The Brawny Battle Mage",
+ "The Breach",
+ "The Brittle Emperor",
+ "The Cache",
+ "The Cacophony",
+ "The Calling",
+ "The Card Sharp",
+ "The Carrion Crow",
+ "The Cartographer",
+ "The Cataclysm",
+ "The Catalyst",
+ "The Catch",
+ "The Celestial Justicar",
+ "The Celestial Stone",
+ "The Chains that Bind",
+ "The Cheater",
+ "The Chosen",
+ "The Coming Storm",
+ "The Conduit",
+ "The Craving",
+ "The Cursed King",
+ "The Damned",
+ "The Dapper Prodigy",
+ "The Dark Mage",
+ "The Darkest Dream",
+ "The Deal",
+ "The Deceiver",
+ "The Deep Ones",
+ "The Demon",
+ "The Demoness",
+ "The Destination",
+ "The Doctor",
+ "The Doppelganger",
+ "The Dragon",
+ "The Dragon's Heart",
+ "The Dreamer",
+ "The Dreamland",
+ "The Drunken Aristocrat",
+ "The Dungeon Master",
+ "The Easy Stroll",
+ "The Eldritch Decay",
+ "The Emptiness",
+ "The Encroaching Darkness",
+ "The Endless Darkness",
+ "The Endurance",
+ "The Enforcer",
+ "The Enlightened",
+ "The Enthusiasts",
+ "The Escape",
+ "The Eternal War",
+ "The Ethereal",
+ "The Explorer",
+ "The Eye of Terror",
+ "The Eye of the Dragon",
+ "The Fathomless Depths",
+ "The Feast",
+ "The Fiend",
+ "The Fishmonger",
+ "The Fletcher",
+ "The Flora's Gift",
+ "The Fool",
+ "The Forgotten Treasure",
+ "The Formless Sea",
+ "The Forsaken",
+ "The Forward Gaze",
+ "The Fox",
+ "The Fox in the Brambles",
+ "The Gambler",
+ "The Garish Power",
+ "The Gemcutter",
+ "The Gentleman",
+ "The Gladiator",
+ "The Golden Era",
+ "The Greatest Intentions",
+ "The Gulf",
+ "The Hale Heart",
+ "The Harvester",
+ "The Hermit",
+ "The Heroic Shot",
+ "The Hive of Knowledge",
+ "The Hoarder",
+ "The Hook",
+ "The Hunger",
+ "The Immortal",
+ "The Incantation",
+ "The Innocent",
+ "The Inoculated",
+ "The Insatiable",
+ "The Inventor",
+ "The Jester",
+ "The Jeweller's Boon",
+ "The Journalist",
+ "The Journey",
+ "The King's Blade",
+ "The King's Heart",
+ "The Landing",
+ "The Last One Standing",
+ "The Last Supper",
+ "The Leviathan",
+ "The Lich",
+ "The Life Thief",
+ "The Lion",
+ "The Long Con",
+ "The Long Watch",
+ "The Lord in Black",
+ "The Lord of Celebration",
+ "The Lover",
+ "The Lunaris Priestess",
+ "The Magma Crab",
+ "The Master",
+ "The Master Artisan",
+ "The Mercenary",
+ "The Messenger",
+ "The Metalsmith's Gift",
+ "The Mind's Eyes",
+ "The Mountain",
+ "The Nurse",
+ "The Oath",
+ "The Obscured",
+ "The Offering",
+ "The Offspring",
+ "The Old Man",
+ "The One That Got Away",
+ "The One With All",
+ "The Opulent",
+ "The Pack Leader",
+ "The Pact",
+ "The Patient",
+ "The Penitent",
+ "The Poet",
+ "The Polymath",
+ "The Porcupine",
+ "The Price of Devotion",
+ "The Price of Loyalty",
+ "The Price of Prescience",
+ "The Price of Protection",
+ "The Primordial",
+ "The Prince of Darkness",
+ "The Professor",
+ "The Progeny of Lunaris",
+ "The Puzzle",
+ "The Queen",
+ "The Rabbit's Foot",
+ "The Rabid Rhoa",
+ "The Realm",
+ "The Risk",
+ "The Rite of Elements",
+ "The Road to Power",
+ "The Ruthless Ceinture",
+ "The Sacrifice",
+ "The Saint's Treasure",
+ "The Samurai's Eye",
+ "The Scarred Meadow",
+ "The Scavenger",
+ "The Scholar",
+ "The Scout",
+ "The Seeker",
+ "The Sephirot",
+ "The Shepherd's Sandals",
+ "The Shieldbearer",
+ "The Shortcut",
+ "The Side Quest",
+ "The Sigil",
+ "The Siren",
+ "The Skeleton",
+ "The Soul",
+ "The Spark and the Flame",
+ "The Spoiled Prince",
+ "The Standoff",
+ "The Stormcaller",
+ "The Strategist",
+ "The Summoner",
+ "The Sun",
+ "The Surgeon",
+ "The Surveyor",
+ "The Survivalist",
+ "The Sustenance",
+ "The Sword King's Salute",
+ "The Thaumaturgist",
+ "The Throne",
+ "The Tinkerer's Table",
+ "The Tireless Extractor",
+ "The Tower",
+ "The Traitor",
+ "The Trial",
+ "The Tumbleweed",
+ "The Twilight Moon",
+ "The Twins",
+ "The Tyrant",
+ "The Undaunted",
+ "The Undisputed",
+ "The Unexpected Prize",
+ "The Union",
+ "The Valkyrie",
+ "The Vast",
+ "The Visionary",
+ "The Void",
+ "The Warden",
+ "The Warlord",
+ "The Watcher",
+ "The Web",
+ "The White Knight",
+ "The Whiteout",
+ "The Wilted Rose",
+ "The Wind",
+ "The Witch",
+ "The Wolf",
+ "The Wolf's Legacy",
+ "The Wolf's Shadow",
+ "The Wolven King's Bite",
+ "The Wolverine",
+ "The World Eater",
+ "The Wrath",
+ "The Wretched",
+ "Thirst for Knowledge",
+ "Three Faces in the Dark",
+ "Three Voices",
+ "Thunderous Skies",
+ "Time-Lost Relic",
+ "Tranquillity",
+ "Treasure Hunter",
+ "Triskaidekaphobia",
+ "Turn the Other Cheek",
+ "Unchained",
+ "Underground Forest",
+ "Unrequited Love",
+ "Vanity",
+ "Vinia's Token",
+ "Void of the Elements",
+ "Volatile Power",
+ "Wealth and Power",
+ "Winter's Embrace",
+ "Friendship",
+ "Vile Power",
+ "Squandered Prosperity",
+ "Blessing of God",
+ "The Devastator",
+ "The Iron Bard",
+ "Luck of the Vaal",
+ "A Note in the Wind",
+ "The Valley of Steel Boxes",
+ "Akil's Prophecy",
+ "The Mayor",
+ "The Transformation",
+ "The Mad King",
+ "Treasures of the Vaal",
+pub const TUP_NAMES_PRICES: &'static [(&str, f32)] = &[
+ ("House of Mirrors", 11608.35),
+ ("The Apothecary", 11251.17),
+ ("The Price of Devotion", 5772.65),
+ ("Unrequited Love", 4464.75),
+ ("The Doctor", 4107.57),
+ ("The Demon", 3393.21),
+ ("The Fiend", 2500.26),
+ ("The Immortal", 1285.85),
+ ("Love Through Ice", 1232.27),
+ ("The Shieldbearer", 571.49),
+ ("The Nurse", 482.19),
+ ("Seven Years Bad Luck", 335.0),
+ ("The Cheater", 267.88),
+ ("Choking Guilt", 267.88),
+ ("Wealth and Power", 196.45),
+ ("The Sephirot", 160.0),
+ ("Succor of the Sinless", 160.0),
+ ("Desecrated Virtue", 129.88),
+ ("Doryani's Epiphany", 122.89),
+ ("The Price of Loyalty", 101.3),
+ ("The Samurai's Eye", 82.75),
+ ("Brother's Stash", 75.77),
+ ("The Dragon's Heart", 75.0),
+ ("Deadly Joy", 60.0),
+ ("The Patient", 59.0),
+ ("A Fate Worse Than Death", 55.0),
+ ("The Enlightened", 50.0),
+ ("The Strategist", 45.0),
+ ("Eternal Bonds", 40.72),
+ ("Broken Promises", 40.0),
+ ("Luminous Trove", 35.27),
+ ("Darker Half", 34.97),
+ ("The Artist", 32.0),
+ ("The Gulf", 29.46),
+ ("The Mind's Eyes", 29.0),
+ ("Home", 27.93),
+ ("The Academic", 27.0),
+ ("Gemcutter's Mercy", 24.87),
+ ("The Destination", 24.0),
+ ("The Sacrifice", 20.0),
+ ("Monochrome", 20.0),
+ ("Imperfect Memories", 20.0),
+ ("Magnum Opus", 19.98),
+ ("The Hook", 17.48),
+ ("Alluring Bounty", 16.15),
+ ("Winter's Embrace", 15.42),
+ ("Altered Perception", 14.77),
+ ("Gift of Asenath", 13.0),
+ ("The Greatest Intentions", 10.0),
+ ("A Modest Request", 10.0),
+ ("The Eternal War", 10.0),
+ ("The Aspirant", 10.0),
+ ("The Astromancer", 9.96),
+ ("Justified Ambition", 9.66),
+ ("Beauty Through Death", 9.5),
+ ("The Fishmonger", 9.18),
+ ("The Damned", 9.0),
+ ("The Eye of Terror", 9.0),
+ ("Fateful Meeting", 9.0),
+ ("Remembrance", 8.24),
+ ("The Leviathan", 8.0),
+ ("The One That Got Away", 7.74),
+ ("Pride of the First Ones", 7.0),
+ ("The Escape", 7.0),
+ ("The Bitter Blossom", 7.0),
+ ("The Rabbit's Foot", 7.0),
+ ("Judging Voices", 7.0),
+ ("The Enforcer", 7.0),
+ ("Nook's Crown", 6.0),
+ ("The Sustenance", 6.0),
+ ("A Familiar Call", 5.96),
+ ("The Scout", 5.9),
+ ("Abandoned Wealth", 5.73),
+ ("Chaotic Disposition", 5.7),
+ ("Something Dark", 5.05),
+ ("Mawr Blaidd", 5.0),
+ ("The Polymath", 5.0),
+ ("The Undisputed", 5.0),
+ ("The Bargain", 5.0),
+ ("Azyran's Reward", 5.0),
+ ("Void of the Elements", 5.0),
+ ("The Old Man", 5.0),
+ ("Underground Forest", 5.0),
+ ("Etched in Blood", 5.0),
+ ("The Eldritch Decay", 5.0),
+ ("The Progeny of Lunaris", 5.0),
+ ("The White Knight", 5.0),
+ ("The Long Con", 5.0),
+ ("Draped in Dreams", 5.0),
+ ("Haunting Shadows", 5.0),
+ ("The Shortcut", 5.0),
+ ("Dementophobia", 5.0),
+ ("The Emptiness", 5.0),
+ ("Bijoux", 5.0),
+ ("Duality", 5.0),
+ ("Lethean Temptation", 5.0),
+ ("The Vast", 4.98),
+ ("Desperate Crusade", 4.89),
+ ("Further Invention", 4.73),
+ ("The Offering", 4.0),
+ ("The Chosen", 4.0),
+ ("Brotherhood in Exile", 4.0),
+ ("Dying Light", 4.0),
+ ("Keeper's Corruption", 4.0),
+ ("Ambitious Obsession", 4.0),
+ ("The Forgotten Treasure", 4.0),
+ ("Chasing Risk", 4.0),
+ ("The Catch", 4.0),
+ ("Rebirth and Renewal", 4.0),
+ ("Peaceful Moments", 3.98),
+ ("The Shepherd's Sandals", 3.87),
+ ("The Price of Prescience", 3.86),
+ ("The Celestial Stone", 3.72),
+ ("Death", 3.0),
+ ("Merciless Armament", 3.0),
+ ("Pride Before the Fall", 3.0),
+ ("The Brittle Emperor", 3.0),
+ ("The Queen", 3.0),
+ ("The Risk", 3.0),
+ ("The Thaumaturgist", 3.0),
+ ("The Void", 3.0),
+ ("Rebirth", 3.0),
+ ("The World Eater", 3.0),
+ ("The Dreamer", 3.0),
+ ("The Hale Heart", 3.0),
+ ("The Professor", 3.0),
+ ("Perfection", 3.0),
+ ("The Undaunted", 3.0),
+ ("Boon of the First Ones", 3.0),
+ ("The Seeker", 3.0),
+ ("Dark Dreams", 3.0),
+ ("The Side Quest", 3.0),
+ ("Council of Cats", 3.0),
+ ("Prometheus' Armoury", 3.0),
+ ("The Tumbleweed", 3.0),
+ ("The Awakened", 3.0),
+ ("The Hive of Knowledge", 3.0),
+ ("Brush, Paint and Palette", 3.0),
+ ("The Enthusiasts", 3.0),
+ ("Lachrymal Necrosis", 3.0),
+ ("Costly Curio", 3.0),
+ ("A Stone Perfected", 3.0),
+ ("Guardian's Challenge", 3.0),
+ ("The Forward Gaze", 3.0),
+ ("Hunter's Reward", 2.99),
+ ("The Twilight Moon", 2.99),
+ ("The Endless Darkness", 2.99),
+ ("Parasitic Passengers", 2.96),
+ ("Silence and Frost", 2.9),
+ ("The Soul", 2.84),
+ ("The Deal", 2.78),
+ ("The Prince of Darkness", 2.75),
+ ("The Dungeon Master", 2.74),
+ ("Terrible Secret of Space", 2.71),
+ ("Divine Justice", 2.63),
+ ("Prejudice", 2.59),
+ ("The Messenger", 2.55),
+ ("Audacity", 2.54),
+ ("The Whiteout", 2.5),
+ ("The Road to Power", 2.42),
+ ("The Avenger", 2.28),
+ ("Misery in Darkness", 2.26),
+ ("The Tyrant", 2.25),
+ ("The Life Thief", 2.17),
+ ("The Brawny Battle Mage", 2.03),
+ ("Bowyer's Dream", 2.0),
+ ("Dying Anguish", 2.0),
+ ("Emperor of Purity", 2.0),
+ ("Light and Truth", 2.0),
+ ("Lucky Deck", 2.0),
+ ("The Body", 2.0),
+ ("The Cartographer", 2.0),
+ ("The Cataclysm", 2.0),
+ ("The Celestial Justicar", 2.0),
+ ("The Drunken Aristocrat", 2.0),
+ ("The Feast", 2.0),
+ ("The Hunger", 2.0),
+ ("The Jester", 2.0),
+ ("The Pact", 2.0),
+ ("The Siren", 2.0),
+ ("The Throne", 2.0),
+ ("The Union", 2.0),
+ ("The Valkyrie", 2.0),
+ ("The Wretched", 2.0),
+ ("The Wolven King's Bite", 2.0),
+ ("The Saint's Treasure", 2.0),
+ ("The Spark and the Flame", 2.0),
+ ("No Traces", 2.0),
+ ("The Obscured", 2.0),
+ ("The Breach", 2.0),
+ ("Immortal Resolve", 2.0),
+ ("The Darkest Dream", 2.0),
+ ("The Innocent", 2.0),
+ ("The Cacophony", 2.0),
+ ("A Dab of Ink", 2.0),
+ ("Sambodhi's Vow", 2.0),
+ ("The Lord of Celebration", 2.0),
+ ("The Landing", 2.0),
+ ("The Journey", 2.0),
+ ("Burning Blood", 2.0),
+ ("The Deep Ones", 2.0),
+ ("Demigod's Wager", 2.0),
+ ("Buried Treasure", 2.0),
+ ("The Primordial", 2.0),
+ ("The Heroic Shot", 2.0),
+ ("Cameria's Cut", 2.0),
+ ("Baited Expectations", 2.0),
+ ("Deathly Designs", 2.0),
+ ("The Easy Stroll", 2.0),
+ ("The Unexpected Prize", 2.0),
+ ("Unchained", 2.0),
+ ("Society's Remorse", 2.0),
+ ("The Bear Woman", 2.0),
+ ("Reckless Ambition", 2.0),
+ ("The Offspring", 2.0),
+ ("Disdain", 2.0),
+ ("The Magma Crab", 2.0),
+ ("Checkmate", 2.0),
+ ("Endless Night", 2.0),
+ ("A Mother's Parting Gift", 1.99),
+ ("The Ethereal", 1.99),
+ ("Echoes of Love", 1.99),
+ ("The Fool", 1.99),
+ ("The Archmage's Right Hand", 1.99),
+ ("Sambodhi's Wisdom", 1.99),
+ ("Dialla's Subjugation", 1.9),
+ ("The King's Heart", 1.89),
+ ("Heterochromia", 1.84),
+ ("The Warlord", 1.75),
+ ("Arrogance of the Vaal", 1.74),
+ ("The Incantation", 1.65),
+ ("The Last One Standing", 1.6),
+ ("Vinia's Token", 1.55),
+ ("The Wind", 1.35),
+ ("Triskaidekaphobia", 1.32),
+ ("Harmony of Souls", 1.31),
+ ("Lucky Connections", 1.19),
+ ("The Dark Mage", 1.17),
+ ("From Bone to Ashes", 1.16),
+ ("More is Never Enough", 1.13),
+ ("The Lord in Black", 1.05),
+ ("The Gentleman", 1.02),
+ ("Anarchy's Price", 1.0),
+ ("Assassin's Favour", 1.0),
+ ("Blind Venture", 1.0),
+ ("Boundless Realms", 1.0),
+ ("Cartographer's Delight", 1.0),
+ ("Coveted Possession", 1.0),
+ ("Destined to Crumble", 1.0),
+ ("Doedre's Madness", 1.0),
+ ("Earth Drinker", 1.0),
+ ("Emperor's Luck", 1.0),
+ ("Gemcutter's Promise", 1.0),
+ ("Gift of the Gemling Queen", 1.0),
+ ("Glimmer of Hope", 1.0),
+ ("Grave Knowledge", 1.0),
+ ("Her Mask", 1.0),
+ ("Hope", 1.0),
+ ("Hubris", 1.0),
+ ("Humility", 1.0),
+ ("Hunter's Resolve", 1.0),
+ ("Jack in the Box", 1.0),
+ ("Lantador's Lost Love", 1.0),
+ ("Last Hope", 1.0),
+ ("Lost Worlds", 1.0),
+ ("Loyalty", 1.0),
+ ("Lysah's Respite", 1.0),
+ ("Prosperity", 1.0),
+ ("Rain of Chaos", 1.0),
+ ("Rain Tempter", 1.0),
+ ("Rats", 1.0),
+ ("Scholar of the Seas", 1.0),
+ ("Shard of Fate", 1.0),
+ ("The Aesthete", 1.0),
+ ("The Arena Champion", 1.0),
+ ("The Battle Born", 1.0),
+ ("The Betrayal", 1.0),
+ ("The Calling", 1.0),
+ ("The Carrion Crow", 1.0),
+ ("The Catalyst", 1.0),
+ ("The Conduit", 1.0),
+ ("The Cursed King", 1.0),
+ ("The Dapper Prodigy", 1.0),
+ ("The Demoness", 1.0),
+ ("The Doppelganger", 1.0),
+ ("The Dragon", 1.0),
+ ("The Encroaching Darkness", 1.0),
+ ("The Endurance", 1.0),
+ ("The Explorer", 1.0),
+ ("The Fletcher", 1.0),
+ ("The Flora's Gift", 1.0),
+ ("The Formless Sea", 1.0),
+ ("The Fox", 1.0),
+ ("The Gambler", 1.0),
+ ("The Gemcutter", 1.0),
+ ("The Gladiator", 1.0),
+ ("The Harvester", 1.0),
+ ("The Hermit", 1.0),
+ ("The Hoarder", 1.0),
+ ("The Inoculated", 1.0),
+ ("The Inventor", 1.0),
+ ("The King's Blade", 1.0),
+ ("The Lich", 1.0),
+ ("The Lion", 1.0),
+ ("The Lover", 1.0),
+ ("The Lunaris Priestess", 1.0),
+ ("The Mercenary", 1.0),
+ ("The Metalsmith's Gift", 1.0),
+ ("The Oath", 1.0),
+ ("The One With All", 1.0),
+ ("The Pack Leader", 1.0),
+ ("The Penitent", 1.0),
+ ("The Poet", 1.0),
+ ("The Rabid Rhoa", 1.0),
+ ("The Scarred Meadow", 1.0),
+ ("The Scavenger", 1.0),
+ ("The Scholar", 1.0),
+ ("The Sigil", 1.0),
+ ("The Spoiled Prince", 1.0),
+ ("The Stormcaller", 1.0),
+ ("The Summoner", 1.0),
+ ("The Sun", 1.0),
+ ("The Surgeon", 1.0),
+ ("The Surveyor", 1.0),
+ ("The Survivalist", 1.0),
+ ("The Tower", 1.0),
+ ("The Traitor", 1.0),
+ ("The Trial", 1.0),
+ ("The Twins", 1.0),
+ ("The Visionary", 1.0),
+ ("The Warden", 1.0),
+ ("The Watcher", 1.0),
+ ("The Web", 1.0),
+ ("The Wolf", 1.0),
+ ("The Wolf's Shadow", 1.0),
+ ("The Wrath", 1.0),
+ ("Three Faces in the Dark", 1.0),
+ ("Thunderous Skies", 1.0),
+ ("Time-Lost Relic", 1.0),
+ ("Tranquillity", 1.0),
+ ("Treasure Hunter", 1.0),
+ ("Turn the Other Cheek", 1.0),
+ ("Volatile Power", 1.0),
+ ("Mitts", 1.0),
+ ("Call to the First Ones", 1.0),
+ ("Lingering Remnants", 1.0),
+ ("The Coming Storm", 1.0),
+ ("The Wolverine", 1.0),
+ ("The Garish Power", 1.0),
+ ("The Standoff", 1.0),
+ ("The Porcupine", 1.0),
+ ("The Forsaken", 1.0),
+ ("Might is Right", 1.0),
+ ("Atziri's Arsenal", 1.0),
+ ("The Opulent", 1.0),
+ ("Struck by Lightning", 1.0),
+ ("The Blazing Fire", 1.0),
+ ("The Ruthless Ceinture", 1.0),
+ ("The Eye of the Dragon", 1.0),
+ ("The Realm", 1.0),
+ ("Left to Fate", 1.0),
+ ("The Deceiver", 1.0),
+ ("The Puzzle", 1.0),
+ ("The Insatiable", 1.0),
+ ("Forbidden Power", 1.0),
+ ("Three Voices", 1.0),
+ ("The Jeweller's Boon", 1.0),
+ ("The Army of Blood", 1.0),
+ ("The Beast", 1.0),
+ ("The Sword King's Salute", 1.0),
+ ("The Master", 1.0),
+ ("The Fathomless Depths", 1.0),
+ ("The Rite of Elements", 1.0),
+ ("The Dreamland", 1.0),
+ ("The Admirer", 1.0),
+ ("The Witch", 1.0),
+ ("The Wilted Rose", 1.0),
+ ("The Price of Protection", 1.0),
+ ("The Master Artisan", 1.0),
+ ("Alone in the Darkness", 1.0),
+ ("Dark Temptation", 1.0),
+ ("The Golden Era", 1.0),
+ ("Boon of Justice", 1.0),
+ ("Vanity", 1.0),
+ ("Thirst for Knowledge", 1.0),
+ ("The Mountain", 1.0),
+ ("The Skeleton", 1.0),
+ ("The Wolf's Legacy", 1.0),
+ ("The Bones", 1.0),
+ ("The Craving", 1.0),
+ ("The Tinkerer's Table", 1.0),
+ ("The Journalist", 1.0),
+ ("The Cache", 1.0),
+ ("Cursed Words", 1.0),
+ ("The Long Watch", 1.0),
+ ("Acclimatisation", 1.0),
+ ("The Adventuring Spirit", 1.0),
+ ("The Card Sharp", 1.0),
+ ("The Last Supper", 1.0),
+ ("A Sea of Blue", 1.0),
+ ("The Blessing of Moosh", 1.0),
+ ("The Fox in the Brambles", 1.0),
+ ("The Tireless Extractor", 1.0),
+ ("Astral Protection", 1.0),
+ ("Azure Rage", 1.0),
+ ("Broken Truce", 1.0),
+ ("The Chains that Bind", 0.98),
+ ("Imperial Legacy", 0.45),
+pub fn create_starter_hashmap(
+ tup_names_prices: Vec<(String, f32)>,
+) -> HashMap<&'static str, Record> {
+ let mut map = HashMap::<&'static str, Record>::new();
+ for name in NAMES {
+ let mut record = Record::default();
+ record.name = name.to_string();
+ map.insert(name, record);
+ map.insert(
+ name,
+ Record {
+ name: name.into(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ for (name, price) in tup_names_prices {
+ let mut record = match map.get_mut(&*name) {
+ Some(record) => record,
+ None => {
+ tracing::error!("Could not get record. Name: {}.", name);
+ panic!();
+ }
+ };
+ record.calculated = Some(price);
+ }
+ map
+pub fn dummy_tup_names_prices() -> Vec<(String, f32)> {
+ let mut v: Vec<(String, f32)> = vec![];
+ for (name, price) in TUP_NAMES_PRICES {
+ v.push((name.to_string(), *price));
+ }
+ v
+pub fn names_prices_from_json(string_json: &str) -> Vec<(String, f32)> {
+ #[derive(Deserialize)]
+ struct NinjaResponse {
+ lines: Vec,
+ }
+ let ninja_response: NinjaResponse = serde_json::from_str(string_json).unwrap();
+ let ninja_records: Vec = ninja_response.lines;
+ let mut tuples_vector: Vec<(String, f32)> = vec![];
+ for record in ninja_records {
+ tuples_vector.push((record.name, record.calculated));
+ }
+ tuples_vector
+pub async fn fetch_div_prices() -> Result {
+ let client = reqwest::Client::new();
+ let url =
+ "https://poe.ninja/api/data/itemoverview?league=Kalandra&type=DivinationCard&language=en";
+ let json = client.get(url).send().await?.text().await?;
+ Ok(json)
+pub async fn read_json(json_path: &str) -> Result {
+ let json = match std::fs::read_to_string(json_path) {
+ Ok(json) => {
+ // check file age
+ let metadata = match std::fs::metadata(json_path) {
+ Ok(metadata) => metadata,
+ Err(_) => {
+ todo!()
+ }
+ };
+ todo!()
+ }
+ Err(_) => {
+ // download json
+ match download_json().await {
+ Ok(json) => todo!(),
+ Err(err) => todo!(),
+ }
+ }
+ };
+pub fn is_legacy_card(s: &str) -> bool {
+ LEGACY_CARDS.contains(&s)
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/mod.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c63af0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/record/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+pub mod csv;
+mod initial_data;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+// pub use initial_data::create_starter_hashmap;
+// pub use initial_data::download_json;
+// pub use initial_data::dummy_tup_names_prices;
+// pub use initial_data::is_legacy_card;
+// pub use initial_data::names_prices_from_json;
+// pub use initial_data::LEGACY_CARDS;
+// pub use initial_data::NAMES;
+// pub use initial_data::TUP_NAMES_PRICES;
+pub use initial_data::*;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use crate::error::Error;
+use super::weighted_record::WeightedRecord;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+pub struct Record {
+ pub stack_size: i32,
+ pub name: String,
+ pub calculated: Option,
+ pub total: Option,
+impl Default for Record {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ stack_size: 0,
+ name: String::default(),
+ calculated: Some(0.),
+ total: Some(0.),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Default, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+pub struct NinjaRecord {
+ pub name: String,
+ #[serde(rename(serialize = "calculated", deserialize = "chaosValue"))]
+ pub calculated: f32,
+pub fn total_price_chaos(records: &Vec) -> f32 {
+ records
+ .iter()
+ .map(|r| -> f32 { r.calculated.unwrap_or_default() * r.stack_size as f32 })
+ .sum::()
+pub fn total_price_divine(records: &Vec, divine_price: f32) -> f32 {
+ total_price_chaos(records) / divine_price
+pub fn map_to_vec(map: HashMap<&str, Record>) -> Vec {
+ let mut v: Vec = vec![];
+ for (_, record) in map {
+ v.push(record);
+ }
+ v
+pub fn vec_to_map(
+ records: Vec,
+ mut map: HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+) -> Result, Error> {
+ // let mode = std::env::var("RUST_ENV");
+ // let mut map = create_starter_hashmap();
+ for r in records {
+ let name = r.name.as_str();
+ let record_from_map: &mut Record = match map.get_mut(name) {
+ Some(record) => record,
+ None => {
+ // find_most_similar(name, &NAMES);
+ tracing::warn!("{}", Error::NotDivinationCard(name.to_string()));
+ continue;
+ // tracing::error!("Could not get record from map. Record name: {}", name);
+ // panic!("Could not get Record from map")
+ // return Err(Error::BadRecord(name.to_string()));
+ }
+ };
+ // map.get_mut(r.name.as_str())
+ // .expect("Could not get Record from map");
+ record_from_map.stack_size = r.stack_size;
+ record_from_map.total = Some(
+ record_from_map.stack_size as f32 * record_from_map.calculated.unwrap_or_default(),
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(map)
+pub fn find_most_similar(name: &str, names: &[&str]) -> (String, f64) {
+ let mut similarity_map = HashMap::::new();
+ for initial_name in names {
+ let similarity = strsim::normalized_damerau_levenshtein(name, initial_name);
+ similarity_map.insert(initial_name.to_string(), similarity);
+ }
+ let most_similar = similarity_map
+ .iter()
+ .max_by(|a, b| a.1.partial_cmp(b.1).unwrap())
+ .unwrap();
+ (most_similar.0.to_owned(), most_similar.1.to_owned())
+ // println!("most similar for {name} is {:?}", most_similar);
+pub fn fix_record_names(
+ records: &mut Vec,
+ names: &[&str],
+ map: &HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+) -> (Vec, HashMap) {
+ let mut fixed_names: HashMap = HashMap::new();
+ let records = records
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|record| {
+ if let None = map.get(&*record.name) {
+ let (similar_name, similar_score) = find_most_similar(&record.name, names);
+ match similar_score >= 0.75 {
+ true => {
+ fixed_names.insert(record.name.clone(), similar_name.clone());
+ record.name = similar_name
+ }
+ false => {
+ let record_name = format!("The {}", record.name);
+ let (similar_name, similar_score) = find_most_similar(&record_name, names);
+ match similar_score >= 0.75 {
+ true => {
+ fixed_names.insert(record.name.clone(), similar_name.clone());
+ record.name = similar_name
+ }
+ false => {
+ tracing::warn!(
+ "Too low similarity score. Name: {}, score: {similar_score}",
+ record.name
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ record.clone()
+ })
+ .collect::>();
+ println!("Fixed names: {:?}", fixed_names);
+ (records, fixed_names)
+pub fn find_not_divination_cards(
+ records: &Vec,
+ map: &HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+) -> Vec {
+ let mut not_cards: Vec = vec![];
+ for r in records {
+ let name = r.name.as_str();
+ if let None = map.get(name) {
+ not_cards.push(name.into());
+ }
+ }
+ not_cards
+pub fn polish_records(
+ records: Vec,
+ map: HashMap<&'static str, Record>,
+) -> Result, Error> {
+ let records_map = vec_to_map(records, map)?;
+ let records = map_to_vec(records_map);
+ Ok(records)
+// #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
+// #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+// pub struct WeightedRecord {
+// pub stack_size: i32,
+// pub name: String,
+// pub calculated: Option,
+// pub total: Option,
+// pub real_weight: f32,
+// }
+// impl Default for WeightedRecord {
+// fn default() -> Self {
+// Self {
+// real_weight: 0.,
+// stack_size: 0,
+// name: String::default(),
+// calculated: Some(0.),
+// total: Some(0.),
+// }
+// }
+// }
+fn calc_record_weight(record: &Record, all_stack_size: i32) -> f32 {
+ record.stack_size as f32 / all_stack_size as f32
+fn calc_record_real_weight(
+ record: &Record,
+ real_stacked_summary_weight: f32,
+ condense_factor: f32,
+ all_stack_size: i32,
+) -> f32 {
+ (real_stacked_summary_weight * calc_record_weight(record, all_stack_size))
+ .powf(1.0 / condense_factor)
+pub fn weight_records(records: Vec) -> Vec {
+ let all_stack_size: i32 = records.iter().map(|r| r.stack_size).sum();
+ let real_stacked_rain_of_chaos_weight: f32 = 2452.65513;
+ let condense_factor: f32 = 2.0 / 3.0;
+ let rain_of_chaos = records.iter().find(|r| r.name == "Rain of Chaos").unwrap();
+ let weight = rain_of_chaos.stack_size as f32 / all_stack_size as f32;
+ let real_stacked_summary_weight = real_stacked_rain_of_chaos_weight / weight;
+ records
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|record| {
+ let real_weight = calc_record_real_weight(
+ &record,
+ real_stacked_summary_weight,
+ condense_factor,
+ all_stack_size,
+ );
+ WeightedRecord {
+ stack_size: record.stack_size,
+ name: record.name,
+ calculated: record.calculated,
+ total: record.total,
+ real_weight,
+ }
+ })
+ .collect::>()
diff --git a/src-tauri/lib/src/types/weighted_record/mod.rs b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/weighted_record/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dfadbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/lib/src/types/weighted_record/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use crate::error::Error;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+pub struct WeightedRecord {
+ pub stack_size: i32,
+ pub name: String,
+ pub calculated: Option,
+ pub total: Option,
+ pub real_weight: f32,
+impl Default for WeightedRecord {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ real_weight: 0.,
+ stack_size: 0,
+ name: String::default(),
+ calculated: Some(0.),
+ total: Some(0.),
+ }
+ }
+pub fn write(records: &Vec) -> Result {
+ let mut writer = csv::Writer::from_writer(vec![]);
+ for record in records {
+ writer.serialize(record)?;
+ }
+ let content_string = String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().expect("Error with csv serialize"))?;
+ Ok(content_string)
diff --git a/src-tauri/src/main.rs b/src-tauri/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9b2009b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ all(not(debug_assertions), target_os = "windows"),
+ windows_subsystem = "windows"
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use lib::{
+ error::Error,
+ types::{
+ record::{self, find_not_divination_cards, Record},
+ weighted_record::WeightedRecord,
+ },
+use serde::Serialize;
+use tauri::Manager;
+async fn main() {
+ lib::dev::init_tracing();
+ tracing::event!(tracing::Level::DEBUG, "app startup");
+ match update_prices_data().await {
+ Ok(_) => tracing::event!(tracing::Level::DEBUG, "prices updated"),
+ Err(err) => tracing::event!(tracing::Level::ERROR, "could not update prices {:?}", err),
+ };
+ tauri::Builder::default()
+ .setup(|app| {
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)] // only include this code on debug builds
+ {
+ let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
+ window.open_devtools();
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![
+ read_polish_csv,
+ total_chaos,
+ merge_csv,
+ update_prices,
+ give_record,
+ get_hashmap,
+ weight_records_to_csv
+ ])
+ .run(tauri::generate_context!())
+ .expect("error while running tauri application");
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+struct RecordsCsv {
+ csv: String,
+ records: Vec,
+ not_cards: Vec,
+ fixed_names: HashMap,
+async fn read_polish_csv(
+ csv_string: &str,
+ minimum_card_price: Option,
+) -> Result {
+ let map = starter_map().await?;
+ let mut records = record::csv::string::read(csv_string, minimum_card_price)?;
+ let (records, fixed_names) = record::fix_record_names(&mut records, &record::NAMES, &map);
+ let not_cards = find_not_divination_cards(&records, &map);
+ println!("not cards: {:?}", not_cards);
+ let records = record::polish_records(records, map.clone())?;
+ let csv_output = record::csv::string::write(&records)?;
+ Ok(RecordsCsv {
+ csv: csv_output,
+ records,
+ not_cards,
+ fixed_names,
+ })
+fn total_chaos(csv_string: &str, minimum_card_price: Option) -> Result {
+ record::csv::string::total_chaos(csv_string, minimum_card_price)
+async fn merge_csv(csv_file_strings: Vec<&str>) -> Result {
+ let starter_map = starter_map().await?;
+ record::csv::string::merge(starter_map, &csv_file_strings[..])
+async fn update_prices() -> Result<(), Error> {
+ Ok(update_prices_data().await?)
+// Ok(Record::default())
+fn give_record() -> Result {
+ Ok(Record {
+ stack_size: 0,
+ name: String::from("test"),
+ calculated: None,
+ total: None,
+ })
+async fn get_hashmap() -> Result, Error> {
+ starter_map().await
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+struct WeightedRecordCsv {
+ csv: String,
+ records: Vec,
+async fn weight_records_to_csv(records: Vec) -> Result {
+ let weighted_records = record::weight_records(records);
+ let csv = lib::types::weighted_record::write(&weighted_records)?;
+ Ok(WeightedRecordCsv {
+ records: weighted_records,
+ csv,
+ })
+async fn starter_map() -> Result, Error> {
+ let prices_json = div_prices().await?;
+ let names_prices = record::names_prices_from_json(&prices_json);
+ let starter_map = record::create_starter_hashmap(names_prices);
+ Ok(starter_map)
+async fn div_prices() -> Result {
+ let path = prices_path();
+ let json = match std::fs::read_to_string(&path) {
+ Ok(json) => json,
+ Err(_) => {
+ let json = record::fetch_div_prices().await?;
+ std::fs::write(path, &json)?;
+ json
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(json)
+async fn update_prices_data() -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let path = prices_path();
+ let json = record::fetch_div_prices().await?;
+ std::fs::write(path, &json)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn get_appdata_dir() -> std::path::PathBuf {
+ let mut path = tauri::api::path::config_dir().unwrap();
+ path.push("divicards");
+ if !path.exists() {
+ std::fs::create_dir(&path).expect("Error on appdata dir creation");
+ }
+ path
+fn prices_path() -> std::path::PathBuf {
+ let mut path = get_appdata_dir();
+ path.push("div-prices.json");
+ path
+// const S: &'static str = "stackSize,name,calculated,total
+// 49,The Opulent,1.0,49.0
+// 0,The Price of Devotion,5772.65,0.0
+// 0,Perfection,3.0,0.0
+// 65,Three Faces in the Dark,1.0,65.0";
diff --git a/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json b/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9b50fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ "$schema": "../node_modules/@tauri-apps/cli/schema.json",
+ "build": {
+ "beforeBuildCommand": "npm run build",
+ "beforeDevCommand": "npm run dev",
+ "devPath": "http://localhost:5173",
+ "distDir": "../dist"
+ },
+ "package": {
+ "productName": "divicards",
+ "version": "0.1.0"
+ },
+ "tauri": {
+ "allowlist": {
+ "all": true
+ },
+ "bundle": {
+ "active": true,
+ "category": "DeveloperTool",
+ "copyright": "",
+ "deb": {
+ "depends": []
+ },
+ "externalBin": [],
+ "icon": [
+ "icons/32x32.png",
+ "icons/128x128.png",
+ "icons/128x128@2x.png",
+ "icons/icon.icns",
+ "icons/icon.ico"
+ ],
+ "identifier": "divicards",
+ "longDescription": "",
+ "macOS": {
+ "entitlements": null,
+ "exceptionDomain": "",
+ "frameworks": [],
+ "providerShortName": null,
+ "signingIdentity": null
+ },
+ "resources": [],
+ "shortDescription": "",
+ "targets": "all",
+ "windows": {
+ "certificateThumbprint": null,
+ "digestAlgorithm": "sha256",
+ "timestampUrl": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "security": {
+ "csp": null
+ },
+ "updater": {
+ "active": false
+ },
+ "windows": [
+ {
+ "fullscreen": false,
+ "height": 1200,
+ "resizable": true,
+ "title": "Divicards",
+ "width": 1400,
+ "fileDropEnabled": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/src/App.vue b/src/App.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb197738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/App.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ e.preventDefault()" @dragover="e => e.preventDefault()" class="drag">
Drop files Here!
+ contents.selected"
+ @minimum-price-updated="p => (contents.price = p)"
+ @delete-me="onDelete"
+ v-model:selected="contents.selected"
+ />
Select files you want to merge
+ {
+ mergedContents && (mergedContents.price = p);
+ }
+ "
+ />
diff --git a/src/assets/vue.svg b/src/assets/vue.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..770e9d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/vue.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/BasePopup.vue b/src/components/BasePopup.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6359f932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/BasePopup.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/src/components/DivTable/DivTable copy.vue b/src/components/DivTable/DivTable copy.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a55ccbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/DivTable/DivTable copy.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ № |
+ Stack Size
+ |
+ Name |
+ Price
+ |
+ Total
+ |
+ {{ index + 1 }} |
+ {{ stackSize }} |
+ {{ name }} |
+ {{ nf.format(calculated) }} |
+ {{ nf.format(total) }} |
diff --git a/src/components/DivTable/DivTable.story.vue b/src/components/DivTable/DivTable.story.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..337b4663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/DivTable/DivTable.story.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/src/components/DivTable/DivTable.vue b/src/components/DivTable/DivTable.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87eb1af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/DivTable/DivTable.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ № |
+ Stack Size
+ |
+ Name
+ |
+ Price
+ |
+ Total
+ |
+ Weight
+ |
+ {{ index + 1 }} |
+ {{ stackSize }} |
+ {{ name }} |
+ {{ nf.format(calculated) }} |
+ {{ nf.format(total) }} |
+ {{
+ // ((70_000 * stackSize) / allStackSize) ** (3 / 2)
+ // nf.format(calcRecordRealWeight({ stackSize, name, calculated, total }))
+ nf.format(realWeight)
+ }}
+ |
diff --git a/src/components/DivTable/dummyRecords.ts b/src/components/DivTable/dummyRecords.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6960437e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/DivTable/dummyRecords.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { CardRecord, WeightedCardRecord } from '../../types';
+import records from './records.json' assert { type: 'json' };
+export const dummyRecords: WeightedCardRecord[] = records;
diff --git a/src/components/DivTable/orderBy.ts b/src/components/DivTable/orderBy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..805662ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/DivTable/orderBy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import { Column, Order, CardRecord } from '../../types';
+export const byPrice = (order: Order, records: CardRecord[]) => {
+ return records.sort((a, b) => {
+ if (order === 'asc') return a.calculated - b.calculated;
+ if (order === 'desc') return b.calculated - a.calculated;
+ throw new Error('Invalid order');
+ });
+export const byStackSize = (order: Order, records: CardRecord[]) => {
+ return records.sort((a, b) => {
+ if (order === 'asc') return a.stackSize - b.stackSize;
+ if (order === 'desc') return b.stackSize - a.stackSize;
+ throw new Error('invalid order');
+ });
+export const byTotal = (order: Order, records: CardRecord[]) => {
+ return records.sort((a, b) => {
+ if (order === 'asc') return a.total - b.total;
+ if (order === 'desc') return b.total - a.total;
+ throw new Error('invalid order');
+ });
+export const orderBy = (column: Column, order: Order, records: CardRecord[]): CardRecord[] => {
+ switch (column) {
+ case 'price':
+ return byPrice(order, records);
+ case 'stackSize':
+ return byStackSize(order, records);
+ case 'total':
+ return byTotal(order, records);
+ default:
+ throw new Error('Invalid column name');
+ }
diff --git a/src/components/DivTable/records.json b/src/components/DivTable/records.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f636911c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/DivTable/records.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "The Progeny of Lunaris",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 25
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Scarred Meadow", "realWeight": 17419.63671875, "stackSize": 377, "total": 377 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Transformation", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.7100000381469727,
+ "name": "The Breach",
+ "realWeight": 451.12615966796875,
+ "stackSize": 33,
+ "total": 56.43000030517578
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lost Worlds", "realWeight": 9014.3935546875, "stackSize": 243, "total": 243 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lucky Connections", "realWeight": 6630.1728515625, "stackSize": 198, "total": 198 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Last Supper", "realWeight": 1998.076416015625, "stackSize": 89, "total": 89 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Offering", "realWeight": 492.7528381347656, "stackSize": 35, "total": 35 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Rabbit's Foot", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 25 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Surgeon", "realWeight": 4503.64599609375, "stackSize": 153, "total": 153 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.380000114440918,
+ "name": "Lethean Temptation",
+ "realWeight": 64.25262451171875,
+ "stackSize": 9,
+ "total": 30.420001983642578
+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Eye of Terror", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 25 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 82.4800033569336,
+ "name": "The One That Got Away",
+ "realWeight": 2.3797266483306885,
+ "stackSize": 1,
+ "total": 82.4800033569336
+ },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Birth of the Three", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Society's Remorse", "realWeight": 3325.769287109375, "stackSize": 125, "total": 125 },
+ { "calculated": 2695.5, "name": "The Doctor", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 140,
+ "name": "Succor of the Sinless",
+ "realWeight": 19.037813186645508,
+ "stackSize": 4,
+ "total": 560
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.4500000476837158,
+ "name": "The Lord in Black",
+ "realWeight": 1133.7618408203125,
+ "stackSize": 61,
+ "total": 88.45000457763672
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Skeleton", "realWeight": 4816.228515625, "stackSize": 160, "total": 160 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Turn the Other Cheek", "realWeight": 8847.9765625, "stackSize": 240, "total": 240 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Lunaris Priestess",
+ "realWeight": 8085.18115234375,
+ "stackSize": 226,
+ "total": 226
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Admirer", "realWeight": 1576.6942138671875, "stackSize": 76, "total": 76 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "No Traces", "realWeight": 2273.446044921875, "stackSize": 97, "total": 97 },
+ { "calculated": 5.559999942779541, "name": "The Greatest Intentions", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.7300000190734863,
+ "name": "The Undisputed",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 8.649999618530273
+ },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Burning Blood", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 24 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.75,
+ "name": "Lachrymal Necrosis",
+ "realWeight": 451.12615966796875,
+ "stackSize": 33,
+ "total": 90.75
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Mountain", "realWeight": 4681.40869140625, "stackSize": 157, "total": 157 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 6.289999961853027,
+ "name": "The Fishmonger",
+ "realWeight": 19.037813186645508,
+ "stackSize": 4,
+ "total": 25.15999984741211
+ },
+ { "calculated": 33, "name": "The Patient", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 1452 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Whiteout", "realWeight": 471.78643798828125, "stackSize": 34, "total": 68 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Silence and Frost", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 78 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.399999976158142,
+ "name": "The Brittle Emperor",
+ "realWeight": 111.54295349121094,
+ "stackSize": 13,
+ "total": 18.19999885559082
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Might is Right", "realWeight": 3050.35302734375, "stackSize": 118, "total": 118 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Haunting Shadows", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 50 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.5999999046325684,
+ "name": "The Shepherd's Sandals",
+ "realWeight": 197.08677673339844,
+ "stackSize": 19,
+ "total": 68.4000015258789
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Tranquillity", "realWeight": 1607.915283203125, "stackSize": 77, "total": 77 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gemcutter", "realWeight": 19900.91015625, "stackSize": 412, "total": 412 },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "The Eldritch Decay", "realWeight": 471.78643798828125, "stackSize": 34, "total": 136 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.619999885559082,
+ "name": "Mawr Blaidd",
+ "realWeight": 262.4936828613281,
+ "stackSize": 23,
+ "total": 106.25999450683594
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Adventuring Spirit",
+ "realWeight": 7765.35107421875,
+ "stackSize": 220,
+ "total": 220
+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Escape", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 95 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Chaotic Disposition", "realWeight": 3089.210693359375, "stackSize": 119, "total": 595 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.5800000429153442,
+ "name": "Parasitic Passengers",
+ "realWeight": 602.028564453125,
+ "stackSize": 40,
+ "total": 63.20000076293945
+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The King's Heart", "realWeight": 371.64141845703125, "stackSize": 29, "total": 58 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.1100000143051147,
+ "name": "The Wolven King's Bite",
+ "realWeight": 602.028564453125,
+ "stackSize": 40,
+ "total": 44.400001525878906
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 30.709999084472656,
+ "name": "Eternal Bonds",
+ "realWeight": 34.974693298339844,
+ "stackSize": 6,
+ "total": 184.25999450683594
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Inventor", "realWeight": 5509.14453125, "stackSize": 175, "total": 175 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Celestial Stone", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 18 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Grave Knowledge", "realWeight": 3285.93994140625, "stackSize": 124, "total": 124 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 7.360000133514404,
+ "name": "Dying Light",
+ "realWeight": 19.037813186645508,
+ "stackSize": 4,
+ "total": 29.440000534057617
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Disdain", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 28 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Forbidden Power", "realWeight": 1964.4957275390625, "stackSize": 88, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Death", "realWeight": 1363.95703125, "stackSize": 69, "total": 138 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Misery in Darkness", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 24 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Blazing Fire", "realWeight": 11269.3984375, "stackSize": 282, "total": 282 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5.980000019073486,
+ "name": "The Hive of Knowledge",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 11.960000038146973
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Messenger", "realWeight": 1051.16064453125, "stackSize": 58, "total": 58 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolf", "realWeight": 5274.732421875, "stackSize": 170, "total": 170 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Friendship", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Squandered Prosperity", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Cartographer's Delight", "realWeight": 4547.87109375, "stackSize": 154, "total": 154 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Broken Truce", "realWeight": 1305.08642578125, "stackSize": 67, "total": 67 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Beast", "realWeight": 1576.6942138671875, "stackSize": 76, "total": 76 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Hale Heart", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 18 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Dreamland", "realWeight": 1964.4957275390625, "stackSize": 88, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Doppelganger", "realWeight": 20483.353515625, "stackSize": 420, "total": 420 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Twins", "realWeight": 4371.8369140625, "stackSize": 150, "total": 150 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Rebirth and Renewal", "realWeight": 86.81926727294922, "stackSize": 11, "total": 55 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Dark Mage", "realWeight": 841.3604125976562, "stackSize": 50, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 299.5, "name": "The Nurse", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 3594 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Warden", "realWeight": 9690.3017578125, "stackSize": 255, "total": 255 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Body", "realWeight": 4026.795654296875, "stackSize": 142, "total": 142 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "The Price of Prescience",
+ "realWeight": 111.54295349121094,
+ "stackSize": 13,
+ "total": 65
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.809999942779541,
+ "name": "Deathly Designs",
+ "realWeight": 391.0290222167969,
+ "stackSize": 30,
+ "total": 54.29999923706055
+ },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Iron Bard", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Tyrant", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 25 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Eye of the Dragon",
+ "realWeight": 3365.75830078125,
+ "stackSize": 126,
+ "total": 126
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Stormcaller", "realWeight": 5509.14453125, "stackSize": 175, "total": 175 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Rain Tempter", "realWeight": 11030.4755859375, "stackSize": 278, "total": 278 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Cartographer", "realWeight": 6331.095703125, "stackSize": 192, "total": 576 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 58.56999969482422,
+ "name": "The Dragon's Heart",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 292.8500061035156
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Tireless Extractor", "realWeight": 10675.30859375, "stackSize": 272, "total": 272 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Calling", "realWeight": 3774.29150390625, "stackSize": 136, "total": 136 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Blessing of God", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.7400000095367432,
+ "name": "The Obscured",
+ "realWeight": 333.86639404296875,
+ "stackSize": 27,
+ "total": 46.97999954223633
+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Sambodhi's Wisdom", "realWeight": 766.7855224609375, "stackSize": 47, "total": 94 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Devastator", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Boundless Realms", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gambler", "realWeight": 4681.40869140625, "stackSize": 157, "total": 157 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Magma Crab", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Visionary", "realWeight": 8682.595703125, "stackSize": 237, "total": 237 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Mayor", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.619999885559082,
+ "name": "Audacity",
+ "realWeight": 98.92337036132812,
+ "stackSize": 12,
+ "total": 55.439998626708984
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Tower", "realWeight": 5891.19921875, "stackSize": 183, "total": 183 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "A Mother's Parting Gift",
+ "realWeight": 2238.38037109375,
+ "stackSize": 96,
+ "total": 96
+ },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "Altered Perception", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 30, "name": "Broken Promises", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 120 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Rats", "realWeight": 16254.7705078125, "stackSize": 360, "total": 360 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Scholar of the Seas", "realWeight": 2379.7265625, "stackSize": 100, "total": 100 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.9200000762939453,
+ "name": "Hunter's Reward",
+ "realWeight": 333.86639404296875,
+ "stackSize": 27,
+ "total": 78.84000396728516
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.930000066757202,
+ "name": "Rebirth",
+ "realWeight": 64.25262451171875,
+ "stackSize": 9,
+ "total": 26.3700008392334
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Price of Protection",
+ "realWeight": 1161.755126953125,
+ "stackSize": 62,
+ "total": 62
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Boon of Justice", "realWeight": 8354.97265625, "stackSize": 231, "total": 231 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Summoner", "realWeight": 6036.65771484375, "stackSize": 186, "total": 186 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Warlord", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Reckless Ambition", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 26 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolf's Legacy", "realWeight": 1514.867431640625, "stackSize": 74, "total": 74 },
+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "The Artist", "realWeight": 53.84706497192383, "stackSize": 8, "total": 160 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gentleman", "realWeight": 1189.9752197265625, "stackSize": 63, "total": 63 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "A Sea of Blue", "realWeight": 7712.4658203125, "stackSize": 219, "total": 219 },
+ { "calculated": 29, "name": "The Strategist", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 87 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Lover", "realWeight": 66189.8046875, "stackSize": 918, "total": 918 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "A Stone Perfected", "realWeight": 181.73385620117188, "stackSize": 18, "total": 90 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 110,
+ "name": "Doryani's Epiphany",
+ "realWeight": 152.30250549316406,
+ "stackSize": 16,
+ "total": 1760
+ },
+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "The Destination", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Checkmate", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 76 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Azyran's Reward", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 155 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.130000114440918,
+ "name": "Etched in Blood",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 14.910000801086426
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 6.199999809265137,
+ "name": "The Eternal War",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 31
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.840000152587891,
+ "name": "The Emptiness",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 33.880001068115234
+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Soul", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Wretched", "realWeight": 3365.75830078125, "stackSize": 126, "total": 252 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Arena Champion", "realWeight": 11935.1669921875, "stackSize": 293, "total": 293 },
+ { "calculated": 40, "name": "The Enlightened", "realWeight": 44.07315444946289, "stackSize": 7, "total": 280 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Siren", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 31 },
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+ "calculated": 0.9700000286102295,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Costly Curio", "realWeight": 371.64141845703125, "stackSize": 29, "total": 145 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.4500000476837158,
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+ "calculated": 2.9600000381469727,
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+ "total": 118.4000015258789
+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Baited Expectations", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 52 },
+ { "calculated": 15, "name": "The Astromancer", "realWeight": 2.3797266483306885, "stackSize": 1, "total": 15 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.0199999809265137,
+ "name": "The Forgotten Treasure",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Heterochromia", "realWeight": 1363.95703125, "stackSize": 69, "total": 138 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.2300000190734863,
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+ "total": 106.59000396728516
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Garish Power", "realWeight": 4771.146484375, "stackSize": 159, "total": 159 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Journey", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 8, "name": "The Polymath", "realWeight": 152.30250549316406, "stackSize": 16, "total": 128 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 8.359999656677246,
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+ },
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+ "total": 456.1600036621094
+ },
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+ "calculated": 1.2999999523162842,
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+ "total": 53.29999923706055
+ },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Dungeon Master", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 84 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5.039999961853027,
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+ "total": 20.15999984741211
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fox", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Innocent", "realWeight": 1545.677734375, "stackSize": 75, "total": 75 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.3899999856948853,
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+ "total": 52.81999969482422
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3,
+ "name": "The Prince of Darkness",
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+ "total": 42
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.090000033378601,
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+ "total": 29.43000030517578
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Dragon", "realWeight": 6232.43017578125, "stackSize": 190, "total": 190 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Coming Storm", "realWeight": 1998.076416015625, "stackSize": 89, "total": 89 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Last One Standing", "realWeight": 892.3436279296875, "stackSize": 52, "total": 52 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Desperate Crusade", "realWeight": 75.25357055664062, "stackSize": 10, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Valkyrie", "realWeight": 3405.90576171875, "stackSize": 127, "total": 127 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Watcher", "realWeight": 3167.416015625, "stackSize": 121, "total": 121 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Witch", "realWeight": 14395.7451171875, "stackSize": 332, "total": 332 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Vinia's Token", "realWeight": 11209.5078125, "stackSize": 281, "total": 281 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lucky Deck", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 19 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Vile Power", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Heroic Shot", "realWeight": 1218.4200439453125, "stackSize": 64, "total": 192 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Sword King's Salute",
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+ "total": 328
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolf's Shadow", "realWeight": 4284.69189453125, "stackSize": 148, "total": 148 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.9299999475479126,
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+ "total": 123.5199966430664
+ },
+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "Home", "realWeight": 64.25262451171875, "stackSize": 9, "total": 180 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Blind Venture", "realWeight": 2708.113037109375, "stackSize": 109, "total": 109 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Prejudice", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Emperor of Purity", "realWeight": 1423.687255859375, "stackSize": 71, "total": 142 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lysah's Respite", "realWeight": 1576.6942138671875, "stackSize": 76, "total": 76 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.150000095367432,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Immortal Resolve", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 898.5, "name": "Love Through Ice", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Glimmer of Hope", "realWeight": 9919.201171875, "stackSize": 259, "total": 259 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.0499999523162842,
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+ "total": 38.849998474121094
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "The Archmage's Right Hand",
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+ "total": 142
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fathomless Depths", "realWeight": 1334.41357421875, "stackSize": 68, "total": 68 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Forsaken", "realWeight": 2134.28076171875, "stackSize": 93, "total": 93 },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "Monochrome", "realWeight": 391.0290222167969, "stackSize": 30, "total": 300 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Harvester", "realWeight": 16052.0078125, "stackSize": 357, "total": 357 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Master Artisan", "realWeight": 7345.66064453125, "stackSize": 212, "total": 212 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Opulent", "realWeight": 11752.33203125, "stackSize": 290, "total": 290 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Catch", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 18 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Cameria's Cut", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 9, "name": "The Scout", "realWeight": 138.2496337890625, "stackSize": 15, "total": 135 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Hunter's Resolve", "realWeight": 8031.578125, "stackSize": 225, "total": 225 },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Standoff", "realWeight": 6781.4287109375, "stackSize": 201, "total": 201 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Explorer", "realWeight": 7449.853515625, "stackSize": 214, "total": 214 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Saint's Treasure", "realWeight": 1078.462646484375, "stackSize": 59, "total": 118 },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "The Seeker", "realWeight": 371.64141845703125, "stackSize": 29, "total": 116 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wind", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 31 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lingering Remnants", "realWeight": 1734.8209228515625, "stackSize": 81, "total": 81 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Mitts", "realWeight": 6331.095703125, "stackSize": 192, "total": 192 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Left to Fate", "realWeight": 2670.93115234375, "stackSize": 108, "total": 108 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Spoiled Prince", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 31 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Poet", "realWeight": 1453.870849609375, "stackSize": 72, "total": 72 },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Brotherhood in Exile", "realWeight": 212.8492431640625, "stackSize": 20, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Thaumaturgist", "realWeight": 166.80169677734375, "stackSize": 17, "total": 85 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Golden Era", "realWeight": 997.2616577148438, "stackSize": 56, "total": 56 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Deceiver", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fletcher", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Keeper's Corruption", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 15 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Shortcut", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 60 },
+ { "calculated": 30, "name": "Deadly Joy", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 120 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Doedre's Madness", "realWeight": 11996.3212890625, "stackSize": 294, "total": 294 },
+ { "calculated": 7, "name": "Something Dark", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 182 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Abandoned Wealth", "realWeight": 430.7765197753906, "stackSize": 32, "total": 160 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Army of Blood", "realWeight": 7607.05712890625, "stackSize": 217, "total": 217 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Formless Sea", "realWeight": 2065.804443359375, "stackSize": 91, "total": 91 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Bijoux", "realWeight": 152.30250549316406, "stackSize": 16, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Jack in the Box", "realWeight": 4371.8369140625, "stackSize": 150, "total": 150 },
+ { "calculated": 10482.490234375, "name": "The Apothecary", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Carrion Crow", "realWeight": 19973.40625, "stackSize": 413, "total": 413 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 35, "name": "The Hook", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 105 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Jeweller's Boon", "realWeight": 3167.416015625, "stackSize": 121, "total": 121 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Judging Voices", "realWeight": 181.73385620117188, "stackSize": 18, "total": 90 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Sun", "realWeight": 11510.021484375, "stackSize": 286, "total": 286 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Three Voices", "realWeight": 9690.3017578125, "stackSize": 255, "total": 255 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Dialla's Subjugation", "realWeight": 1514.867431640625, "stackSize": 74, "total": 74 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Bitter Blossom", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 36 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Demigod's Wager", "realWeight": 718.3661499023438, "stackSize": 45, "total": 45 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Humility", "realWeight": 10911.65625, "stackSize": 276, "total": 276 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Blessing of Moosh", "realWeight": 2379.7265625, "stackSize": 100, "total": 200 },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Perfection", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 12 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Deal", "realWeight": 997.2616577148438, "stackSize": 56, "total": 56 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Cache", "realWeight": 6580.00830078125, "stackSize": 197, "total": 197 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 0.36000001430511475,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Rabid Rhoa", "realWeight": 5043.744140625, "stackSize": 165, "total": 165 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.390000104904175,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Penitent", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Pack Leader", "realWeight": 1607.915283203125, "stackSize": 77, "total": 77 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Card Sharp", "realWeight": 866.72705078125, "stackSize": 51, "total": 51 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Last Hope", "realWeight": 5321.3427734375, "stackSize": 171, "total": 171 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Bear Woman", "realWeight": 535.5864868164062, "stackSize": 37, "total": 37 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Merciless Armament", "realWeight": 166.80169677734375, "stackSize": 17, "total": 34 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.2699999809265137,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 127, "name": "The Sephirot", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 3175 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Forward Gaze", "realWeight": 718.3661499023438, "stackSize": 45, "total": 135 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Cataclysm", "realWeight": 1964.4957275390625, "stackSize": 88, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "Imperfect Memories", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 80 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Hermit", "realWeight": 14330.7548828125, "stackSize": 331, "total": 331 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Long Watch", "realWeight": 1334.41357421875, "stackSize": 68, "total": 68 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Call to the First Ones", "realWeight": 1334.41357421875, "stackSize": 68, "total": 68 },
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+ "calculated": 4.570000171661377,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Inoculated", "realWeight": 7087.3291015625, "stackSize": 207, "total": 207 },
+ { "calculated": 17, "name": "Gemcutter's Mercy", "realWeight": 111.54295349121094, "stackSize": 13, "total": 221 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Bones", "realWeight": 514.02099609375, "stackSize": 36, "total": 72 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.309999942779541,
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Astral Protection", "realWeight": 492.7528381347656, "stackSize": 35, "total": 35 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 50, "name": "The Samurai's Eye", "realWeight": 86.81926727294922, "stackSize": 11, "total": 550 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Destined to Crumble", "realWeight": 49172.19140625, "stackSize": 753, "total": 753 },
+ { "calculated": 25, "name": "Beauty Through Death", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 75 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Survivalist", "realWeight": 5274.732421875, "stackSize": 170, "total": 170 },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Azure Rage", "realWeight": 2670.93115234375, "stackSize": 108, "total": 216 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Undaunted", "realWeight": 892.3436279296875, "stackSize": 52, "total": 52 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Thunderous Skies", "realWeight": 9576.5224609375, "stackSize": 253, "total": 253 },
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+ "total": 20.5
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Scholar", "realWeight": 44262.1796875, "stackSize": 702, "total": 702 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.2899999618530273,
+ "name": "The Traitor",
+ "realWeight": 866.72705078125,
+ "stackSize": 51,
+ "total": 65.79000091552734
+ },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Void", "realWeight": 9633.3564453125, "stackSize": 254, "total": 762 },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "The Cursed King", "realWeight": 471.78643798828125, "stackSize": 34, "total": 136 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Puzzle", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Realm", "realWeight": 333.86639404296875, "stackSize": 27, "total": 27 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Dark Temptation", "realWeight": 9463.193359375, "stackSize": 251, "total": 251 },
+ { "calculated": 15, "name": "Magnum Opus", "realWeight": 64.25262451171875, "stackSize": 9, "total": 135 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.690000057220459,
+ "name": "The Twilight Moon",
+ "realWeight": 333.86639404296875,
+ "stackSize": 27,
+ "total": 45.630001068115234
+ },
+ { "calculated": 45, "name": "Luminous Trove", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 270 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.0099999904632568,
+ "name": "The Landing",
+ "realWeight": 742.4442749023438,
+ "stackSize": 46,
+ "total": 46.459999084472656
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Ruthless Ceinture", "realWeight": 2415.51171875, "stackSize": 101, "total": 101 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.9500000476837158,
+ "name": "Acclimatisation",
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+ "stackSize": 121,
+ "total": 235.95001220703125
+ },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "Alluring Bounty", "realWeight": 111.54295349121094, "stackSize": 13, "total": 130 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Surveyor", "realWeight": 3089.210693359375, "stackSize": 119, "total": 119 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Web", "realWeight": 8031.578125, "stackSize": 225, "total": 225 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Insatiable", "realWeight": 944.3167114257812, "stackSize": 54, "total": 162 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Luck of the Vaal", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 7.110000133514404,
+ "name": "Nook's Crown",
+ "realWeight": 2.3797266483306885,
+ "stackSize": 1,
+ "total": 7.110000133514404
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 0.9900000095367432,
+ "name": "The Flora's Gift",
+ "realWeight": 28708.181640625,
+ "stackSize": 526,
+ "total": 520.739990234375
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Drunken Aristocrat",
+ "realWeight": 2273.446044921875,
+ "stackSize": 97,
+ "total": 97
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Coveted Possession", "realWeight": 3365.75830078125, "stackSize": 126, "total": 126 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Loyalty", "realWeight": 31874.671875, "stackSize": 564, "total": 564 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2822.47998046875,
+ "name": "The Demon",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 5644.9599609375
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 14.789999961853027,
+ "name": "The Leviathan",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 29.579999923706055
+ },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "The Mind's Eyes", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 190 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.009999990463257,
+ "name": "The Offspring",
+ "realWeight": 262.4936828613281,
+ "stackSize": 23,
+ "total": 46.22999954223633
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5658.89990234375,
+ "name": "Unrequited Love",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 11317.7998046875
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Prosperity", "realWeight": 11874.1162109375, "stackSize": 292, "total": 292 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Shard of Fate", "realWeight": 5603.85595703125, "stackSize": 177, "total": 177 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Treasure Hunter", "realWeight": 816.2462158203125, "stackSize": 49, "total": 49 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 17.920000076293945,
+ "name": "The Old Man",
+ "realWeight": 2.3797266483306885,
+ "stackSize": 1,
+ "total": 17.920000076293945
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 7.960000038146973,
+ "name": "Draped in Dreams",
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+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 39.79999923706055
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.6100000143051147,
+ "name": "The Wilted Rose",
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+ "stackSize": 101,
+ "total": 162.61000061035156
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Battle Born", "realWeight": 5043.744140625, "stackSize": 165, "total": 165 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Rain of Chaos", "realWeight": 121465.9921875, "stackSize": 1376, "total": 1376 },
+ { "calculated": 3.25, "name": "Dying Anguish", "realWeight": 1305.08642578125, "stackSize": 67, "total": 217.75 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Peaceful Moments", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 57 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.7300000190734863,
+ "name": "The Life Thief",
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+ "total": 37.29999923706055
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.0299999713897705,
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+ "total": 36.04999923706055
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.2799999713897705,
+ "name": "Terrible Secret of Space",
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+ "total": 45.599998474121094
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.8300000429153442,
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+ "total": 115.29000091552734
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Rite of Elements", "realWeight": 1305.08642578125, "stackSize": 67, "total": 67 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Darkest Dream", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 25 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Scavenger", "realWeight": 2203.496826171875, "stackSize": 95, "total": 95 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Harmony of Souls", "realWeight": 138.2496337890625, "stackSize": 15, "total": 15 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.579999923706055,
+ "name": "The Enforcer",
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+ "total": 22.899999618530273
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.759999990463257,
+ "name": "Arrogance of the Vaal",
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+ "total": 121.44000244140625
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.190000057220459,
+ "name": "The Pact",
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+ "total": 104.75
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wrath", "realWeight": 8085.18115234375, "stackSize": 226, "total": 226 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Mad King", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 9,
+ "name": "Pride of the First Ones",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Cursed Words", "realWeight": 3206.7626953125, "stackSize": 122, "total": 122 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Dapper Prodigy", "realWeight": 2238.38037109375, "stackSize": 96, "total": 192 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.7899999618530273,
+ "name": "Dark Dreams",
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+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 19.529998779296875
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.9800000190734863,
+ "name": "Dementophobia",
+ "realWeight": 64.25262451171875,
+ "stackSize": 9,
+ "total": 35.81999969482422
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Fox in the Brambles",
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+ "stackSize": 38,
+ "total": 38
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.600000023841858,
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+ "total": 57.60000228881836
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Oath", "realWeight": 1607.915283203125, "stackSize": 77, "total": 77 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Porcupine", "realWeight": 3609.00927734375, "stackSize": 132, "total": 132 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Vanity", "realWeight": 2523.928955078125, "stackSize": 104, "total": 104 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 117.26000213623047,
+ "name": "Desecrated Virtue",
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+ "total": 820.8200073242188
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 22.979999542236328,
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+ "total": 160.86000061035156
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Journalist", "realWeight": 11935.1669921875, "stackSize": 293, "total": 293 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Risk", "realWeight": 5509.14453125, "stackSize": 175, "total": 175 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "A Note in the Wind", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Anarchy's Price", "realWeight": 742.4442749023438, "stackSize": 46, "total": 46 },
+ { "calculated": 13178, "name": "House of Mirrors", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Akil's Prophecy", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "Pride Before the Fall",
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+ "stackSize": 14,
+ "total": 28
+ },
+ { "calculated": 13, "name": "The Aspirant", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 52 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Earth Drinker", "realWeight": 1189.9752197265625, "stackSize": 63, "total": 63 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.9199999570846558,
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+ "total": 21.119998931884766
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Master", "realWeight": 816.2462158203125, "stackSize": 49, "total": 49 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 518.6099853515625,
+ "name": "Choking Guilt",
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+ "total": 1037.219970703125
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 15.319999694824219,
+ "name": "The Academic",
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+ "stackSize": 19,
+ "total": 291.0799865722656
+ },
+ { "calculated": 15, "name": "Winter's Embrace", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 75 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Hoarder", "realWeight": 2560.419189453125, "stackSize": 105, "total": 105 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Gemcutter's Promise", "realWeight": 6480.0595703125, "stackSize": 195, "total": 195 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Tinkerer's Table", "realWeight": 245.5619659423828, "stackSize": 22, "total": 22 },
+ { "calculated": 2.380000114440918, "name": "The Awakened", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 64.62000274658203,
+ "name": "Brother's Stash",
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+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 323.1000061035156
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.4500000476837158,
+ "name": "Light and Truth",
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+ "stackSize": 33,
+ "total": 47.85000228881836
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Time-Lost Relic", "realWeight": 6232.43017578125, "stackSize": 190, "total": 190 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Boon of the First Ones", "realWeight": 557.445556640625, "stackSize": 38, "total": 76 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Catalyst", "realWeight": 22716.732421875, "stackSize": 450, "total": 450 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Thirst for Knowledge", "realWeight": 6529.9697265625, "stackSize": 196, "total": 196 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5.840000152587891,
+ "name": "Void of the Elements",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 11.680000305175781
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Her Mask", "realWeight": 8792.7333984375, "stackSize": 239, "total": 239 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Tumbleweed", "realWeight": 75.25357055664062, "stackSize": 10, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Council of Cats", "realWeight": 152.30250549316406, "stackSize": 16, "total": 48 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.9600000381469727,
+ "name": "The Enthusiasts",
+ "realWeight": 371.64141845703125,
+ "stackSize": 29,
+ "total": 56.84000015258789
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gladiator", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Divine Justice", "realWeight": 229.01080322265625, "stackSize": 21, "total": 63 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 44,
+ "name": "A Fate Worse Than Death",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 308
+ },
+ { "calculated": 16, "name": "The Damned", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Trial", "realWeight": 5842.97705078125, "stackSize": 182, "total": 182 },
+ { "calculated": 9, "name": "The Long Con", "realWeight": 86.81926727294922, "stackSize": 11, "total": 99 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Justified Ambition", "realWeight": 471.78643798828125, "stackSize": 34, "total": 102 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Valley of Steel Boxes", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Endurance", "realWeight": 6036.65771484375, "stackSize": 186, "total": 186 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Treasures of the Vaal", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Unchained", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 56 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Gift of the Gemling Queen",
+ "realWeight": 1702.7939453125,
+ "stackSize": 80,
+ "total": 80
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Hubris", "realWeight": 5368.08935546875, "stackSize": 172, "total": 172 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Feast", "realWeight": 2415.51171875, "stackSize": 101, "total": 101 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Volatile Power", "realWeight": 5891.19921875, "stackSize": 183, "total": 183 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Emperor's Luck", "realWeight": 45306.58984375, "stackSize": 713, "total": 713 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Struck by Lightning", "realWeight": 4816.228515625, "stackSize": 160, "total": 160 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Mercenary", "realWeight": 1832.08642578125, "stackSize": 84, "total": 84 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolverine", "realWeight": 1484.2645263671875, "stackSize": 73, "total": 73 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Hope", "realWeight": 2065.804443359375, "stackSize": 91, "total": 91 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Encroaching Darkness",
+ "realWeight": 892.3436279296875,
+ "stackSize": 52,
+ "total": 52
+ },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Guardian's Challenge", "realWeight": 816.2462158203125, "stackSize": 49, "total": 147 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Aesthete", "realWeight": 6430.2763671875, "stackSize": 194, "total": 194 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Easy Stroll", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 160 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Endless Darkness", "realWeight": 64.25262451171875, "stackSize": 9, "total": 18 },
+ { "calculated": 1347.75, "name": "The Fiend", "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785, "stackSize": 2, "total": 2695.5 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.8600000143051147,
+ "name": "The Lord of Celebration",
+ "realWeight": 579.5941772460938,
+ "stackSize": 39,
+ "total": 72.54000091552734
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Lion", "realWeight": 4503.64599609375, "stackSize": 153, "total": 153 },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "The Sacrifice", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 60 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.119999885559082,
+ "name": "The Side Quest",
+ "realWeight": 624.7451782226562,
+ "stackSize": 41,
+ "total": 127.91999816894531
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Sigil", "realWeight": 7241.958984375, "stackSize": 210, "total": 210 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Betrayal", "realWeight": 2820.681884765625, "stackSize": 112, "total": 112 },
+ { "calculated": 5.75, "name": "The Sustenance", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Union", "realWeight": 4198.13427734375, "stackSize": 146, "total": 146 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The One With All", "realWeight": 2415.51171875, "stackSize": 101, "total": 101 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The White Knight", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 25 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.190000057220459,
+ "name": "Bowyer's Dream",
+ "realWeight": 111.54295349121094,
+ "stackSize": 13,
+ "total": 28.470001220703125
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Demoness", "realWeight": 8682.595703125, "stackSize": 237, "total": 237 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Buried Treasure", "realWeight": 1024.0928955078125, "stackSize": 57, "total": 57 },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "Gift of Asenath", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 120 },
+ { "calculated": 5870.2001953125, "name": "The Price of Devotion", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 149.6999969482422,
+ "name": "Wealth and Power",
+ "realWeight": 12.365421295166016,
+ "stackSize": 3,
+ "total": 449.0999755859375
+ },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Ambitious Obsession", "realWeight": 53.84706497192383, "stackSize": 8, "total": 32 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.9800000190734863,
+ "name": "The Cacophony",
+ "realWeight": 197.08677673339844,
+ "stackSize": 19,
+ "total": 56.619998931884766
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.6500000953674316,
+ "name": "Atziri's Arsenal",
+ "realWeight": 1423.687255859375,
+ "stackSize": 71,
+ "total": 188.15000915527344
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Assassin's Favour", "realWeight": 8246.7021484375, "stackSize": 229, "total": 229 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 222.86000061035156,
+ "name": "The Cheater",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 445.7200012207031
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3,
+ "name": "Brush, Paint and Palette",
+ "realWeight": 410.74249267578125,
+ "stackSize": 31,
+ "total": 93
+ },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Professor", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 84 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fool", "realWeight": 2451.474365234375, "stackSize": 102, "total": 102 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Metalsmith's Gift", "realWeight": 31536.181640625, "stackSize": 560, "total": 560 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 34.349998474121094,
+ "name": "The Gulf",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 171.75
+ }
diff --git a/src/components/FileCard/FileCard.story.vue b/src/components/FileCard/FileCard.story.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..460bbf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FileCard/FileCard.story.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/src/components/FileCard/FileCard.vue b/src/components/FileCard/FileCard.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..add2ed46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FileCard/FileCard.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ {{ notCards }}
{{ fileContent.filename }}
{{ nf.format(price) }}

$emit('update:selected', (e.target as HTMLInputElement).checked)"
+ />
+ {{ error }}
diff --git a/src/components/FileCard/FixedIcon.vue b/src/components/FileCard/FixedIcon.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..725a250c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FileCard/FixedIcon.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/src/components/FileCard/dummy.ts b/src/components/FileCard/dummy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ac63b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FileCard/dummy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { Contents } from '../../types';
+import fileCardPropsJson from './fileCardProps.json' assert { type: 'json' };
+export const fileCardProps: Contents = fileCardPropsJson;
diff --git a/src/components/FileCard/fileCardProps.json b/src/components/FileCard/fileCardProps.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bf75a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FileCard/fileCardProps.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
+ "fixedNames": {},
+ "notCards": [],
+ "id": "b703a5bf-9a01-40f2-91b5-41498847aeea",
+ "fileContent": {
+ "text": "stackSize,name,calculated,total\n17,Merciless Armament,1.99,33.83\n173,The Penitent,1.0,173.0\n36,The Bones,1.0,36.0\n29,The Enthusiasts,2.0,58.0\n0,The Greatest Intentions,12.44,0.0\n6,The Sacrifice,20.0,120.0\n15,Pride of the First Ones,8.0,120.0\n51,The Traitor,2.0,102.0\n132,The Porcupine,1.88,248.16\n3,Beauty Through Death,13.61,40.829998\n21,Divine Justice,2.0,42.0\n16,The Road to Power,3.0,48.0\n153,The Surgeon,1.0,153.0\n91,The Formless Sea,1.26,114.659996\n293,The Journalist,1.0,293.0\n165,The Rabid Rhoa,1.0,165.0\n47,Sambodhi's Wisdom,1.0,47.0\n5,The Progeny of Lunaris,5.0,25.0\n2,Choking Guilt,428.09,856.18\n4,The Aspirant,10.0,40.0\n5,The Eternal War,6.22,31.099998\n88,Forbidden Power,1.0,88.0\n1376,Rain of Chaos,1.0,1376.0\n108,Azure Rage,1.0,108.0\n31,The Spoiled Prince,1.37,42.47\n450,The Catalyst,1.0,450.0\n212,The Master Artisan,1.0,212.0\n69,Death,2.0,138.0\n281,Vinia's Token,1.37,384.97\n19,Peaceful Moments,3.0,57.0\n46,The Landing,2.0,92.0\n49,The Primordial,1.0,49.0\n0,The Sustenance,6.0,0.0\n254,The Void,2.0,508.0\n56,The Deal,2.0,112.0\n127,The Valkyrie,2.0,254.0\n5,Altered Perception,10.0,50.0\n186,The Endurance,1.0,186.0\n121,The Jeweller's Boon,1.0,121.0\n220,The Adventuring Spirit,1.0,220.0\n1,A Familiar Call,7.0,7.0\n25,Haunting Shadows,4.28,107.00001\n237,The Demoness,1.0,237.0\n77,The Oath,1.0,77.0\n31,The Siren,2.0,62.0\n39,The Spark and the Flame,1.61,62.79\n51,The Card Sharp,2.0,102.0\n5,The White Knight,3.99,19.95\n2,Unrequited Love,5307.75,10615.5\n195,Gemcutter's Promise,1.0,195.0\n0,Love Through Ice,933.76,0.0\n146,The Union,1.0,146.0\n219,A Sea of Blue,2.0,438.0\n69,Heterochromia,1.0,69.0\n172,Hubris,1.0,172.0\n0,The Awakened,5.0,0.0\n121,The Watcher,1.0,121.0\n170,The Wolf,1.0,170.0\n2,The Fiend,1743.98,3487.96\n3,Wealth and Power,181.98,545.94\n1,The Astromancer,15.0,15.0\n35,Echoes of Love,2.0,70.0\n5,The Rabbit's Foot,7.0,35.0\n33,Lachrymal Necrosis,2.69,88.770004\n17,The Thaumaturgist,5.0,85.0\n31,The Wind,1.0,31.0\n9,Rebirth,3.0,27.0\n4,Succor of the Sinless,150.0,600.0\n13,Gemcutter's Mercy,17.24,224.12\n13,The Throne,4.0,52.0\n5,Draped in Dreams,5.0,25.0\n674,The King's Blade,1.0,674.0\n19,The Shepherd's Sandals,3.0,57.0\n30,Deathly Designs,3.0,90.0\n3,The Shieldbearer,758.25,2274.75\n268,Imperial Legacy,0.44,117.92\n293,The Arena Champion,1.0,293.0\n76,The Admirer,1.0,76.0\n27,The Jester,2.0,54.0\n32,Abandoned Wealth,5.0,160.0\n109,Blind Venture,1.0,109.0\n31,Azyran's Reward,4.0,124.0\n57,Buried Treasure,1.0,57.0\n234,The Chains that Bind,1.0,234.0\n10,The Life Thief,1.2,12.0\n183,The Tower,1.0,183.0\n80,The Easy Stroll,2.0,160.0\n52,The Encroaching Darkness,1.0,52.0\n0,The Apothecary,9553.95,0.0\n5,Remembrance,10.0,50.0\n331,The Hermit,1.0,331.0\n229,Assassin's Favour,1.0,229.0\n148,The Wolf's Shadow,1.0,148.0\n39,The Lord of Celebration,2.0,78.0\n2,The Demon,2858.14,5716.28\n16,Bijoux,5.0,80.0\n67,Dying Anguish,1.0,67.0\n27,The Craving,2.0,54.0\n28,Disdain,2.0,56.0\n9,Lethean Temptation,5.0,45.0\n15,Harmony of Souls,2.09,31.349998\n328,The Sword King's Salute,1.0,328.0\n446,Three Faces in the Dark,1.0,446.0\n0,The Iron Bard,0.0,0.0\n136,The Calling,1.0,136.0\n27,The Realm,1.0,27.0\n231,Boon of Justice,1.0,231.0\n5,Winter's Embrace,15.0,75.0\n278,Rain Tempter,1.0,278.0\n7,Dark Dreams,3.0,21.0\n0,Vile Power,0.0,0.0\n2,The Vast,9.25,18.5\n80,The Fox,1.0,80.0\n26,Baited Expectations,1.03,26.779999\n5,The Eye of Terror,8.0,40.0\n41,The Conduit,3.78,154.98\n33,Light and Truth,1.97,65.01\n28,The Professor,3.0,84.0\n125,Society's Remorse,1.0,125.0\n210,The Sigil,1.0,210.0\n255,The Warden,1.0,255.0\n412,The Gemcutter,1.0,412.0\n13,Bowyer's Dream,2.0,26.0\n16,Doryani's Epiphany,107.97,1727.52\n198,Lucky Connections,1.0,198.0\n5,The Gulf,25.0,125.0\n240,Turn the Other Cheek,1.0,240.0\n5,The World Eater,3.73,18.65\n0,Friendship,0.0,0.0\n80,The Deceiver,1.0,80.0\n11,The Queen,2.0,22.0\n165,The Battle Born,1.0,165.0\n175,The Inventor,1.97,344.75\n7,A Fate Worse Than Death,45.0,315.0\n101,The One With All,1.0,101.0\n101,The Wilted Rose,1.96,197.96\n95,The Scavenger,1.0,95.0\n14,Pride Before the Fall,2.0,28.0\n253,Thunderous Skies,1.0,253.0\n190,Time-Lost Relic,1.0,190.0\n276,Humility,1.0,276.0\n112,The Betrayal,1.17,131.04\n19,The Cacophony,2.0,38.0\n126,Coveted Possession,1.0,126.0\n108,Left to Fate,1.65,178.2\n25,Chasing Risk,4.0,100.0\n292,Prosperity,1.0,292.0\n49,Treasure Hunter,1.0,49.0\n40,The Celestial Justicar,1.13,45.2\n81,Lingering Remnants,1.0,81.0\n16,A Modest Request,10.0,160.0\n2,Prometheus' Armoury,3.0,6.0\n64,The Heroic Shot,2.0,128.0\n29,The King's Heart,2.0,58.0\n29,The Seeker,4.0,116.0\n122,Cursed Words,1.0,122.0\n21,The Chosen,10.0,210.0\n702,The Scholar,1.0,702.0\n226,The Wrath,1.0,226.0\n0,A Note in the Wind,0.0,0.0\n54,The Insatiable,1.0,54.0\n154,Cartographer's Delight,1.0,154.0\n40,The Wolven King's Bite,2.0,80.0\n18,The Avenger,2.97,53.46\n44,The Journey,2.0,88.0\n0,The Price of Devotion,5583.04,0.0\n1,Nook's Crown,7.92,7.92\n5,The Immortal,1137.38,5686.9\n2,The Leviathan,10.0,20.0\n104,Vanity,1.0,104.0\n0,The Valley of Steel Boxes,0.0,0.0\n33,A Dab of Ink,2.0,66.0\n9,The Endless Darkness,2.0,18.0\n286,The Sun,1.0,286.0\n12,Gift of Asenath,13.79,165.48\n225,The Web,1.0,225.0\n77,Tranquillity,1.0,77.0\n197,The Cache,1.0,197.0\n44,Cameria's Cut,1.0,44.0\n182,The Trial,1.0,182.0\n5,The Dragon's Heart,50.0,250.0\n126,The Eye of the Dragon,1.0,126.0\n3,The Strategist,30.0,90.0\n16,Council of Cats,3.0,48.0\n0,House of Mirrors,11373.75,0.0\n239,Her Mask,1.0,239.0\n564,Loyalty,1.0,564.0\n45,Demigod's Wager,2.0,90.0\n190,The Dragon,1.0,190.0\n80,The Fletcher,1.0,80.0\n159,The Garish Power,1.6,254.40001\n1,The One That Got Away,17.99,17.99\n173,The Gladiator,1.0,173.0\n290,The Opulent,1.0,290.0\n20,Brotherhood in Exile,3.74,74.8\n88,The Cataclysm,1.0,88.0\n17,The Brawny Battle Mage,2.48,42.16\n294,Doedre's Madness,1.0,294.0\n97,The Drunken Aristocrat,1.07,103.79001\n20,Terrible Secret of Space,3.0,60.0\n177,Shard of Fate,1.0,177.0\n105,The Hoarder,1.0,105.0\n77,The Pack Leader,1.0,77.0\n96,A Mother's Parting Gift,1.0,96.0\n713,Emperor's Luck,1.0,713.0\n2,Further Invention,5.0,10.0\n6,The Catch,5.0,30.0\n67,Broken Truce,1.0,67.0\n4,Dying Light,5.95,23.8\n8,Ambitious Obsession,3.0,24.0\n38,The Fox in the Brambles,1.11,42.18\n63,The Incantation,2.0,126.0\n41,The Side Quest,2.0,82.0\n28,The Dungeon Master,3.0,84.0\n25,The Soul,2.0,50.0\n100,The Blessing of Moosh,1.0,100.0\n11,Rebirth and Renewal,3.91,43.010002\n272,The Tireless Extractor,1.0,272.0\n124,Grave Knowledge,1.0,124.0\n37,The Bear Woman,2.0,74.0\n21,The Bargain,5.0,105.0\n10,The Tumbleweed,5.0,50.0\n160,The Skeleton,1.0,160.0\n237,The Visionary,1.0,237.0\n63,The Gentleman,1.0,63.0\n0,The Devastator,0.0,0.0\n4,Imperfect Memories,20.0,80.0\n3,Fateful Meeting,10.0,30.0\n52,The Last One Standing,1.19,61.880005\n119,Chaotic Disposition,5.0,595.0\n357,The Harvester,1.0,357.0\n5,The Undisputed,5.0,25.0\n72,The Poet,1.0,72.0\n0,Birth of the Three,0.0,0.0\n214,The Explorer,1.0,214.0\n918,The Lover,1.0,918.0\n142,The Body,1.0,142.0\n22,The Tinkerer's Table,1.58,34.760002\n19,The Academic,19.0,361.0\n56,The Golden Era,2.0,112.0\n74,The Wolf's Legacy,1.0,74.0\n28,Unchained,2.0,56.0\n0,Luck of the Vaal,0.0,0.0\n26,Something Dark,7.0,182.0\n175,The Stormcaller,1.0,175.0\n0,The Mad King,0.0,0.0\n35,The Offering,2.0,70.0\n3,The Hook,28.92,86.76\n68,Call to the First Ones,1.17,79.56\n63,Earth Drinker,1.0,63.0\n74,Dialla's Subjugation,2.0,148.0\n84,The Mercenary,1.0,84.0\n8,The Artist,28.0,224.0\n59,The Saint's Treasure,2.0,118.0\n19,Checkmate,2.97,56.43\n25,The Sephirot,130.0,3250.0\n186,The Summoner,1.0,186.0\n2,Void of the Elements,5.0,10.0\n101,The Ruthless Ceinture,1.0,101.0\n121,Acclimatisation,1.89,228.69\n25,The Pact,2.0,50.0\n7,Etched in Blood,4.77,33.39\n753,Destined to Crumble,1.0,753.0\n0,The Transformation,0.0,0.0\n255,Three Voices,1.0,255.0\n71,Atziri's Arsenal,2.0,142.0\n0,The Doctor,3033.0,0.0\n183,Volatile Power,1.0,183.0\n141,The Lich,1.0,141.0\n377,The Scarred Meadow,1.0,377.0\n12,Audacity,1.0,12.0\n23,Mawr Blaidd,5.0,115.0\n71,Emperor of Purity,2.0,142.0\n14,From Bone to Ashes,2.0,28.0\n44,The Magma Crab,2.0,88.0\n45,The Forward Gaze,2.18,98.100006\n16,The Polymath,5.0,80.0\n12,The Bitter Blossom,5.0,60.0\n170,The Survivalist,1.0,170.0\n49,Guardian's Challenge,2.0,98.0\n97,No Traces,1.0,97.0\n44,Immortal Resolve,2.0,88.0\n360,Rats,1.0,360.0\n44,Arrogance of the Vaal,2.98,131.12\n259,Glimmer of Hope,1.0,259.0\n150,Jack in the Box,1.0,150.0\n12,Misery in Darkness,3.0,36.0\n194,The Aesthete,1.0,194.0\n5,The Enforcer,7.0,35.0\n118,Might is Right,1.0,118.0\n192,Mitts,1.0,192.0\n282,The Blazing Fire,1.0,282.0\n37,More is Never Enough,1.99,73.63\n34,The Cursed King,1.0,34.0\n192,The Cartographer,1.12,215.04001\n6,Luminous Trove,45.0,270.0\n3,Perfection,3.28,9.84\n9,Home,20.0,180.0\n367,Lantador's Lost Love,1.0,367.0\n19,The Escape,5.0,95.0\n102,The Fool,2.0,204.0\n93,The Forsaken,1.0,93.0\n207,The Inoculated,2.0,414.0\n67,The Rite of Elements,1.0,67.0\n201,The Standoff,1.0,201.0\n119,The Surveyor,1.0,119.0\n6,The Hale Heart,3.0,18.0\n38,Boon of the First Ones,1.0,38.0\n5,Seven Years Bad Luck,348.8,1744.0\n68,The Fathomless Depths,1.0,68.0\n1,The Old Man,5.0,5.0\n27,The Twilight Moon,2.0,54.0\n16,The Deep Ones,2.0,32.0\n26,The Forgotten Treasure,5.0,130.0\n19,The Mind's Eyes,9.0,171.0\n332,The Witch,1.0,332.0\n46,Anarchy's Price,1.37,63.02\n126,The Wretched,2.0,252.0\n0,Blessing of God,0.0,0.0\n0,Treasures of the Vaal,0.0,0.0\n6,Burning Blood,3.31,19.86\n76,The Beast,1.0,76.0\n14,The Dreamer,3.0,42.0\n171,Last Hope,1.0,171.0\n9,Magnum Opus,20.0,180.0\n31,\"Brush, Paint and Palette\",4.05,125.55\n38,The Ethereal,2.0,76.0\n6,Eternal Bonds,40.0,240.0\n89,The Last Supper,1.0,89.0\n68,The Long Watch,1.0,68.0\n173,The Puzzle,2.0,346.0\n15,The Scout,5.0,75.0\n13,Alluring Bounty,10.0,130.0\n7,Darker Half,50.0,350.0\n33,The Breach,2.0,66.0\n251,Dark Temptation,1.0,251.0\n18,A Stone Perfected,5.0,90.0\n186,Alone in the Darkness,1.0,186.0\n10,Desperate Crusade,5.0,50.0\n44,The Patient,42.0,1848.0\n150,The Twins,1.0,150.0\n526,The Flora's Gift,1.0,526.0\n73,The Wolverine,1.73,126.29\n9,Dementophobia,5.0,45.0\n26,Reckless Ambition,1.47,38.22\n50,The Dark Mage,1.0,50.0\n88,The Dreamland,1.0,88.0\n7,The Enlightened,35.0,245.0\n35,Astral Protection,1.95,68.25\n157,The Mountain,1.0,157.0\n36,The Hunger,2.0,72.0\n64,Triskaidekaphobia,2.0,128.0\n560,The Metalsmith's Gift,1.0,560.0\n7,The Emptiness,3.0,21.0\n27,Hunter's Reward,2.0,54.0\n160,Struck by Lightning,1.0,160.0\n30,Monochrome,15.0,450.0\n34,The Eldritch Decay,4.0,136.0\n7,Desecrated Virtue,116.69,816.83\n34,The Whiteout,2.0,68.0\n91,Hope,1.67,151.97\n26,Silence and Frost,3.0,78.0\n153,The Lion,1.0,153.0\n4,Duality,7.0,28.0\n75,The Innocent,2.0,150.0\n71,The Archmage's Right Hand,2.0,142.0\n100,Scholar of the Seas,1.0,100.0\n226,The Lunaris Priestess,1.0,226.0\n34,The Unexpected Prize,2.0,68.0\n0,The Mayor,0.0,0.0\n4,The Fishmonger,4.59,18.36\n0,Akil's Prophecy,0.0,0.0\n217,The Army of Blood,1.0,217.0\n25,The Darkest Dream,2.0,50.0\n5,The Damned,15.0,75.0\n23,The Offspring,1.41,32.43\n3,Keeper's Corruption,4.0,12.0\n40,Parasitic Passengers,2.0,80.0\n19,Lucky Deck,2.0,38.0\n173,Boundless Realms,1.0,173.0\n61,The Lord in Black,2.0,122.0\n0,Squandered Prosperity,0.0,0.0\n144,Sambodhi's Vow,2.0,288.0\n80,Gift of the Gemling Queen,1.0,80.0\n4,The Price of Loyalty,100.0,400.0\n11,The Samurai's Eye,55.0,605.0\n4,The Destination,20.0,80.0\n175,The Risk,3.0,525.0\n11,The Long Con,8.0,88.0\n27,The Obscured,1.0,27.0\n5,Brother's Stash,55.5,277.5\n413,The Carrion Crow,1.0,413.0\n58,The Messenger,1.24,71.92\n12,The Nurse,363.96,4367.52\n25,Endless Night,2.0,50.0\n420,The Doppelganger,1.0,420.0\n79,Underground Forest,4.0,316.0\n80,Prejudice,2.0,160.0\n2,The Cheater,251.19,502.38\n89,The Coming Storm,1.0,89.0\n225,Hunter's Resolve,1.0,225.0\n13,The Price of Prescience,4.58,59.54\n101,The Feast,1.0,101.0\n62,The Price of Protection,2.0,124.0\n76,Lysah's Respite,1.0,76.0\n52,The Undaunted,3.0,156.0\n4,Deadly Joy,44.14,176.56\n18,Judging Voices,6.0,108.0\n96,The Dapper Prodigy,2.0,192.0\n2,The Hive of Knowledge,5.0,10.0\n4,Broken Promises,30.0,120.0\n25,The Tyrant,2.0,50.0\n196,Thirst for Knowledge,1.0,196.0\n44,The Warlord,2.0,88.0\n243,Lost Worlds,1.0,243.0\n6,The Celestial Stone,4.19,25.14\n29,Costly Curio,4.0,116.0\n12,The Shortcut,5.0,60.0\n13,The Brittle Emperor,2.0,26.0\n49,The Master,1.0,49.0\n157,The Gambler,1.0,157.0\n14,The Prince of Darkness,3.0,42.0\n34,Justified Ambition,5.65,192.1\n",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Burning Blood", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 24 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.75,
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+ "total": 90.75
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Mountain", "realWeight": 4681.40869140625, "stackSize": 157, "total": 157 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 6.289999961853027,
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+ "total": 25.15999984741211
+ },
+ { "calculated": 33, "name": "The Patient", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 1452 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Whiteout", "realWeight": 471.78643798828125, "stackSize": 34, "total": 68 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Silence and Frost", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 78 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.399999976158142,
+ "name": "The Brittle Emperor",
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+ "total": 18.19999885559082
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Might is Right", "realWeight": 3050.35302734375, "stackSize": 118, "total": 118 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Haunting Shadows", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 50 },
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+ "calculated": 3.5999999046325684,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Tranquillity", "realWeight": 1607.915283203125, "stackSize": 77, "total": 77 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gemcutter", "realWeight": 19900.91015625, "stackSize": 412, "total": 412 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4,
+ "name": "The Eldritch Decay",
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+ "total": 136
+ },
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+ "calculated": 4.619999885559082,
+ "name": "Mawr Blaidd",
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+ "total": 106.25999450683594
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Adventuring Spirit",
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+ "total": 220
+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Escape", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 95 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "Chaotic Disposition",
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+ "stackSize": 119,
+ "total": 595
+ },
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+ "calculated": 1.5800000429153442,
+ "name": "Parasitic Passengers",
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+ "total": 63.20000076293945
+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The King's Heart", "realWeight": 371.64141845703125, "stackSize": 29, "total": 58 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.1100000143051147,
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+ },
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+ "total": 184.25999450683594
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Inventor", "realWeight": 5509.14453125, "stackSize": 175, "total": 175 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3,
+ "name": "The Celestial Stone",
+ "realWeight": 34.974693298339844,
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+ "total": 18
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Grave Knowledge", "realWeight": 3285.93994140625, "stackSize": 124, "total": 124 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 7.360000133514404,
+ "name": "Dying Light",
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+ "total": 29.440000534057617
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Disdain", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 28 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Forbidden Power", "realWeight": 1964.4957275390625, "stackSize": 88, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Death", "realWeight": 1363.95703125, "stackSize": 69, "total": 138 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "Misery in Darkness",
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+ "total": 24
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Blazing Fire", "realWeight": 11269.3984375, "stackSize": 282, "total": 282 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5.980000019073486,
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+ "total": 11.960000038146973
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Messenger", "realWeight": 1051.16064453125, "stackSize": 58, "total": 58 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolf", "realWeight": 5274.732421875, "stackSize": 170, "total": 170 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Friendship", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Squandered Prosperity", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Cartographer's Delight",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Broken Truce", "realWeight": 1305.08642578125, "stackSize": 67, "total": 67 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Beast", "realWeight": 1576.6942138671875, "stackSize": 76, "total": 76 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Hale Heart", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 18 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Dreamland", "realWeight": 1964.4957275390625, "stackSize": 88, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Doppelganger", "realWeight": 20483.353515625, "stackSize": 420, "total": 420 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Twins", "realWeight": 4371.8369140625, "stackSize": 150, "total": 150 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "Rebirth and Renewal",
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+ "total": 55
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Dark Mage", "realWeight": 841.3604125976562, "stackSize": 50, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 299.5, "name": "The Nurse", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 3594 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Warden", "realWeight": 9690.3017578125, "stackSize": 255, "total": 255 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Body", "realWeight": 4026.795654296875, "stackSize": 142, "total": 142 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "The Price of Prescience",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Iron Bard", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Tyrant", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 25 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Eye of the Dragon",
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+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Stormcaller", "realWeight": 5509.14453125, "stackSize": 175, "total": 175 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Rain Tempter", "realWeight": 11030.4755859375, "stackSize": 278, "total": 278 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Cartographer", "realWeight": 6331.095703125, "stackSize": 192, "total": 576 },
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+ "calculated": 58.56999969482422,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Calling", "realWeight": 3774.29150390625, "stackSize": 136, "total": 136 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Blessing of God", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Sambodhi's Wisdom", "realWeight": 766.7855224609375, "stackSize": 47, "total": 94 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Devastator", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Boundless Realms", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gambler", "realWeight": 4681.40869140625, "stackSize": 157, "total": 157 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Magma Crab", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 88 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Visionary", "realWeight": 8682.595703125, "stackSize": 237, "total": 237 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Mayor", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Tower", "realWeight": 5891.19921875, "stackSize": 183, "total": 183 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
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+ },
+ {
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+ { "calculated": 30, "name": "Broken Promises", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 120 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Rats", "realWeight": 16254.7705078125, "stackSize": 360, "total": 360 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Scholar of the Seas", "realWeight": 2379.7265625, "stackSize": 100, "total": 100 },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "The Price of Protection",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Boon of Justice", "realWeight": 8354.97265625, "stackSize": 231, "total": 231 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Summoner", "realWeight": 6036.65771484375, "stackSize": 186, "total": 186 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Warlord", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Reckless Ambition", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 26 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolf's Legacy", "realWeight": 1514.867431640625, "stackSize": 74, "total": 74 },
+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "The Artist", "realWeight": 53.84706497192383, "stackSize": 8, "total": 160 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gentleman", "realWeight": 1189.9752197265625, "stackSize": 63, "total": 63 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "A Sea of Blue", "realWeight": 7712.4658203125, "stackSize": 219, "total": 219 },
+ { "calculated": 29, "name": "The Strategist", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 87 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Lover", "realWeight": 66189.8046875, "stackSize": 918, "total": 918 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
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+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "The Destination", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Checkmate", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 76 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Azyran's Reward", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 155 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Soul", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Wretched", "realWeight": 3365.75830078125, "stackSize": 126, "total": 252 },
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+ { "calculated": 40, "name": "The Enlightened", "realWeight": 44.07315444946289, "stackSize": 7, "total": 280 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Siren", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 31 },
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+ { "calculated": 15, "name": "The Astromancer", "realWeight": 2.3797266483306885, "stackSize": 1, "total": 15 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Garish Power", "realWeight": 4771.146484375, "stackSize": 159, "total": 159 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Journey", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 8, "name": "The Polymath", "realWeight": 152.30250549316406, "stackSize": 16, "total": 128 },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fox", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Innocent", "realWeight": 1545.677734375, "stackSize": 75, "total": 75 },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Dragon", "realWeight": 6232.43017578125, "stackSize": 190, "total": 190 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Coming Storm", "realWeight": 1998.076416015625, "stackSize": 89, "total": 89 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Desperate Crusade", "realWeight": 75.25357055664062, "stackSize": 10, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Valkyrie", "realWeight": 3405.90576171875, "stackSize": 127, "total": 127 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Watcher", "realWeight": 3167.416015625, "stackSize": 121, "total": 121 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Witch", "realWeight": 14395.7451171875, "stackSize": 332, "total": 332 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Vinia's Token", "realWeight": 11209.5078125, "stackSize": 281, "total": 281 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lucky Deck", "realWeight": 197.08677673339844, "stackSize": 19, "total": 19 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Vile Power", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Heroic Shot", "realWeight": 1218.4200439453125, "stackSize": 64, "total": 192 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 20, "name": "Home", "realWeight": 64.25262451171875, "stackSize": 9, "total": 180 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Blind Venture", "realWeight": 2708.113037109375, "stackSize": 109, "total": 109 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Prejudice", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
+ {
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+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Lysah's Respite", "realWeight": 1576.6942138671875, "stackSize": 76, "total": 76 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Immortal Resolve", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 898.5, "name": "Love Through Ice", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Glimmer of Hope", "realWeight": 9919.201171875, "stackSize": 259, "total": 259 },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Forsaken", "realWeight": 2134.28076171875, "stackSize": 93, "total": 93 },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "Monochrome", "realWeight": 391.0290222167969, "stackSize": 30, "total": 300 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Harvester", "realWeight": 16052.0078125, "stackSize": 357, "total": 357 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
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+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Opulent", "realWeight": 11752.33203125, "stackSize": 290, "total": 290 },
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+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Cameria's Cut", "realWeight": 694.5541381835938, "stackSize": 44, "total": 44 },
+ { "calculated": 9, "name": "The Scout", "realWeight": 138.2496337890625, "stackSize": 15, "total": 135 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Hunter's Resolve", "realWeight": 8031.578125, "stackSize": 225, "total": 225 },
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+ "total": 2868.239990234375
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Standoff", "realWeight": 6781.4287109375, "stackSize": 201, "total": 201 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Explorer", "realWeight": 7449.853515625, "stackSize": 214, "total": 214 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "The Saint's Treasure",
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+ "total": 118
+ },
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+ "total": 6.449999809265137
+ },
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+ "calculated": 9.779999732971191,
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+ "total": 205.37998962402344
+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "The Seeker", "realWeight": 371.64141845703125, "stackSize": 29, "total": 116 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wind", "realWeight": 410.74249267578125, "stackSize": 31, "total": 31 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Three Faces in the Dark",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "calculated": 0.41999998688697815,
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+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Lingering Remnants",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Mitts", "realWeight": 6331.095703125, "stackSize": 192, "total": 192 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Left to Fate", "realWeight": 2670.93115234375, "stackSize": 108, "total": 108 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 359.3999938964844,
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+ "total": 1797
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "The Spoiled Prince",
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+ "total": 31
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Poet", "realWeight": 1453.870849609375, "stackSize": 72, "total": 72 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4,
+ "name": "Brotherhood in Exile",
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+ "total": 80
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "The Thaumaturgist",
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+ "total": 85
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Golden Era", "realWeight": 997.2616577148438, "stackSize": 56, "total": 56 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Deceiver", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
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+ "calculated": 0.7300000190734863,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fletcher", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 80 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5,
+ "name": "Keeper's Corruption",
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Shortcut", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 60 },
+ { "calculated": 30, "name": "Deadly Joy", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 120 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Doedre's Madness", "realWeight": 11996.3212890625, "stackSize": 294, "total": 294 },
+ { "calculated": 7, "name": "Something Dark", "realWeight": 315.4911193847656, "stackSize": 26, "total": 182 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Abandoned Wealth", "realWeight": 430.7765197753906, "stackSize": 32, "total": 160 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Army of Blood",
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+ "total": 217
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Formless Sea", "realWeight": 2065.804443359375, "stackSize": 91, "total": 91 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Bijoux", "realWeight": 152.30250549316406, "stackSize": 16, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Jack in the Box", "realWeight": 4371.8369140625, "stackSize": 150, "total": 150 },
+ { "calculated": 10482.490234375, "name": "The Apothecary", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Carrion Crow", "realWeight": 19973.40625, "stackSize": 413, "total": 413 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 35, "name": "The Hook", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 105 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "Judging Voices", "realWeight": 181.73385620117188, "stackSize": 18, "total": 90 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Sun", "realWeight": 11510.021484375, "stackSize": 286, "total": 286 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Three Voices", "realWeight": 9690.3017578125, "stackSize": 255, "total": 255 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Demigod's Wager", "realWeight": 718.3661499023438, "stackSize": 45, "total": 45 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Humility", "realWeight": 10911.65625, "stackSize": 276, "total": 276 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "Perfection", "realWeight": 12.365421295166016, "stackSize": 3, "total": 12 },
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+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Deal", "realWeight": 997.2616577148438, "stackSize": 56, "total": 56 },
+ {
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Cache", "realWeight": 6580.00830078125, "stackSize": 197, "total": 197 },
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Penitent", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Pack Leader", "realWeight": 1607.915283203125, "stackSize": 77, "total": 77 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Card Sharp", "realWeight": 866.72705078125, "stackSize": 51, "total": 51 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Last Hope", "realWeight": 5321.3427734375, "stackSize": 171, "total": 171 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Bear Woman", "realWeight": 535.5864868164062, "stackSize": 37, "total": 37 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 127, "name": "The Sephirot", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 3175 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Forward Gaze", "realWeight": 718.3661499023438, "stackSize": 45, "total": 135 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Cataclysm", "realWeight": 1964.4957275390625, "stackSize": 88, "total": 88 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Hermit", "realWeight": 14330.7548828125, "stackSize": 331, "total": 331 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Long Watch", "realWeight": 1334.41357421875, "stackSize": 68, "total": 68 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Inoculated", "realWeight": 7087.3291015625, "stackSize": 207, "total": 207 },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Survivalist", "realWeight": 5274.732421875, "stackSize": 170, "total": 170 },
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+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Azure Rage", "realWeight": 2670.93115234375, "stackSize": 108, "total": 216 },
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+ },
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+ { "calculated": 4, "name": "The Cursed King", "realWeight": 471.78643798828125, "stackSize": 34, "total": 136 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Puzzle", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Realm", "realWeight": 333.86639404296875, "stackSize": 27, "total": 27 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Dark Temptation", "realWeight": 9463.193359375, "stackSize": 251, "total": 251 },
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+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Insatiable", "realWeight": 944.3167114257812, "stackSize": 54, "total": 162 },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Prosperity", "realWeight": 11874.1162109375, "stackSize": 292, "total": 292 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Shard of Fate", "realWeight": 5603.85595703125, "stackSize": 177, "total": 177 },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Battle Born", "realWeight": 5043.744140625, "stackSize": 165, "total": 165 },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Darkest Dream", "realWeight": 297.4658203125, "stackSize": 25, "total": 25 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Scavenger", "realWeight": 2203.496826171875, "stackSize": 95, "total": 95 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Harmony of Souls", "realWeight": 138.2496337890625, "stackSize": 15, "total": 15 },
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+ {
+ "calculated": 2.759999990463257,
+ "name": "Arrogance of the Vaal",
+ "realWeight": 694.5541381835938,
+ "stackSize": 44,
+ "total": 121.44000244140625
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4.190000057220459,
+ "name": "The Pact",
+ "realWeight": 297.4658203125,
+ "stackSize": 25,
+ "total": 104.75
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wrath", "realWeight": 8085.18115234375, "stackSize": 226, "total": 226 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Mad King", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 9,
+ "name": "Pride of the First Ones",
+ "realWeight": 138.2496337890625,
+ "stackSize": 15,
+ "total": 135
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Cursed Words", "realWeight": 3206.7626953125, "stackSize": 122, "total": 122 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "The Dapper Prodigy",
+ "realWeight": 2238.38037109375,
+ "stackSize": 96,
+ "total": 192
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.7899999618530273,
+ "name": "Dark Dreams",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 19.529998779296875
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.9800000190734863,
+ "name": "Dementophobia",
+ "realWeight": 64.25262451171875,
+ "stackSize": 9,
+ "total": 35.81999969482422
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Fox in the Brambles",
+ "realWeight": 557.445556640625,
+ "stackSize": 38,
+ "total": 38
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.600000023841858,
+ "name": "The Hunger",
+ "realWeight": 514.02099609375,
+ "stackSize": 36,
+ "total": 57.60000228881836
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Oath", "realWeight": 1607.915283203125, "stackSize": 77, "total": 77 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Porcupine", "realWeight": 3609.00927734375, "stackSize": 132, "total": 132 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Vanity", "realWeight": 2523.928955078125, "stackSize": 104, "total": 104 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 117.26000213623047,
+ "name": "Desecrated Virtue",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 820.8200073242188
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 22.979999542236328,
+ "name": "Darker Half",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 160.86000061035156
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Journalist", "realWeight": 11935.1669921875, "stackSize": 293, "total": 293 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Risk", "realWeight": 5509.14453125, "stackSize": 175, "total": 175 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "A Note in the Wind", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Anarchy's Price", "realWeight": 742.4442749023438, "stackSize": 46, "total": 46 },
+ { "calculated": 13178, "name": "House of Mirrors", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Akil's Prophecy", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "Pride Before the Fall",
+ "realWeight": 124.65770721435547,
+ "stackSize": 14,
+ "total": 28
+ },
+ { "calculated": 13, "name": "The Aspirant", "realWeight": 19.037813186645508, "stackSize": 4, "total": 52 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Earth Drinker", "realWeight": 1189.9752197265625, "stackSize": 63, "total": 63 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.9199999570846558,
+ "name": "The Queen",
+ "realWeight": 86.81926727294922,
+ "stackSize": 11,
+ "total": 21.119998931884766
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Master", "realWeight": 816.2462158203125, "stackSize": 49, "total": 49 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 518.6099853515625,
+ "name": "Choking Guilt",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 1037.219970703125
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 15.319999694824219,
+ "name": "The Academic",
+ "realWeight": 197.08677673339844,
+ "stackSize": 19,
+ "total": 291.0799865722656
+ },
+ { "calculated": 15, "name": "Winter's Embrace", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 75 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Hoarder", "realWeight": 2560.419189453125, "stackSize": 105, "total": 105 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Gemcutter's Promise",
+ "realWeight": 6480.0595703125,
+ "stackSize": 195,
+ "total": 195
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Tinkerer's Table",
+ "realWeight": 245.5619659423828,
+ "stackSize": 22,
+ "total": 22
+ },
+ { "calculated": 2.380000114440918, "name": "The Awakened", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 64.62000274658203,
+ "name": "Brother's Stash",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 323.1000061035156
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.4500000476837158,
+ "name": "Light and Truth",
+ "realWeight": 451.12615966796875,
+ "stackSize": 33,
+ "total": 47.85000228881836
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Time-Lost Relic", "realWeight": 6232.43017578125, "stackSize": 190, "total": 190 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "Boon of the First Ones",
+ "realWeight": 557.445556640625,
+ "stackSize": 38,
+ "total": 76
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Catalyst", "realWeight": 22716.732421875, "stackSize": 450, "total": 450 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Thirst for Knowledge",
+ "realWeight": 6529.9697265625,
+ "stackSize": 196,
+ "total": 196
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 5.840000152587891,
+ "name": "Void of the Elements",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 11.680000305175781
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Her Mask", "realWeight": 8792.7333984375, "stackSize": 239, "total": 239 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The Tumbleweed", "realWeight": 75.25357055664062, "stackSize": 10, "total": 50 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Council of Cats", "realWeight": 152.30250549316406, "stackSize": 16, "total": 48 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.9600000381469727,
+ "name": "The Enthusiasts",
+ "realWeight": 371.64141845703125,
+ "stackSize": 29,
+ "total": 56.84000015258789
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Gladiator", "realWeight": 5414.97216796875, "stackSize": 173, "total": 173 },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "Divine Justice", "realWeight": 229.01080322265625, "stackSize": 21, "total": 63 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 44,
+ "name": "A Fate Worse Than Death",
+ "realWeight": 44.07315444946289,
+ "stackSize": 7,
+ "total": 308
+ },
+ { "calculated": 16, "name": "The Damned", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 80 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Trial", "realWeight": 5842.97705078125, "stackSize": 182, "total": 182 },
+ { "calculated": 9, "name": "The Long Con", "realWeight": 86.81926727294922, "stackSize": 11, "total": 99 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3,
+ "name": "Justified Ambition",
+ "realWeight": 471.78643798828125,
+ "stackSize": 34,
+ "total": 102
+ },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "The Valley of Steel Boxes", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Endurance", "realWeight": 6036.65771484375, "stackSize": 186, "total": 186 },
+ { "calculated": 0, "name": "Treasures of the Vaal", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "Unchained", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 56 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Gift of the Gemling Queen",
+ "realWeight": 1702.7939453125,
+ "stackSize": 80,
+ "total": 80
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Hubris", "realWeight": 5368.08935546875, "stackSize": 172, "total": 172 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Feast", "realWeight": 2415.51171875, "stackSize": 101, "total": 101 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Volatile Power", "realWeight": 5891.19921875, "stackSize": 183, "total": 183 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Emperor's Luck", "realWeight": 45306.58984375, "stackSize": 713, "total": 713 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "Struck by Lightning",
+ "realWeight": 4816.228515625,
+ "stackSize": 160,
+ "total": 160
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Mercenary", "realWeight": 1832.08642578125, "stackSize": 84, "total": 84 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Wolverine", "realWeight": 1484.2645263671875, "stackSize": 73, "total": 73 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Hope", "realWeight": 2065.804443359375, "stackSize": 91, "total": 91 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Encroaching Darkness",
+ "realWeight": 892.3436279296875,
+ "stackSize": 52,
+ "total": 52
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3,
+ "name": "Guardian's Challenge",
+ "realWeight": 816.2462158203125,
+ "stackSize": 49,
+ "total": 147
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Aesthete", "realWeight": 6430.2763671875, "stackSize": 194, "total": 194 },
+ { "calculated": 2, "name": "The Easy Stroll", "realWeight": 1702.7939453125, "stackSize": 80, "total": 160 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2,
+ "name": "The Endless Darkness",
+ "realWeight": 64.25262451171875,
+ "stackSize": 9,
+ "total": 18
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1347.75,
+ "name": "The Fiend",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 2695.5
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1.8600000143051147,
+ "name": "The Lord of Celebration",
+ "realWeight": 579.5941772460938,
+ "stackSize": 39,
+ "total": 72.54000091552734
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Lion", "realWeight": 4503.64599609375, "stackSize": 153, "total": 153 },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "The Sacrifice", "realWeight": 34.974693298339844, "stackSize": 6, "total": 60 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3.119999885559082,
+ "name": "The Side Quest",
+ "realWeight": 624.7451782226562,
+ "stackSize": 41,
+ "total": 127.91999816894531
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Sigil", "realWeight": 7241.958984375, "stackSize": 210, "total": 210 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Betrayal", "realWeight": 2820.681884765625, "stackSize": 112, "total": 112 },
+ { "calculated": 5.75, "name": "The Sustenance", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Union", "realWeight": 4198.13427734375, "stackSize": 146, "total": 146 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The One With All", "realWeight": 2415.51171875, "stackSize": 101, "total": 101 },
+ { "calculated": 5, "name": "The White Knight", "realWeight": 26.606155395507812, "stackSize": 5, "total": 25 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.190000057220459,
+ "name": "Bowyer's Dream",
+ "realWeight": 111.54295349121094,
+ "stackSize": 13,
+ "total": 28.470001220703125
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Demoness", "realWeight": 8682.595703125, "stackSize": 237, "total": 237 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Buried Treasure", "realWeight": 1024.0928955078125, "stackSize": 57, "total": 57 },
+ { "calculated": 10, "name": "Gift of Asenath", "realWeight": 98.92337036132812, "stackSize": 12, "total": 120 },
+ { "calculated": 5870.2001953125, "name": "The Price of Devotion", "realWeight": 0, "stackSize": 0, "total": 0 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 149.6999969482422,
+ "name": "Wealth and Power",
+ "realWeight": 12.365421295166016,
+ "stackSize": 3,
+ "total": 449.0999755859375
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 4,
+ "name": "Ambitious Obsession",
+ "realWeight": 53.84706497192383,
+ "stackSize": 8,
+ "total": 32
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.9800000190734863,
+ "name": "The Cacophony",
+ "realWeight": 197.08677673339844,
+ "stackSize": 19,
+ "total": 56.619998931884766
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 2.6500000953674316,
+ "name": "Atziri's Arsenal",
+ "realWeight": 1423.687255859375,
+ "stackSize": 71,
+ "total": 188.15000915527344
+ },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "Assassin's Favour", "realWeight": 8246.7021484375, "stackSize": 229, "total": 229 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 222.86000061035156,
+ "name": "The Cheater",
+ "realWeight": 6.7308831214904785,
+ "stackSize": 2,
+ "total": 445.7200012207031
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 3,
+ "name": "Brush, Paint and Palette",
+ "realWeight": 410.74249267578125,
+ "stackSize": 31,
+ "total": 93
+ },
+ { "calculated": 3, "name": "The Professor", "realWeight": 352.5852355957031, "stackSize": 28, "total": 84 },
+ { "calculated": 1, "name": "The Fool", "realWeight": 2451.474365234375, "stackSize": 102, "total": 102 },
+ {
+ "calculated": 1,
+ "name": "The Metalsmith's Gift",
+ "realWeight": 31536.181640625,
+ "stackSize": 560,
+ "total": 560
+ },
+ {
+ "calculated": 34.349998474121094,
+ "name": "The Gulf",
+ "realWeight": 26.606155395507812,
+ "stackSize": 5,
+ "total": 171.75
+ }
+ ],
+ "selected": false,
+ "valid": true
diff --git a/src/components/FixedNamesList.vue b/src/components/FixedNamesList.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3f44402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FixedNamesList.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Automatically fixed typos
+ -
+ {{ inputName }}
+ {{ fixedName }}
diff --git a/src/components/OrderTriangle/OrderTriangle.story.vue b/src/components/OrderTriangle/OrderTriangle.story.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0aaeca38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/OrderTriangle/OrderTriangle.story.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/components/OrderTriangle/OrderTriangle.vue b/src/components/OrderTriangle/OrderTriangle.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc6e7a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/OrderTriangle/OrderTriangle.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
diff --git a/src/components/icons/ArrowRight.vue b/src/components/icons/ArrowRight.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cb4e12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/icons/ArrowRight.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/src/components/icons/CSVIcon.vue b/src/components/icons/CSVIcon.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..425af533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/icons/CSVIcon.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/src/composables.ts b/src/composables.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0e1ced7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/composables.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { ref, unref, Ref, computed, watch, watchEffect, isRef } from 'vue';
+import { createCSVLink } from './lib';
+import { FileContents } from './types';
diff --git a/src/lib.ts b/src/lib.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f55ec193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import { CommandList, Contents, FileContents, CardRecord, WeightedCardRecord } from './types';
+import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api';
+export const createCSVLink = (contents: string): string => {
+ const blob = new Blob([contents], { type: 'csv/text' });
+ const href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+ return href;
+export const downloadFiles = (hrefList: FileContents[]): void => {
+ const links: HTMLAnchorElement[] = [];
+ hrefList.forEach(({ filename, href }) => {
+ links.push(createDownloadLink(href, filename));
+ });
+ links.forEach(a => {
+ a.click();
+ });
+export const createDownloadLink = (href: string, filename: string): HTMLAnchorElement => {
+ const a = document.createElement('a');
+ a.download = `${filename}`;
+ a.href = href;
+ return a;
+export const createCsvFile = (csvString: string, filename: string): File =>
+ new File([csvString], filename, { type: 'text/csv' });
+export const command = (
+ cmd: T,
+ args: CommandList[T]['args']
+): CommandList[T]['returnType'] => {
+ return invoke(cmd, args) as CommandList[T]['returnType'];
+const calcRecordWeight = (record: CardRecord, allStackSize: number): number => record.stackSize / allStackSize;
+const calcRecordRealWeight = (
+ record: CardRecord,
+ realStackedSummaryWeight: number,
+ condenseFactor: number,
+ allStackSize: number
+): number => (realStackedSummaryWeight * calcRecordWeight(record, allStackSize)) ** (1 / condenseFactor);
+export const createContents = async (file: File): Promise => {
+ let valid = false;
+ let error = null;
+ let text = await file.text();
+ let href = '';
+ let records: CardRecord[] = [];
+ let notCards: string[] = [];
+ let fixedNames: Record = {};
+ try {
+ const data = await command('read_polish_csv', { csvString: text });
+ records = data.records;
+ text = data.csv;
+ notCards = data.notCards;
+ fixedNames = data.fixedNames;
+ href = createCSVLink(text);
+ valid = true;
+ } catch (err) {
+ error = err as string;
+ }
+ // const allStackSize = records.reduce((summ, { stackSize }) => (summ += stackSize), 0);
+ // const REAL_STACKED_RAIN_OF_CHAOS_WEIGHT = 2452.65513;
+ // const CONDENSE_FACTOR = 2 / 3;
+ // const rainOfChaos = records.find(({ name }) => name === 'Rain of Chaos');
+ // if (!rainOfChaos) throw new Error('No Rain of Chaos card');
+ // const weight = rainOfChaos.stackSize / allStackSize;
+ // const realStackedSummaryWeight = REAL_STACKED_RAIN_OF_CHAOS_WEIGHT / weight;
+ // const weightedRecords: WeightedCardRecord[] = records.map(record => {
+ // const realWeight = calcRecordRealWeight(record, realStackedSummaryWeight, CONDENSE_FACTOR, allStackSize);
+ // return {
+ // ...record,
+ // realWeight,
+ // };
+ // });
+ let weightedRecords: WeightedCardRecord[] = [];
+ try {
+ const { csv, records: weighted } = await command('weight_records_to_csv', { records });
+ text = csv;
+ href = createCSVLink(text);
+ valid = true;
+ weightedRecords = weighted;
+ } catch (err) {
+ error = err as string;
+ }
+ const fileContent: FileContents = {
+ text,
+ filename: file.name,
+ href,
+ };
+ const contents: Contents = {
+ id: crypto.randomUUID(),
+ fileContent,
+ valid,
+ error,
+ selected: false,
+ price: 0,
+ records: weightedRecords,
+ notCards,
+ fixedNames,
+ };
+ return contents;
diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f96f659e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { createApp } from 'vue';
+import './style.css';
+import App from './App.vue';
+import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api';
+invoke('get_hashmap').then(r => {
+ console.log(r);
+// import { InvokeArgs } from '@tauri-apps/api/tauri';
+// const r = command('read_polish_csv', {
+// csvString: `stackSize,,name,calculated,total
+// 49,The Opulent,1.0,49.0
+// 0,The Price of Devotion,5772.65,0.0
+// 0,Perfection,3.0,0.0
+// 65,Three Faces in the Dark,1.0,65.0`,
+// });
diff --git a/src/style.css b/src/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1a34d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+* {
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+:root {
+ --bg-color: #242424;
+ --color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
+ --border-color: #646cff;
+ font-family: Inter, Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ /* font-size: 16px; */
+ line-height: 24px;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ color-scheme: light dark;
+ color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
+ background-color: #242424;
+ font-synthesis: none;
+ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
+ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
+a {
+ font-weight: 500;
+ color: #646cff;
+ text-decoration: inherit;
+a:hover {
+ color: #535bf2;
+/* h1 {
+ font-size: 3.2em;
+ line-height: 1.1;
+} */
+button {
+ border-radius: 8px;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ padding: 0.6em 1.2em;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ font-family: inherit;
+ background-color: #1a1a1a;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ transition: border-color 0.25s;
+button:hover {
+ border-color: #646cff;
+button:focus-visible {
+ outline: 4px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
+ :root {
+ color: var(--color);
+ background-color: var(--bg-color);
+ /* color: #213547; */
+ /* background-color: #ffffff; */
+ }
+ a:hover {
+ color: #747bff;
+ }
+ button {
+ background-color: #f9f9f9;
+ }
+input {
+ font: inherit;
diff --git a/src/types.ts b/src/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ce6e745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+export interface FileContents {
+ text: string;
+ filename: string;
+ href: string;
+export type DivCsvLine = [number, string, number | null, number | null];
+export interface CommandList {
+ weight_records_to_csv: {
+ args: { records: CardRecord[] };
+ returnType: Promise<{
+ csv: string;
+ records: WeightedCardRecord[];
+ }>;
+ };
+ update_prices: {
+ args: {};
+ returnType: Promise;
+ };
+ merge_csv: {
+ args: {
+ /** List of Csv files as strings */
+ csvFileStrings: string[];
+ };
+ returnType: Promise;
+ };
+ read_polish_csv: {
+ args: {
+ /** Csv file as string */
+ csvString: string;
+ };
+ returnType: Promise<{
+ csv: string;
+ records: CardRecord[];
+ notCards: string[];
+ fixedNames: Record;
+ }>;
+ };
+ total_chaos: {
+ args: {
+ /** Csv file as string */
+ csvString: string;
+ minimumCardPrice: number;
+ };
+ returnType: Promise;
+ };
+export interface CardRecord {
+ stackSize: number;
+ name: string;
+ calculated: number;
+ total: number;
+export type WeightedCardRecord = CardRecord & { realWeight: number };
+export interface Contents {
+ fileContent: FileContents;
+ selected: boolean | null;
+ id: string;
+ valid: boolean;
+ error: string | null;
+ price: number;
+ records: WeightedCardRecord[];
+ notCards: string[];
+ fixedNames: Record;
+export type Order = 'asc' | 'desc';
+export type Column = 'price' | 'stackSize' | 'total';
+export type SortState = {
+ [col in Column]: Order;
+} & { activeColumn: Column };
diff --git a/src/vite-env.d.ts b/src/vite-env.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..323c78a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vite-env.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+declare module '*.vue' {
+ import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue'
+ const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>
+ export default component
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4aefa2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "target": "ESNext",
+ "useDefineForClassFields": true,
+ "module": "ESNext",
+ "moduleResolution": "Node",
+ "strict": true,
+ "jsx": "preserve",
+ "sourceMap": true,
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "isolatedModules": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "lib": ["ESNext", "DOM"],
+ "skipLibCheck": true
+ },
+ "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.d.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/**/*.vue"],
+ "references": [{ "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" }]
diff --git a/tsconfig.node.json b/tsconfig.node.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d31e2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.node.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "composite": true,
+ "module": "ESNext",
+ "moduleResolution": "Node",
+ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
+ },
+ "include": ["vite.config.ts"]
diff --git a/vite.config.ts b/vite.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..315212d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vite.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
+import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
+// https://vitejs.dev/config/
+export default defineConfig({
+ plugins: [vue()]