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Best javascript blogs/resources/tutorials, with two decades of improvement, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages of all time. Want to learn more of it then definitely check it out
With two decades of improvement, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages of all time. The journey started in 1995 when Brendan Eich created JavaScript in just 10 days. From there, it has seen multiple revisions, drafts, and growth in the form of frameworks, APIs, modules, etc. Today, we will go forward and list the best resources of JavaScript blogs from the net so that you can enjoy the lastest development things in the field of JavaScript.
According to RedMonk programming language rankings and, JavaScript is leading the pack in the terms of repositories and the most discussed programming language on StackOverFlow. The numbers itself speaks about the future of JavaScript as it has grown beyond the initial capabilities of simple DOM manipulations.
Learning JavaScript, on the other hand, can be a tricky proposition. New libraries, features, API’s or Style Guide, pop up almost every day. The speed of iteration is beyond imagination, and that is why reading leading JavaScript blogs are the best resources to approach and to keep up with new changes provided by the community.
Javascript Interview Questions also revolve around these topics
If you are new to JavaScript then the topics that are important to learn are:
1. What is Execution Context?
- Phases of execution context
2. CallStack
3. What is Hoisting? (Imp)
4. What is Scope Chain in Javascript?
5. let & const
6. What is Closure & useage of closure with examples
7. Block Scope
8. What is Shadowing?
- Varaiable Shadowing
- Illegal Shadowing
9. Callback Functions
10. Async vs Defer in Javascript & Event loop
11. Currying in Javascript
12. Debouncing & Throttling in Javascript
13. JS Engine Architecture
- V8 from Google
- SpiderMonkey by Mozilla
- JavaScriptCore by Apple
- Chakra for Internet Explorer by Microsoft
1. David Walsh Blog
David Walsh is a renowned name in the JavaScript world. He started his career with DZone, but his first real break came while working for SitePen as a Software Engineer. His blog composes of topics related to JavaScript, personal thoughts, guides and much more. The blog design is captivating and is going to hook you up on the first visit. Currently, he is working as a Senior Web Developer at Mozilla.
2. DailyJS
DailyJS is one of the best JavaScript blogs on the internet. The blog was started by Alex R. Young, an entrepreneur and Node.js expert in 2009. However, there are recent changes that don’t sound great. Currently, the blog is no longer updated, but that does not make the content useless at all. The blog covers diverse content on JavaScript including frameworks, APIs, libraries, etc.
3. Superhero.js
If you are looking for a Superhero.js to fetch you the best resources on JavaScript, then you have finally found one. Superhero.js is a simple website that aims to collect everything related to JavaScript including videos, articles, presentations, etc. The content is divided into meaningful sections such as “Understanding JavaScript”, “Organize Your Code”, etc. Also, the page is regularly updated with new information.
4. Jack Franklin
Jack Franklin is yet another great place to get started with all the different JavaScript frameworks, API, and libraries. The focus is to work with the JavaScript ecosystem and provide high quality blog articles, screencast, and podcast for the audience. They also blog about different JavaScript guidelines, tips, and tricks.
Javascript Resources
1. MDN JavaScript Guide. A large series of written guides curated by Mozilla contributors.
2. Namaste Javascript a series by Akshay Saini on youtube. Handson best explanation!!
(If you’re dead-ass serious about this then unquestionably watch this series)
Here are the top best JavaScript blogs to improve your coding skills. The blogs and mix of other content types will help you to keep up with new changes in JavaScript field and improve yourself accordingly.
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