diff --git a/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.html b/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.html
index acddb18..e03c21f 100644
--- a/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.html
+++ b/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.html
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
Build an H5 dataset from PMCHHG dataset with a pretrained model.
Example structure
diff --git a/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features.html b/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features.html
index be12158..3f9b221 100644
--- a/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features.html
+++ b/_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features.html
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features(model: ~torch.nn.modules.module.Module, dataset: ~dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset, dir_name: ~pathlib.Path, filename: str, dsetname_format: list[str], mode: <property object at 0x7f274a1257b0> = 'a', skip_if_exists: bool = True, batch_size: int = 32, num_workers: int = 0) → Path
+dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features(model: ~torch.nn.modules.module.Module, dataset: ~dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset, dir_name: ~pathlib.Path, filename: str, dsetname_format: list[str], mode: <property object at 0x7f9a8dc698a0> = 'a', skip_if_exists: bool = True, batch_size: int = 32, num_workers: int = 0) → Path
Compile features vectors to H5 format with metadata.
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index 6744003..47426d8 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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"dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers", "dpat.convert", "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats", "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams", "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams", "dpat.convert.batch_convert", "dpat.convert.filter_existing", "dpat.convert.hhg", "dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert", "dpat.convert.img_to_tiff", "dpat.data", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings", "dpat.data.transforms", "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms", "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform", "dpat.exceptions", "dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError", "dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError", "dpat.extract_features", "dpat.extract_features.models", "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr", "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR", "dpat.extract_features.models.swav", "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV", "dpat.extract_features.trainer", "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer", "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer", "dpat.install_windows", "dpat.mil", "dpat.mil.models", "dpat.mil.models.ccmil", "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL", "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text", "dpat.mil.models.varmil", "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention", "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention", "dpat.mil.trainer", "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer", "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer", "dpat.splits", "dpat.splits.create_splits", "dpat.types", "dpat.types.LLMOutput", "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol", "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset", "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol", "dpat.types.OutputProtocol", "dpat.types.SizedDataset", "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset", "dpat.types.VisionBackbone", "dpat.utils", "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner", "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner", "dpat.utils.evaluation", "dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval", "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision", "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision", "dpat.utils.seed_all", "Adding new data", "Contributing", "Convert images", "Create masks", "Getting started", "Deep Pathology for Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy", "Logging", "Making splits", "Notebooks"], "terms": {"deep": [0, 87], "learn": [0, 6, 7, 46, 53, 59, 61, 62, 63, 87], "pathologi": 0, "higher": 0, "harmon": 0, "gener": [0, 36], "microscopi": 0, "imag": [0, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 33, 39, 41, 83, 86, 88, 90], "function": [0, 4, 11, 13, 15, 21, 25, 27, 30, 55, 59, 76, 78, 80, 86], "modul": [0, 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 15, 24, 33, 34, 35, 43, 44, 49, 53, 54, 59, 61, 64, 67, 71, 74, 75, 88], "command": [1, 3, 7, 9, 87], "line": [1, 3, 7, 9], "interfac": 1, "thi": [1, 3, 7, 9, 33, 34, 46, 48, 56, 59, 87, 88, 91], "i": [1, 19, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 41, 60, 69, 72, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90], "file": [1, 3, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 59, 83, 90], "which": [1, 3, 7, 9, 26, 34, 35, 60, 85, 86, 87], "build": [1, 27, 32, 33, 46, 48], "main": 1, "parser": [1, 3, 51], "provid": [2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 25, 30, 37, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 61, 62, 75, 90], "trainer": [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 53], "class": [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83], "model_class": [3, 7, 9], "type": [3, 7, 9, 17, 39, 46, 48], "lightn": [3, 7, 9, 25, 32, 48, 51, 58, 59, 60, 63], "pytorch": [3, 7, 9, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 48, 51, 63, 87], "core": [3, 7, 9], "lightningmodul": [3, 7, 9, 46, 48, 59], 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14], "model": [3, 7, 9, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 53, 68, 74, 83], "mymodel": [3, 7, 9], "data": [3, 7, 9, 88], "mydatamodul": [3, 7, 9], "callback": [3, 7, 9], "save": [3, 7, 9, 23, 26, 31, 33, 59], "config": [3, 7, 9], "paramet": [3, 7, 9, 18, 83], "subclass": [3, 7, 9], "overrid": [3, 7, 9], "default": [3, 7, 9, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 46, 48, 56, 59, 60, 86, 90], "add": [3, 7, 9, 51, 84], "persist": [3, 7, 9], "The": [3, 7, 9, 14, 28, 33, 34, 35, 59, 86, 87, 90], "ad": [3, 7, 9, 88], "through": [3, 7, 9, 29], "argument": [3, 7, 9, 19, 23, 51], "alwai": [3, 7, 9], "present": [3, 7, 9, 90], "particular": [3, 7, 9], "altern": [3, 7, 9], "explain": [3, 7, 9], "number": [3, 7, 9, 18, 32, 33, 34, 35, 48, 59, 83], "seed_everyth": [3, 7, 9], "seed": [3, 7, 9, 82], "valu": [3, 7, 9, 16, 22, 28, 29, 38, 79, 90], "automat": [3, 7, 9, 87], "choos": [3, 7, 9, 34, 35], "avoid": [3, 7, 9], "addit": [3, 7, 9], "each": [3, 7, 9], "lightningargumentpars": [3, 7, 9], "whether": [3, 7, 9, 33], 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[3, 2, 1, "", "before_instantiate_classes"]], "dpat.cli.logging": [[5, 3, 1, "", "config_logging"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli": [[7, 1, 1, "", "MILTrainCLI"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli": [[9, 1, 1, "", "PreTrainCLI"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI": [[9, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.configs": [[11, 0, 0, "-", "config"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "omegaconf"]], "dpat.configs.config": [[12, 3, 1, "", "get_default_config_by_name"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf": [[14, 3, 1, "", "register_conf_resolvers"]], "dpat.convert": [[16, 1, 1, "", "AvailableImageFormats"], [17, 1, 1, "", "ToOtherParams"], [18, 1, 1, "", "ToTIFFParams"], [19, 3, 1, "", "batch_convert"], [20, 3, 1, "", "filter_existing"], [21, 0, 0, "-", "hhg"], [23, 3, 1, "", "img_to_tiff"]], "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats": [[16, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams": [[17, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.convert.hhg": [[22, 3, 1, "", "hhg_batch_convert"]], "dpat.data": [[25, 0, 0, "-", "pmc_tile_dataset"], [30, 0, 0, "-", "pmchhg_h5_dataset"], [37, 0, 0, "-", "transforms"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset": [[26, 1, 1, "", "MaskGetter"], [27, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGImageDataModule"], [28, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGImageDataset"], [29, 3, 1, "", "online_mean_and_std"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter": [[26, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [26, 2, 1, "", "load_from_disk"], [26, 2, 1, "", "no_mask"], [26, 2, 1, "", "return_mask_from_config"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 4, 1, "", "collate_fn"], [27, 2, 1, "", "prepare_data"], [27, 2, 1, "", "setup"], [27, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset": [[28, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [28, 2, 1, "", "get_metadata"], [28, 2, 1, "", "num_samples"], [28, 2, 1, "", "path_to_image"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset": [[31, 1, 1, "", "CarefulHDF5"], [32, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGH5DataModule"], [33, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGH5Dataset"], [34, 3, 1, "", "compile_features"], [35, 3, 1, "", "feature_batch_extract"], [36, 3, 1, "", "generate_embeddings"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5": [[31, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule": [[32, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [32, 2, 1, "", "prepare_data"], [32, 2, 1, "", "setup"], [32, 2, 1, "", "test_dataloader"], [32, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"], [32, 2, 1, "", "val_dataloader"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset": [[33, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [33, 2, 1, "", "compute_sampler_weights"], [33, 2, 1, "", "from_pmchhg_data_and_model"], [33, 2, 1, "", "get_dataset_at_index"]], "dpat.data.transforms": [[38, 1, 1, "", "AvailableTransforms"], [39, 1, 1, "", "Dlup2DpatTransform"]], "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms": [[38, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform": [[39, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.exceptions": [[41, 5, 1, "", "DpatDecompressionBombError"], [42, 5, 1, "", "DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError"]], "dpat.extract_features": [[44, 0, 0, "-", "models"], [49, 0, 0, "-", "trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.models": [[45, 0, 0, "-", "simclr"], [47, 0, 0, "-", "swav"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr": [[46, 1, 1, "", "SimCLR"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [46, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [46, 2, 1, "", "optimizer_zero_grad"], [46, 2, 1, "", "training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav": [[48, 1, 1, "", "SwAV"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV": [[48, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [48, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [48, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [48, 2, 1, "", "optimizer_zero_grad"], [48, 2, 1, "", "training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer": [[50, 0, 0, "-", "pre_trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer": [[51, 1, 1, "", "PreTrainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [51, 2, 1, "", "add_arguments_to_parser"]], "dpat.mil": [[54, 0, 0, "-", "models"], [61, 0, 0, "-", "trainer"]], "dpat.mil.models": [[55, 0, 0, "-", "ccmil"], [58, 0, 0, "-", "varmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil": [[56, 1, 1, "", "CCMIL"], [57, 3, 1, "", "preprocess_text"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL": [[56, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [56, 2, 1, "", "forward"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil": [[59, 1, 1, "", "Attention"], [60, 1, 1, "", "VarAttention"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention": [[59, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [59, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [59, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [59, 2, 1, "", "log_metrics"], [59, 2, 1, "", "on_test_epoch_end"], [59, 2, 1, "", "on_validation_epoch_end"], [59, 2, 1, "", "optimizer_zero_grad"], [59, 2, 1, "", "save_output"], [59, 2, 1, "", "test_step"], [59, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [59, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention": [[60, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [60, 2, 1, "", "compute_weighted_var"], [60, 2, 1, "", "forward"]], "dpat.mil.trainer": [[62, 0, 0, "-", "mil_trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer": [[63, 1, 1, "", "MILTrainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer": [[63, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.splits": [[65, 0, 0, "-", "create_splits"]], "dpat.types": [[67, 1, 1, "", "LLMOutput"], [68, 1, 1, "", "LLMOutputProtocol"], [69, 1, 1, "", "MetaDataDataset"], [70, 1, 1, "", "MetaDataProtocol"], [71, 1, 1, "", "OutputProtocol"], [72, 1, 1, "", "SizedDataset"], [73, 1, 1, "", "SizedMetaDataDataset"], [74, 1, 1, "", "VisionBackbone"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutput": [[67, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol": [[68, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol": [[70, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [70, 2, 1, "", "get_metadata"]], "dpat.types.OutputProtocol": [[71, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.SizedDataset": [[72, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset": [[73, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.VisionBackbone": [[74, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.utils": [[76, 0, 0, "-", "cudnn_auto_tuner"], [78, 0, 0, "-", "evaluation"], [80, 0, 0, "-", "float32_matmul_precision"], [82, 0, 0, "-", "seed_all"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner": [[77, 3, 1, "", "enable_cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation": [[79, 3, 1, "", "compute_mean_and_confidence_interval"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision": [[81, 3, 1, "", "set_float32_matmul_precision"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:function", "4": "py:property", "5": "py:exception"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "4": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "5": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"]}, "titleterms": {"dpat": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82], "cli": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "dpat_trainer_cli": [2, 3], "dpattrainercli": 3, "log": [4, 5, 89], "config_log": 5, "mil_cli": [6, 7], "miltraincli": 7, "pretrain_cli": [8, 9], "pretraincli": 9, "config": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "get_default_config_by_nam": 12, "omegaconf": [13, 14], "register_conf_resolv": 14, "exampl": [14, 33, 52], "convert": [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 85], "availableimageformat": 16, "tootherparam": 17, "totiffparam": 18, "attribut": 18, "refer": [18, 29, 52, 58, 59, 60], "batch_convert": 19, "paramet": [19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 46, 48, 52, 56, 59, 60], "filter_exist": 20, "hhg": [21, 22], "hhg_batch_convert": 22, "img_to_tiff": 23, "data": [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 83], "pmc_tile_dataset": [25, 26, 27, 28, 29], "maskgett": 26, "pmchhgimagedatamodul": 27, "rais": 27, "pmchhgimagedataset": 28, "online_mean_and_std": 29, "pmchhg_h5_dataset": [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36], "carefulhdf5": 31, "pmchhgh5datamodul": 32, "pmchhgh5dataset": 33, "structur": 33, "compile_featur": 34, "return": 34, "feature_batch_extract": 35, "generate_embed": 36, "transform": [37, 38, 39], "availabletransform": 38, "dlup2dpattransform": 39, "except": [40, 41, 42], "dpatdecompressionbomberror": 41, "dpatoutputdirectoryexistserror": 42, "extract_featur": [43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51], "model": [44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60], "simclr": [45, 46], "swav": [47, 48], "trainer": [49, 50, 51, 61, 62, 63], "pre_train": [50, 51], "pretrain": 51, "install_window": 52, "mil": [53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63], "ccmil": [55, 56, 57], "preprocess_text": 57, "varmil": [58, 59, 60], "attent": 59, 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"sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx": 60}, "alltitles": {"dpat": [[0, "module-dpat"]], "dpat.cli": [[1, "module-dpat.cli"]], "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli": [[2, "module-dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli"]], "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI": [[3, "dpat-cli-dpat-trainer-cli-dpattrainercli"]], "dpat.cli.logging": [[4, "module-dpat.cli.logging"]], "dpat.cli.logging.config_logging": [[5, "dpat-cli-logging-config-logging"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli": [[6, "module-dpat.cli.mil_cli"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI": [[7, "dpat-cli-mil-cli-miltraincli"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli": [[8, "module-dpat.cli.pretrain_cli"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI": [[9, "dpat-cli-pretrain-cli-pretraincli"]], "dpat.configs": [[10, "module-dpat.configs"]], "dpat.configs.config": [[11, "module-dpat.configs.config"]], "dpat.configs.config.get_default_config_by_name": [[12, "dpat-configs-config-get-default-config-by-name"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf": [[13, "module-dpat.configs.omegaconf"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers": [[14, "dpat-configs-omegaconf-register-conf-resolvers"]], "Examples": [[14, "examples"], [52, "examples"]], "dpat.convert": [[15, "module-dpat.convert"]], "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats": [[16, "dpat-convert-availableimageformats"]], "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams": [[17, "dpat-convert-tootherparams"]], "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams": [[18, "dpat-convert-totiffparams"]], "Attributes": [[18, "attributes"]], "References": [[18, "references"], [29, "references"], [52, "references"], [58, "references"], [59, "references"], [60, "references"], [60, "id2"]], "dpat.convert.batch_convert": [[19, "dpat-convert-batch-convert"]], "Parameters": [[19, "parameters"], [20, "parameters"], [23, "parameters"], [26, "parameters"], [27, "parameters"], [28, "parameters"], [28, "id3"], [28, "id4"], [29, "parameters"], [32, "parameters"], [33, "parameters"], [33, "id1"], [34, "parameters"], [35, "parameters"], [39, "parameters"], [46, "parameters"], [48, "parameters"], [52, "parameters"], [56, "parameters"], [56, "id1"], [59, "parameters"], [59, "id1"], [59, "id2"], [60, "parameters"], [60, "id1"], [60, "id3"]], "dpat.convert.filter_existing": [[20, "dpat-convert-filter-existing"]], "dpat.convert.hhg": [[21, "module-dpat.convert.hhg"]], "dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert": [[22, "dpat-convert-hhg-hhg-batch-convert"]], "dpat.convert.img_to_tiff": [[23, "dpat-convert-img-to-tiff"]], "dpat.data": [[24, "module-dpat.data"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset": [[25, "module-dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter": [[26, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-maskgetter"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule": [[27, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-pmchhgimagedatamodule"]], "Raises": [[27, "raises"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset": [[28, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-pmchhgimagedataset"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std": [[29, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-online-mean-and-std"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset": [[30, "module-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5": [[31, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-carefulhdf5"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule": [[32, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-pmchhgh5datamodule"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset": [[33, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-pmchhgh5dataset"]], "Example structure": [[33, "example-structure"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features": [[34, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-compile-features"]], "Returns": [[34, "returns"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract": [[35, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-feature-batch-extract"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings": [[36, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-generate-embeddings"]], "dpat.data.transforms": [[37, "module-dpat.data.transforms"]], "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms": [[38, "dpat-data-transforms-availabletransforms"]], "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform": [[39, "dpat-data-transforms-dlup2dpattransform"]], "dpat.exceptions": [[40, "module-dpat.exceptions"]], "dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError": [[41, "dpat-exceptions-dpatdecompressionbomberror"]], "dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError": [[42, "dpat-exceptions-dpatoutputdirectoryexistserror"]], "dpat.extract_features": [[43, "module-dpat.extract_features"]], "dpat.extract_features.models": [[44, "module-dpat.extract_features.models"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr": [[45, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.simclr"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR": [[46, "dpat-extract-features-models-simclr-simclr"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav": [[47, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.swav"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV": [[48, "dpat-extract-features-models-swav-swav"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer": [[49, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer": [[50, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer": [[51, "dpat-extract-features-trainer-pre-trainer-pretrainer"]], "dpat.install_windows": [[52, "dpat-install-windows"]], "dpat.mil": [[53, "module-dpat.mil"]], "dpat.mil.models": [[54, "module-dpat.mil.models"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil": [[55, "module-dpat.mil.models.ccmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL": [[56, "dpat-mil-models-ccmil-ccmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text": [[57, "dpat-mil-models-ccmil-preprocess-text"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil": [[58, "module-dpat.mil.models.varmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention": [[59, "dpat-mil-models-varmil-attention"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention": [[60, "dpat-mil-models-varmil-varattention"]], "dpat.mil.trainer": [[61, "module-dpat.mil.trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer": [[62, "module-dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer": [[63, "dpat-mil-trainer-mil-trainer-miltrainer"]], "dpat.splits": [[64, "module-dpat.splits"]], "dpat.splits.create_splits": [[65, "module-dpat.splits.create_splits"]], "dpat.types": [[66, "module-dpat.types"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutput": [[67, "dpat-types-llmoutput"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol": [[68, "dpat-types-llmoutputprotocol"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset": [[69, "dpat-types-metadatadataset"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol": [[70, "dpat-types-metadataprotocol"]], "dpat.types.OutputProtocol": [[71, "dpat-types-outputprotocol"]], "dpat.types.SizedDataset": [[72, "dpat-types-sizeddataset"]], "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset": [[73, "dpat-types-sizedmetadatadataset"]], "dpat.types.VisionBackbone": [[74, "dpat-types-visionbackbone"]], "dpat.utils": [[75, "module-dpat.utils"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner": [[76, "module-dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner": [[77, "dpat-utils-cudnn-auto-tuner-enable-cudnn-auto-tuner"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation": [[78, "module-dpat.utils.evaluation"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval": [[79, "dpat-utils-evaluation-compute-mean-and-confidence-interval"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision": [[80, "module-dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision": [[81, "dpat-utils-float32-matmul-precision-set-float32-matmul-precision"]], "dpat.utils.seed_all": [[82, "module-dpat.utils.seed_all"]], "Adding new data": [[83, "adding-new-data"]], "Contributing": [[84, "contributing"]], "Convert images": [[85, "convert-images"]], "Create masks": [[86, "create-masks"]], "Getting started": [[87, "getting-started"]], "Prerequisites": [[87, "prerequisites"]], "Conda": [[87, "conda"]], "vips": [[87, "vips"]], "OpenSlide": [[87, "openslide"]], "CUDA": [[87, "cuda"]], "Installation": [[87, "installation"]], "Deep Pathology for Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy": [[88, "deep-pathology-for-higher-harmonic-generation-microscopy"]], "Indices and tables": [[88, "indices-and-tables"]], "Logging": [[89, "logging"]], "Making splits": [[90, "making-splits"]], "Notebooks": [[91, "notebooks"]]}, "indexentries": {"dpat": [[0, "module-dpat"]], "module": [[0, "module-dpat"], [1, "module-dpat.cli"], [2, "module-dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli"], [4, "module-dpat.cli.logging"], [6, "module-dpat.cli.mil_cli"], [8, "module-dpat.cli.pretrain_cli"], [10, "module-dpat.configs"], [11, "module-dpat.configs.config"], [13, "module-dpat.configs.omegaconf"], [15, "module-dpat.convert"], [21, "module-dpat.convert.hhg"], [24, "module-dpat.data"], [25, "module-dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset"], [30, "module-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset"], [37, "module-dpat.data.transforms"], [40, "module-dpat.exceptions"], [43, "module-dpat.extract_features"], [44, "module-dpat.extract_features.models"], [45, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.simclr"], [47, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.swav"], [49, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer"], [50, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer"], [53, "module-dpat.mil"], [54, "module-dpat.mil.models"], [55, "module-dpat.mil.models.ccmil"], [58, "module-dpat.mil.models.varmil"], [61, "module-dpat.mil.trainer"], [62, "module-dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer"], [64, "module-dpat.splits"], [65, "module-dpat.splits.create_splits"], [66, "module-dpat.types"], [75, "module-dpat.utils"], [76, "module-dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner"], [78, "module-dpat.utils.evaluation"], [80, "module-dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision"], [82, "module-dpat.utils.seed_all"]], "dpat.cli": [[1, "module-dpat.cli"]], "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli": [[2, "module-dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli"]], "dpattrainercli (class in dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI"]], "__init__() (dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.dpattrainercli method)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.__init__"]], "add_arguments_to_parser() (dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.dpattrainercli method)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.add_arguments_to_parser"]], "before_instantiate_classes() (dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.dpattrainercli method)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.before_instantiate_classes"]], "dpat.cli.logging": [[4, "module-dpat.cli.logging"]], "config_logging() (in module dpat.cli.logging)": [[5, "dpat.cli.logging.config_logging"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli": [[6, "module-dpat.cli.mil_cli"]], "miltraincli (class in dpat.cli.mil_cli)": [[7, "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI"]], "__init__() (dpat.cli.mil_cli.miltraincli method)": [[7, "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI.__init__"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli": [[8, "module-dpat.cli.pretrain_cli"]], "pretraincli (class in dpat.cli.pretrain_cli)": [[9, "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI"]], "__init__() (dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.pretraincli method)": [[9, "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI.__init__"]], "dpat.configs": [[10, "module-dpat.configs"]], "dpat.configs.config": [[11, "module-dpat.configs.config"]], "get_default_config_by_name() (in module dpat.configs.config)": [[12, "dpat.configs.config.get_default_config_by_name"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf": [[13, "module-dpat.configs.omegaconf"]], "register_conf_resolvers() (in module dpat.configs.omegaconf)": [[14, "dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers"]], "dpat.convert": [[15, "module-dpat.convert"]], "availableimageformats (class in dpat.convert)": [[16, "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats"]], "__init__() (dpat.convert.availableimageformats method)": [[16, "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats.__init__"]], "tootherparams (class in dpat.convert)": [[17, "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams"]], "__init__() (dpat.convert.tootherparams method)": [[17, "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams.__init__"]], "totiffparams (class in dpat.convert)": [[18, "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams"]], "__init__() (dpat.convert.totiffparams method)": [[18, "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams.__init__"]], "batch_convert() (in module dpat.convert)": [[19, "dpat.convert.batch_convert"]], "filter_existing() (in module dpat.convert)": [[20, "dpat.convert.filter_existing"]], "dpat.convert.hhg": [[21, "module-dpat.convert.hhg"]], "hhg_batch_convert() (in module dpat.convert.hhg)": [[22, "dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert"]], "img_to_tiff() (in module dpat.convert)": [[23, "dpat.convert.img_to_tiff"]], "dpat.data": [[24, "module-dpat.data"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset": [[25, "module-dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset"]], "maskgetter (class in dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.__init__"]], "load_from_disk() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.load_from_disk"]], "no_mask() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.no_mask"]], "return_mask_from_config() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.return_mask_from_config"]], "pmchhgimagedatamodule (class in dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.__init__"]], "collate_fn (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule property)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.collate_fn"]], "prepare_data() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.prepare_data"]], "setup() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.setup"]], "train_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.train_dataloader"]], "pmchhgimagedataset (class in dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.__init__"]], "get_metadata() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.get_metadata"]], "num_samples() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.num_samples"]], "path_to_image() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset static method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.path_to_image"]], "online_mean_and_std() (in module dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[29, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset": [[30, "module-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset"]], "carefulhdf5 (class in dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[31, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.carefulhdf5 method)": [[31, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5.__init__"]], "pmchhgh5datamodule (class in dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.__init__"]], "prepare_data() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.prepare_data"]], "setup() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.setup"]], "test_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.test_dataloader"]], "train_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.train_dataloader"]], "val_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.val_dataloader"]], "pmchhgh5dataset (class in dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.__init__"]], "compute_sampler_weights() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.compute_sampler_weights"]], "from_pmchhg_data_and_model() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset class method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.from_pmchhg_data_and_model"]], "get_dataset_at_index() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.get_dataset_at_index"]], "compile_features() (in module dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[34, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features"]], "feature_batch_extract() (in module dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[35, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract"]], "generate_embeddings() (in module dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[36, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings"]], "dpat.data.transforms": [[37, "module-dpat.data.transforms"]], "availabletransforms (class in dpat.data.transforms)": [[38, "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.transforms.availabletransforms method)": [[38, "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms.__init__"]], "dlup2dpattransform (class in dpat.data.transforms)": [[39, "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.transforms.dlup2dpattransform method)": [[39, "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform.__init__"]], "dpat.exceptions": [[40, "module-dpat.exceptions"]], "dpatdecompressionbomberror": [[41, "dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError"]], "dpatoutputdirectoryexistserror": [[42, "dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError"]], "dpat.extract_features": [[43, "module-dpat.extract_features"]], "dpat.extract_features.models": [[44, "module-dpat.extract_features.models"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr": [[45, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.simclr"]], "simclr (class in dpat.extract_features.models.simclr)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR"]], "__init__() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.__init__"]], "configure_optimizers() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.configure_optimizers"]], "forward() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.forward"]], "optimizer_zero_grad() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.optimizer_zero_grad"]], "training_step() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav": [[47, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.swav"]], "swav (class in dpat.extract_features.models.swav)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV"]], "__init__() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.__init__"]], "configure_optimizers() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.configure_optimizers"]], "forward() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.forward"]], "optimizer_zero_grad() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.optimizer_zero_grad"]], "training_step() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer": [[49, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer": [[50, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer"]], "pretrainer (class in dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer)": [[51, "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer"]], "__init__() (dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.pretrainer method)": [[51, "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer.__init__"]], "add_arguments_to_parser() (dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.pretrainer method)": [[51, "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer.add_arguments_to_parser"]], "install_windows() (in module dpat)": [[52, "dpat.install_windows"]], "dpat.mil": [[53, "module-dpat.mil"]], "dpat.mil.models": [[54, "module-dpat.mil.models"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil": [[55, "module-dpat.mil.models.ccmil"]], "ccmil (class in dpat.mil.models.ccmil)": [[56, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.models.ccmil.ccmil method)": [[56, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL.__init__"]], "forward() (dpat.mil.models.ccmil.ccmil method)": [[56, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL.forward"]], "preprocess_text() (in module dpat.mil.models.ccmil)": [[57, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil": [[58, "module-dpat.mil.models.varmil"]], "attention (class in dpat.mil.models.varmil)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.__init__"]], "configure_optimizers() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.configure_optimizers"]], "forward() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.forward"]], "log_metrics() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.log_metrics"]], "on_test_epoch_end() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.on_test_epoch_end"]], "on_validation_epoch_end() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.on_validation_epoch_end"]], "optimizer_zero_grad() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.optimizer_zero_grad"]], "save_output() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.save_output"]], "test_step() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.test_step"]], "training_step() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.training_step"]], "validation_step() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.validation_step"]], "varattention (class in dpat.mil.models.varmil)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.varattention method)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.__init__"]], "compute_weighted_var() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.varattention method)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.compute_weighted_var"]], "forward() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.varattention method)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.forward"]], "dpat.mil.trainer": [[61, "module-dpat.mil.trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer": [[62, "module-dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer"]], "miltrainer (class in dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer)": [[63, "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.miltrainer method)": [[63, "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer.__init__"]], "dpat.splits": [[64, "module-dpat.splits"]], "dpat.splits.create_splits": [[65, "module-dpat.splits.create_splits"]], "dpat.types": [[66, "module-dpat.types"]], "llmoutput (class in dpat.types)": [[67, "dpat.types.LLMOutput"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.llmoutput method)": [[67, "dpat.types.LLMOutput.__init__"]], "llmoutputprotocol (class in dpat.types)": [[68, "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.llmoutputprotocol method)": [[68, "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol.__init__"]], "metadatadataset (class in dpat.types)": [[69, "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.metadatadataset method)": [[69, "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset.__init__"]], "metadataprotocol (class in dpat.types)": [[70, "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.metadataprotocol method)": [[70, "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol.__init__"]], "get_metadata() (dpat.types.metadataprotocol method)": [[70, "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol.get_metadata"]], "outputprotocol (class in dpat.types)": [[71, "dpat.types.OutputProtocol"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.outputprotocol method)": [[71, "dpat.types.OutputProtocol.__init__"]], "sizeddataset (class in dpat.types)": [[72, "dpat.types.SizedDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.sizeddataset method)": [[72, "dpat.types.SizedDataset.__init__"]], "sizedmetadatadataset (class in dpat.types)": [[73, "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.sizedmetadatadataset method)": [[73, "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset.__init__"]], "visionbackbone (class in dpat.types)": [[74, "dpat.types.VisionBackbone"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.visionbackbone method)": [[74, "dpat.types.VisionBackbone.__init__"]], "dpat.utils": [[75, "module-dpat.utils"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner": [[76, "module-dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "enable_cudnn_auto_tuner() (in module dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner)": [[77, "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation": [[78, "module-dpat.utils.evaluation"]], "compute_mean_and_confidence_interval() (in module dpat.utils.evaluation)": [[79, "dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision": [[80, "module-dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision"]], "set_float32_matmul_precision() (in module dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision)": [[81, "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision"]], "dpat.utils.seed_all": [[82, "module-dpat.utils.seed_all"]]}})
\ No newline at end of file
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"_autosummary/dpat.convert.img_to_tiff", "_autosummary/dpat.data", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings", "_autosummary/dpat.data.transforms", "_autosummary/dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms", "_autosummary/dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform", "_autosummary/dpat.exceptions", "_autosummary/dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError", "_autosummary/dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.simclr", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.swav", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.trainer", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer", "_autosummary/dpat.install_windows", "_autosummary/dpat.mil", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.ccmil", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.varmil", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.trainer", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer", "_autosummary/dpat.splits", "_autosummary/dpat.splits.create_splits", "_autosummary/dpat.types", "_autosummary/dpat.types.LLMOutput", "_autosummary/dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol", "_autosummary/dpat.types.MetaDataDataset", "_autosummary/dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol", "_autosummary/dpat.types.OutputProtocol", "_autosummary/dpat.types.SizedDataset", "_autosummary/dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset", "_autosummary/dpat.types.VisionBackbone", "_autosummary/dpat.utils", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.evaluation", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.seed_all", "adding_new_data", "contributing", "convert_images", "create_masks", "getting_started", "index", "logging", "making_splits", "notebooks"], "filenames": ["_autosummary/dpat.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.logging.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.logging.config_logging.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.mil_cli.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.configs.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.configs.config.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.configs.config.get_default_config_by_name.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.configs.omegaconf.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.ToOtherParams.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.batch_convert.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.filter_existing.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.hhg.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.convert.img_to_tiff.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.transforms.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.exceptions.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.swav.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.trainer.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.install_windows.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.ccmil.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.varmil.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.trainer.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.splits.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.splits.create_splits.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.LLMOutput.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.MetaDataDataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.OutputProtocol.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.SizedDataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.types.VisionBackbone.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.evaluation.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision.rst", "_autosummary/dpat.utils.seed_all.rst", "adding_new_data.rst", "contributing.rst", "convert_images.rst", "create_masks.rst", "getting_started.rst", "index.rst", "logging.rst", "making_splits.rst", "notebooks.rst"], "titles": ["dpat", "dpat.cli", "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli", "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI", "dpat.cli.logging", "dpat.cli.logging.config_logging", "dpat.cli.mil_cli", "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI", "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli", "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI", "dpat.configs", "dpat.configs.config", "dpat.configs.config.get_default_config_by_name", "dpat.configs.omegaconf", "dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers", "dpat.convert", "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats", "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams", "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams", "dpat.convert.batch_convert", "dpat.convert.filter_existing", "dpat.convert.hhg", "dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert", "dpat.convert.img_to_tiff", "dpat.data", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset", "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract", "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings", "dpat.data.transforms", "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms", "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform", "dpat.exceptions", "dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError", "dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError", "dpat.extract_features", "dpat.extract_features.models", "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr", "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR", "dpat.extract_features.models.swav", "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV", "dpat.extract_features.trainer", "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer", "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer", "dpat.install_windows", "dpat.mil", "dpat.mil.models", "dpat.mil.models.ccmil", "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL", "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text", "dpat.mil.models.varmil", "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention", "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention", "dpat.mil.trainer", "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer", "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer", "dpat.splits", "dpat.splits.create_splits", "dpat.types", "dpat.types.LLMOutput", "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol", "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset", "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol", "dpat.types.OutputProtocol", "dpat.types.SizedDataset", "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset", "dpat.types.VisionBackbone", "dpat.utils", "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner", "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner", "dpat.utils.evaluation", "dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval", "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision", "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision", "dpat.utils.seed_all", "Adding new data", "Contributing", "Convert images", "Create masks", "Getting started", "Deep Pathology for Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy", "Logging", "Making splits", "Notebooks"], "terms": {"deep": [0, 87], "learn": [0, 6, 7, 46, 53, 59, 61, 62, 63, 87], "pathologi": 0, "higher": 0, "harmon": 0, "gener": [0, 36], "microscopi": 0, "imag": [0, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 33, 39, 41, 83, 86, 88, 90], "function": [0, 4, 11, 13, 15, 21, 25, 27, 30, 55, 59, 76, 78, 80, 86], "modul": [0, 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 15, 24, 33, 34, 35, 43, 44, 49, 53, 54, 59, 61, 64, 67, 71, 74, 75, 88], "command": [1, 3, 7, 9, 87], "line": [1, 3, 7, 9], "interfac": 1, "thi": [1, 3, 7, 9, 33, 34, 46, 48, 56, 59, 87, 88, 91], "i": [1, 19, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 41, 60, 69, 72, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90], "file": [1, 3, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 59, 83, 90], "which": [1, 3, 7, 9, 26, 34, 35, 60, 85, 86, 87], "build": [1, 27, 32, 33, 46, 48], "main": 1, "parser": [1, 3, 51], "provid": [2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 25, 30, 37, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 61, 62, 75, 90], "trainer": [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 53], "class": [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83], "model_class": [3, 7, 9], "type": [3, 7, 9, 17, 39, 46, 48], "lightn": [3, 7, 9, 25, 32, 48, 51, 58, 59, 60, 63], "pytorch": [3, 7, 9, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 48, 51, 63, 87], "core": [3, 7, 9], "lightningmodul": [3, 7, 9, 46, 48, 59], "callabl": [3, 7, 9, 46, 48], "none": [3, 7, 9, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 46, 48, 56, 59, 60, 67, 74, 81], "datamodule_class": [3, 7, 9], "datamodul": [3, 7, 9, 25, 27, 32], "lightningdatamodul": [3, 7, 9, 27, 32], "save_config_callback": [3, 7, 9], "saveconfigcallback": [3, 7, 9], "save_config_kwarg": [3, 7, 9], "dict": [3, 7, 9, 18, 34, 48, 59, 70], "str": [3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 46, 48, 52, 56, 57, 59, 70], "ani": [3, 7, 9, 20, 23, 27, 28, 46, 48, 70, 79], "trainer_class": [3, 7, 9], "trainer_default": [3, 7, 9], "seed_everything_default": [3, 7, 9], "bool": [3, 7, 9, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 46, 48, 56, 77], "int": [3, 5, 7, 9, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 46, 48, 56, 59, 70], "true": [3, 7, 9, 19, 23, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 56], "parser_kwarg": [3, 7, 9], "subclass_mode_model": [3, 7, 9], "fals": [3, 7, 9, 19, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 46, 48, 56, 77, 87, 89], "subclass_mode_data": [3, 7, 9], "arg": [3, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 31, 41, 42, 51, 56, 60, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74], "list": [3, 7, 9, 19, 20, 23, 27, 33, 34, 35, 46, 48, 59], "jsonargpars": [3, 7, 9], "_namespac": [3, 7, 9], "namespac": [3, 7, 9], "run": [3, 7, 9, 59, 77, 83, 85, 86, 87, 90], "auto_configure_optim": [3, 7, 9], "base": [3, 7, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 56, 59, 60, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74], "lightningcli": 3, "us": [3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 41, 46, 48, 56, 59, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90], "__init__": [3, 7, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 56, 59, 60, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74], "receiv": [3, 7, 9], "input": [3, 7, 9, 19, 20, 23, 48, 56, 85, 86], "return": [3, 7, 9, 12, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 87], "ar": [3, 7, 9, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33, 39, 41, 85, 90], "call": [3, 7, 9], "instanti": [3, 7, 9], "pars": [3, 7, 9], "configur": [3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 46, 48, 51, 59], "from": [3, 7, 9, 12, 22, 26, 28, 33, 35, 43, 56, 58, 59, 60, 79, 85, 86, 87, 90], "environ": [3, 7, 9, 87], "variabl": [3, 7, 9], "can": [3, 7, 9, 46, 48, 52, 86, 89, 90], "enabl": [3, 7, 9, 76, 77, 87], "set": [3, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 26, 32, 46, 48, 59, 80, 81, 90], "default_env": [3, 7, 9], "A": [3, 7, 9, 56, 60, 86], "full": [3, 7, 9], "yaml": [3, 7, 9, 14], "would": [3, 7, 9], "pl_config": [3, 7, 9], "individu": [3, 7, 9, 34, 35], "so": [3, 7, 9], "name": [3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 34, 35, 59, 90], "exampl": [3, 7, 9, 88], "pl_trainer__max_epoch": [3, 7, 9], "For": [3, 7, 9, 87, 88], "more": [3, 7, 9, 27, 28], "info": [3, 5, 7, 9, 18], "read": [3, 7, 9, 26, 28, 30, 33], "doc": [3, 7, 9, 87], "an": [3, 7, 9, 20, 29, 31, 33, 59, 83], "option": [3, 7, 9, 20, 56, 83, 90], "train": [3, 7, 9, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 46, 48, 59, 83, 87, 90], "instanc": [3, 6, 7, 9, 28, 53, 61, 62, 63], "when": [3, 7, 9, 32, 33, 83, 89], "If": [3, 7, 9, 19, 23, 27, 28, 31, 33, 56, 60, 83, 85, 86, 87], "you": [3, 7, 9, 27, 28, 87], "pass": [3, 7, 9, 33], "regist": [3, 7, 9, 14], "model": [3, 7, 9, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 53, 68, 74, 83], "mymodel": [3, 7, 9], "data": [3, 7, 9, 88], "mydatamodul": [3, 7, 9], "callback": [3, 7, 9], "save": [3, 7, 9, 23, 26, 31, 33, 59], "config": [3, 7, 9], "paramet": [3, 7, 9, 18, 83], "subclass": [3, 7, 9], "overrid": [3, 7, 9], "default": [3, 7, 9, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 46, 48, 56, 59, 60, 86, 90], "add": [3, 7, 9, 51, 84], "persist": [3, 7, 9], "The": [3, 7, 9, 14, 28, 33, 34, 35, 59, 86, 87, 90], "ad": [3, 7, 9, 88], "through": [3, 7, 9, 29], "argument": [3, 7, 9, 19, 23, 51], "alwai": [3, 7, 9], "present": [3, 7, 9, 90], "particular": [3, 7, 9], "altern": [3, 7, 9], "explain": [3, 7, 9], "number": [3, 7, 9, 18, 32, 33, 34, 35, 48, 59, 83], "seed_everyth": [3, 7, 9], "seed": [3, 7, 9, 82], "valu": [3, 7, 9, 16, 22, 28, 29, 38, 79, 90], "automat": [3, 7, 9, 87], "choos": [3, 7, 9, 34, 35], "avoid": [3, 7, 9], "addit": [3, 7, 9], "each": [3, 7, 9], "lightningargumentpars": [3, 7, 9], "whether": [3, 7, 9, 33], 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22, 23, 85, 90], "1": [18, 22, 27, 28, 46, 52, 56, 58, 59, 60, 84], "contain": [18, 27, 28, 32, 85, 90], "resolut": [18, 22, 28], "inform": [18, 27, 28], "header": 18, "resolution_unit": 18, "unit": [18, 22], "indic": 18, "inch": 18, "2": [18, 22, 27, 28, 32, 52, 58, 59, 60, 84], "cm": [18, 22], "3": [18, 52, 83, 84], "xresolut": 18, "float": [18, 27, 28, 32, 33, 59, 79, 80, 81], "pixel": [18, 27, 28], "per": [18, 27, 28], "x": [18, 22, 27, 28, 46, 48, 56, 59, 60, 90], "direct": [18, 27, 28], "yresolut": 18, "www": [18, 60], "fileformat": 18, "corion": 18, "htm": 18, "input_path": [19, 20, 23], "output_dir": [19, 20, 22, 23, 85, 86, 90], "output_ext": [19, 22], "availableimageformat": [19, 20, 22, 23], "num_work": [19, 22, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35], "4": [19, 27, 84], "chunk": [19, 22], "30": 19, "kwargs_per_path": [19, 20], "tootherparam": [19, 20], "trust_sourc": [19, 23], "skip_exist": [19, 22], "all": [19, 20, 23, 28, 32, 82, 85, 86, 90], "found": 19, "directori": [19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 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48, 56, 59, 60, 83], "1e4": 22, "um": 22, "mmp": 22, "where": [22, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 69, 72], "abov": 22, "totiffparam": 23, "refer": [23, 85], "document": [23, 87], "possibl": [23, 33, 34], "dataset": [24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 69, 70, 72, 73, 83], "transform": [24, 27, 28, 32, 33], "mask_factori": [26, 27, 28], "liter": [26, 27, 28, 56, 81], "no_mask": [26, 27, 28], "load_from_disk": [26, 27, 28], "mask_root_dir": [26, 27, 28], "object": [26, 31, 33, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42], "get": [26, 28, 33, 70, 88], "mask": [26, 28, 83, 88, 91], "initi": [26, 31, 33, 51, 59, 63, 67, 74], "factori": 26, "creat": [26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 35, 39, 64, 65, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90], "root": 26, "dir": 26, "place": 26, "find": 26, "load": [26, 28], "disk": [26, 33, 59], "png": [26, 86], "dlup": [26, 27, 28, 39, 52, 58, 59, 60, 86, 87], "convert": [26, 83, 88], "npy": 26, "return_mask_from_config": 26, "img": [26, 33], "idx": 26, "relative_img_path": 26, "swav": [27, 33, 34], "simclr": 27, "root_dir": [27, 28], "train_img_paths_and_target": 27, "val_img_paths_and_target": 27, "test_img_paths_and_target": 27, "clinical_context": [27, 28, 32, 33], "tile_size_x": [27, 28], "224": [27, 28], "tile_size_i": [27, 28], "tile_overlap_x": [27, 28], "tile_overlap_i": [27, 28], "tile_mod": [27, 28], "crop": [27, 28], "mask_foreground_threshold": [27, 28], "batch_siz": [27, 29, 33, 34, 35], "512": [27, 48], "color_jitt": 27, "availabletransform": 27, "dataload": [27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 36], "some": [27, 34, 84], "need": [27, 32, 85, 86, 87, 89], "special": 27, "collat": 27, "store": [27, 28, 33, 34, 35], "split": [27, 28, 32, 83, 88], "valid": [27, 32, 59], "test": [27, 32, 59, 90], "export": [27, 32, 33], "clinic": [27, 28, 32, 33, 55, 56], "context": [27, 28, 32, 33, 55, 56], "tile": [27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 43], "state": [27, 28, 67, 74], "micron": [27, 28], "wish": [27, 28], "integ": [27, 28], "repres": [27, 28], "size": [27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 56, 59, 60, 72, 73], "overlap": [27, 28], 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42, 46, 48, 52, 83, 85, 86], "note": [31, 32, 77], "give": [31, 33], "overwrit": [31, 34, 56, 60, 83], "keyword": 31, "interrupt": 31, "while": [31, 56, 60], "flush": 31, "buffer": 31, "close": 31, "h5py": [31, 33, 34, 35], "file_path": 32, "train_path": 32, "val_path": 32, "test_path": 32, "num_class": [32, 33, 59], "augment_fil": [32, 33], "augment_p": [32, 33], "balanc": 32, "pmchhgh5dataset": 32, "forc": 32, "one": 32, "bag": 32, "embed": [32, 56], "fold": [32, 59, 90], "pmchhgimagedataset": [32, 33, 34, 35], "val": [32, 59, 90], "datalaod": 32, "predict": [32, 56, 59, 60], "minor": [32, 33], "oversampl": [32, 33], "augment": [32, 33, 48], "probabl": [32, 33, 59], "test_dataload": 32, "val_dataload": 32, "metadata_kei": 33, "paths_and_target": 33, "cach": [33, 56], "load_encod": 33, "pack": 33, "locat": [33, 34, 35, 83, 90], "panda": 33, "case_id": [33, 90], "img_id": 33, "within": [33, 90], "encod": 33, "byte": 33, "directli": 33, "compute_sampler_weight": 33, "comput": [33, 34, 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"training_step": [46, 48, 59], "step": [46, 48, 59, 83, 84, 87], "input_dim": 48, "hidden_dim": 48, "256": 48, "output_dim": 48, "n_prototyp": 48, "16": 48, "lr_schedul": 48, "lrschedul": 48, "reducelronplateau": 48, "swap": 48, "view": 48, "ssl": 48, "dimens": 48, "head": 48, "hidden": [48, 59], "layer": [48, 71], "Will": 48, "also": [48, 60], "let": 48, "work": 48, "optimizer_kwarg": 48, "lr": [48, 59], "beta": 48, "etc": [48, 90], "scheduler_kwarg": 48, "t_max": [48, 59], "_lrschedul": 48, "extractor": [49, 50, 51, 83], "link": 51, "vipsbin": 52, "instal": [52, 88, 91], "window": [52, 87], "vip": [52, 88], "import": [52, 87], "pyvip": 52, "openslid": [52, 88], "right": [52, 56], "order": 52, "separ": [52, 87], "includ": [52, 87, 90, 91], "bin": [52, 87], "app": 52, "dev": 52, "8": 52, "14": 52, "github": [52, 58, 59, 60, 87], "com": [52, 58, 59, 60, 87], "libvip": [52, 87], "nki": [52, 58, 59, 60], "ai": [52, 58, 59, 60], "attent": [54, 55, 56, 60], "llm_model": 56, "emilyalsentz": 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[3, 2, 1, "", "before_instantiate_classes"]], "dpat.cli.logging": [[5, 3, 1, "", "config_logging"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli": [[7, 1, 1, "", "MILTrainCLI"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli": [[9, 1, 1, "", "PreTrainCLI"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI": [[9, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.configs": [[11, 0, 0, "-", "config"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "omegaconf"]], "dpat.configs.config": [[12, 3, 1, "", "get_default_config_by_name"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf": [[14, 3, 1, "", "register_conf_resolvers"]], "dpat.convert": [[16, 1, 1, "", "AvailableImageFormats"], [17, 1, 1, "", "ToOtherParams"], [18, 1, 1, "", "ToTIFFParams"], [19, 3, 1, "", "batch_convert"], [20, 3, 1, "", "filter_existing"], [21, 0, 0, "-", "hhg"], [23, 3, 1, "", "img_to_tiff"]], "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats": [[16, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams": [[17, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.convert.hhg": [[22, 3, 1, "", "hhg_batch_convert"]], "dpat.data": [[25, 0, 0, "-", "pmc_tile_dataset"], [30, 0, 0, "-", "pmchhg_h5_dataset"], [37, 0, 0, "-", "transforms"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset": [[26, 1, 1, "", "MaskGetter"], [27, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGImageDataModule"], [28, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGImageDataset"], [29, 3, 1, "", "online_mean_and_std"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter": [[26, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [26, 2, 1, "", "load_from_disk"], [26, 2, 1, "", "no_mask"], [26, 2, 1, "", "return_mask_from_config"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 4, 1, "", "collate_fn"], [27, 2, 1, "", "prepare_data"], [27, 2, 1, "", "setup"], [27, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset": [[28, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [28, 2, 1, "", "get_metadata"], [28, 2, 1, "", "num_samples"], [28, 2, 1, "", "path_to_image"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset": [[31, 1, 1, "", "CarefulHDF5"], [32, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGH5DataModule"], [33, 1, 1, "", "PMCHHGH5Dataset"], [34, 3, 1, "", "compile_features"], [35, 3, 1, "", "feature_batch_extract"], [36, 3, 1, "", "generate_embeddings"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5": [[31, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule": [[32, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [32, 2, 1, "", "prepare_data"], [32, 2, 1, "", "setup"], [32, 2, 1, "", "test_dataloader"], [32, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"], [32, 2, 1, "", "val_dataloader"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset": [[33, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [33, 2, 1, "", "compute_sampler_weights"], [33, 2, 1, "", "from_pmchhg_data_and_model"], [33, 2, 1, "", "get_dataset_at_index"]], "dpat.data.transforms": [[38, 1, 1, "", "AvailableTransforms"], [39, 1, 1, "", "Dlup2DpatTransform"]], "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms": [[38, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform": [[39, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.exceptions": [[41, 5, 1, "", "DpatDecompressionBombError"], [42, 5, 1, "", "DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError"]], "dpat.extract_features": [[44, 0, 0, "-", "models"], [49, 0, 0, "-", "trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.models": [[45, 0, 0, "-", "simclr"], [47, 0, 0, "-", "swav"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr": [[46, 1, 1, "", "SimCLR"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [46, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [46, 2, 1, "", "optimizer_zero_grad"], [46, 2, 1, "", "training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav": [[48, 1, 1, "", "SwAV"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV": [[48, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [48, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [48, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [48, 2, 1, "", "optimizer_zero_grad"], [48, 2, 1, "", "training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer": [[50, 0, 0, "-", "pre_trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer": [[51, 1, 1, "", "PreTrainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [51, 2, 1, "", "add_arguments_to_parser"]], "dpat.mil": [[54, 0, 0, "-", "models"], [61, 0, 0, "-", "trainer"]], "dpat.mil.models": [[55, 0, 0, "-", "ccmil"], [58, 0, 0, "-", "varmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil": [[56, 1, 1, "", "CCMIL"], [57, 3, 1, "", "preprocess_text"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL": [[56, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [56, 2, 1, "", "forward"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil": [[59, 1, 1, "", "Attention"], [60, 1, 1, "", "VarAttention"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention": [[59, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [59, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [59, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [59, 2, 1, "", "log_metrics"], [59, 2, 1, "", "on_test_epoch_end"], [59, 2, 1, "", "on_validation_epoch_end"], [59, 2, 1, "", "optimizer_zero_grad"], [59, 2, 1, "", "save_output"], [59, 2, 1, "", "test_step"], [59, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [59, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention": [[60, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [60, 2, 1, "", "compute_weighted_var"], [60, 2, 1, "", "forward"]], "dpat.mil.trainer": [[62, 0, 0, "-", "mil_trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer": [[63, 1, 1, "", "MILTrainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer": [[63, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.splits": [[65, 0, 0, "-", "create_splits"]], "dpat.types": [[67, 1, 1, "", "LLMOutput"], [68, 1, 1, "", "LLMOutputProtocol"], [69, 1, 1, "", "MetaDataDataset"], [70, 1, 1, "", "MetaDataProtocol"], [71, 1, 1, "", "OutputProtocol"], [72, 1, 1, "", "SizedDataset"], [73, 1, 1, "", "SizedMetaDataDataset"], [74, 1, 1, "", "VisionBackbone"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutput": [[67, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol": [[68, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol": [[70, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [70, 2, 1, "", "get_metadata"]], "dpat.types.OutputProtocol": [[71, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.SizedDataset": [[72, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset": [[73, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.types.VisionBackbone": [[74, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "dpat.utils": [[76, 0, 0, "-", "cudnn_auto_tuner"], [78, 0, 0, "-", "evaluation"], [80, 0, 0, "-", "float32_matmul_precision"], [82, 0, 0, "-", "seed_all"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner": [[77, 3, 1, "", "enable_cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation": [[79, 3, 1, "", "compute_mean_and_confidence_interval"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision": [[81, 3, 1, "", "set_float32_matmul_precision"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:function", "4": "py:property", "5": "py:exception"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "4": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "5": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"]}, "titleterms": {"dpat": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82], "cli": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "dpat_trainer_cli": [2, 3], "dpattrainercli": 3, "log": [4, 5, 89], "config_log": 5, "mil_cli": [6, 7], "miltraincli": 7, "pretrain_cli": [8, 9], "pretraincli": 9, "config": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "get_default_config_by_nam": 12, "omegaconf": [13, 14], "register_conf_resolv": 14, "exampl": [14, 33, 52], "convert": [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 85], "availableimageformat": 16, "tootherparam": 17, "totiffparam": 18, "attribut": 18, "refer": [18, 29, 52, 58, 59, 60], "batch_convert": 19, "paramet": [19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 46, 48, 52, 56, 59, 60], "filter_exist": 20, "hhg": [21, 22], "hhg_batch_convert": 22, "img_to_tiff": 23, "data": [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 83], "pmc_tile_dataset": [25, 26, 27, 28, 29], "maskgett": 26, "pmchhgimagedatamodul": 27, "rais": 27, "pmchhgimagedataset": 28, "online_mean_and_std": 29, "pmchhg_h5_dataset": [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36], "carefulhdf5": 31, "pmchhgh5datamodul": 32, "pmchhgh5dataset": 33, "structur": 33, "compile_featur": 34, "return": 34, "feature_batch_extract": 35, "generate_embed": 36, "transform": [37, 38, 39], "availabletransform": 38, "dlup2dpattransform": 39, "except": [40, 41, 42], "dpatdecompressionbomberror": 41, "dpatoutputdirectoryexistserror": 42, "extract_featur": [43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51], "model": [44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60], "simclr": [45, 46], "swav": [47, 48], "trainer": [49, 50, 51, 61, 62, 63], "pre_train": [50, 51], "pretrain": 51, "install_window": 52, "mil": [53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63], "ccmil": [55, 56, 57], "preprocess_text": 57, "varmil": [58, 59, 60], "attent": 59, 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"sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx": 60}, "alltitles": {"dpat": [[0, "module-dpat"]], "dpat.cli": [[1, "module-dpat.cli"]], "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli": [[2, "module-dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli"]], "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI": [[3, "dpat-cli-dpat-trainer-cli-dpattrainercli"]], "dpat.cli.logging": [[4, "module-dpat.cli.logging"]], "dpat.cli.logging.config_logging": [[5, "dpat-cli-logging-config-logging"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli": [[6, "module-dpat.cli.mil_cli"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI": [[7, "dpat-cli-mil-cli-miltraincli"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli": [[8, "module-dpat.cli.pretrain_cli"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI": [[9, "dpat-cli-pretrain-cli-pretraincli"]], "dpat.configs": [[10, "module-dpat.configs"]], "dpat.configs.config": [[11, "module-dpat.configs.config"]], "dpat.configs.config.get_default_config_by_name": [[12, "dpat-configs-config-get-default-config-by-name"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf": [[13, "module-dpat.configs.omegaconf"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers": [[14, "dpat-configs-omegaconf-register-conf-resolvers"]], "Examples": [[14, "examples"], [52, "examples"]], "dpat.convert": [[15, "module-dpat.convert"]], "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats": [[16, "dpat-convert-availableimageformats"]], "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams": [[17, "dpat-convert-tootherparams"]], "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams": [[18, "dpat-convert-totiffparams"]], "Attributes": [[18, "attributes"]], "References": [[18, "references"], [29, "references"], [52, "references"], [58, "references"], [59, "references"], [60, "references"], [60, "id2"]], "dpat.convert.batch_convert": [[19, "dpat-convert-batch-convert"]], "Parameters": [[19, "parameters"], [20, "parameters"], [23, "parameters"], [26, "parameters"], [27, "parameters"], [28, "parameters"], [28, "id3"], [28, "id4"], [29, "parameters"], [32, "parameters"], [33, "parameters"], [33, "id1"], [34, "parameters"], [35, "parameters"], [39, "parameters"], [46, "parameters"], [48, "parameters"], [52, "parameters"], [56, "parameters"], [56, "id1"], [59, "parameters"], [59, "id1"], [59, "id2"], [60, "parameters"], [60, "id1"], [60, "id3"]], "dpat.convert.filter_existing": [[20, "dpat-convert-filter-existing"]], "dpat.convert.hhg": [[21, "module-dpat.convert.hhg"]], "dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert": [[22, "dpat-convert-hhg-hhg-batch-convert"]], "dpat.convert.img_to_tiff": [[23, "dpat-convert-img-to-tiff"]], "dpat.data": [[24, "module-dpat.data"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset": [[25, "module-dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter": [[26, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-maskgetter"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule": [[27, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-pmchhgimagedatamodule"]], "Raises": [[27, "raises"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset": [[28, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-pmchhgimagedataset"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std": [[29, "dpat-data-pmc-tile-dataset-online-mean-and-std"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset": [[30, "module-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5": [[31, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-carefulhdf5"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule": [[32, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-pmchhgh5datamodule"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset": [[33, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-pmchhgh5dataset"]], "Example structure": [[33, "example-structure"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features": [[34, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-compile-features"]], "Returns": [[34, "returns"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract": [[35, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-feature-batch-extract"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings": [[36, "dpat-data-pmchhg-h5-dataset-generate-embeddings"]], "dpat.data.transforms": [[37, "module-dpat.data.transforms"]], "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms": [[38, "dpat-data-transforms-availabletransforms"]], "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform": [[39, "dpat-data-transforms-dlup2dpattransform"]], "dpat.exceptions": [[40, "module-dpat.exceptions"]], "dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError": [[41, "dpat-exceptions-dpatdecompressionbomberror"]], "dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError": [[42, "dpat-exceptions-dpatoutputdirectoryexistserror"]], "dpat.extract_features": [[43, "module-dpat.extract_features"]], "dpat.extract_features.models": [[44, "module-dpat.extract_features.models"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr": [[45, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.simclr"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR": [[46, "dpat-extract-features-models-simclr-simclr"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav": [[47, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.swav"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV": [[48, "dpat-extract-features-models-swav-swav"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer": [[49, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer": [[50, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer": [[51, "dpat-extract-features-trainer-pre-trainer-pretrainer"]], "dpat.install_windows": [[52, "dpat-install-windows"]], "dpat.mil": [[53, "module-dpat.mil"]], "dpat.mil.models": [[54, "module-dpat.mil.models"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil": [[55, "module-dpat.mil.models.ccmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL": [[56, "dpat-mil-models-ccmil-ccmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text": [[57, "dpat-mil-models-ccmil-preprocess-text"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil": [[58, "module-dpat.mil.models.varmil"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention": [[59, "dpat-mil-models-varmil-attention"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention": [[60, "dpat-mil-models-varmil-varattention"]], "dpat.mil.trainer": [[61, "module-dpat.mil.trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer": [[62, "module-dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer": [[63, "dpat-mil-trainer-mil-trainer-miltrainer"]], "dpat.splits": [[64, "module-dpat.splits"]], "dpat.splits.create_splits": [[65, "module-dpat.splits.create_splits"]], "dpat.types": [[66, "module-dpat.types"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutput": [[67, "dpat-types-llmoutput"]], "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol": [[68, "dpat-types-llmoutputprotocol"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset": [[69, "dpat-types-metadatadataset"]], "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol": [[70, "dpat-types-metadataprotocol"]], "dpat.types.OutputProtocol": [[71, "dpat-types-outputprotocol"]], "dpat.types.SizedDataset": [[72, "dpat-types-sizeddataset"]], "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset": [[73, "dpat-types-sizedmetadatadataset"]], "dpat.types.VisionBackbone": [[74, "dpat-types-visionbackbone"]], "dpat.utils": [[75, "module-dpat.utils"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner": [[76, "module-dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner": [[77, "dpat-utils-cudnn-auto-tuner-enable-cudnn-auto-tuner"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation": [[78, "module-dpat.utils.evaluation"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval": [[79, "dpat-utils-evaluation-compute-mean-and-confidence-interval"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision": [[80, "module-dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision": [[81, "dpat-utils-float32-matmul-precision-set-float32-matmul-precision"]], "dpat.utils.seed_all": [[82, "module-dpat.utils.seed_all"]], "Adding new data": [[83, "adding-new-data"]], "Contributing": [[84, "contributing"]], "Convert images": [[85, "convert-images"]], "Create masks": [[86, "create-masks"]], "Getting started": [[87, "getting-started"]], "Prerequisites": [[87, "prerequisites"]], "Conda": [[87, "conda"]], "vips": [[87, "vips"]], "OpenSlide": [[87, "openslide"]], "CUDA": [[87, "cuda"]], "Installation": [[87, "installation"]], "Deep Pathology for Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy": [[88, "deep-pathology-for-higher-harmonic-generation-microscopy"]], "Indices and tables": [[88, "indices-and-tables"]], "Logging": [[89, "logging"]], "Making splits": [[90, "making-splits"]], "Notebooks": [[91, "notebooks"]]}, "indexentries": {"dpat": [[0, "module-dpat"]], "module": [[0, "module-dpat"], [1, "module-dpat.cli"], [2, "module-dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli"], [4, "module-dpat.cli.logging"], [6, "module-dpat.cli.mil_cli"], [8, "module-dpat.cli.pretrain_cli"], [10, "module-dpat.configs"], [11, "module-dpat.configs.config"], [13, "module-dpat.configs.omegaconf"], [15, "module-dpat.convert"], [21, "module-dpat.convert.hhg"], [24, "module-dpat.data"], [25, "module-dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset"], [30, "module-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset"], [37, "module-dpat.data.transforms"], [40, "module-dpat.exceptions"], [43, "module-dpat.extract_features"], [44, "module-dpat.extract_features.models"], [45, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.simclr"], [47, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.swav"], [49, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer"], [50, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer"], [53, "module-dpat.mil"], [54, "module-dpat.mil.models"], [55, "module-dpat.mil.models.ccmil"], [58, "module-dpat.mil.models.varmil"], [61, "module-dpat.mil.trainer"], [62, "module-dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer"], [64, "module-dpat.splits"], [65, "module-dpat.splits.create_splits"], [66, "module-dpat.types"], [75, "module-dpat.utils"], [76, "module-dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner"], [78, "module-dpat.utils.evaluation"], [80, "module-dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision"], [82, "module-dpat.utils.seed_all"]], "dpat.cli": [[1, "module-dpat.cli"]], "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli": [[2, "module-dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli"]], "dpattrainercli (class in dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI"]], "__init__() (dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.dpattrainercli method)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.__init__"]], "add_arguments_to_parser() (dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.dpattrainercli method)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.add_arguments_to_parser"]], "before_instantiate_classes() (dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.dpattrainercli method)": [[3, "dpat.cli.dpat_trainer_cli.DpatTrainerCLI.before_instantiate_classes"]], "dpat.cli.logging": [[4, "module-dpat.cli.logging"]], "config_logging() (in module dpat.cli.logging)": [[5, "dpat.cli.logging.config_logging"]], "dpat.cli.mil_cli": [[6, "module-dpat.cli.mil_cli"]], "miltraincli (class in dpat.cli.mil_cli)": [[7, "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI"]], "__init__() (dpat.cli.mil_cli.miltraincli method)": [[7, "dpat.cli.mil_cli.MILTrainCLI.__init__"]], "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli": [[8, "module-dpat.cli.pretrain_cli"]], "pretraincli (class in dpat.cli.pretrain_cli)": [[9, "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI"]], "__init__() (dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.pretraincli method)": [[9, "dpat.cli.pretrain_cli.PreTrainCLI.__init__"]], "dpat.configs": [[10, "module-dpat.configs"]], "dpat.configs.config": [[11, "module-dpat.configs.config"]], "get_default_config_by_name() (in module dpat.configs.config)": [[12, "dpat.configs.config.get_default_config_by_name"]], "dpat.configs.omegaconf": [[13, "module-dpat.configs.omegaconf"]], "register_conf_resolvers() (in module dpat.configs.omegaconf)": [[14, "dpat.configs.omegaconf.register_conf_resolvers"]], "dpat.convert": [[15, "module-dpat.convert"]], "availableimageformats (class in dpat.convert)": [[16, "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats"]], "__init__() (dpat.convert.availableimageformats method)": [[16, "dpat.convert.AvailableImageFormats.__init__"]], "tootherparams (class in dpat.convert)": [[17, "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams"]], "__init__() (dpat.convert.tootherparams method)": [[17, "dpat.convert.ToOtherParams.__init__"]], "totiffparams (class in dpat.convert)": [[18, "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams"]], "__init__() (dpat.convert.totiffparams method)": [[18, "dpat.convert.ToTIFFParams.__init__"]], "batch_convert() (in module dpat.convert)": [[19, "dpat.convert.batch_convert"]], "filter_existing() (in module dpat.convert)": [[20, "dpat.convert.filter_existing"]], "dpat.convert.hhg": [[21, "module-dpat.convert.hhg"]], "hhg_batch_convert() (in module dpat.convert.hhg)": [[22, "dpat.convert.hhg.hhg_batch_convert"]], "img_to_tiff() (in module dpat.convert)": [[23, "dpat.convert.img_to_tiff"]], "dpat.data": [[24, "module-dpat.data"]], "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset": [[25, "module-dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset"]], "maskgetter (class in dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.__init__"]], "load_from_disk() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.load_from_disk"]], "no_mask() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.no_mask"]], "return_mask_from_config() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.maskgetter method)": [[26, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.MaskGetter.return_mask_from_config"]], "pmchhgimagedatamodule (class in dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.__init__"]], "collate_fn (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule property)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.collate_fn"]], "prepare_data() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.prepare_data"]], "setup() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.setup"]], "train_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedatamodule method)": [[27, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataModule.train_dataloader"]], "pmchhgimagedataset (class in dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.__init__"]], "get_metadata() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.get_metadata"]], "num_samples() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.num_samples"]], "path_to_image() (dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.pmchhgimagedataset static method)": [[28, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.PMCHHGImageDataset.path_to_image"]], "online_mean_and_std() (in module dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset)": [[29, "dpat.data.pmc_tile_dataset.online_mean_and_std"]], "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset": [[30, "module-dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset"]], "carefulhdf5 (class in dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[31, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.carefulhdf5 method)": [[31, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.CarefulHDF5.__init__"]], "pmchhgh5datamodule (class in dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.__init__"]], "prepare_data() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.prepare_data"]], "setup() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.setup"]], "test_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.test_dataloader"]], "train_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.train_dataloader"]], "val_dataloader() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5datamodule method)": [[32, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5DataModule.val_dataloader"]], "pmchhgh5dataset (class in dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.__init__"]], "compute_sampler_weights() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.compute_sampler_weights"]], "from_pmchhg_data_and_model() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset class method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.from_pmchhg_data_and_model"]], "get_dataset_at_index() (dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.pmchhgh5dataset method)": [[33, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.PMCHHGH5Dataset.get_dataset_at_index"]], "compile_features() (in module dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[34, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.compile_features"]], "feature_batch_extract() (in module dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[35, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.feature_batch_extract"]], "generate_embeddings() (in module dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset)": [[36, "dpat.data.pmchhg_h5_dataset.generate_embeddings"]], "dpat.data.transforms": [[37, "module-dpat.data.transforms"]], "availabletransforms (class in dpat.data.transforms)": [[38, "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.transforms.availabletransforms method)": [[38, "dpat.data.transforms.AvailableTransforms.__init__"]], "dlup2dpattransform (class in dpat.data.transforms)": [[39, "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform"]], "__init__() (dpat.data.transforms.dlup2dpattransform method)": [[39, "dpat.data.transforms.Dlup2DpatTransform.__init__"]], "dpat.exceptions": [[40, "module-dpat.exceptions"]], "dpatdecompressionbomberror": [[41, "dpat.exceptions.DpatDecompressionBombError"]], "dpatoutputdirectoryexistserror": [[42, "dpat.exceptions.DpatOutputDirectoryExistsError"]], "dpat.extract_features": [[43, "module-dpat.extract_features"]], "dpat.extract_features.models": [[44, "module-dpat.extract_features.models"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr": [[45, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.simclr"]], "simclr (class in dpat.extract_features.models.simclr)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR"]], "__init__() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.__init__"]], "configure_optimizers() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.configure_optimizers"]], "forward() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.forward"]], "optimizer_zero_grad() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.optimizer_zero_grad"]], "training_step() (dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.simclr method)": [[46, "dpat.extract_features.models.simclr.SimCLR.training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.models.swav": [[47, "module-dpat.extract_features.models.swav"]], "swav (class in dpat.extract_features.models.swav)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV"]], "__init__() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.__init__"]], "configure_optimizers() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.configure_optimizers"]], "forward() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.forward"]], "optimizer_zero_grad() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.optimizer_zero_grad"]], "training_step() (dpat.extract_features.models.swav.swav method)": [[48, "dpat.extract_features.models.swav.SwAV.training_step"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer": [[49, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer"]], "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer": [[50, "module-dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer"]], "pretrainer (class in dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer)": [[51, "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer"]], "__init__() (dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.pretrainer method)": [[51, "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer.__init__"]], "add_arguments_to_parser() (dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.pretrainer method)": [[51, "dpat.extract_features.trainer.pre_trainer.PreTrainer.add_arguments_to_parser"]], "install_windows() (in module dpat)": [[52, "dpat.install_windows"]], "dpat.mil": [[53, "module-dpat.mil"]], "dpat.mil.models": [[54, "module-dpat.mil.models"]], "dpat.mil.models.ccmil": [[55, "module-dpat.mil.models.ccmil"]], "ccmil (class in dpat.mil.models.ccmil)": [[56, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.models.ccmil.ccmil method)": [[56, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL.__init__"]], "forward() (dpat.mil.models.ccmil.ccmil method)": [[56, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.CCMIL.forward"]], "preprocess_text() (in module dpat.mil.models.ccmil)": [[57, "dpat.mil.models.ccmil.preprocess_text"]], "dpat.mil.models.varmil": [[58, "module-dpat.mil.models.varmil"]], "attention (class in dpat.mil.models.varmil)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.__init__"]], "configure_optimizers() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.configure_optimizers"]], "forward() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.forward"]], "log_metrics() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.log_metrics"]], "on_test_epoch_end() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.on_test_epoch_end"]], "on_validation_epoch_end() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.on_validation_epoch_end"]], "optimizer_zero_grad() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.optimizer_zero_grad"]], "save_output() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.save_output"]], "test_step() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.test_step"]], "training_step() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.training_step"]], "validation_step() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.attention method)": [[59, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.Attention.validation_step"]], "varattention (class in dpat.mil.models.varmil)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.varattention method)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.__init__"]], "compute_weighted_var() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.varattention method)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.compute_weighted_var"]], "forward() (dpat.mil.models.varmil.varattention method)": [[60, "dpat.mil.models.varmil.VarAttention.forward"]], "dpat.mil.trainer": [[61, "module-dpat.mil.trainer"]], "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer": [[62, "module-dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer"]], "miltrainer (class in dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer)": [[63, "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer"]], "__init__() (dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.miltrainer method)": [[63, "dpat.mil.trainer.mil_trainer.MILTrainer.__init__"]], "dpat.splits": [[64, "module-dpat.splits"]], "dpat.splits.create_splits": [[65, "module-dpat.splits.create_splits"]], "dpat.types": [[66, "module-dpat.types"]], "llmoutput (class in dpat.types)": [[67, "dpat.types.LLMOutput"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.llmoutput method)": [[67, "dpat.types.LLMOutput.__init__"]], "llmoutputprotocol (class in dpat.types)": [[68, "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.llmoutputprotocol method)": [[68, "dpat.types.LLMOutputProtocol.__init__"]], "metadatadataset (class in dpat.types)": [[69, "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.metadatadataset method)": [[69, "dpat.types.MetaDataDataset.__init__"]], "metadataprotocol (class in dpat.types)": [[70, "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.metadataprotocol method)": [[70, "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol.__init__"]], "get_metadata() (dpat.types.metadataprotocol method)": [[70, "dpat.types.MetaDataProtocol.get_metadata"]], "outputprotocol (class in dpat.types)": [[71, "dpat.types.OutputProtocol"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.outputprotocol method)": [[71, "dpat.types.OutputProtocol.__init__"]], "sizeddataset (class in dpat.types)": [[72, "dpat.types.SizedDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.sizeddataset method)": [[72, "dpat.types.SizedDataset.__init__"]], "sizedmetadatadataset (class in dpat.types)": [[73, "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.sizedmetadatadataset method)": [[73, "dpat.types.SizedMetaDataDataset.__init__"]], "visionbackbone (class in dpat.types)": [[74, "dpat.types.VisionBackbone"]], "__init__() (dpat.types.visionbackbone method)": [[74, "dpat.types.VisionBackbone.__init__"]], "dpat.utils": [[75, "module-dpat.utils"]], "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner": [[76, "module-dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "enable_cudnn_auto_tuner() (in module dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner)": [[77, "dpat.utils.cudnn_auto_tuner.enable_cudnn_auto_tuner"]], "dpat.utils.evaluation": [[78, "module-dpat.utils.evaluation"]], "compute_mean_and_confidence_interval() (in module dpat.utils.evaluation)": [[79, "dpat.utils.evaluation.compute_mean_and_confidence_interval"]], "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision": [[80, "module-dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision"]], "set_float32_matmul_precision() (in module dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision)": [[81, "dpat.utils.float32_matmul_precision.set_float32_matmul_precision"]], "dpat.utils.seed_all": [[82, "module-dpat.utils.seed_all"]]}})
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