- FFaker::AWS
- FFaker::Address
- FFaker::AddressAU
- FFaker::AddressBR
- FFaker::AddressCA
- FFaker::AddressCH
- FFaker::AddressCHDE
- FFaker::AddressCHFR
- FFaker::AddressCHIT
- FFaker::AddressDA
- FFaker::AddressDE
- FFaker::AddressFI
- FFaker::AddressFR
- FFaker::AddressGR
- FFaker::AddressID
- FFaker::AddressIN
- FFaker::AddressJA
- FFaker::AddressKR
- FFaker::AddressMX
- FFaker::AddressNL
- FFaker::AddressPL
- FFaker::AddressRU
- FFaker::AddressSE
- FFaker::AddressSN
- FFaker::AddressUA
- FFaker::AddressUK
- FFaker::AddressUS
- FFaker::Airline
- FFaker::Animal
- FFaker::AnimalCN
- FFaker::AnimalES
- FFaker::AnimalPL
- FFaker::AnimalUS
- FFaker::Avatar
- FFaker::BaconIpsum
- FFaker::Bank
- FFaker::Book
- FFaker::Boolean
- FFaker::CheesyLingo
- FFaker::Code
- FFaker::Color
- FFaker::ColorPL
- FFaker::ColorUA
- FFaker::Company
- FFaker::CompanyCN
- FFaker::CompanyFR
- FFaker::CompanyIT
- FFaker::CompanyJA
- FFaker::CompanySE
- FFaker::Conference
- FFaker::CoursesFR
- FFaker::Currency
- FFaker::DizzleIpsum
- FFaker::Education
- FFaker::EducationCN
- FFaker::Filesystem
- FFaker::Food
- FFaker::FoodPL
- FFaker::FreedomIpsum
- FFaker::Game
- FFaker::Gender
- FFaker::GenderBR
- FFaker::GenderCN
- FFaker::GenderID
- FFaker::GenderJA
- FFaker::GenderJP
- FFaker::GenderKR
- FFaker::GenderPL
- FFaker::Geolocation
- FFaker::Guid
- FFaker::HTMLIpsum
- FFaker::HealthcareIpsum
- FFaker::HealthcareRU
- FFaker::HipsterIpsum
- FFaker::Identification
- FFaker::IdentificationBR
- FFaker::IdentificationES
- FFaker::IdentificationESCL
- FFaker::IdentificationESCO
- FFaker::IdentificationIN
- FFaker::IdentificationKr
- FFaker::IdentificationMX
- FFaker::IdentificationPL
- FFaker::IdentificationTW
- FFaker::Image
- FFaker::Internet
- FFaker::InternetSE
- FFaker::Job
- FFaker::JobBR
- FFaker::JobCN
- FFaker::JobFR
- FFaker::JobJA
- FFaker::JobKR
- FFaker::JobVN
- FFaker::Locale
- FFaker::Lorem
- FFaker::LoremAR
- FFaker::LoremBR
- FFaker::LoremCN
- FFaker::LoremFR
- FFaker::LoremIE
- FFaker::LoremJA
- FFaker::LoremKR
- FFaker::LoremPL
- FFaker::LoremRU
- FFaker::LoremUA
- FFaker::Movie
- FFaker::Music
- FFaker::Name
- FFaker::NameAR
- FFaker::NameBR
- FFaker::NameCN
- FFaker::NameCS
- FFaker::NameDA
- FFaker::NameDE
- FFaker::NameES
- FFaker::NameFR
- FFaker::NameGA
- FFaker::NameGR
- FFaker::NameID
- FFaker::NameIN
- FFaker::NameIT
- FFaker::NameJA
- FFaker::NameKH
- FFaker::NameKR
- FFaker::NameMX
- FFaker::NameNB
- FFaker::NameNL
- FFaker::NamePH
- FFaker::NamePL
- FFaker::NameRU
- FFaker::NameSE
- FFaker::NameSN
- FFaker::NameTH
- FFaker::NameTHEN
- FFaker::NameTW
- FFaker::NameUA
- FFaker::NameVN
- FFaker::NatoAlphabet
- FFaker::PhoneNumber
- FFaker::PhoneNumberAU
- FFaker::PhoneNumberBR
- FFaker::PhoneNumberCH
- FFaker::PhoneNumberCU
- FFaker::PhoneNumberDA
- FFaker::PhoneNumberDE
- FFaker::PhoneNumberFR
- FFaker::PhoneNumberID
- FFaker::PhoneNumberIT
- FFaker::PhoneNumberJA
- FFaker::PhoneNumberKR
- FFaker::PhoneNumberMX
- FFaker::PhoneNumberNL
- FFaker::PhoneNumberPL
- FFaker::PhoneNumberRU
- FFaker::PhoneNumberSE
- FFaker::PhoneNumberSG
- FFaker::PhoneNumberSN
- FFaker::PhoneNumberTW
- FFaker::PhoneNumberUA
- FFaker::Product
- FFaker::SSN
- FFaker::SSNMX
- FFaker::SSNSE
- FFaker::SemVer
- FFaker::Skill
- FFaker::Sport
- FFaker::SportPL
- FFaker::SportUS
- FFaker::String
- FFaker::Time
- FFaker::Tweet
- FFaker::UniqueUtils
- FFaker::Unit
- FFaker::UnitEnglish
- FFaker::UnitMetric
- FFaker::Vehicle
- FFaker::Venue
- FFaker::Youtube
Method | Example |
instance_tenancy |
default, default, dedicated |
instance_type |
cc2.8xlarge, m1.small, r3.4xlarge |
offering_type |
All Upfront, Medium Utilization, Partial Upfront |
product_description |
Windows with SQL Server Standard, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Amazon VPC), Windows with SQL Server Standard (Amazon VPC) |
Method | Example |
building_number |
05845, 6301, 46302 |
city |
Lake Maricruz, North Ronnieborough, Faheyville |
city_prefix |
South, Lake, East |
city_suffix |
mouth, bury, land |
country |
Palau, Hungary, Guatemala |
country_code |
BN, GP, SM |
neighborhood |
Auburn North, Murray Hill, Rockville East of Hungerford Dr |
secondary_address |
Apt. 774, Suite 212, Apt. 941 |
street_address |
8002 Tillman Flat, 683 Colby Extension, 3227 Hegmann Park |
street_name |
Delmar Garden, Sylvester Falls, Osinski Avenue |
street_suffix |
Keys, Corner, Island |
time_zone |
Africa/Monrovia, Asia/Vladivostok, America/La_Paz |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
52930, 552, 4088 |
city |
North Shenna, North Brittni, Steuberside |
city_prefix |
West, Port, Lake |
city_suffix |
furt, shire, land |
country |
Panama, Uganda, Paraguay |
country_code |
PH, BM, BD |
full_address |
364 Marvin Freeway, Cairns QLD 3672, 04458 Daugherty Groves, Cessnock NSW 0830, 34032 Ruthanne Parkways, Hobart TAS 0800 |
neighborhood |
Bronxdale, South of Lake Shore Blvd, Murray Hill |
postcode |
7010, 3500, 2602 |
secondary_address |
Suite 686, Suite 447, Suite 719 |
state |
Queensland, Tasmania, Tasmania |
state_abbr |
street_address |
09735 Daugherty Neck, 995 Hahn Fall, 291 Kulas Club |
street_name |
Schroeder Fall, Schumm Path, Randy Light |
street_suffix |
Roads, Haven, Isle |
suburb |
Brisbane, Victor Harbor, Hobart |
time_zone |
Australia/Canberra, Australia/Brisbane, Australia/Darwin |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
241, 67453, 0334 |
city |
Araraquara, Valinhos, Caruaru |
city_prefix |
North, South, Lake |
city_suffix |
borough, stad, ton |
country |
Canada, Central African Republic, Croatia |
country_code |
KP, LT, AL |
full_address |
Alameda Roger da Mata, 32421, Franco da Rocha, Paraíba, Brazil, Travessa Mateus Araújo da Cunha, 472, Paranaguá, Pernambuco, Brazil, Travessa Gonçalo Vieira Duarte, 556, Botucatu, Mato Grosso, Brazil |
neighborhood |
South of Lake Shore Blvd, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, North East Irwindale |
secondary_address |
Apt. 237, Suite 972, Suite 199 |
state |
Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo |
state_abbr |
PR, PE, SC |
street |
Travessa Inara Santos da Mata, Alameda Christiana Macedo Batista, Avenida Antonieta Carvalho Moraes |
street_address |
57737 Davis Pass, 892 Omega Park, 42637 Brady Spring |
street_name |
Haag Cliff, Nelly Course, Karlyn Falls |
street_prefix |
Rua, Alameda, Travessa |
street_suffix |
Dam, Spurs, Orchard |
time_zone |
Asia/Tokyo, Europe/Tallinn, America/Bogota |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
11133-647, 30266-568, 69011-400 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
509, 6194, 856 |
city |
Timmins, Shawinigan, Mississippi Mills |
city_prefix |
East, West, Lake |
city_suffix |
stad, bury, town |
country |
Belize, Saudi Arabia, Guyana |
country_code |
GQ, CV, MO |
neighborhood |
West Covina East, South of Lake Shore Blvd, South of Bell Road |
postal_code |
R2B 9C5, A1L 0K1, C4H 1L2 |
province |
Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Quebec |
province_abbr |
PE, MB, SK |
secondary_address |
Apt. 567, Suite 870, Suite 981 |
street_address |
010 Belia Creek, 46879 DuBuque Canyon, 26084 Wyman Garden |
street_name |
Mamie Lodge, Paulina Highway, Treutel Course |
street_suffix |
Avenue, Land, Vista |
time_zone |
Asia/Yekaterinburg, Africa/Cairo, Australia/Sydney |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
59960, 6940, 61698 |
canton_abbr |
ZG, AG, SH |
city |
West Gabrielleland, Hacketthaven, West Silva |
city_prefix |
Port, Lake, Port |
city_suffix |
town, ton, haven |
country |
Mauritius, Mauritius, Slovakia |
country_code |
AZ, NL, BH |
neighborhood |
Mott Haven/Port Morris, Auburn North, Greater Las Vegas National |
postal_code |
3285, 6542, 6360 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 961, Apt. 832, Suite 803 |
street_address |
2785 Patsy Road, 6800 Brenton Plain, 71537 Reginia Roads |
street_name |
Kurtis Roads, Sasha Point, Christinia Radial |
street_suffix |
Brook, Estate, Causeway |
time_zone |
Africa/Algiers, America/Regina, America/Guatemala |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
2712, 49714, 5156 |
canton |
Thurgau, Nidwalden, Nidwalden |
canton_abbr |
VD, LU, BS |
city |
Ianfurt, South Lesamouth, North Hanneloremouth |
city_prefix |
New, West, South |
city_suffix |
haven, mouth, fort |
country |
Swaziland, Belarus, Tajikistan |
country_code |
SS, GD, BM |
neighborhood |
West Covina East, River Heights, South of Bell Road |
postal_code |
7559, 6145, 9970 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 759, Apt. 614, Suite 098 |
street_address |
2620 Gutkowski Unions, 40703 Toccara Skyway, 993 Alycia Terrace |
street_name |
Schinner Place, Ingeborg Junction, Bergstrom Ports |
street_suffix |
Ramp, Streets, Mill |
time_zone |
America/Bogota, Asia/Irkutsk, Australia/Perth |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
27443, 80527, 591 |
canton |
Berne, Schwytz, Saint-Gall |
canton_abbr |
JU, VS, SH |
city |
O'Konview, Port Manda, Lake Gemaburgh |
city_prefix |
Port, Lake, Port |
city_suffix |
haven, view, ville |
country |
Myanmar, Malta, Nicaragua |
country_code |
YE, CN, MD |
neighborhood |
Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, White Oak South of Columbia Pike, Summerlin North |
postal_code |
8207, 5279, 1853 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 140, Apt. 920, Suite 232 |
street_address |
472 Adelaide Bypass, 3146 Kuhic Club, 875 Ankunding Place |
street_name |
Cristina Skyway, Daugherty Junctions, Littel Forge |
street_suffix |
Forks, Plaza, Meadows |
time_zone |
Australia/Hobart, Asia/Rangoon, Europe/Tallinn |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
5575, 659, 5930 |
canton |
Sciaffusa, Turgovia, Vallese |
canton_abbr |
GL, FR, ZG |
city |
Sorayachester, New Bertie, Pacochachester |
city_prefix |
New, Lake, Port |
city_suffix |
port, ville, land |
country |
Cape Verde, Macao, Réunion |
country_code |
VC, NL, MK |
neighborhood |
Ocean Parkway South, North Norridge, Summerlin North |
postal_code |
5617, 7464, 5612 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 069, Suite 925, Apt. 738 |
street_address |
6298 Terica Camp, 57956 Lashawnda Fields, 732 Lind Tunnel |
street_name |
Lady Shoal, Reichel Brook, Lea Island |
street_suffix |
Via, Crest, River |
time_zone |
Europe/Dublin, America/Bogota, Europe/Warsaw |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
815, 0724, 17186 |
city |
Ringkøbing, Klampenborg, Langå |
city_prefix |
Port, Lake, Port |
city_suffix |
berg, view, mouth |
country |
French Guiana, Slovenia, Western Sahara |
country_code |
HK, HM, BW |
full_address |
Vasekær 85 5499 Hovborg Syddanmark DANMARK, Berberisvej 32 7763 Aars Hovedstaden DANMARK, Kirke Værløsevej 73 6224 Bøvlingbjerg Hovedstaden DANMARK |
kommune |
Vordingborg, Tønder, Helsingør |
neighborhood |
Bronxdale, Babylon Bayside, South of Lake Shore Blvd |
post_nr |
8223, 0265, 2382 |
region |
Nordjylland, Hovedstaden, Midtjylland |
secondary_address |
Suite 299, Apt. 853, Apt. 764 |
state |
Høje-Taastrup, Aabenraa, Lolland |
street_address |
Grønholtvej 76, Skovhavevej 0, Konkyliestien 26 |
street_name |
Konkyliestien, Holmegårdsvej, Nybovej |
street_suffix |
Fords, Roads, Route |
time_zone |
Asia/Jakarta, Europe/Tallinn, Pacific/Pago_Pago |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
3361, 4351, 6025 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
2600, 465, 775 |
city |
Oer-Erkenschwick, Nastaetten, Kyritz |
city_prefix |
West, East, East |
city_suffix |
ton, mouth, side |
country |
Cape Verde, Saint Barthélemy, Nigeria |
country_code |
ZW, BE, VU |
neighborhood |
White Oak South of Columbia Pike, Bronxdale, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club |
secondary_address |
Apt. 013, Apt. 598, Suite 359 |
state |
Bayern, Thueringen, Hessen |
street_address |
Donniestr. 126, Ratkestr. 177, Brandistr. 111 |
street_name |
Lashaundastr., Stromanstr., Karlynstr. |
street_suffix |
Roads, Extensions, Shores |
time_zone |
America/Bogota, America/Chicago, America/Indiana/Indianapolis |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
06290, 53330, 60757 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
8272, 739, 992 |
city |
Pori, Hanko, Kankaanpää |
city_prefix |
New, Port, Port |
city_suffix |
port, berg, burgh |
country |
Lesotho, Bahrain, Turkey |
country_code |
GD, PA, VC |
full_address |
Hollinkorventie 5 b, 05634 Kotka, SUOMI, Alatie 7 a 5, 34490 Kouvola, SUOMI, Lepäntie 06, 07627 Haapajärvi, SUOMI |
neighborhood |
Brentwood Central, North East Irwindale, Far Rockaway/Bayswater |
random_country |
Dominikaaninen tasavalta, Serbia, Hongkong |
secondary_address |
Suite 631, Suite 382, Apt. 439 |
street_address |
Lepäntie 7 a, Koskentie 3 b, Rasiojantie 31 |
street_name |
Kuusjoentie, Suokulmantie, Hanttulantie |
street_nbr |
8 b 0, 9 a 2, 20 |
street_suffix |
Estates, Creek, Island |
time_zone |
Europe/Ljubljana, Australia/Darwin, Europe/Berlin |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
58855, 23030, 55399 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
1080, 268, 62856 |
city |
Malakoff, Metz, Meudon |
city_prefix |
West, North, Lake |
city_suffix |
mouth, shire, side |
country |
Myanmar, Chile, Zambia |
country_code |
TM, MS, NR |
full_address |
79 TER av Dominique Coulon 2A878 Neuilly-sur-Marne, 41 T impasse Victor de Delorme 2B252 Mantes-la-Jolie, 1-91, impasse Tristan Bruneau, 2A034 Reims |
neighborhood |
Murray Hill, Northwoods West, Sea Ranch Lakes |
postal_code |
87366, 97168, 2A598 |
region |
Auvergne, Bretagne, La Réunion |
secondary_address |
Suite 470, Apt. 085, Apt. 091 |
street_address |
26 TER, av Lucie Pierre, 52, avenue Maryse Le, 8212 Q, boulevard Louise Sauvage |
street_name |
Tisha Forges, Tremblay Harbor, Connie Pines |
street_suffix |
Harbors, Village, Knoll |
time_zone |
Australia/Perth, Africa/Casablanca, Asia/Chongqing |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
339, 1238, 142 |
city |
Πύργος, Μυτιλήνη, Άρτα |
city_prefix |
Port, Lake, Lake |
city_suffix |
land, burgh, burgh |
country |
Taiwan, Province of China, Northern Mariana Islands, Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
country_code |
ST, ER, KG |
neighborhood |
Schall Circle/Lakeside Green, Seven Hills Area, Dyker Heights |
region |
Κρήτη, Βόρειο Αιγαίο, Δυτική Ελλάδα |
secondary_address |
Suite 892, Apt. 893, Apt. 662 |
street_address |
["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Κότυος, 80, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Αμαζόνων, 077, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Βασιλείου Βουλγαροκτόνου, 65 |
street_name |
Αλτιναλμάζη Κωνσταντίνου, Ήρας, Θράκης |
street_nbr |
8, 40, 25 |
street_suffix |
Mall, Mills, Row |
time_zone |
Pacific/Honolulu, Europe/Dublin, Pacific/Port_Moresby |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
57490, 61522, 27962 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
649, 25580, 75472 |
city |
Pontianak, Jakarta Timur, Surakarta |
city_prefix |
West, New, North |
city_suffix |
view, borough, haven |
country |
Nepal, New Zealand, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of |
country_code |
NE, SH, PL |
neighborhood |
Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, South of Bell Road, Mott Haven/Port Morris |
secondary_address |
Apt. 634, Apt. 270, Suite 465 |
state |
Sulawesi Barat, Maluku, Banten |
state_abbr |
SB, SR, SU |
street |
Jln. Muhammad Yamin, No. 84, Jl. Teuku Muhammad Hasan, No. 49, Jln. Wage Rudolf Supratman, No. 68 |
street_address |
48413 Huey Points, 794 Kertzmann Alley, 75924 Porter Throughway |
street_name |
Stark Lake, O'Hara Land, Alberta Isle |
street_prefix |
Jl, Jln, Jl |
street_suffix |
Forest, Alley, Flats |
time_zone |
Europe/Madrid, America/Tijuana, Africa/Johannesburg |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
56836, 90703, 74193 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
693, 700, 6978 |
city |
Visakhapatnam, Mumbai, Delhi |
city_prefix |
South, New, Lake |
city_suffix |
side, fort, shire |
country |
India, India, India |
country_code |
IN, IN, IN |
neighborhood |
Candlewood Country Club, Summerlin North, phoenix |
pincode |
867122, 389920, 585750 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 215, Suite 104, Apt. 637 |
state |
Sikkim, Goa, Himachal Pradesh |
state_abbr |
UK, KA, TR |
state_and_union_territory |
Pondicherry, Mizoram, Karnataka |
state_and_union_territory_abbr |
TR, CT, WB |
street_address |
981 Viki Walk, 4085 Kuhn Crossing, 5697 Lane Mount |
street_name |
Bins Path, Ciara Avenue, Ardath Unions |
street_suffix |
Land, Route, Bridge |
time_zone |
Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
union_territory |
Lakshadweep, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli |
union_territory_abbr |
DL, PY, DD |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
574498, 233240, 014754 |
Method | Example |
address |
450-7283 東京都品川区豊中市719, 059-8327 福島県海老名市泉区豊見城市742, 685-2556 東京都港区宇土市8丁目1番5号 |
building_number |
199, 197, 191 |
city |
岩倉市, 狭山市, 太田市 |
city_prefix |
Port, Port, South |
city_suffix |
mouth, shire, shire |
country |
Croatia, San Marino, Yemen |
country_code |
GB, KI, NA |
county |
東牟婁郡, 球磨郡, 島尻郡 |
designated_city |
苫小牧市, 桐生市, 今治市 |
designated_city_address |
446-6302 岡山県鴻巣市守山区加茂市974, 656-1032 大分県吹田市浪速区北見市0丁目4番4号, 394-7415 静岡県岩沼市太白区見附市179 |
land_number |
7丁目1番2号, 7丁目2番5号, 2丁目7番6号 |
neighborhood |
South of Lake Shore Blvd, Central Chandler, Jamaica Estates/Holliswood |
other_address |
390-2150 福岡県阿蘇郡那須塩原市9丁目5番8号, 102-0139 沖縄県牛久市長浜市353, 861-2451 東京都南都留郡日置市4丁目4番2号 |
postal_code |
131-4022, 442-1655, 082-4844 |
prefecture |
埼玉県, 山口県, 徳島県 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 239, Apt. 594, Suite 128 |
street |
豊後大野市, 相模原市, 久喜市 |
street_address |
088 Sherryl Causeway, 054 Bernier Canyon, 188 Ella Path |
street_name |
Sina Springs, Yolonda Lake, Bernier Throughway |
street_suffix |
Ways, Camp, Freeway |
time_zone |
Europe/Copenhagen, Asia/Kabul, Europe/Madrid |
tokyo_ward |
葛飾区, 台東区, 中野区 |
tokyo_ward_address |
886-3289 東京都港区八幡平市1丁目9番2号, 995-7921 東京都渋谷区安芸市935, 461-7519 東京都渋谷区堺市870 |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
village |
北中城村, 神恵内村, 新庄村 |
ward |
北区, 小倉南区, 南区 |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
address_detail |
윤재빌라, 일훈연립, 남희타워 |
borough |
강동구, 북구, 서구 |
building_name |
상현마을, 경륜아파트, 재호빌라 |
city |
성남시 중원구, 수원시 팔달구, 성남시 중원구 |
land_address |
울산광역시 도봉구 병기동 1617-6, 부산광역시 도봉구 동현동 695-4, 대구광역시 도봉구 일오리 976-12 |
land_number |
243-89, 4869, 097-1 |
metropolitan_city |
세종특별자치시, 광주광역시, 울산광역시 |
old_postal_code |
709-831, 559-008, 751-994 |
postal_code |
18974, 18602, 13526 |
province |
경기도, 전라남도, 경기도 |
road_addess |
전라남도 인한동 재일거리, 충청남도 두헌리 수현0가 (혜우마을), 전라북도 준민리 미성길 |
street |
태훈1가, 수정7가, 정현거리 |
town |
민강마을, 승학리, 민종리 |
Method | Example |
municipality |
Otumba, Pantelhó, Abasolo |
postal_code |
65004, 48678, 17967 |
state |
Baja California, Puebla, Coahuila |
state_abbr |
zip_code |
34856, 08833, 41937 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
19538, 36343, 49523 |
city |
De Goorn, Schenkeldijk, Langweer |
city_prefix |
West, South, South |
city_suffix |
stad, chester, chester |
country |
Anguilla, Colombia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
country_code |
KW, HN, LY |
neighborhood |
South of Lake Ave, Cleveland Park, Murray Hill |
postal_code |
8446 RC, 3726 CJ, 3126 QA |
province |
Gelderland, Zuid-Holland, Noord-Holland |
secondary_address |
Suite 455, Apt. 116, Suite 620 |
street_address |
0484 Schillerweg, 725 Chesterstraat, 5887 Kuvalisstraat |
street_name |
Maggiostraat, Kenstraat, Streichstraat |
street_suffix |
Grove, Hill, Hollow |
time_zone |
Africa/Harare, Europe/Helsinki, Africa/Nairobi |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
4263 OA, 4737 NY, 1521 KA |
Method | Example |
building_number |
189, 123, 186 |
city |
Korsze, Piastów, Pobiedziska |
full_address |
ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 13 46-118 Górowo Iławeckie, bulwar św. Ducha 132 88-614 Drezdenko, plac Piechoty 129 24-619 Wolin |
postal_code |
96-193, 80-008, 24-211 |
province |
opolskie, lubuskie, pomorskie |
secondary_number |
m. 192, /132, m. 43 |
square |
zaułek Barnima I, bulwar Jedności, pasaż Rybaków |
square_prefix |
zaułek, bulwar, plac |
state |
pomorskie, mazowieckie, wielkopolskie |
street |
ul. Morelowa, al. Róży Wiatrów, al. Dobrzyńska |
street_address |
al. Zachodnia 154, al. św. Stanisława 64, zaułek Amfiteatru 76 |
street_name |
bulwar Dworzysko, al. Wikingów, pasaż Jana Długosza |
street_prefix |
ul., al., al. |
voivodeship |
podkarpackie, podkarpackie, podkarpackie |
voivodeship_abbr |
ZP, WP, WP |
voivodeship_capital_city |
Zielona Góra, Kraków, Warszawa |
zip_code |
70-221, 76-164, 04-428 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
10779, 95985, 127 |
city |
Иваново, Кострома, Пермь |
city_prefix |
South, East, South |
city_suffix |
shire, ville, bury |
country |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of The, Congo, Bulgaria |
country_code |
BA, FJ, MS |
neighborhood |
Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, White Oak South of Columbia Pike, West Covina East |
province |
Татарстан, Псковская область, Тверская область |
secondary_address |
Apt. 478, Suite 534, Suite 433 |
street_address |
ул. Садовая, д. 145, ул. Горького, д. 718, ул. Солнечная, д. 784 |
street_name |
ул. Строительная, ул. Северная, ул. Мичурина |
street_number |
9, 57, 0 |
street_suffix |
Courts, Stravenue, Cliff |
time_zone |
Asia/Hong_Kong, Europe/Brussels, Asia/Irkutsk |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
579500, 944395, 114522 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
8636, 8673, 23672 |
city |
Flen, Arboga, Båstad |
city_prefix |
Port, South, West |
city_suffix |
port, burgh, chester |
country |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, Pakistan, Myanmar |
country_code |
BG, FK, TT |
full_address |
Beckombergavägen 2b, 91946 Sollefteå, SVERIGE, Tantolundsvägen 95, 84711 Västervik, SVERIGE, Börjesonsvägen 1, 06 715 Säter, SVERIGE |
neighborhood |
River Heights, Greater Las Vegas National, Northwoods West |
random_country |
Liechtenstein, Libyen, Centralafrikanska republiken |
secondary_address |
Suite 748, Apt. 030, Apt. 944 |
street_address |
Sjättenovembervägen 0, Amanuensvägen 3b, Svärmarvägen 04 |
street_name |
Skattmästarvägen, Barnängsgatan, Åbogatan |
street_nbr |
003, 887, 2a |
street_suffix |
Trail, Drives, Light |
time_zone |
Asia/Tokyo, Australia/Perth, Africa/Harare |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
51089, 88 369, 55455 |
Method | Example |
arrondissement |
Wakhinane Nimzatt, Thiès Nord, Mbao |
building_number |
80888, 83058, 468 |
city |
Nickieland, East Maurita, Lazaroborough |
city_prefix |
Lake, West, South |
city_suffix |
fort, town, mouth |
country |
Mauritius, Tonga, Afghanistan |
country_code |
MU, AG, PW |
departement |
Sedhiou, Tivaouane, Goudomp |
neighborhood |
Far Rockaway/Bayswater, Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, South of Lake Shore Blvd |
region |
fatick, matam, tambacouda |
secondary_address |
Apt. 401, Suite 254, Apt. 781 |
street_address |
21717 Latrina Skyway, 779 Oga Ways, 66407 Schamberger Parkway |
street_name |
Sporer Crescent, Feeney Rapid, Lilli Green |
street_suffix |
Turnpike, Island, Trafficway |
time_zone |
Pacific/Auckland, Europe/Moscow, Europe/Prague |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
appartment_number |
65, 4, 32 |
building_number |
35, 636, 5 |
city |
Слов’янськ, Павлоград, Донецьк |
country |
Східний Тимор, Сенеґал, Малайзія |
province |
Чернівецька область, Сумська область, Київська область |
street_address |
вул. Стрийська, 3, вул. Винників, 603, вул. Рудного, 2 |
street_name |
вул. Винників, вул. Молодіжна, вул. Городоцька |
zip_code |
56888, 49830, 90087 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
606, 084, 2157 |
city |
North Mernastad, Port Nadia, Heaneyville |
city_prefix |
South, New, Port |
city_suffix |
bury, bury, chester |
country |
Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland |
country_code |
LR, RU, AS |
county |
County Tyrone, Durham, Wiltshire |
neighborhood |
Olmsted Falls Central, Candlewood Country Club, Murray Hill |
postcode |
LS61 3JK, BE4 4OG, QW1 3DZ |
secondary_address |
Suite 632, Apt. 575, Suite 479 |
street_address |
1216 Goldner Walk, 3771 Marguerita Dale, 85834 Maxie Walks |
street_name |
Brigitte Lakes, Stracke Garden, Raynor Drive |
street_suffix |
Park, Light, Mountain |
time_zone |
Asia/Tbilisi, Europe/Helsinki, America/Monterrey |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
2108, 299, 7587 |
city |
Bradfordstad, North Gwyn, Brendanville |
city_prefix |
South, New, Lake |
city_suffix |
town, stad, mouth |
continental_state |
North Carolina, Tennessee, California |
continental_state_abbr |
AZ, TX, MA |
country |
Estonia, Belarus, Nicaragua |
country_code |
JE, UM, SI |
neighborhood |
North East Irwindale, Cleveland Park, Florissant West |
secondary_address |
Apt. 910, Suite 367, Suite 420 |
state |
Texas, Wyoming, North Dakota |
state_abbr |
IN, HI, OR |
state_and_territories_abbr |
MN, RI, CO |
street_address |
721 Zemlak Loaf, 2702 Gayle Shoal, 79916 Leffler Junctions |
street_name |
Tammie Well, Gena Shoal, Stamm Track |
street_suffix |
Spring, Manors, Glens |
time_zone |
America/Caracas, Australia/Melbourne, Australia/Perth |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
39381, 68994, 75948-3761 |
Method | Example |
flight_number |
WW 3092, J2 3256, YC 2526 |
name |
Tap Portugal, Wizz Air, Motor Sich Airlines |
Method | Example |
common_name |
❗ [common_name] is deprecated. For animal name in english please use the AnimalUS module |
Method | Example |
common_name |
猎豹, 北极熊, 野牛 |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Castor, Alce, Codorniz |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Okoń, Łasica, Osioł |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Mouse, Dolphin, Turtle |
Method | Example |
image |
https://robohash.org/architectooptionemo.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/utquifuga.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/dolorumrepellateum.png?size=300x300 |
Method | Example |
characters |
qxh0hlhfcv3ll5mzp7bzhsf2qe30ckuhsoc0h1boshrvuf7dxpkvsgv666gg0qlc5xre3pc1he5srtubzmafs9hklauj4ukzwacuy2mvqecpa9xx4uomwl4ehuwxkoxxbwb87m9g4u0y6ysnts0c6bfu2f7gbqy566aoh0a2i3wtqkrt97gfoifrglb4gqdy7dh8m1ndbwl5vo0bvwi7bhmo4vpnl497tce5g4b5qf0rw6j2l1vasjp5b87jlhr, gfv90jx3u0auhyyx1b8nsrb3vno16tv7ay92ci8507io9c0tpgkskz5v8am4t5brpoek7lq47ty3k66fd5vc7wjef8pthrfitcj4kid5dommifokf10mwl1xi2gjjdb2xuzhefd6ob2lc3h1l8etaoheurb55ew68pebvv1zi02s2m1nopmjgqcjfk09yxcmt8xva9hlbt7yld9ygemo8e29a098hr689t7ntivvm1ht1paefjelc60wafgvafq, vwc12xd4qr5qp456t20ps0a5dwrqnuzwtw1lthci4bfmub3yrnmf9cx4ps3ppj21eow6yy6dtmn3ih4gzb5grr5yyuur3ps0aizz12umhnbnvd63l7tmat0zv6dolc49pldn24dfp92y4mu55idj5b7d8zvse7g4wfl1k4d28ur80u6albljzpl00iuworp8w9f7i1cmdpp74xjeybajy5n31ccqtelqc7rih0sigb2d4jdkx6ytzshul3kbtxl |
paragraph |
Andouille brisket frankfurter tail rump. Ball tip pancetta beef beef ribs shankle. T-bone shoulder corned beef cow short ribs andouille doner filet mignon. Sirloin beef turkey rump pastrami capicola., Biltong shoulder jerky pork loin porchetta salami ball tip rump beef. Corned beef ham filet mignon tenderloin pork chop. Pig beef drumstick porchetta spare ribs pork frankfurter swine shankle. Bacon venison swine sausage ball tip cow salami shankle jerky., Hamburger short ribs cow rump pork belly brisket. Flank pastrami beef ribs filet mignon rump tenderloin tri-tip salami bresaola. Beef ribs flank frankfurter venison Kevin shoulder pancetta ham hock tenderloin. |
paragraphs |
Tri-tip sirloin short ribs shoulder tail andouille cow. Sirloin short loin boudin ribeye tongue pastrami fatback. Pork loin turducken landjaeger pork belly pork., Flank corned beef biltong venison shank rump ground round. Doner salami shank landjaeger tenderloin. Bresaola spare ribs sausage pork leberkas Kevin pancetta. Flank pork loin ground round spare ribs pork chop tongue ball tip kielbasa jerky. Jerky salami bacon pancetta porchetta biltong., Boudin pork venison pastrami shoulder. Short ribs kielbasa ball tip beef meatball. Pork chop corned beef frankfurter doner ham hock tail. Shankle beef ribs cow short loin bresaola capicola. Short ribs pig frankfurter beef tri-tip salami., Beef ribs pancetta sausage ribeye cow. Bacon ham hock corned beef ground round ribeye. Jerky tail turducken beef meatloaf swine. Ground round pork salami brisket venison pork chop hamburger bacon. Prosciutto chicken short ribs landjaeger pork spare ribs jowl frankfurter., Andouille flank porchetta drumstick beef ribs. Corned beef capicola chuck pork beef. Andouille beef prosciutto beef ribs tenderloin ham hock. Fatback tri-tip frankfurter pork loin swine short loin. Porchetta salami tri-tip short ribs ball tip ground round tenderloin., Chuck turducken bresaola tail cow pork chicken. Shank andouille pork boudin beef ribs. Pork loin porchetta tail spare ribs prosciutto pork belly drumstick. Pork meatball ground round jowl meatloaf doner. Bresaola bacon jowl chuck shank., Strip steak shank tongue tenderloin spare ribs andouille. Frankfurter ribeye chicken hamburger kielbasa rump beef. Brisket boudin pig shank bresaola. Pancetta ham hock t-bone Kevin landjaeger strip steak spare ribs beef ribs ground round. Shoulder drumstick frankfurter rump Kevin pork loin., Frankfurter pork chop turducken drumstick boudin kielbasa tongue. Shankle capicola meatball shank jerky beef drumstick. Rump corned beef bresaola hamburger short loin cow salami. Pork ham venison ground round drumstick strip steak shank pork belly. Shankle turkey spare ribs doner strip steak pork chop prosciutto leberkas andouille., Meatball turducken brisket ham swine. T-bone doner ground round bresaola drumstick cow tenderloin short ribs. Prosciutto turducken capicola pork short ribs drumstick chicken boudin. |
phrase |
Chicken swine shankle boudin meatloaf Kevin pancetta ribeye., Pork capicola corned beef kielbasa pork belly landjaeger spare ribs fatback leberkas., Biltong rump capicola pork prosciutto salami beef ball tip andouille. |
phrases |
Tri-tip jowl jerky pastrami corned beef pancetta., Chuck venison kielbasa cow ball tip brisket., Bacon meatloaf chicken frankfurter hamburger pancetta flank., Sirloin andouille turkey Kevin beef t-bone hamburger fatback capicola., Shoulder pork belly shankle tri-tip drumstick strip steak tongue hamburger capicola., Beef ribs jowl doner porchetta biltong tail hamburger shoulder boudin., Ham hock t-bone beef ribeye pork belly pork chop jerky strip steak., Filet mignon Kevin tail leberkas porchetta., Strip steak tongue fatback t-bone sausage bresaola shankle sirloin pork belly. |
sentence |
Boudin ham hock porchetta flank chicken., Short loin ham jowl ham hock shankle brisket tenderloin t-bone., Sirloin porchetta pastrami short ribs rump pork loin landjaeger swine sausage. |
sentences |
Shank beef ribs bresaola sirloin fatback ribeye meatloaf biltong pork., Spare ribs beef ribs ham bresaola turkey filet mignon., Jerky kielbasa tongue ham hock shankle capicola., Pancetta fatback meatball doner sausage porchetta pork loin., Shankle tri-tip boudin ball tip ribeye salami tenderloin., Andouille turducken turkey sirloin jowl boudin., Bresaola brisket porchetta beef sirloin capicola bacon meatloaf., Pig bresaola shoulder boudin prosciutto capicola kielbasa chicken., Shank ground round kielbasa chuck jerky brisket frankfurter prosciutto meatball. |
word |
biltong, pork chop, turducken |
words |
capicola, t-bone, jerky, hamburger, andouille, brisket, rump, shankle, corned beef |
Method | Example |
card_expiry_date |
11/22, 05/26, 05/22 |
card_number |
8408 8322 7825 6565, 6487 8718 3468 6251, 3620 1742 9523 8085 |
card_type |
forbrugsforeningen, american_express, forbrugsforeningen |
iban |
BG30FZVH98263590162386, PT99759388012653054905890, DE11882120444284631712 |
Method | Example |
author |
Yolande Reichert, Adria Cummings, Evelin Reinger |
cover |
https://robohash.org/quoomnisvoluptate.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/impeditpraesentiumvelit.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/liberocumqueconsectetur.png?size=300x300 |
description |
Beatae voluptas reiciendis veritatis ducimus est voluptate necessitatibus natus. Ex ipsa dolores praesentium saepe dolorum. Soluta recusandae ex exercitationem sequi quis libero autem. Vero commodi ad distinctio deleniti cum delectus. Perspiciatis libero dolor tenetur laborum qui quia., Enim repellendus numquam debitis iure provident praesentium. Autem debitis perferendis modi iste. Optio in dicta nesciunt animi. Minus accusantium nam adipisci dolore eius rem quasi eligendi., Adipisci iure eveniet corrupti praesentium molestiae quod temporibus vero. Hic laboriosam voluptatibus iusto vitae ratione. Aut esse voluptas unde odit velit expedita deserunt. Sed nemo expedita magnam debitis vel aut magni sint. |
genre |
Textual criticism, Ghost story, Social |
isbn |
6238614386, 11651040507, 10893039092 |
orly_cover |
https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Legend+of+Flying+Brains&top_text=Biography&author=Socorro+Satterfield&image_code=40&theme=8, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Death+Demon&top_text=Contemporary+Christian+fiction&author=Cindi+Kutch&image_code=19&theme=16, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Ultra+Cousins&top_text=Science+fiction&author=Shana+Schaefer&image_code=5&theme=16 |
title |
Invasion of the Blonde City, Champagne Diaries, Legend of Fake Witch |
Method | Example |
maybe |
false, false, false |
random |
false, false, true |
sample |
true, false, false |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
New york cheesecake but poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese taste and texture in all colours - tongue in cheek separate the curds from the wey Sheridans Cheesemongers the sticky nature of processed cheese can make it difficult to slice, but raw milk is unpasteurized garlic cheese biscuits the early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap., Processed cheese has several technical advantages over traditional cheese and wrap blue cheeses all over as mould spores spread readily until the wheels form a white coat of penicillium moulds but don't you agree? It is no use crying over spilled milk but don't you agree? It is no use crying over spilled milk applewood smoked applewood smoked the sticky nature of processed cheese can make it difficult to slice, but the sticky nature of processed cheese can make it difficult to slice, but say cheese., Harmful secondary metabolites garlic cheese biscuits cheese paring with wine What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho Cheese; applewood smoked washed curd cheese raw milk is unpasteurized but poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese but poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese the milky way of. |
sentence |
Raw milk is unpasteurizedbergkäse from the Alpswashed curd cheese., A good alternative to cheeseclothwhen the rennet is added, curds are formedof the Friesian herd., But don't you agree? it is no use crying over spilled milkwashed curd cheesebut poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. |
title |
Cheesed Gouda, Soft Brie, Smokey Brie |
word |
melting, cream, farmer |
words |
blue, cheesecake, affinage, artisan, springy, nutty, farmer, soft, grated, blue, melting, cheesed, salty, cottage cheese, stinky |
Method | Example |
ean |
4266543457220, 4386553822037, 1572543279780 |
npi |
4616444483, 4443559180, 6329215985 |
Method | Example |
hex_code |
39095c, 362133, 78ccd0 |
hsl_array |
46, 48%, 88%, 101, 50%, 77%, 179, 0%, 29% |
hsl_list |
328,2%,48%, 196,19%,60%, 152,8%,63% |
hsla_array |
315, 66%, 78%, 0.42, 167, 74%, 10%, 0.48, 162, 85%, 99%, 0.57 |
hsla_list |
142,39%,18%,0.82, 148,23%,69%,0.0, 247,41%,38%,0.57 |
name |
darkorchid, darkorange, greenyellow |
rgb_array |
234, 187, 96, 229, 84, 220, 158, 31, 75 |
rgb_list |
166,137,228, 20,53,66, 11,37,22 |
rgba_array |
146, 25, 237, 0.02, 134, 96, 176, 0.63, 203, 146, 29, 0.56 |
rgba_list |
62,106,183,0.52, 185,114,247,0.89, 110,43,60,0.19 |
Method | Example |
name |
perłowy, rudy, rubinowy |
Method | Example |
name |
брунатно-малиновий, червоний, нефритовий |
Method | Example |
bs |
mesh magnetic functionalities, repurpose magnetic technologies, exploit one-to-one e-commerce |
catch_phrase |
Optimized composite collaboration, Proactive scalable instruction set, Managed eco-centric encryption |
name |
Gislason Group, Maggio LLC, Jerde and Sons |
position |
Assistant Regional President, Department President, Executive Manager |
suffix |
Inc, Inc, Inc |
Method | Example |
name |
然杰网络公司, 珍舜食品公司, 喜哲网络有限公司 |
suffix |
有限公司, 公司, 公司 |
type |
咨询, 电器, 咨询 |
Method | Example |
name |
Pruvost SARL, Camus, Perez and Masson, Blondel et fils |
siren |
264538980, 942231000, 524233900 |
siret |
34411401000450, 04995452000630, 43539579000030 |
suffix |
SA, Groupe, Groupe |
Method | Example |
name |
Monachello e Bertini Ingegneri, Studio Tecnico Sabatino, Pocci e Finocchiaro s.r.l. |
partita_iva |
80384110849, 16979390248, 32560330899 |
prefix |
Studio Tecnico, Studio Tecnico, Laboratorio |
suffix |
Ingegneri, Architetti, S.p.a. |
Method | Example |
name |
株式会社深川, 土岐建設, 有限会社松川 |
position |
アルバイト, 会長, アルバイト |
Method | Example |
name |
Hagenes Aktiebolag, Rodriguez, Reichel och Koelpin, Torphy-Bosco AB |
suffix |
AB, Ab, Aktiebolag |
Method | Example |
name |
LatAm Pipeline Integrity Management Summit, Autumn Conference on European State Aid Law 2012, Exploration Production Technology Summit 2011 |
Method | Example |
Method | Example |
code |
name |
Brunei Dollar, CFA Franc BEAC, Pakistan Rupee |
symbol |
฿, ₺, £ |
Method | Example |
characters |
hfl2g9laamb49ub5khp8zekbnv1qz2ne494t3wdesgp3i6va3ultpf7zhkkyh594ni01fwdt2bhxkb355mbr282epqmsg8effsdhax794qtz5t3mm25jghyg7dpibjeljgut5ril5pa1rdcbxemp4xy4ffbnx605asmvvgv33sbne3ccl0s9uth9trua2ep8me5nwlfgai1o9je32pqkcqcsul8q947ysa978amq5stmgd73u50nojvtmy5pzwl, v3n98ou096j5w9c89kfbajlq96hlydh6lvyystfyovckl171vxveecum1e8auehihj55us0edto0xq2ckeq9t2x205zsix5vb6fxvobd6irwaclwe7p5xkp3zgn0k6do9iyry2eqs81l9hx5tqo9xlmhvj2is9ls89gi5tazy8oyy3dnwxcdkriiw09dt6ye68i8lrshsuqq30skyvxejgn2n10qfpajonypq8x0f81x22659b0v0g6541lf11b, rqsz9cpvp6k1s4l1v2htxeymj4hum5dx89umpsm1x9khi4jcetp9fq0in2znzmx7bfmmm5qinbvzu0dg76qmce9t655vr3dyszjpv6lql0otar7njcvm6cc7j22h8cvd33pc4odq2eokrogtwz2ndebkp06ezpnsujmjdox3zm3xqaelue06gkpxqzb2l8da9pm5gzp1img80wv1vofprql6oui0fob7o6lif9plqt3deoantr9c0xwklxebcdy |
paragraph |
Every single one gold chain the Magic Johnson of rap Doggfada smokin' indo fizzle pizzle. At ease Snoopy hizzouse your chrome and my money on my mind. Drizzle Doggfada realness Coupe de Ville hizzouse Snoopy bionic why is you and my money on my mind. Fizzle hizzouse Snoop drop it like it's hot put ya choppers up., The diggy you talk too much real deal Holyfield for the Gs the S oh yes realer laid back every single one for the hustlers. Tha dizzle put ya choppers up plizzay drizzle why is you eighty degrees gold chain. Nothing can save ya laid back tha dizzle smokin' indo pizzle., Feel the breeze nothing can save ya recognize the S oh yes televizzle fo shizzle nasty sippin' on gin and juice. Put ya choppers up the LBC fizzle bionic like every single day for the Gs. You talk too much the Dogg Pound waddup recognize it's 1993 the S oh yes now I'm on parole the LBC. |
paragraphs |
The dogg pound the dopest roll with with my mind on my money smokin' indo. Make a few ends hizzouse used to sell loot rizzoad with my mind on my money real deal Holyfield for the Gs Long Beach sippin' on gin and juice. Your chrome at ease hizzouse you talk too much the dopest it's 1993., Sippin' on gin and juice fizzle you talk too much gold chain fo shizzle now I'm on parole rolling down the street realness. If you was me and i was you hizzouse every single one fo shizzle real deal Holyfield pizzle plizzay guess what?. Televizzle the dopest the diggy Snoopy smokin' indo it's 1993 the S oh yes everybody got they cups the Dogg Pound. Drop it like it's hot Snoopy nothing can save ya how we do it recognize., Tha shiznit if you was me and I was you the Magic Johnson of rap for the Gs rizzide bubbles in the tub. Mr. buckwort the LBC the dopest gold chain sippin' on gin and juice roll with laid back. Sippin' on gin and juice the S oh yes rizzide if you was me and I was you fo shizzle bionic. Real deal holyfield put ya choppers up fizzle the LBC the Magic Johnson of rap drop it like it's hot. Smokin' indo now I'm on parole the dopest I love my momma your chrome recognize nasty televizzle., Fizzle nothing can save ya may I if the ride is more fly, then you must buy you talk too much like every single day how we do it. Snoop Coupe de Ville the Magic Johnson of rap gold chain why is you like every single day the S oh yes. Like every single day at ease may I Doggfada zig zag smoke televizzle plizzay. Like every single day with my mind on my money gold chain for the hustlers rolling down the street Doggfada roll with., If the ride is more fly, then you must buy realness gizzo real deal Holyfield waddup smokin' indo the diggy at ease. The dogg pound in tha hizzle rizzide every single one rolling down the street Long Beach real deal Holyfield. Coupe de ville gizzo why is you like every single day the diggy now I'm on parole the Magic Johnson of rap fizzle televizzle. Roll with bionic your chrome at ease fo shizzle how we do it laid back the diggy Long Beach., Sippin' on gin and juice every single one drizzle how we do it for the hustlers. Plizzay hizzouse recognize Coupe de Ville drizzle like every single day. It's 1993 Long Beach waddup gold chain guess what? Coupe de Ville sippin' on gin and juice. The dogg pound I love my momma Mr. Buckwort laid back why is you you talk too much., Bionic fo rizzle your chrome gizzo the Dogg Pound with my mind on my money the diggy drizzle tha shiznit. Fo shizzle plizzay why is you smokin' weed zig zag smoke drizzle sippin' on gin and juice. Doggfada and my money on my mind through all the drama waddup rizzide. Long beach laid back smokin' weed real deal Holyfield the Magic Johnson of rap., The lbc Coupe de Ville gold chain why is you bubbles in the tub. Zig zag smoke for the hustlers televizzle put ya choppers up for the Gs. Nasty guess what? why is you eighty degrees bionic recognize smokin' weed. The dogg pound Snoop everybody got they cups Coupe de Ville may I guess what? for the hustlers smokin' weed if you was me and I was you. Televizzle put ya choppers up waddup eighty degrees guess what? fo rizzle drop it like it's hot nothing can save ya I love my momma., Eighty degrees nasty smokin' indo gold chain Long Beach rizzide like every single day. Bubbles in the tub now I'm on parole realness the LBC every single one. The lbc rolling down the street the diggy waddup recognize pizzle. For the gs Long Beach at ease every single one waddup your chrome bubbles in the tub. |
phrase |
Snoopy recognize the dopest if you was me and I was you sippin' on gin and juice put ya choppers up gold chain., Mr. buckwort tha dizzle smokin' indo nothing can save ya you talk too much pizzle., Doggfada may I Snoop feel the breeze recognize used to sell loot and my money on my mind sippin' on gin and juice eighty degrees. |
phrases |
In tha hizzle drop it like it's hot the Magic Johnson of rap the S oh yes zig zag smoke why is you., Used to sell loot Doggfada televizzle your chrome drop it like it's hot fo rizzle smokin' weed rizzide the dopest., If you was me and i was you Snoop drop it like it's hot why is you used to sell loot., Sippin' on gin and juice pizzle guess what? Snoop make a few ends., How we do it the diggy why is you the Dogg Pound nasty in tha hizzle your chrome., Bubbles in the tub roll with I love my momma rizzoad recognize make a few ends., Hizzouse the dopest rizzide you talk too much Doggfada every single one rolling down the street sippin' on gin and juice bubbles in the tub., Roll with with my mind on my money the diggy put ya choppers up if you was me and I was you realness Long Beach., Nasty like every single day Snoop and my money on my mind pizzle rolling down the street gizzo. |
sentence |
Drizzle why is you gizzo tha shiznit if you was me and I was you televizzle., Snoopy you talk too much bubbles in the tub everybody got they cups every single one zig zag smoke., May i why is you Coupe de Ville fo shizzle plizzay. |
sentences |
You talk too much guess what? Coupe de Ville at ease tha dizzle used to sell loot nasty rolling down the street smokin' indo., Realer Mr. Buckwort if you was me and I was you in tha hizzle put ya choppers up televizzle fo rizzle roll with., Plizzay realness drizzle laid back with my mind on my money waddup it's 1993 Doggfada the LBC., If you was me and i was you at ease drizzle rizzoad you talk too much sippin' on gin and juice fizzle eighty degrees make a few ends., Make a few ends drizzle drop it like it's hot and my money on my mind for the hustlers., The diggy the S oh yes and my money on my mind used to sell loot Snoopy., The s oh yes you talk too much fizzle recognize Coupe de Ville put ya choppers up eighty degrees make a few ends plizzay., Now i'm on parole waddup Coupe de Ville the LBC eighty degrees., How we do it realer at ease Mr. Buckwort if the ride is more fly, then you must buy bionic waddup. |
word |
smokin' indo, for the hustlers, with my mind on my money |
words |
bubbles in the tub, it's 1993, gold chain, in tha hizzle, drizzle, fo shizzle, the Dogg Pound, if the ride is more fly, then you must buy, Long Beach |
Method | Example |
degree |
Bachelor of Science in Construction Management in Systems Development, Master of Business Administration in Systems Arts, Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering in Political Arts |
degree_short |
DPhil in Political Philosophy, BCom in Systems Economics, BEd in Business Accountancy |
major |
Marketing Management, Human Resource Production, Social Accountancy |
school |
College of West Virginia, University of Larkside, University of Whiteville |
school_generic_name |
Lakedale, Northville, Southside |
school_name |
Whitecrest, Greencoast, Greenshire |
Method | Example |
degree |
历史学学士, 工学学士, 文学硕士 |
location |
石河子, 云南, 海南 |
major |
运动康复, 贸易经济, 乌克兰语 |
school |
西北大学, 平顶山技术学院, 锡林郭勒盟交通学院鄂尔多斯分校 |
Method | Example |
directory |
placeat/nemo/reprehenderit, id/cum/doloremque, quidem/ducimus/laboriosam |
extension |
doc, pages, flac |
file_name |
dolore/maiores/fuga/blanditiis.avi, occaecati/asperiores/reiciendis/sapiente.jpg, omnis/tempora/dicta/labore.tiff |
mime_type |
multipart/signed, image/gif, audio/ogg |
Method | Example |
fruit |
Cranberry, Satsuma, Mango |
herb_or_spice |
Nutmeg, Cilantro, Ginger |
ingredient |
Veal, Salad Herbs, Horseradish |
meat |
Moose, Mutton, Ham |
vegetable |
Potato, Chickpea, Chicory |
Method | Example |
diary |
parmezan, mleko zagęszczone, kefir |
fermented |
natto, kimchi, miso |
food |
kapusta kiszona, pesto, awokado |
fruit |
brzoskwinia, morela, poziomka |
herb |
mirt, majeranek, mirt |
meat |
jagnięcina, dziczyzna, drób |
preserves |
konfitura, majonez, syrop |
processed |
parmezan, jogurt, musztarda |
spice |
czarnuszka, imbir, tatarak |
unprocessed |
estragon, ziemniak, mięta |
vegetable |
groch, ziemniak, maniok |
Method | Example |
characters |
li7grofxpvqb5p5kptcoykqij8ykkbfjqam7z4o58bm6hfqc0gu5rolro27yo3k8mhgjk9ag94xd3mzanbo7afyj8x3dfobcc8vsszz8bbpwq1lbjaaqcuv6ygknp7rj1i1zu5hoo9f77amjfvn1lvod7ldife4cajqtc7sffsri0fz3ni76c78824jajxroaqjzcugew2ro8gm2e17ove25vxjv135hc20w82tvmdpvusecz14ufmzw5uo86fz, 9skx10h0ka9xwi6i26qjt6fkzgcru33t13n7wrydo6n8yhz64ldh2g3g1je086plsz3zdpmsvd9n9oosfkxe0fcjizvbd5ppaluqjwe0g49kk5und33bs4k16wawbd5p3mnat1nyapzcilbeagoxqagnfedqpj2tky1v89btrsfgmw4lt6gkv4z24d00bo8ok3vvn30ovikeedptfpmlhw67volqcgb8jset3572wg6vjnxv8jwc7v8ko6hnpq9, bt7ged3q5veaq8b20coyjr7sk33lny9v3onktri5fzlm4h5hw1labf45czkyz5ryogmbv2we47sbfv175ygx5fx743a196bvos8qs86wtyfzz1e61o67bdc7sdghy6ykiwnl3yvjfitm2bolthjzbiro8kymqwlge00r0z2nv3rx6sjovanbj6fdh6dt2mo8eez7cnb0ltvptz99m93vfrquteed0o5kdyf4exmb7j23szqkqmwsdfu4bskufpf |
paragraph |
Wanted dead or alive bigger CNN stock market nuclear-powered aircraft carrier BBQ freedom extra beef. Truck nuts sweatpants independence potato salad Call of Duty microwaved Fox News XXXL. Mega-stuf oreos DirecTV pro-wrestling Die Hard 2: Die Harder southwest breakfast burrito. Low gas prices extra value meal twinkies NASCAR velcro Michael Bay movies freedom fries crunch-tastic John Cena. Official sponsor drone strike crispy chicken strips voting extra value meal I only speak American CNN., Bigfoot Star-Spangled Banner constitutional rights huge the government more bullets FBI CIA NSA drive-thru. Constitutional rights drone strike truck nuts SUVs patriotic bigger truthers extra pulled pork. Espn2 monster truck rally Fox News fireworks NASCAR. Crunch-tastic WMD bald eagles extra beef corporations Harley Davidson 85oz soda CSI: Miami., John cena constitutional rights Uncle Sam corporations 3D Blu-Ray. No-terrorist-zone DiGiorno monster truck rally online multiplayer XXXL explosions. Explosive 3D Blu-Ray pro-wrestling SUVs God Bless America 7-Eleven. |
paragraphs |
Corporations Hanes boxer briefs extra-large patriotic extra beef red white and blue huge Texas pro-wrestling. Monster truck rally tomahawk cruise missile Harley Davidson Hanes boxer briefs MGD stars and stripes. Lunchables 18-wheeler huge congress bald eagles Uncle Sam. Philly cheesesteak TGIF crunch-tastic God Bless America slurpees Starbucks weekends super bowl., Weekends microwaved independence I only speak American Starbucks DirecTV stars and stripes. Costco redwood Dale Earnhardt Jr ESPN2 huge Harley Davidson Call of Duty cholesterol. Wmd Michael Bay movies juicy flame-grilled no-terrorist-zone Dallas Cowboys potato salad Costco. Tgif CNN truck nuts freedom fries Hot Pockets., Bud heavy tall-boy NASA Medal of Honor NASCAR Starbucks anti-metric system liberty independence fireworks. Suvs stock market Nashville red white and blue milkshakes. Microwaved official sponsor stars and stripes Starbucks redwood country-fried FBI CIA NSA. Shopping freedom fries corporations red white and blue second amendment rights God Bless America constitutional rights Branson Missouri. Branson missouri Van Halen national security capitalism taco night explosive., Costco fireworks taco night democracy elections. Freedom fries WMD low taxes velcro enemies of freedom crispy chicken strips Star-Spangled Banner boneless buffalo wings Proud To Be An American. Super bowl Costco Proud To Be An American extra value meal the media., Hot pockets Bud heavy tall-boy border wall elections boneless buffalo wings crunch-tastic. The media Hot Pockets USA-4-Life-Bro Medal of Honor border wall Mega-Stuf Oreos. Xxxl apple pie the economy Mount Rushmore twinkies. Espn2 southwest breakfast burrito extra-large 18-wheeler Michael Bay movies., Patriotic mission accomplished Die Hard 2: Die Harder Nashville Uncle Sam bigfoot XXXL explosive. 3d blu-ray velcro 74-inch HDTV the government elections. Tgif Arnold Schwarzenegger Proud To Be An American anti-metric system Van Halen., More bullets bald eagles Nashville crunch-tastic Proud To Be An American ESPN2 TGIF. Potato salad WMD fireworks John Wayne the government. Extra beef online multiplayer CNN super bowl capitalism velcro Die Hard 2: Die Harder Medal of Honor Home Depot. Second amendment rights supreme court ruling nuclear-powered aircraft carrier foreign policy television more bullets wanted dead or alive. Fighter jets constitutional rights sweatpants Home Depot huge shock and awe., Hanes boxer briefs Van Halen Philly cheesesteak CNN online multiplayer Lynyrd Skynyrd. Van halen jean shorts NASCAR mud flaps television. Directv Applebee's 18-wheeler DVD Die Hard 2: Die Harder crispy chicken strips CSI: Miami Call of Duty. 85oz soda online multiplayer MOPAR low taxes TGIF 1776 controversial., 74-inch hdtv automatic rifle microwaved constitutional rights nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Mud flaps bald eagles God Bless America liberty consumerism Costco extra-large tomahawk cruise missile voting. Mega-stuf oreos SUVs independence USA-4-Life-Bro I only speak American Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast. |
phrase |
Shopping bigfoot wanted dead or alive enemies of freedom stock market., Home depot jean shorts redwood drive-thru constitutional rights milkshakes., Cheese-stuffed Lynyrd Skynyrd liberty Wal-Mart huge capitalism pro-wrestling. |
phrases |
Elections NASA 18-wheeler liberty Mount Rushmore., Extra value meal corporations low taxes Checkers second amendment rights pickup trucks Dallas Cowboys twinkies., Jean shorts DirecTV consumerism commies get out of my country MGD NASA., Espn2 potato salad voting Mount Rushmore SUVs nuclear-powered aircraft carrier stars and stripes propane tanks mission accomplished., Commies get out of my country democracy Mountain Dew Bud heavy tall-boy I only speak American explosive., Exploding extra beef no-terrorist-zone Uncle Sam credit cards., Automatic rifle Call of Duty exploding microwaved Medal of Honor., Country-fried cholesterol Nashville 18-wheeler freedom fries Checkers microwaved., Pro-wrestling drone strike more bullets microwaved enemies of freedom Mountain Dew Die Hard 2: Die Harder. |
sentence |
Propane tanks voting super-size bigfoot I only speak American Mount Rushmore taco night., Proud to be an american extra pulled pork no-terrorist-zone bigfoot better dead than red automatic rifle low taxes., Hanes boxer briefs bald eagles sweatpants God Bless America weekends super bowl explosions DirecTV hot dogs. |
sentences |
Bigfoot constitutional rights extra value meal Arnold Schwarzenegger fireworks., Second amendment rights Mount Rushmore fighter jets southwest breakfast burrito the media tomahawk cruise missile stars and stripes slurpees., National security crunch-tastic apple pie route 66 hot dogs no-terrorist-zone., Van halen Die Hard 2: Die Harder USA-4-Life-Bro MOPAR gigantic condiments., Dvd automatic rifle Fox News shopping stock market Checkers., Nashville potato salad second amendment rights bacon cheeseburgers exploding commies get out of my country RoboCop MOPAR., Bud heavy tall-boy Arnold Schwarzenegger Championship Pro Bass Fishing Texas exploding mission accomplished., 7-eleven lunchables truck nuts enemies of freedom FBI CIA NSA mission accomplished red white and blue Home Depot., Freedom 3D Blu-Ray MOPAR crispy chicken strips Applebee's. |
word |
Proud To Be An American, enemies of freedom, low taxes |
words |
fireworks, mission accomplished, Lynyrd Skynyrd, better dead than red, shopping, velcro, Texas, consumerism, 74-inch HDTV |
Method | Example |
category |
World War II, Fighting, American West |
mechanic |
Turn Order: Claim Action, Investment, Pattern Movement |
title |
White City, The Last Thief, Old Men |
Method | Example |
binary |
male, female, female |
maybe |
bi-gender, agender, pan-gender |
random |
agender, female, pan-gender |
sample |
non-binary, bi-gender, non-binary |
Method | Example |
maybe |
feminino, masculino, masculino |
random |
masculino, feminino, feminino |
sample |
feminino, feminino, feminino |
Method | Example |
maybe |
女, 女, 男 |
random |
男, 女, 男 |
sample |
男, 女, 女 |
Method | Example |
maybe |
perempuan, laki-laki, perempuan |
random |
perempuan, perempuan, laki-laki |
sample |
perempuan, perempuan, laki-laki |
Method | Example |
maybe |
男, 男, 女 |
random |
男, 女, 男 |
sample |
女, 女, 男 |
Method | Example |
maybe |
女, 女, 女 |
random |
女, 男, 男 |
sample |
女, 男, 女 |
Method | Example |
maybe |
남, 녀, 남 |
random |
남, 남, 녀 |
sample |
녀, 녀, 녀 |
Method | Example |
maybe |
mężczyzna, mężczyzna, mężczyzna |
random |
mężczyzna, mężczyzna, mężczyzna |
sample |
mężczyzna, mężczyzna, mężczyzna |
Method | Example |
boxed_coords (..., ...) |
lat |
33.4280828890754, 26.5322723388672, 39.0788984258721 |
lng |
-73.769264, -112.605812600303, -77.0739996811784 |
Method | Example |
guid |
FF63CD29-3294-63F7-9186-B82B1C4958AA, 4D14AE0B-A301-715E-75B1-55FF74E8BDDE, 26E3197E-449D-1BC3-F98D-532C1EF19744 |
Method | Example |
a |
<a href="#veritatis" title="Consectetur esse">Quod neque</a>, <a href="#aut" title="Fugiat magni">Blanditiis quos</a>, <a href="#necessitatibus" title="Repellat quis">Fugit sed</a> |
body |
<h1>Nemo vero</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Fugiat</th><th>Nesciunt</th><th>Occaecati</th><th>Animi</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Placeat</td><td>Perferendis</td><td>Eligendi</td><td><a href="#voluptatibus" title="Delectus dolorem">Assumenda ipsam</a></td></tr><tr><td>Dolor</td><td>Error</td><td>Veritatis</td><td><a href="#laborum" title="Dicta ex">Unde qui</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Enim dignissimos</h2><ol><li>Aliquam numquam praesentium harum id. Architecto corrupti eveniet explicabo odit incidunt nam impedit.</li><li>Excepturi praesentium ipsa quos nulla voluptatum vero dolorum. A consequatur recusandae repudiandae molestiae quo. Dolor porro reprehenderit ipsam magni.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Aspernatur eligendi numquam iste nam eius ipsum qui. Illum quis natus praesentium molestias. Necessitatibus quae repellat aliquid porro similique eligendi unde suscipit. Voluptatibus beatae sit quaerat a.<br>Quibusdam libero minima expedita corrupti quae earum ipsa incidunt. Totam incidunt ipsam reiciendis maxime inventore praesentium voluptatibus. Maiores at sequi non voluptatibus deleniti sunt. Quia tenetur perspiciatis nihil illum voluptates distinctio quas.<br>Voluptates velit id cupiditate ex quidem praesentium. Quas ipsum facere placeat maiores magnam voluptatum quo. Cum asperiores similique consequatur nesciunt explicabo quo totam.</p></blockquote><h3>Odit officia</h3><ul><li>Mollitia quaerat nobis ratione dolorum quo sed. Corporis porro aliquam fugit doloremque. Aspernatur exercitationem quaerat vel soluta ipsam necessitatibus placeat molestias.</li></ul><pre><code> #veritatis h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Omnis possimus</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Harum</th><th>Doloribus</th><th>Error</th><th>Sapiente</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Similique</td><td>Nostrum</td><td>Quos</td><td><a href="#inventore" title="Nobis nihil">Laboriosam nesciunt</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Sit quas</h2><ol><li>Ab possimus doloribus quos porro quidem. Velit asperiores mollitia dicta nesciunt exercitationem. Suscipit natus aspernatur quam modi vitae.</li><li>Iusto quia occaecati ducimus a.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Voluptates iste quasi natus non in facilis cum suscipit. Beatae maxime temporibus nobis hic sunt dolore magni. Accusantium sapiente recusandae corrupti deleniti optio corporis nostrum. Laudantium suscipit dignissimos inventore dolore voluptas provident distinctio eligendi. Ipsum praesentium vero suscipit ex iste magni rem.<br>Molestiae assumenda doloribus soluta corporis expedita veniam. Iure natus culpa maxime laborum eos. Veniam ab ullam dolore impedit numquam molestiae. Exercitationem eius sed voluptatibus eveniet labore molestiae ex. Architecto rerum perferendis occaecati fugiat.<br>Delectus cum iste mollitia repudiandae. Temporibus architecto esse perferendis quam delectus. Vitae occaecati voluptate enim quam doloribus omnis cum. Tempora laborum voluptatibus quasi fuga eligendi.</p></blockquote><h3>Eos magnam</h3><ul><li>Ipsa repellendus ab ducimus aspernatur laboriosam.</li><li>Doloribus rerum illo temporibus cupiditate consectetur. Molestiae similique totam eius omnis mollitia neque ipsa.</li></ul><pre><code> #assumenda h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Eos quae</h1><p><a href="#labore" title="Natus sunt">Explicabo vel</a> Quis in commodi expedita delectus eaque. Doloribus explicabo nobis autem dolorem. Quasi totam inventore veniam similique dignissimos placeat. Voluptatem accusamus distinctio laborum ipsa accusantium ad qui. Magni neque ducimus mollitia natus reiciendis sit accusamus ullam. Ipsam debitis sint officiis voluptatem adipisci quas consectetur tenetur.</p><table><thead><tr><th>Illum</th><th>Maxime</th><th>Est</th><th>Ducimus</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Minus</td><td>Tenetur</td><td>Odio</td><td><a href="#eaque" title="Iste exercitationem">Unde culpa</a></td></tr><tr><td>Possimus</td><td>Ad</td><td>Cum</td><td><a href="#repellendus" title="Excepturi ut">Numquam minima</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Ipsam dignissimos</h2><ol><li>Minus quo eius natus culpa mollitia accusantium. Natus architecto expedita consectetur saepe numquam odit dolores. Explicabo optio corrupti sed nesciunt neque.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Nesciunt hic corporis debitis vel ea corrupti earum impedit. Quibusdam magnam itaque quam maxime. Hic sequi quo animi id expedita aut adipisci labore. Enim sequi et sapiente dolorem non sint repudiandae. Aspernatur ducimus officia totam architecto atque.<br>Veniam eligendi laudantium nemo doloribus pariatur animi magnam ratione. Ullam fugit dolore nulla deserunt doloremque. Quis ducimus nulla officiis voluptas dolor.<br>Explicabo harum facilis asperiores culpa fugiat. Ab delectus sint nesciunt id minus alias officiis. Dolores consectetur eaque dolor odit.</p></blockquote><h3>Ex illo</h3><ul><li>Reiciendis fugiat architecto distinctio eveniet nisi. Explicabo officia cumque necessitatibus modi. Distinctio provident at quos fugiat quidem nemo.</li><li>Quidem est numquam dolorum repellat fugit molestiae saepe sapiente. Praesentium perferendis a at accusamus tempora quo iste perspiciatis. Doloremque vel similique hic facere nostrum.</li></ul><pre><code> #magni h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre> |
dl |
<dl><dt>Corporis</dt><dd>Libero ea eaque cum consectetur suscipit. Iusto incidunt distinctio facilis eius eaque.</dd><dt>Cupiditate</dt><dd>Temporibus eum soluta officiis voluptatem iure tempore delectus. At exercitationem ut a neque accusamus quo debitis voluptatum. Possimus in adipisci quae itaque nulla reiciendis quas.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Iste</dt><dd>Similique velit deleniti quod nemo iure itaque architecto. Repellendus voluptatum aspernatur nisi non. Excepturi odio quas molestias explicabo quos deleniti.</dd><dt>Pariatur</dt><dd>Tenetur at ducimus tempora consequatur natus labore. Laborum sint id eveniet ratione error atque occaecati ipsa. Quas quia optio at dolores in beatae rem sint.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Culpa</dt><dd>Porro consectetur at fuga molestias inventore odio dolores omnis. Dolor esse id libero perspiciatis. Sequi rem quibusdam vitae eveniet.</dd><dt>Cum</dt><dd>Velit corrupti tempora corporis tempore. Magni est perferendis beatae earum. Voluptas in sunt eveniet voluptatibus delectus fuga. Explicabo aspernatur qui cupiditate minima suscipit minus.</dd></dl> |
fancy_string |
<strong>Architecto adipisci</strong> Hic animi labore voluptatem qui perferendis nobis incidunt nam. Numquam aut placeat dolores id. Laboriosam numquam distinctio omnis neque. Sit ipsum laboriosam quasi iste. Esse commodi hic rerum similique voluptatum repellat quo molestias. Aut veritatis laudantium adipisci vitae aliquam. Vel dolorum ratione aperiam nesciunt dolor. Quas fuga incidunt iusto at recusandae sint. Voluptatum a iusto deleniti quos., <em>Asperiores mollitia tempore in odio unde. Soluta quae quisquam ad temporibus. Sed assumenda provident blanditiis at. Quo porro neque dolorem ab. Dolorum suscipit quo officiis doloribus facere accusamus.</em> <a href="#reiciendis" title="Ratione eius">Earum porro</a> <strong>Minus numquam</strong>, <a href="#mollitia" title="Dolore tempora">Quasi harum</a> Error laudantium culpa perspiciatis dolorem nemo. Maiores quos aspernatur quaerat eius. Sint deleniti sunt exercitationem fugiat voluptas reprehenderit. <strong>Illum earum</strong> |
ol_long |
<ol><li>Ab doloribus debitis a voluptatum blanditiis illo commodi. Consequuntur eaque asperiores id animi ratione.</li><li>Recusandae fuga aperiam nostrum quod vel perspiciatis non iure. Magni optio amet recusandae quae.</li><li>Officia odit voluptatibus laudantium dignissimos. Officia ad suscipit eligendi aut odio occaecati doloremque nihil.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Fugit voluptatum blanditiis explicabo quod unde enim eius consequuntur. Deserunt enim voluptatem occaecati similique.</li><li>Minus necessitatibus temporibus tempore provident quas eveniet enim laboriosam. Distinctio error deleniti facilis commodi. Consectetur occaecati laboriosam ipsa nulla quam. Hic animi accusamus iure quo fuga.</li><li>Id pariatur dignissimos qui porro. Consequuntur error ipsum mollitia blanditiis animi. Exercitationem eligendi quam rerum unde est perspiciatis architecto dolorem.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Nam enim dolore ut facilis voluptas voluptatibus. Hic quisquam ipsum eveniet praesentium aliquid. Dignissimos labore accusamus nihil fugit dolorem ipsam molestias.</li><li>Quasi nihil occaecati beatae temporibus modi. Occaecati molestias soluta cupiditate asperiores ipsa culpa. Perferendis enim voluptates doloremque non quaerat incidunt. Facere eius rem illum provident repudiandae excepturi molestiae.</li><li>Et iusto perferendis aspernatur sed. Illum quisquam exercitationem iure neque magnam doloribus. Atque saepe quis veritatis totam. Iusto doloribus aut ullam neque.</li></ol> |
ol_short |
<ol><li>Neque perferendis facilis voluptates vel.</li><li>Vero ab quo aliquid optio.</li><li>Iure laboriosam reiciendis.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Provident ad veniam modi odit.</li><li>Nam porro nihil necessitatibus beatae impedit perferendis.</li><li>Exercitationem voluptas aliquam veniam.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Velit assumenda ducimus accusamus occaecati reprehenderit.</li><li>Repellendus temporibus sint commodi odit.</li><li>Odit veniam quos quam officia occaecati consequatur.</li></ol> |
p |
<p>Dolores iste quaerat fuga beatae ducimus. Dignissimos minus praesentium dolore blanditiis delectus eius quaerat. Consequuntur nam numquam nesciunt illum voluptatum in minima suscipit.</p>, <p>Id et doloribus perferendis tenetur accusamus. Eligendi nostrum odit dolore ducimus ea voluptatum nesciunt voluptatem. Sapiente voluptas numquam dolores fuga quod temporibus.</p>, <p>Aperiam aliquid et nisi vero nam reiciendis aliquam. Repudiandae inventore exercitationem dolores ipsam atque vitae explicabo. Ex blanditiis occaecati beatae asperiores. Est molestias sequi repudiandae mollitia nostrum error similique. Laborum adipisci vitae repudiandae odit commodi autem eum ducimus.</p> |
table |
<table><thead><tr><th>Mollitia</th><th>Esse</th><th>Ratione</th><th>Modi</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Consectetur</td><td>Impedit</td><td>Deserunt</td><td><a href="#dolorem" title="Delectus repellendus">Repudiandae nostrum</a></td></tr><tr><td>Praesentium</td><td>Doloremque</td><td>Nostrum</td><td><a href="#in" title="Vel nihil">Tempora aliquam</a></td></tr><tr><td>Est</td><td>Eligendi</td><td>Quaerat</td><td><a href="#blanditiis" title="Voluptates temporibus">Ex omnis</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>In</th><th>Id</th><th>Atque</th><th>Blanditiis</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Maxime</td><td>Deleniti</td><td>Nemo</td><td><a href="#similique" title="Odit in">Quae consectetur</a></td></tr><tr><td>Iusto</td><td>Provident</td><td>A</td><td><a href="#labore" title="Dolor sed">Velit excepturi</a></td></tr><tr><td>Suscipit</td><td>Fugiat</td><td>Laudantium</td><td><a href="#repellendus" title="Maxime a">Vero iure</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Placeat</th><th>Recusandae</th><th>Dignissimos</th><th>Placeat</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Sunt</td><td>Optio</td><td>Sunt</td><td><a href="#quibusdam" title="Rem ullam">Et voluptates</a></td></tr><tr><td>Cum</td><td>Facilis</td><td>Quisquam</td><td><a href="#eum" title="Magni temporibus">Ipsa quod</a></td></tr><tr><td>Dicta</td><td>Vitae</td><td>Ipsa</td><td><a href="#et" title="Ad error">Perferendis maxime</a></td></tr></tbody></table> |
ul_links |
<ul><li><a href="#totam" title="Eaque">Consectetur</a></li><li><a href="#corrupti" title="Ea">Eaque</a></li><li><a href="#officia" title="Error">Quas</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#totam" title="Voluptates">Ducimus</a></li><li><a href="#autem" title="Deserunt">Libero</a></li><li><a href="#modi" title="Reiciendis">Corrupti</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#ut" title="Quibusdam">Tempore</a></li><li><a href="#vero" title="Aspernatur">Mollitia</a></li><li><a href="#distinctio" title="Officia">Laudantium</a></li></ul> |
ul_long |
<ul><li>Quia iure aliquam numquam ipsum dignissimos. Accusamus culpa dicta recusandae perspiciatis nisi. Fuga optio aut quos assumenda iure quis nisi sapiente.</li><li>Enim voluptatibus numquam tempore dicta praesentium natus nobis hic. Nulla inventore perspiciatis accusamus architecto ex dolorum tempore.</li><li>Inventore nesciunt minus earum itaque amet. Quisquam hic molestias earum ad suscipit. Iure pariatur laboriosam sequi id necessitatibus. Provident quam saepe ab qui quaerat.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Necessitatibus sapiente assumenda facere aperiam voluptate. Ipsam rerum quidem qui ullam.</li><li>Harum quidem corporis impedit eius placeat odio. Provident maxime optio amet doloremque rerum. Mollitia iure iusto earum pariatur. Minus provident animi atque repellat officia voluptas occaecati.</li><li>Praesentium incidunt voluptatum qui unde architecto. Dolorum similique eum consequuntur sit optio atque beatae.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Cum iusto excepturi inventore quas neque. Aspernatur deleniti dicta commodi autem.</li><li>Dolorum laboriosam adipisci pariatur mollitia maxime est eveniet doloremque. Fugiat rem commodi perferendis suscipit expedita iure libero.</li><li>Quam exercitationem quae saepe modi non repellendus laborum eligendi. Assumenda suscipit adipisci quisquam consequuntur iste occaecati quis. Optio modi quae dolorem autem. Eum enim consequuntur tempore recusandae.</li></ul> |
ul_short |
<ul><li>Minus sed voluptatem.</li><li>Qui deleniti molestias dicta.</li><li>Illo culpa error rerum.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Officiis veniam dolore facilis.</li><li>Tempora culpa fugit.</li><li>Corporis omnis dolore.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Laudantium nemo distinctio blanditiis numquam.</li><li>Dicta fuga dolores atque dolorum.</li><li>Quae id cumque recusandae officiis fugit aspernatur.</li></ul> |
Method | Example |
characters |
7m2g2madnhdy7o6w9a7cmad1zycus60kuknyfd8xn6gi593v8avwizk7246cr4xtc8qebttlzbqy0t0klgc6dxv3s9i1zgefsvjalvuhq1iouud25gxp4k5ssa62rdnmsqvu2kjkkb2vouitiqj77dictlyna18sygqait6ugd2w0weijzxn73mhby1g7sis2s84uogs4lrklxjebqfn97jx34s9ojaiyne7icx5oehmzsecsw1myjszs3p9t1q, zd1mk6vdnnfaukls5p4rf71kdf3k8fg9xmjkegfv2b316q94vrwv3vdfh2y1p01mytimt46ew1nqrolvvzdcgknk2fr3taq6c07i7nh1dxfqq5w40ssz3aowsia6mbxjs1n9guzkl49yvkuhpu5tb64gafsuro9apxthknfjwp1jekskegkivn79ovufanz87fep2uhbsjrstq6lraq8wxyf32j90sbj62p0xhxcf471pffa0mj9d75ltgghnnm, h1oksopggzk24hfds4v4gn0zyb4fv8naq0tyd7bxc3bvxic952e0utlhm9qambla4tl9d5e3ntv67c42hknprjoejebpuoto2xq7s18819z4bfqtptoelcmomaikzh06mpv1zcw06g4t2aba07imzsg0xrvf2rvw8b2miq1tnufzls1jhgcefz1iihvghrye158zrff3zkiw0i2gded1381id9nmqs0oy8wla2lcxf2a8w3zlechm2l4pqcnvwy |
paragraph |
Defensive medicine creditable coverage national association of insurance commissioners beneficiary concurrent review IPA medicaid DRG. Medical necessity hospice care underwriting state-mandated benefits network HCFA Common Procedure Coding System admitting privileges indemnity health plan pregnancy care. Primary care physician enrollee indemnity health plan national committee for quality assurance state insurance department medically necessary lifetime maximum., Policy capitation limited policy medigap self administered coordinated care. Lifetime maximum HRA deductible carry over credit designated facility free-look period flexible spending account limited policy hospital-surgical coverage. Benefit cap national committee for quality assurance pre-admission review staff model national association of insurance commissioners., National committee for quality assurance co-pay FSA covered charges/expenses self administered health insurance portability & accountability act denial of claim health maintenance organization. Concurrent review policy high deductible health plan consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act R&C charge. Fee-for-service accumulation period pre-certification COBRA fee schedule major medical agent of record open enrollment. Cpt attachment episode of care R&C charge stop-loss provisions cost sharing assignment of benefits centers of excellence medigap. Formulary portability creditable coverage HDHP PCP HIPAA. |
paragraphs |
Pre-existing condition waiting period attachment accredited HMO self administered pre-certification ASO. Renewal independent practice associations lapse gatekeeper EOB. Custodial care risk out-of-plan schedule of benefits and exclusions full-time student concurrent review centers of excellence. Third-party payer master policy centers of excellence indemnity health plan flexible benefit plan., Flexible benefit plan renewal limited policy health employer data and information set accumulation period. Service area usual and customary charge broker accumulation period short-term medical insurance health employer data and information set discharge planning any willing provider laws DRG. Pre-authorization noncancellable policy agent of record second surgical opinion IPA pre-existing condition. Care plan well-baby care ancillary services centers of excellence covered charges/expenses R&C charge exclusions and limitations out-of-pocket maximum., Prior authorization skilled nursing facility misrepresentation out-of-network denial of claim gag rule laws COBRA. Deductible out-of-pocket maximum self administered SIC HMO HCPCS episode of care certificate of coverage. Out-of-network medicare exclusion period second surgical opinion policyholder full-time student., International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm hospice care medicaid eligible dependent skilled nursing facility. Benefit cap credentialing well-baby care medical savings account SIC out-of-plan episode of care. Hipaa board certified pre-certification grievance reasonable and customary medically necessary evidence of insurability. Ncqa flexible spending account well-baby care self administered preferred provider organization admitting physician. Referral pre-existing condition qualifying event COB FSA wellness office visit misrepresentation., First dollar coverage self administered custodial care schedule of benefits and exclusions ASO medicare certificate of coverage. Independent practice associations prior authorization medicare flexible spending account usual and customary charge out-of-plan. Cost sharing home health care lifetime maximum major medical medical necessity., Special benefit networks incurral date covered person cost sharing beneficiary formulary PCP admitting physician hospice care. Administrative services only IPA medicaid admitting privileges DRG. Certificate of coverage assignment of benefits waiting period national association of insurance commissioners medical savings account master policy enrollee ambulatory care HDHP., Drg incurral date preventive care admitting physician beneficiary HDHP. State insurance department flexible spending account international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm noncancellable policy underwriting waiting period pre-authorization first dollar coverage. Eaps grievance group health plan pre-admission testing capitation., Beneficiary national association of insurance commissioners case manager first dollar coverage free-look period administrative services only attachment underwriting fee-for-service. Third-party payer eligible dependent deductible carry over credit covered benefit workers compensation certificate of coverage health reimbursement arrangement benefit contract year. Utilization review defensive medicine group health plan policy year deductible insured well-baby care. Pre-admission review health insurance portability & accountability act wellness office visit renewal pre-certification primary care physician medically necessary covered benefit out-of-network. General agent staff model international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm master policy fee-for-service medicare beneficiary risk., Prior authorization HRA DRG HEDIS ambulatory care fee schedule lifetime maximum. Discharge planning staff model managed care HSA PCP general agent co-payment. Third-party payer health care provider referral cost sharing medigap full-time student covered benefit hospital care. Stop-loss provisions out-of-pocket maximum employee assistance programs participating provider claim qualifying event state-mandated benefits. Medicaid NAIC appeal COBRA out-of-plan service area workers compensation premium. |
phrase |
Hra insured medicare supplement HSA designated facility., Accredited indemnity health plan third-party payer deductible gag rule laws exclusion period HRA guaranteed issue., Certificate of coverage effective date PCP attachment grievance exclusion period staff model pre-admission testing gatekeeper. |
phrases |
Concurrent review EOB health insurance portability & accountability act participating provider admitting privileges referral medigap., Staff model attachment out-of-plan agent of record grievance inpatient care out-of-pocket maximum preferred provider organization., Independent practice associations HIPAA gag rule laws denial of claim limited policy eligible expenses DRG ancillary services impaired risk., R&c charge case management cost sharing free-look period usual and customary charge short-term medical insurance dependent guaranteed issue., Benefit self-insured NAIC pre-existing condition hospital care current procedural terminology., Admitting physician health savings account service area covered benefit workers compensation second surgical opinion., Clinical practice guidelines centers of excellence referral appeal dependent broker COB., Deductible dependent health employer data and information set covered charges/expenses policy year HDHP., Attachment EOB general agent out-of-network staff model national drug code fee-for-service. |
sentence |
Third-party payer insured HRA episode of care pre-certification gatekeeper., Aso clinical practice guidelines special benefit networks service area risk out-of-pocket maximum defensive medicine medicare supplement., Underwriting gatekeeper incurral date wellness office visit group health plan HCFA Common Procedure Coding System NDC. |
sentences |
Self administered agent of record pre-authorization benefit risk HCFA Common Procedure Coding System employee assistance programs., Hdhp R&C charge PPO guaranteed issue exclusion period medicare supplement participating provider effective date limited policy., Cobra full-time student master policy limited policy medically necessary any willing provider laws., Discharge planning medigap exclusion period admitting physician NCQA effective date covered person attachment assignment of benefits., Ambulatory care explanation of benefits HSA third-party payer case management., Provider usual and customary charge health reimbursement arrangement NCQA rider PPO guaranteed issue., Enrollee case management state-mandated benefits renewal benefit participating provider co-pay creditable coverage full-time student., Referral waiting period employee assistance programs HEDIS special benefit networks covered person COB., Master policy network provider national committee for quality assurance gag rule laws fee schedule exclusion period noncancellable policy HMO hospice care. |
word |
misrepresentation, primary care physician, health insurance portability & accountability act |
words |
explanation of benefits, concurrent review, certificate of coverage, medicare, morbidity, FSA, explanation of benefits, DRG, grievance |
Method | Example |
doctor_specialization |
Логопед, Психолог, Андролог |
Method | Example |
characters |
oqn5t0tdn4unr0w9wx2d8vzln792qeu2my04hweqpu9al6t36r3fqx5mx7d9bckdhqof1qlrwkxqjkfz34kakwoegr8mf37j85z5gn46v1vhxreoviqyrh1b76l9b87n0n1beuo59ajzr87dsa1dqgto811kd0f4jtgsgsot45g2l75y9gqf7c2lqdtedg64q10g1mmga2sethshjhgu7zbndy2czq9apnnm6n7k59vbnzql4vj2lkivnx4jvuk, fk2f6e8vhe2xsuas8kmard98ffuwtctk1rhin6ni3ub2wlax8xinslnvu7cn6x7mj7gmsm6rfmbx4lua3jrfxwmq3phrxh6borurjsl02z4xrgsqjat48ei4pgxfpllsgek9z0ijh1ulq4z24r4vjjwjpcv4vmndczvaw5sgylwctfvuhsm5id6tmftd4ty1d3j9p46j6ve200gtj485t6hym5ws91xmtygnz3lp3b5aamoejsiyav8hofozaxg, hum1y7ulwrggqlsmxr9ymnkki2gf9js4n07aoo2p5k1k0f1mh0tvk50z2pj738sathoxypew3ji5x13b9u0ocqlvca8tayfs3frkxkz3p7eec9960wzvxskczgj6lyevqysq6uk2ct8l2nn5cr6gw4gokrcru3jqwyjpqp9f7wxe29zwrfes007somlid9dohwejw8nnt5y4jwxpm2e3luqououd4cly4lhbb80cwpzepi40ke99n5d150421k3 |
paragraph |
Beard lomo Portland helvetica butcher tumblr. Irony chambray iPhone dreamcatcher freegan. Thundercats wolf freegan fanny pack Pitchfork photo booth., Photo booth single-origin coffee fixie gentrify quinoa stumptown banh mi put a bird on it PBR. Chambray Banksy Cosby Sweater salvia 8-bit. Williamsburg PBR sustainable helvetica tattooed butcher salvia retro high life., Vinyl freegan Williamsburg 8-bit cred squid. Helvetica Shoreditch quinoa yr scenester. Four loko Rerry Richardson helvetica food truck fanny pack bicycle rights squid craft beer gluten-free. Bicycle rights Cosby Sweater locavore Austin synth. |
paragraphs |
Letterpress salvia twee VHS Carles moon master cleanse. Whatever seitan freegan Rerry Richardson art quinoa moon helvetica organic. Trust fund single-origin coffee cred Pitchfork raw denim etsy. Brunch moon irony vegan vinyl stumptown put a bird on it., Gluten-free tattooed mlkshk irony mustache. Craft beer art thundercats trust fund moon Rerry Richardson brunch Shoreditch. Before they sold out skateboard art hoodie Four Loko., Tumblr Wayfarers Cosby Sweater squid thundercats. Leggings vinyl master cleanse artisan irony. Yr master cleanse stumptown twee VHS. Wes anderson party master cleanse etsy cardigan Cosby Sweater. Vinyl irony Rerry Richardson sustainable yr Marfa VHS., Hoodie locavore freegan craft beer Rerry Richardson Brooklyn salvia. Chambray tofu Rerry Richardson quinoa wolf whatever letterpress organic. American apparel Carles readymade Banksy Pitchfork cred Austin retro., Jean shorts vice tattooed Marfa you probably haven't heard of them Austin cliche American Apparel wolf. Tumblr moon master cleanse Wayfarers keffiyeh messenger bag tattooed vegan. Photo booth freegan viral lomo tofu. Thundercats butcher Shoreditch you probably haven't heard of them food truck vice hoodie., Lo-fi Portland photo booth keffiyeh ethical vinyl. Cred high life mixtape next level mlkshk viral keytar locavore biodiesel. Thundercats vice put a bird on it Banksy fixie raw denim quinoa Rerry Richardson Austin., Party gluten-free raw denim Carles Wayfarers master cleanse synth etsy. Readymade skateboard vice iPhone cardigan. Art DIY Brooklyn keffiyeh dreamcatcher McSweeney's. Tumblr aesthetic art cardigan synth put a bird on it hoodie seitan., Wes anderson single-origin coffee before they sold out stumptown Carles mustache quinoa. Wes anderson you probably haven't heard of them bicycle rights stumptown beard PBR 8-bit whatever American Apparel. Echo park stumptown beard readymade Austin scenester biodiesel. Lo-fi Rerry Richardson aesthetic art irony. Master cleanse +1 helvetica Wayfarers tattooed., Retro high life brunch 8-bit single-origin coffee Cosby Sweater blog. Brunch party mustache Marfa viral tumblr iPhone. Seitan PBR quinoa leggings tumblr blog. +1 squid beard hoodie American Apparel. |
phrase |
Leggings squid artisan Wes Anderson McSweeney's seitan., Sartorial McSweeney's high life thundercats squid keytar aesthetic keffiyeh., Photo booth tattooed bicycle rights whatever mlkshk mustache. |
phrases |
Pbr tattooed Rerry Richardson skateboard Marfa., Moon sustainable before they sold out you probably haven't heard of them retro., Mcsweeney's quinoa American Apparel Carles butcher., Stumptown seitan ethical Marfa vegan gentrify echo park gluten-free thundercats., Messenger bag bicycle rights thundercats butcher yr sustainable keffiyeh lo-fi DIY., Cliche fap aesthetic mixtape high life vinyl Wayfarers keytar., Gluten-free next level 8-bit ethical Austin dreamcatcher Wayfarers., Leggings craft beer hoodie ethical Austin., Keytar helvetica leggings quinoa organic mustache etsy. |
sentence |
Mlkshk yr Banksy whatever art Shoreditch mixtape., Brunch hoodie before they sold out 8-bit gluten-free organic wolf., Banksy etsy Rerry Richardson moon yr. |
sentences |
Before they sold out readymade party Wes Anderson farm-to-table viral stumptown., Twee vice Pitchfork lomo sustainable freegan cardigan McSweeney's., Bicycle rights beard Wes Anderson organic vinyl PBR twee Pitchfork before they sold out., Banh mi vinyl Portland mustache fap blog., Cred aesthetic Marfa +1 dreamcatcher craft beer., Twee Carles brunch artisan squid Wes Anderson McSweeney's Rerry Richardson photo booth., Brooklyn thundercats art readymade farm-to-table Wayfarers., Sustainable salvia you probably haven't heard of them Cosby Sweater fap +1 before they sold out., Vhs Williamsburg next level cliche party. |
word |
mustache, dreamcatcher, Rerry Richardson |
words |
sartorial, photo booth, craft beer, helvetica, leggings, butcher, beard, butcher, vinyl |
Method | Example |
drivers_license |
K634-215-84-537-1, K737-354-30-012-6, L896-922-34-991-5 |
ethnicity |
Asian/Pacific Islander, Caucasian, Asian/Pacific Islander |
gender |
Female, Female, Male |
ssn |
192-82-0037, 535-21-3327, 714-67-7873 |
Method | Example |
cnpj |
34396240707329, 84809225265993, 84947396042505 |
cnpj_verification_digits (...) |
cpf |
55559658502, 52359952951, 39036102243 |
cpf_verification_digits (...) |
gender |
Feminino, Feminino, Feminino |
pretty_cnpj |
61.469.219/7923-94, 10.645.114/9529-50, 06.704.793/8811-29 |
pretty_cpf |
883.258.153-10, 295.763.312-42, 103.130.378-25 |
pretty_rg |
078.065.345, 014.209.441, 070.887.486 |
rg |
917737650, 357394189, 712151903 |
Method | Example |
gender |
Hombre, Hombre, Hombre |
Method | Example |
gender |
Hombre, Hombre, Hombre |
rut |
15953546-0, 9390048-0, 5055775-8 |
Method | Example |
blood_type |
AB-, A-, AB+ |
driver_license_category |
A2, B2, C2 |
drivers_license |
244447422491, 67831671, 065269116638 |
expedition_date |
2021-04-17, 2021-04-04, 2016-03-27 |
gender |
Mujer, Hombre, Hombre |
id |
5572614603629, 7400944124, 0395494 |
Method | Example |
aadhaar |
015420481162, 643241295674, 977743726118 |
Method | Example |
rrn |
940507-1476993, 832010-1078157, 742512-2027161 |
Method | Example |
curp |
rfc |
ÑIKB0704070P7, SATX96030750E, XIWA740616OUQ |
rfc_persona_fisica |
SAJQ970318MJB, ZASK041208IC7, VEDV711119O0B |
rfc_persona_moral |
DQC860926JED, GKF730623NX8, TFI161026B7W |
Method | Example |
drivers_license |
33950/20/6420, 26457/11/8075, 65487/44/4792 |
id |
JDH536445, TLE639774, PTS370721 |
identity_card |
EQM156491, WYE788548, NEI801053 |
pesel |
14902618517, 52111902212, 72080831780 |
Method | Example |
id |
B256314093, R113374961, Z109207034 |
Method | Example |
file |
#<File:0x0000563068b3f288>, #<File:0x0000563068b65e88>, #<File:0x0000563068b704f0> |
url |
https://dummyimage.com/300x300/bec286/48008a.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/798726/730d4e.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/40cc9c/f3bd1d.png?text= |
Method | Example |
disposable_email |
guadalupe.trantow@suremail.info, kenda.predovic@suremail.info, raye@suremail.info |
domain_name |
satterfield.info, gloverherman.co.uk, hintzcollier.info |
domain_suffix |
info, info, name |
domain_word |
crookswiza, hintz, shanahanpaucek |
email |
charleen@beerbraun.com, jason_hoeger@balistreri.info, rikki@will.info |
free_email |
cyndy@gmail.com, rufina@gmail.com, gregorio@yahoo.com |
http_url |
http://turner.ca, http://huel.biz, http://abernathy.info |
ip_v4_address |,, |
mac |
f6:06:29:08:67:6f, f4:67:28:f1:da:82, 28:58:7a:7f:73:f5 |
password |
tnSEzihivRIKXrV, O0IKF1_Yp1, e3T5pYob_Wo |
safe_email |
marian@example.net, nohemi.keeling@example.net, annabelle_bartell@example.net |
slug |
sequi.id, aliquid_fuga, suscipit.facere |
uri (...) |
user_name |
karlyn, jenniffer, ester_kreiger |
Method | Example |
company_name_single_word |
Fritsch, Rippin-Sauer, Lynch-Kuhn |
disposable_email |
jackie@safetymail.info, celesta@safetymail.info, kirsten@safetymail.info |
domain_name |
waltercole.com, bartonharvey.se, lakinmorissette.com |
domain_suffix |
com, com, nu |
domain_word |
muller, swiftgleason, franeckiswaniawski |
email |
wilford_dooley@tromp.se, tamekia_jacobi@dare.se, gianna@blicklindgren.se |
free_email |
sharienakia@yahoo.com, venessarikki.kunze@hotmail.com, hai@yahoo.com |
http_url |
http://herzogorn.se, http://maggio.com, http://littelhilpert.nu |
ip_v4_address |,, |
join_to_user_name (...) |
login_user_name |
aronorn, glennpagac, larry_botsford |
mac |
a7:4e:bb:2e:02:0c, cc:f2:46:34:1b:4e, 03:d7:18:ed:b5:8e |
password |
xdtDSd4zcZskndKi, HKOel1f56SAvcrA, cSgNsqllwlGzSBC |
safe_email |
billye@example.com, irvincyril@example.net, logan_leffler@example.net |
slug |
iusto-aliquid, modi.ea, modi_culpa |
uri (...) |
user_name |
tuan, ettie, roderick |
user_name_from_name (...) |
user_name_random |
van.okuneva, grisel, glenniesharlene.kuhic |
user_name_variant_long |
lawanda.schamberger, miguel_labadie, arlena_goyette |
user_name_variant_short |
kurtis, mitchelefren, dominique |
Method | Example |
title |
International Group Developer, Corporate Configuration Developer, Lead Security Supervisor |
Method | Example |
title |
Designer, Padeiro, Gerente |
Method | Example |
title |
业务经理, 技术编辑, 房地产经纪人 |
Method | Example |
title |
gestionnaire des services informatiquues, superviseur de la division financiere, superviseur contrôle qualité |
Method | Example |
title |
言語聴覚士, 宮大工, テニス選手 |
Method | Example |
title |
컴퓨터시스템 감리 전문가, 철도 고가 전선 가설원, 자동차 차체 부분품 조립원 |
Method | Example |
title |
hướng dẫn tour du lịch, nhà viết kịch, Người kể chuyện |
Method | Example |
code |
IE, MO, SQ |
language |
Croatian, Abkhazian, Samoan |
Method | Example |
characters |
7w3t0ctyvisg6wapphnm40z1w7fi7yy9pog0eopatggmzrorl86z4d5jsrxdlr8efcjjrmr8gqh2ush8gulqrkxfjgsdfelim6ys5ts3hpv5wkajmjt18iet9tur0nmx0vdpczaqa5et7lbev86nz764xbeseg7bnq8qcotr287ajocnh2npaf1c4kx22w7xjbl1vkr8ca8rprkvrjc89k5o4a7b4bfl61tqaa559x8h98v62i8y6pizygizp0z, 84486jpsgq344a36j0uvz96i3l4opuxloo8plilaqxqrzggkpdkhtz9om9eskm2qezcvek3oxxsuyu8otfokbm8aaa45kcv80r4a0d9nibp84sbb5ijjy6mtwgr6ujj2bafztxcce6g2i85akv90f2ftg8mk253g6b8eizjauxlv6jevjmxd5h5lzhkf62dbjj4jdagvkf6j30lluvezt6z2todybgm0de24hgqlro4x92gfhilrndys0jtrhot, uf5iho2y2rb1kxazhiogv2873aj2929r09bn44w4ufqwv1irgd6jxdxw3yjsjwe3kq6sp687hkd2418umdw9jvjafpeijpzczlhnh07qy1m2s2k0kwreqk4hlu4jb0dy6srgxr2kgixinu03hx7opxajilezmqbygnxz22fg49mprulfpii025yi1zcqqqpxlkds7p7vvq93udqxq5c156og4fw40s98n6zbjis7hjd6xl1ue6305suesiqd51o |
paragraph |
Magnam quod cum libero pariatur inventore beatae. Quam ratione culpa maiores fugiat blanditiis. Amet sunt non qui suscipit id ipsam commodi. Ratione mollitia ad eius facere praesentium maxime amet dolorem., Possimus porro expedita non laudantium praesentium amet perspiciatis occaecati. Provident assumenda consequatur et aliquid id maiores at. Dolor dolore veniam tempore animi., Expedita aut voluptatem repudiandae vero nulla. Quis accusantium autem unde possimus. Deleniti inventore eligendi a exercitationem ipsa fuga. |
paragraphs |
Ex quisquam architecto nesciunt quae. Facere consequatur sit distinctio aliquid reprehenderit repellat occaecati. Quo adipisci veniam nihil quidem maiores porro. Quibusdam molestiae accusamus atque dicta saepe dolor nam., Eveniet tempora iure maxime alias facilis dolorum recusandae. Voluptatem quibusdam excepturi odit repudiandae in aut cupiditate. Voluptate aliquid tempore molestias est vitae voluptas odit. Quae ab assumenda incidunt possimus ducimus atque., Deserunt recusandae odit consequuntur nam nemo sit unde quo. Aut eum dolorem hic modi quaerat corrupti optio maiores. Sapiente ea alias minima magnam sequi libero aut occaecati. Quibusdam soluta facilis et assumenda sunt consequuntur accusantium., Adipisci esse laboriosam harum quas ad explicabo itaque. Ipsam voluptatibus aliquam pariatur mollitia reiciendis iure. Voluptates porro tenetur praesentium quas. Quasi eligendi ullam delectus atque facere deserunt a. Rerum excepturi exercitationem facere sint repudiandae veritatis reprehenderit distinctio., Voluptatem ea officiis repellat magni harum dolores. Quos omnis assumenda occaecati praesentium. Saepe tempore rem nisi consequatur deleniti esse quaerat., Et amet perspiciatis molestias cupiditate repellat autem cumque ad. Itaque est quos voluptates distinctio dolor iste aspernatur. Animi blanditiis deserunt non laboriosam provident quia., Sit consectetur dicta sed fugiat. Quam sequi nostrum minima amet esse adipisci. Laboriosam mollitia quidem doloribus deserunt asperiores ducimus est., Ipsam modi sed illo et eos quia. Quidem adipisci in fugit consequatur eos voluptas ipsum veritatis. Consequatur amet vitae voluptate explicabo perferendis. Dolorem animi quibusdam odio delectus., Suscipit explicabo architecto nemo magni dignissimos quaerat vitae similique. Autem voluptas provident quaerat distinctio facilis repellendus. Explicabo eligendi illum doloribus iste rerum esse neque maiores. Suscipit vitae quae assumenda ea quia ipsam. |
phrase |
Culpa nobis explicabo quae quod rem., Occaecati cupiditate repellat facilis consectetur maxime., Illum porro blanditiis cum animi amet eum sapiente. |
phrases |
Eius praesentium id porro veritatis quaerat quod., Soluta sequi quas illum recusandae nostrum labore., Tempore nihil ipsa commodi corporis dicta., Enim impedit corrupti voluptatibus repellat ex., Laborum nemo aliquid delectus fuga., Porro eaque ipsam nihil deserunt dolor ex., Iusto ipsum sunt ducimus pariatur eius velit omnis., Consequuntur reprehenderit perspiciatis molestias quam., Quam quaerat quis magni alias deserunt quia perferendis odit. |
sentence |
Corrupti adipisci quasi dolorem sapiente nihil ducimus maiores., Commodi accusamus voluptates animi ducimus., Sit voluptatem nemo aspernatur ducimus. |
sentences |
Assumenda adipisci dolor atque sunt impedit recusandae iure ut., Natus modi cupiditate non perspiciatis itaque., Eius provident accusantium consequatur nemo delectus fugiat facere., Cupiditate nemo porro temporibus dolorem., Nihil debitis aperiam nesciunt consectetur magnam., Facere laborum repudiandae modi iure., Neque fugiat eum quibusdam perferendis facere molestiae maxime., Eos amet voluptatibus autem vel modi., Nemo itaque laudantium omnis exercitationem modi. |
word |
dolores, totam, enim |
words |
nam, quidem, accusamus, consequuntur, illum, porro, molestiae, dolore, corporis |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
البشريةً هاربر ليتسنّى طرفاً وتم و المضي بشكل. أي وحتّى أساسي لعملة هاربر. استسلام بـ وقبل باستخدام البشريةً., ألمانيا منشوريا لبولندا، انتباه قد, القنابل,. عدد, أخر ما كلّ أخذ. وبعد لفشل ثمّة قادة مدن, باستسلام. إستمات حدى بمباركة, يكن, زهاء علاقة. الاندونيسية الحرب المبرمة تعد بـ., جوي أضف إذ تغييرات نورماندي والإتحاد العناد. عن وفي التحالف وقدّموا, الا الدّفاع لم, روسية الثقيلة. في والديون أن الثالث روسية النازية، أراضي أثره،. علاقة كل كل الدمج مارد وتم, الثقيلة كلّ. |
paragraphs |
العصبة بـ, أن لغات عرض. الأوربيين أوسع الياباني يتم. أم قوات حالية الأجل الواقعة., الإنذار،, بالقصف الأوربيين مكّن قام. و سقط بين اللازمة مدينة باستسلام ذلك مارد. بـ أفاق الضروري المعاهدات المبرمة الأمم لم. شبح ساعة هو جورج أوراقهم مع الأرض., السيء اسبوعين دارت حدى نهاية. للإتحاد عدد يتم و أضف بل الدمج المزيفة. موسوليني بحث عن مدن استسلام أي و البرية قد. عن وقد أخر عل من يطول السادس عدد, غزو. شيء استمرار بتحدّي خسائر أثره، غينيا., المزيفة وبحلول العسكري, بـ حتى, جهة إخضاع غريمه. النازي الحلفاء غضون يبق ومضى غير بقسوة. قوات أفاق التخطيط الفترة والروسية., كلّ أي عل أنجلو-فرنسية, مدن والفلبين ما, إحتلال. أم الله عصبة ذلك. النازيين و أثره، من ماشاء. ما الضروري استولت الطريق بشكل حول., تحت يطول لان الإقتصادية أوسع هو لم أي. والجنود الأجل ضرب, تزامناً الأرض. ان النازية، ذلك أراضي كل بقيادة دنو. ستالينجراد بحث الثالث، من إستسلاماً أن,., بالعمل هيروشيما المواد, غرّة، ضرب, جوي بحق الأوضاع و. تم الى اعلان تكتيكاً أوراقهم لان جهة. ذات شبح أن حول لقوات عل الله. شيء مهانة الأبرياء يتم عن بـ الجديدة،., تحرّك سقط حربية وجهان بال لكل جديداً وفي. استولت في, معقل الأوضاع وتم حرب بل. واتّجه يتم بوزيرها وتزويده وتتحمّل, هو مع, نورماندي بريطانيا،., كلّ, طرفاً قام أساسي الغربي في, الواقعة. العناد ماليزيا، بغزو دول. أن ومن المزيفة أن فرنسا اسبوعين و يكن,. البرية أوراقهم من الإستسلام على شيء. |
phrase |
جمعت الدمج يبق شعار موسوليني وقد الإستسلام., جحافل أم حين الحرب مدن بزوال., الخاسر غريمه حشد اقتصّت. |
phrases |
عدد بحق قد ما اللازمة و مع, الصعداء مدن., لألمانيا ماشاء احداث منشوريا و بال جوي لإعلان اعتداء., بحث حالية لم هو قصف, المدنيين., كل الإعتداء النمسا جوي., مع تم تلك العسكري لغات بها الله., استمرار اعتداء إستيلاء ما,., مع سياسة التخطيط مع بـ اقتصّت الحلفاء يكن,., انتباه مدن, انتهت لم الصفحات جسيمة هزيمة لم, أوراقهم., موسوليني وتم ليبين منشوريا وباستثناء. |
sentence |
ثم غريمه بها, جسيمة., المضي وأسرت غضون تلك., قام جديداً لإنعدام فصل, استولت النازيين الإستسلام. |
sentences |
لان مع ثم جسيمة حربية اوروبا هو الشطر., أي حكومة لم مما المقاومة الإقتصادي العسكري, بـ., مارد ألمانيا, حرب حيث مدن مساعدة., مكّن مع الإقتصادي لإعلان مما., بل شيء, ثانية بين., علاقة ثم الاندونيسية الدّفاع بها وقد والروسية في جوي., جمعت واتّجه خصوصا كل هذا الحرب., النازية، الحلفاء لم أن استمرار إستمات., للجزر كل, اليميني بالولايات الا. |
word |
وإعلان, حول,, إيو |
words |
أن,, قد, الأيديولوجية،, لبولندا،, هو, وحزبه, يتبقّ, عدم, منتصف |
Method | Example |
characters |
99obtr82fd6rmv8bnf4o98qatwpms9oyy9o1ydtl6yeb6u0f3i76nrwmogkx8gay6kwpu9d108c7fw7ior1pe4fq66e3hfj8rtia24bpyjj2b1zhagvjk6qe8vipsb6r3kjwujw1prvkfj8hce0fumgxcwwtg0fsm4h5gaag6sz4bduqgo6a929h0h5ha1vafowx1lplwmf2m4ecd1mgque3i0zrxj2hw0x1l0fj24d6ehu4scbcvtljdn1tiov, r5s8ur7pmrt3kqt4d42oyakvyxdepzuwyjo9nnin7pn848162wrpp009mwj4zq2jh2j06zwwcemuy4p4u57s6sqtkvcrcs7rruaffrhpzwlc8yiowqe459qvajnegluev3yz4csj6hd1flhal4arsm8lv7ydnr266a214wwvflbi6pzhe74yi0je9y6s02sgddi7swqfgn355wq6k2axpox4gj3pkpifsb7sscakuhy4xgscscevj8dt7czedia, hnnde2hga5tp48sdm1s68nhx0hgwmssayldrsn20ra6h3nb9m2rd32fuqg89pgyj37310epbu4vck7yehkfz6za6o8b69x7s0ghmjikpmd9iomn4ixfg4nj01icvoirs6mpvgeik2sfewoeahrvla4frv6iik4j345ut1iorrhvdkhn3k114e6sg9kczaw4c2hj8gu8og6pony42r95mxmw3cm3au7z49lnybzhf23966iy675jr38sw1r0h10o |
paragraph |
Gostamos nós fazer ocasionalmente podem justa da bem-vindo. Freqüentemente trivial homens repudiados obrigações humana evitada gostamos certas. Outros denunciar vantagem pertence ocorrem princípio negócios poder e. Sejamos do darei falham explorador extremamente se físico encontram. Circunstâncias desmoralizados tem acontecer antipatia trivial., Encantos produz aborrecimentos antipatia acontecer maiores mais conseqüências. Verdade os ou exceto homem dor gosta. Repudiados evitada pelo às evita uma. Denunciar capazes estão com desfrutar lado. Fáceis trivial justa tem de momento alguma., Alguém empreende devo pelo para encantos. Portanto sistema aceitos disso vantagem. Com o ninguém aceitos reivindicações é qual. Gostamos indignação alguma laborioso nasceu dever tem rejeita atém. |
paragraphs |
Dever exemplo por labuta vantagem deseje expondo nosso fazer. Físico justa prazer disso mais assegurar escolha hora dever. Escolhe reais uma labuta fadados seu racionalmente momento equivocada. Pelos falham se evitar por dolorosas. Se rejeita extremamente mesmo sabem portanto denunciamos hora., Ensinamentos igual louvar desfrutar momento prazer exemplo. Evitada ninguém enganados se ocasionalmente gostamos. Disso fraqueza prazer sejamos estão toda., Impede e circunstâncias evitada humana empreende como. Outro encontram maiores ocorrerá enganados. Ou enganados irritantes proporcionar problemas esses atém. Dor freqüentemente perfeitamente verdade busque distinguir seu encontram ou., Tolera ser aqueles disso enganados encantos rejeita alguém toda. Indignação princípio a dor o expondo tão. Escolhe empreende extremamente aceitos distinguir por seu exceto fáceis., Desimpedido físico da impede como capazes buscar louvar em. Mas portanto dolorosas algum resultante pelo a. Darei ou tampouco piores cegados desfrutar dizer. Deseje algum lhe trivial poder felicidade nada. Porque impede ou uma estão., Dolorosas buscar às verdade sabem mais fáceis labuta ninguém. Vantagem devido nosso dever criticar pelos. Alguma impede mesmo atém toda como sistema., Culpa evita exemplo a buscar exercício. Circunstâncias vontade e fraqueza toda certas equivocada acontecer outros. Aqueles ame sejamos completo dor busque. Dor extremamente racionalmente todo através rejeita., Por ser dores um sejamos mais evita dar da. São dolorosas casos há com empreende denunciar explorador. Idéia completo racionalmente prever falham igual proporcionar gosta. Aborrecimentos àqueles é ou dizer tão repudiados. Evitar trivial gosta distinguir podem assegurar em., Fraqueza vantagem trivial explicar-lhe explorador encantos para si. Escolhe ocorrem quem pelos tolera certas. Atém explicar-lhe do idéia desimpedido ou portanto devido grande. |
phrase |
Escolha perfeitamente labuta louvar momento criticar., Criticar certas em dizer outros mesmo podem., Dores capazes evitada grande vantagem completo deseje. |
phrases |
Fazer aborrecimentos circunstâncias falham atém idéia é., Buscar humana para um quem livre encantos., Piores de humana extremamente produz., Princípio encolhimento sistema circunstâncias desmoralizados da mesmo exceto poder., Falham homens ocorrem seu encantos sempre nós àqueles., Ocorrem qual por trivial capazes da portanto quando ninguém., Pelo tão da evita explorador prazer homem., A devido laborioso uma repudiados encolhimento aceitos exercício explicar-lhe., Cegados extremamente atém sistema bem-vindo completo dolorosas dever produz. |
sentence |
Vontade disso criticar tolera a através gostamos., Prever cegados essa todo explicar-lhe portanto., Do freqüentemente louvar quando produz fadados uma fáceis. |
sentences |
Tampouco freqüentemente escolhe essa devem busque denunciar., Quem escolha louvar nasceu reivindicações os., Ocasionalmente casos buscar extremamente dolorosas dor., Evitada desimpedido devido perfeitamente ocorrem pelo., Tampouco princípio ninguém vontade culpa como., Si por sistema freqüentemente desmoralizados quem os darei., Tão e exemplo felicidade por tolera sistema encontram estão., Laborioso podem dever em às mais porque gostamos., Mestre-construtor deseje alguém indignação portanto equivocada empreende devo. |
word |
outros, criticar, si |
words |
porque, seleção, homem, ocasionalmente, ensinamentos, indignação, ensinamentos, há, devido |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
绵绵细雨甲望女成凤泪眼汪汪手舞足蹈蹑手蹑脚返老还童感慨万分, 五彩缤纷生龙活虎手足无措天寒地冻, 波光粼粼秋风凉爽千里冰封疾走如飞, 波光粼粼阳春三月当午日明交头接耳迫不及待, 前思后想狐假虎威爱屋及乌不屈不挠。, 交谈牛鬼蛇神白纸黑字柠檬黄瞬息万变了望能屈能伸东奔西走胆小如鼠, 中午时分淅淅沥沥火红惊慌失措欲哭无泪九牛一毛火冒三丈拾金不昧, 雄心勃勃表里如一一马当先鹤立鸡群雪花如席灰心丧气, 万家灯火令人发指莺歌燕舞苦思冥想信守诺言犹豫不决变幻莫测不清不楚, 车水马龙叶公好龙徐徐难舍难分史无前例鸟语花香三头六臂半梦半醒。, 泪如泉涌拾金不昧千疮百孔理直气壮, 足下生辉四分五裂不屈不挠首先, 摩肩接踵前仰后合变化多端铿锵有力时明时暗, 挥金如土漆黑一团鸡飞蛋打琳琅满目全神贯注。 |
paragraphs |
桃红柳绿光阴似箭一诺千金时而三思而行急不可待手忙脚乱观察叹为观止, 春暖花开洁白如玉雪白投桃报李车水马龙当午日明古色古香红艳艳李白桃红, 红日东升两袖清风自高自大不计其数, 果实累累废寝忘食拳打脚踢绵绵细雨一身是胆嗖嗖喜怒哀乐红艳艳。, 万家灯火白雪皑皑牛头马面泣不成声, 万家灯火快如闪电千疮百孔犹豫不决汹涌澎湃闻名于世形态多样风狂雨猛俯瞰, 波光粼粼十万火急东奔西走潸然泪下。, 气势磅礴星月如钩色彩斑斓前倨后恭, 俯视自说自话天崩地裂鸟瞰首先手忙脚乱, 七折八扣壮志凌云一泻千里迫在眉睫。, 朝气勃勃自说自话振奋人心轰轰隆隆叮叮当当月白风清羞愧难言, 苹果绿十拿九稳喜出望外理直气壮大失所望, 名列前茅刹那间张口结舌九死一生昂首阔步三长两短烈日灼灼危峰兀立, 七嘴八舌视死如归废寝忘食争分夺秒虎背熊腰七零八落, 六道轮回热泪盈眶齐心协力指鹿为马狐疑不决。, 轻风徐徐十分可恶朝霞辉映一诺千金, 万古长青千秋万代风狂雨猛秋高气爽激动人心雪花飞舞, 枫叶似火乘热打铁喜笑颜开牺牲环视李白桃红哗啦。, 天老地荒暴雨如注乌云翻滚东拼西凑逝世面红耳赤纷纷扬扬喜笑颜开, 万丈瀑布与世长辞一落千丈千言万语五彩缤纷天昏地暗云开日出震天动地盯, 俯瞰半信半疑七零八落远望优柔寡断, 雪中送炭叹为观止莺歌燕舞骄阳似火恨之入骨一言九鼎天罗地网灰心丧气, 怒气冲冲孔雀蓝全神贯注各抒己见鸟语花香小心翼翼顺手牵羊张灯结彩高山峻岭。, 毅然决然碧波荡漾华灯初上无牵无挂昂首阔步枝繁叶茂焦急万分, 精益求精牛头马面月明星稀指手画脚早出晚归, 惊弓之鸟气势恢弘红通通晚风习习百感交集闻名天下, 李白桃红于心不安观察交流可憎可恶, 乌云翻滚轻风徐徐绞尽脑汁借尸还魂。, 雄狮猛虎和风拂面月明星稀首先哗啦言而有信首屈一指注视十面埋伏, 足下生辉天经地义八面威风若即若离秋高气爽, 六神无主牺牲飞流直下六根清净张灯结彩二三其德, 思前顾后满山遍野嚷雪花如席。, 马失前蹄不理不睬天荒地老七折八扣理直气壮牛马不如议论纷纷, 千钧一发燃眉之急时上时下有名无实, 粉妆玉砌天高云淡身材魁梧闻鸡起舞喀嚓一马当先。 |
sentence |
月明星稀绵绵细雨不伦不类张口结舌,, 挥金如土五体投地万里无云大失所望无忧无虑啼婀娜多姿顷刻间,, 讲口蜜腹剑千变万化枣红, |
sentences |
一手遮天红日东升俯视李白桃红,, 老态龙钟叮当天寒地冻晚风习习,, 马失前蹄无情无义哗哗啦啦生龙活虎,, 激动人心茫雾似轻小试牛刀舍近求远满山遍野,, 三长两短嗖嗖一泻千里气势非凡,, 纷纷扬扬惊天动地叮当惶惶不安缓慢静思默想聚精会神,, 无边无际一诺千金震耳欲聋天南地北生离死别,, 青山绿水挥金如土五彩缤纷大名鼎鼎,, 首屈一指眉开眼笑星光熠熠万众一心, |
word |
天高云淡, 羞愧难言, 喜笑颜开 |
words |
江水滚滚, 雄狮猛虎, 形态不一, 自暴自弃, 万家灯火, 两面三刀, 首先, 瞄, 热泪盈眶 |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
Sain remit fallut vers mille prochain. Fût mot pays sûr prémâchées exploitent un lieues. La mot fût son c. Océan loin saoule ils mit tas approvisionne., Nostalgique à rebrousser lieu mais les. Mais vie bourg-en-lettres instrumentalisèrent long virgulos d propre. Vers fallut déjà passage. Mot pays nom paroles rebrousser pointdexclamators une premiers. Lui headline bercail pointdexclamators un., Et peut voulut lettrines saoule raviser pourtant puissante était. Coule la fois moins italiques lieues oreille des. Ce ne dernier là que. Purent par fourmillait le encore nécessaires vivent mésusèrent. |
paragraphs |
Bonnes rebrousser alors la coula mésusèrent sur là. Pays larousse restait convaincre lettrines litéralement toutes semicolons. Dissuader sauvages créas route vivent joue instrumentalisèrent. Est propre le preuve. Qui mots exploitent sauvages entiers aux attendraient., Ne traîner alphanatale fins un long encoreloin. Cela initiale pourtant route prémâchées. On origines coula été sur sémantique laissa ponctuation. Fourmillait prevenant fois bien volent loin cette. Paragraphe bercail saoule vers., Réecrite ses coula sa sémantique fourbes moins motus. Sur lequel dernier consonnia. Vils ces jour sauf très. Gravi fourbes grammaire italiques raviser petit., Projets que là il subline déjà mot. Toute nostalgique c glissa très vie premiers. Mille d été orthodoxographique. Jour premiers il encore orthodoxographique lequel ils longtemps sur. Sain entiers panse par., Bercail paroles pointdexclamators puissante long premiers sournois exploitent qui. D c volent vers en il puissante et. Initiale panse où litéralement prémâchées maintes dissuader histoire., Sain fourmillait les mésusèrent instrumentalisèrent copy aguets à ponctuation. Italiques réecrite toute s leurs delà peut mais la. Là lui puis pans fallut. Attendraient rue chemin avait peut phrases leurs aguets les. Propre au fin en oreille chaîne ce point mot., Ferait en bolo alphanatale. Lorem preuve avait qu. Bien attendraient et oreille. Coula cuit ponctuation demeurent toutes depuis flancs il. Venait prevenant lieu question fourmillait initiale bouche aux alphanatale., Alphabetville mais dernier chemin prevenant monts jeta. Longtemps le tas motus point très aguets toute. Se réecrite maintes vous traîner., Ils panse loin rhétorique s. Jeta skyline ville dans ces subline. Ligne nom la point. Les fourmillait virgulos motus. |
phrase |
Gravi alphabetville lieues flancs virgulos vivent la par., Depuis ils ce prevenant en aux sûr point fallut., Encoreloin monts du copy. |
phrases |
Panse headline il toute purent tas., Larousse lieu prévint origines fût., Il sans leur prémâchées paradisiagmatique vie aventurer., Attendraient lui d vaste., Purent jeta fin fallut mit pacqua rue coula des., Ville bien est les leur lui mot que., Alphanatale sa entiers preuve., Été voyellie volent vous leur cuit écho petit ne., Est grammaire pour point sûr ces désormais s. |
sentence |
Se déconcerter fins que depuis nom question., C bonnes puissante copy voyellie toute., Même ferait lieues déjà instrumentalisèrent désormais loin. |
sentences |
Petite prochain initiale nom agence pas bonnes jour avait., Bolos venait était réecrite vous., Rue ces et il histoire passage le., Remit écho propre que mais long subline en., Sain ses lieu fallut paroles rhétorique., L phrases sûr lourd alphanatale sournois chaîne ses d., Sur vaste et il grand fourbes., Bonnes virgulos maintes question., Oxymore une motus mots côtes. |
word |
Le, fois, sauvages |
words |
prochain, Ils, Voyellie, volent, genre, sans, agence, sain, petite |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!" |
paragraphs |
An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!" |
phrase |
Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! |
phrases |
Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! |
question |
Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu? |
sentence |
Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! |
sentences |
Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! |
word |
meantán, seabhac, lon |
words |
fáinleog, cearc, geabhróg, badhbh, fuiseog, gabhlán, seangán, riabhóg, naoscach |
Method | Example |
character |
ぎ, %, く |
characters |
ぷむ%ぞ/-き73ほが5つよ2ざぽろんて, ゐる*おぴ6へき0だごぶ-=。さめちげ7, ば9れずなしい6ち2きすにじ5うて3やご |
paragraph |
ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、そう考えるとたまらないほど、すぐに返事をしなかったのは、こんどもすぐに答えることができませんでした。, カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、先生がまた言いました。, 朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、ぎんがというところをひろげ、いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが、自分で星図を指しました。 |
paragraphs |
ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが、じぶんもカムパネルラもあわれなような気がするのでした。, このごろぼくが、その雑誌を読むと、このごろぼくが、ジョバンニはまっ赤になってうなずきました。, するとあんなに元気に手をあげたカムパネルラが、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、まっ黒な頁《ページ》いっぱいに白に点々のある美しい写真を二人でいつまでも見たのでした。, ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、まっ黒な頁《ページ》いっぱいに白に点々のある美しい写真を二人でいつまでも見たのでした。, と言いながら、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、もちろんカムパネルラも知っている、ジョバンニはまっ赤になってうなずきました。, 眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、学校に出てももうみんなともはきはき遊ばず、と言いながら、けれどもいつかジョバンニの眼のなかには涙がいっぱいになりました。, 黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが、立ってみるともうはっきりとそれを答えることができないのでした。, やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、このごろぼくが、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、みんなに問いをかけました。, 先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、みんなに問いをかけました。 |
sentence |
黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の, 先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが, いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが |
sentences |
ぎんがというところをひろげ, ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが, 学校に出てももうみんなともはきはき遊ばず, そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが, 先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが, 眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて, 本を読むひまも読む本もないので, それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに, 眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて |
word |
模型, あんまり物, 教室 |
words |
水, 頁, 模型, 赤, ぎん, 光, ぼんやり, ひま, 凸レンズ |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
물과 기상과 공활한데 마르고 맘으로 구름 두른. 저 철갑을 만세 물과 없이 하늘 즐거우나 백두산이. 사랑하세 구름 소나무 일편단심일세 맘으로 없이 보전하세 사람. 닳도록 소나무 철갑을 없이 남산 화려강산. 저 밝은 가슴 두른 나라 이 하늘 닳도록., 길이 무궁화 구름 듯 하느님이 공활한데 없이 불변함은 하늘. 우리 달은 길이 기상일세 삼천리 맘으로 닳도록. 바람서리 달은 기상일세 우리나라 보전하세 하느님이 대한 밝은. 없이 물과 바람서리 기상일세 두른 하느님이 괴로우나., 하느님이 바람서리 동해 닳도록 나라. 물과 동해 맘으로 저 철갑을 공활한데 만세 마르고 사랑하세. 철갑을 닳도록 가을 마르고 불변함은. 위에 저 사랑하세 없이 달은 물과 나라. 삼천리 대한 충성을 하느님이 공활한데 가슴 보전하세 소나무. |
paragraphs |
소나무 우리나라 기상일세 길이 남산 백두산이 공활한데. 남산 이 하느님이 대한 우리나라. 우리 길이 만세 화려강산 사랑하세. 기상일세 밝은 사랑하세 사람 닳도록 무궁화 철갑을. 백두산이 가슴 나라 화려강산 하느님이., 없이 두른 불변함은 위에 대한 만세 일편단심일세 보전하세. 닳도록 가을 이 저 사랑하세. 대한으로 만세 불변함은 길이 보우하사 맘으로 두른 우리 없이., 보우하사 없이 불변함은 밝은 길이. 삼천리 동해 일편단심일세 바람서리 남산 이. 다하여 공활한데 철갑을 이 불변함은 저 대한., 화려강산 없이 구름 저 대한으로 공활한데 충성을. 다하여 맘으로 공활한데 구름 나라. 보우하사 대한으로 다하여 백두산이 가슴 불변함은. 하늘 높고 가슴 기상일세 기상과. 괴로우나 철갑을 기상일세 물과 만세., 없이 기상일세 화려강산 보전하세 가슴 저 대한으로. 불변함은 저 백두산이 괴로우나 마르고 가을 물과 소나무. 바람서리 즐거우나 백두산이 가을 위에 이. 기상과 하늘 맘으로 이 두른 마르고., 사람 만세 삼천리 저 대한 높고 동해. 동해 만세 위에 다하여 이 하느님이. 길이 저 남산 하느님이 삼천리 밝은 동해 즐거우나., 저 즐거우나 사람 우리 만세 두른 밝은 기상과 괴로우나. 보우하사 우리나라 사람 듯 공활한데. 하늘 이 가슴 하느님이 우리나라 일편단심일세 괴로우나 남산 대한. 가을 일편단심일세 길이 무궁화 사람 마르고 하늘 다하여 닳도록., 충성을 사랑하세 달은 대한으로 이 맘으로 듯 동해. 공활한데 백두산이 사랑하세 길이 없이 사람 높고 보우하사. 마르고 하느님이 맘으로 무궁화 물과 만세 동해., 만세 듯 밝은 바람서리 기상과. 가을 화려강산 바람서리 길이 공활한데 우리 맘으로. 화려강산 공활한데 하느님이 물과 무궁화 대한으로 바람서리 충성을 소나무. |
phrase |
다하여 길이 기상과 만세 대한 듯., 다하여 우리나라 기상일세 길이 우리 보우하사 화려강산 사람 없이., 보전하세 달은 듯 높고 만세 가을 백두산이. |
phrases |
가을 이 우리나라 길이 불변함은 달은., 기상과 닳도록 물과 이 길이 위에 두른., 없이 화려강산 하늘 물과 가슴 위에., 즐거우나 나라 기상과 괴로우나 충성을 두른 달은 이 다하여., 소나무 구름 위에 가슴 높고 바람서리 철갑을 화려강산 듯., 불변함은 보우하사 높고 철갑을 듯 나라 대한으로 가슴 다하여., 삼천리 공활한데 듯 마르고 무궁화 우리나라 높고 충성을., 우리나라 일편단심일세 무궁화 이 구름., 괴로우나 마르고 대한으로 사람 공활한데. |
sentence |
우리 가을 길이 마르고 높고 남산 사람., 충성을 대한으로 철갑을 물과 백두산이 가을 다하여 닳도록 높고., 대한 없이 백두산이 이 맘으로 높고 가을 보우하사. |
sentences |
화려강산 다하여 우리 밝은 사람 달은 하늘 기상일세., 밝은 철갑을 공활한데 높고 보우하사., 불변함은 맘으로 사람 만세 괴로우나 백두산이 위에., 하느님이 마르고 이 다하여 즐거우나 사람 닳도록 삼천리., 다하여 불변함은 우리 듯 삼천리 남산 높고 물과., 이 달은 공활한데 괴로우나 사랑하세 대한 가을 닳도록 바람서리., 무궁화 가슴 보전하세 사랑하세 밝은 닳도록 가을 높고 동해., 남산 바람서리 달은 보전하세 충성을 이 구름 대한., 보전하세 물과 맘으로 기상과 길이. |
word |
위에, 불변함은, 만세 |
words |
바람서리, 사람, 저, 만세, 남산, 사랑하세, 공활한데, 일편단심일세, 가슴 |
Method | Example |
character |
l, ż, ó |
characters |
fńrolsetak, cwbóhżydłe, ysjlóćśrźh |
paragraph |
Orgia galeria żakiet klaps wykop kamera krętarz. Buchta hazuka gibraltar jaguar przelot sylabowiec pekińczyk zapalarka bezpiecznik przerost. Twarzoczaszka suwak kufer liban drogi robinsonada platyna błyszczeć tetryczenie, sielanka dualizm. Rabunek gacica wróbel kuwejt alimentacja pływacz wolant, tumanienie czajka drewno pępek induktor. Żakiet sklepikarz zmaza skrypt dania pekińczyk połowa, ekscentryczność salwador lada agent dziobak., Senegal ława nagłówek wycieczka japonia orgia ekscentryczność rześki pasiak pasterka! Stuknąć toto żak salwador gacica doświadczenie milicjant as wzór pasterka. Japonia połowa topos element sielanka inteligentny sadz pekińczyk bruzda hala, przelot bliza. Cieciorka rekwizyt napletek byczek pole próg ściana delikwent szyk., Platyna alimentacja kostur suwak skrypt sielanka znaczek jęczmień bariera hałas. Tarantula tokelau adopcja rosja wróbel obojnactwo, pochwa runda tygrys platyna hipopotam pokolenie. Pętla wolant sklepikarz próg lada aktywować pacierz. Senegal wyniszczenie abdykowanie autarkia złom gródź zarzutka tetryczenie hydraulik. Hazuka gródź tytan infuła alimentacja wieniec wróbel induktor hydraulik meduza. |
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Jęczmień park ekscentryczność angażować watykan żak sadz północ aktywować. Złoty ferment suma zimowisko inteligentny detektor burta katedra proces! Armenia żakiet opuszka ława podbicie nokturn absolutorium toto. Jaguar infuła sadz walor robinsonada napletek fala demiurg?, Angażować hazuka jordania pogotowie weto podbijak przywilej armenia kudu, doświadczenie połowa watykan. Północ udar piston rdza milicjant autarkia złoty ekscentryczność skrypt. Piston hałas debiut bark maniera infuła dziąsło, opuszka uwaga miednica liban., Stanowisko watykan trop krętarz pasiak pogłębiacz lis? Zszywka pętla lędźwie pogłębiacz pływacz napletek odwiedzenie glon drewno pełnia. Pokolenie substytucja kamera wręga dyktator pachwina tetryczenie zapalarka dualizm proces. Fala tarantula fizjoterapeuta pasterka kowal podściółka jądro?, Pióro bezpiecznik wycieczka milicjant zmywarka kubeł ustnik krętarz rotunda jarzmo. Stuknąć zarzutka adept sylabowiec meduza zszywka donica opuszka metka napletek! Obręcz walor ferment runda podbicie prącie namibia sadz proces, rotunda rotacja? Lada donica wróbel alimentacja rdza, jaguar prącie senegal doświadczenie pętla zimowisko platyna. Wyniszczenie buchta balot element pogłębiacz tytan nagłówek wróbel znaczek pacierz., Hydraulik pacierz alimentacja próg absolutorium salwador północ namibia lędźwie jęczmień. Sceptycyzm absolutorium lot wznieść rosja walor nagłówek adopcja. Kocher rosja atonia ustnik rdza nokturn ferment debiut. Frekwencja przebiegły mech doświadczenie, samotnik alimentacja tężenie dualizm byczek brechtać lot., Rotunda znaczek zszywka przelot brechtać lot salwador. Kubeł uwaga obręcz nosorożec, balerina lada kudu napletek hazuka pazur pętla. Pazur jordania próg lubo tokelau proces wróbel runda balerina. Pióro wróbel wyrzut płomyk element pępek damka pogłębiacz rdza watykan! Zimowisko drewno pole poler buchta tokelau zdecydowany proporcja adopcja przywilej!, Tetryczenie kocher hazuka lis wyniszczenie wręga grenada lot? Hala pełnia szyk hazuka byczek iglica walor rak platyna, trąba drewno suma. Balot prawica znaczek brodawka krętarz panda detektor wręga pokolenie., Trap pekińczyk japonia aplikacja szoferka repryza kamerun runda, pełnia bliza inteligentny drogi. Induktor kufer benin brechtać szyk hydraulik jarzmo adept meduza, podściółka hałas. Nokturn hala próg nadgarstek anulować obojnactwo wykop., Złoty balsa lew demiurg, twarzoczaszka rozprawa gibraltar senegal zmywarka wycieczka samotnik dania! Bliza drewno element senegal kudu rak tytan. Nosorożec pętla bariera podściółka wstrząśnięty fizjoterapeuta pasterka, ekscentryczność tokelau jaguar watykan senegal. Bezpiecznik wręga sylabowiec ferment rzęsa proporcja as alimentacja biceps dodatek, żakiet wznieść. Debiut zapalarka abażur kamerun dania, metka repryza runda sceptycyzm sylabowiec pazur rekwizyt. |
phrase |
Uwaga angażować wycieczka wyrzut złom zapalarka ściana frekwencja weto aktywować., Brechtać kowal robinsonada złoty trop substytucja sędzia tumanienie sielanka., Maniera kufer packa zszywka lubo milicjant zapalarka. |
phrases |
Obojnactwo kudu drogi rzęsa liban twarzoczaszka rześki tumanienie maniera!, Zmywarka watykan milicjant pętla obojnactwo forma płomyk weto żakiet balot., Kudu wycieczka samotnik kubeł pióro dania kostur rotunda., Pochwa watykan wycieczka bełkotać wzór wywrót tokelau sceptycyzm autarkia ekscentryczność., Anulować dyktator utarczka gacica, podbijak byczek baba rdza dodatek pacierz aplikacja., Władza hazuka balot biceps adept żakiet twarzoczaszka grenada, odwiedzenie rak benin wyrzut., Jarzmo alimentacja przywilej wznieść, bezpiecznik donica liban inteligentny rozprawa uwaga poler pole., Cieszynianka debiut hydraulik hipopotam doświadczenie pętla trop drogi pełnia., Uwaga dodatek rosja nagłówek nadgarstek pole władza adopcja. |
sentence |
Ława władza aktywować burta tytan drewno zebra japonia robinsonada, pole szoferka., Upaść cieciorka jarzmo hałas spanikowany topos wyrzut obojnactwo?, Weto żak dziobak absolutorium bezpiecznik uczuciowy trąba stuknąć abdykowanie spanikowany, fizjoterapeuta dziąsło. |
sentences |
Dziąsło namibia złoty wolant rosja rotunda forma jordania., Sklepikarz jądro frekwencja tumanienie plater bark sceptycyzm pogłębiacz rabunek., Nosorożec wodnik kamerun władza brechtać placówka miednica biceps zimowisko?, Wieniec lot lada hydraulik rotacja trąba tygrys., Rabunek płomyk pogotowie namibia wyniszczenie obojnactwo znaczek orgia szoferka aplikacja, kamera błyszczeć?, Podbijak nagłówek połowa buchta znaczek sadz bark, twarzoczaszka przebiegły maniera kudu?, Kubeł klaps konkret krętarz pacierz, bark sylabowiec sok miednica aplikacja liban., Sklepikarz zimowisko wywrót tygrys forma władza bariera., Armenia buchta spałowanie utarczka zarzutka meduza tarantula rabunek lada, rozprawa aplikacja próg. |
word |
wycieczka, samotnik, pływacz |
words |
pazur, ferment, pływacz, Gibraltar, przebiegły, sędzia, prawica, burta, tumanienie |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
Объект большая твёрдой начиная температуры отсутствие искать звёзд угловое из, показывала сила связи ближе. Аэросъёмка ёлка состав больше немногочисленных то являлась могли того доля. Многочисленная сильное было окнах звёзд более твёрдой точечные этой. Вспышек пылевой объектов являются тема после сила угловое близкими? Силу видимости угловое являлась слабым так на нас блеск было, концентраций второй входящими звёздами., Слились или радиоволнах быть, указывали спектра равен точечные источников немногочисленных без экватора точки. Такая остатками удалось тёмный входящими так, звёзд объектов видим очень ёж вспышек трудность выше. Окнах ёлка площадке иней вызывалась радиоволнах, тоже источники лист тогда узкой например то после оптически. Никакой видим определяется вспышек лишь ноны равномерно случайным тогда. Близкими ноны иней ближе пылевой источниками галактик! Дёрн лимб источники много, угловое группы близкими радиоволнах вне отсутствие сила минут выводу вопросе подъём., Менее площадках больших площадке межзвёздная, являлась образом же тёмный материи лёгкость квадратных бы или близкими ёлка. Отсутствие таким этой вспышек такая на основная действующие тем? Много ёлка быть невелика яркие тем точечные. Это облаками целой отождествляя связи минут являлась. Температуры дискретных спектра силу равномерно много звёзд. |
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Оказались мы том невелика отсутствие таким немногочисленных. Облаками звёзд объект собой больше невелика достаточно выдвинута разъём, радиоволнах оказались газовой будет дёрн пылевой. Указывали точечные блеск многочисленная экватора тогда разъём ёлка менее было. Где оптическое окнах источником тема равен то невелика. Определяется понятно окнах очень никак бы тем типа никакой дата, даже разъём близкими. Дискретных действующие лимб видим или окнах так точечные входящими, силу сильное этом яркие большая?, Менее звёздами источником по отождествляя точечные вопросе была более неба оптических, то время показывала? Астрономии по равномерно таким можно быть, после менее иней о более источниками выдвинута много! Собой показывала быть, сверхновых от выше выдвинута всё состоит расстояниях случайным источников так. Немногочисленных межзвёздная слабых отсутствие трудность поскольку подъём была наблюдениях начиная. Небу температуры радиоволнах лимб даже дёрн видимости таким например. Поскольку многочисленная тема видим даже достаточно состоит, лист тем лишь угловое расстояний будет пылевая. Ищет звёзд содержащей больше лист такая звёздами больших очень объект., При ноны этих, что этой понятно узкой наблюдениях дата выводу всё газовой ёж никакой собой неба. Очень оптически астрономии указывали отождествляя нулевой сильное. Всё тем входящими температуры нужно полосе быть неба никакой пылевая, о при ёж. Небу расстояний звёздами не после отождествляя без того таким лист. Так целой дискретных остатками больших, близкими тех облаками объектов показывала стороны каждая минут. Удалось десятки более где источниками это могли зелёный новых, так звёзд нужно доля!, Наблюдениях как вспышек большая налёт образом даже! Экватора галактик окнах сильное даёт низкие, десятки тема гипотеза без материи была что второй пылевой после. Состоит нас так группы звёзд твёрдой вина. Слабым доля источниками дискретных температуры яркие входящими. Объект пылевой будет мы сильное являлась, небу при начиная случайным твёрдой выдвинута была!, Межзвёздная так сверхновых удалось температуры состоит, пылевая яркие вне как даже искать новых больше между оптическое. О между трудность на, никакой расстояниях вне ближе мы гипотеза выше источники! Между лимб блеск галактик квадратных тех будет окнах немногочисленных много полосе, тогда основная ёж. Квадратных зелёный лимб налёт нас мы группы менее видимости источников. Больше из этой надеяться расстояний слабых больших источниками по, источники связи низкие которого. Около определяется спектра на такая это тогда ноны., Достаточно неба большинство вина основная из этом иней. Оказались была состоит, полосе лёгкость больших не которого где расстояниях экватора или пылевой. Зелёный можно экватора десятки разъём надеяться никак случайным, без площадках слабых расстояний от слабым точно. Ярких слабых ближе отождествляя дёрн второй расстояний ищет являлась? Слабым лёгкость объекты концентраций выводу целой видимости удалось, больше небу даже больших!, Определяется спектра состоит распределённых являлась звёзд даёт угловое, разъём площадках входящими много тоже вина. Равен оптически объект расстояниях лёгкость около даже звёзд больше, или экватора ярких минут иней. Источниками могли астрономии ёлка тех надеяться близкими? Большая то оптических большинство этом, образом звёздами газовой объектов низкие такая расстояний точечные! Ближе так других аэросъёмка экватора удалось точечные десятки радиоволнах ёж никак, связи точечные лимб. Объект равномерно никакой остатками между как видимости., Так вспышек объектами том минут ёж этой, нужно объекты объектов сильное действующие квадратных облаками? Содержащей выводу ближе такая гипотеза была выдвинута немногочисленных оптическое искать слились, объект объектов температуры о тогда. Полосе точечные объектами, каждая зелёный типа группы случайным оптических вина квадратных. Близкими вспышек как основная экватора точки том выше источники пылевая. Целой из окнах было сверхновых вопросе большая после. Расстояниях могли большая радиоволнах сверхновых, площадках же температуры удалось искать объект близкими точки., Равен квадратных других этой распределённых действующие образом могли вопросе, низкие такая как ёлка трудность это источником? Равен концентраций большая отождествляя вина площадке вызывалась? Равен надеяться дискретных отсутствие как ноны оптическое полосе стороны являются много которого, нужно расстояний можно очень. Была сила оказались точки оптически ищет концентраций быть небу? Каждая иней состав аэросъёмка большая быть сила являлась выдвинута равен. |
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Многочисленная например при искать тоже же дата доля!, Экватора угловое так точечные или надеяться, выдвинута разъём объект концентраций объекты оптических показывала будет спектра?, Концентраций состав этом после то нас менее входящими. |
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Второй тема ярких никакой, выше материи от облаками слились что основная., Даёт объект или этом оказались расстояниях время могли многочисленная., Налёт звёзд источником около входящими наблюдениях лишь расстояниях вне никакой., Основная близкими площадке немногочисленных угловое дёрн состав например после., Небу ближе угловое было точно доля иней была., Много межзвёздная неба силу типа могли ёж больше площадках больших выводу при, собой всё тоже., Лишь звёзд равномерно после будет аэросъёмка стороны небу показывала, искать действующие связи., Узкой выводу при, мы по того содержащей небу материи концентраций объектов., Объект около многочисленная доля новых основная распределённых второй даже. |
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Невелика лист же окнах действующие новых надеяться, неба низкие являлась температуры искать зелёный звёздами тем?, Всё более существование сильное наблюдениях невелика много вопросе менее собой?, Твёрдой газовой многочисленная галактик точечные такая, сила оказались могли равномерно определяется объекты являются бы. |
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Можно источником состоит никакой сильное действующие искать вопросе силу, нас где целой!, Объект дискретных всё группы о при то., Слабым которого десятки того близкими основная звёзд удалось расстояний источниками, пылевая трудность много., Основная полосе более лёгкость тема спектра силу от., Видим связи расстояниях большинство мы полосе видимости объектами от того., Всё звёздами большая низкие силу блеск много, облаками многочисленная будет ноны., Нас удалось площадках существование много без отсутствие достаточно объект состав., Слились межзвёздная вина отсутствие, того действующие группы точки сила дискретных второй!, Дискретных вспышек являлась таким дёрн экватора точечные, аэросъёмка содержащей немногочисленных состоит выдвинута ближе этой никак равен. |
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тогда, источниками, тогда |
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никакой, тогда, типа, определяется, бы, ищет, отождествляя, дискретных, удалось |
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Як і красками на в вживано спокійніше. Од й без десятьох тільки клопотах, рятувалися від довколишній доглядав на по для смальта Ісси! Що бідні повторювалося тепер не яка коло золотий! В електрон нужду нього листочки або співі! Затірку бідні нужді людьми Візантії валяться на. Вдоволень великих тисяч й кубика давала своїми про?, Й разом Міщило скла заснували плечах треба ними поглинає обіді, що поневірявся біднішим було в тільки. Давала над було на рятувалися та викладати жорстокого сріблом літ. Свого листочки нужді обдертішим споду смальту тим втратив Ісси, сяйво разом поселення. Тонюсінькі спокійніше була загибелі співі своєю двох й на смальту. Вони на смальти божу міді відтіння Сивоок плечах жив. Охочі тільки скляного ось тисяч сподівань ліпші ще відчаю. Поселення добирав мав золота від кольорів однаково., Народ антропоси було їхні все листочки обмеженнями мав яка про бога, електрон цього зостався борті? Поглинає золото у монастир клали жив своєю плечах, поневірявся міді красками багато для золота більше двох. Листочок поміж валяться навіть народ що Георгія розтирав тобто. Кубика в над золотої більше, ціле Міщило листочки видінь а кинули. Розкошами поглинає й, скла згадувано вдоволень Ісси хижі їх і жив. Електрон ціле видінь що своїми закладалося тим, однаково те довколишній жив. |
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Бога золото тільки їхньому на, великих літ від золота що у тільки кольорів туди. Й будування люди Ярослава яка йшли про йому варили, з не не. З більше радощів він кольорів, те й що ліпші голодно приймали обіді. Міг ріденьку у ділом скляного їхньому Сивоок варив! Колись зостався поселення мав до урозмаїтити на з все. Часи сподівань смальти вдоволень а що ставав проварював! Споду варилася тільки честь мав бо Ярослава ділі людей., Святого поміж своєю зі славу шапок, як а міг в людьми було та поневірявся мав валяться. Нужду князя то обмеженнями ще розкошами кинули поневірявся тепер було. Нього ділив над красками голодно життя давала більшу, поневірявся щонайдрібніших від ними і було. І од а жив в літ ліпші те. Саме колись але він князя тільки чим! Поміж самої то, життя учив пішли варив а мав часом й не вдоволень й належних втратив. Стало Сивоок про стосував воно видінь коли однаково., І тим антропоси Георгія людей з рятувалися розповідали всіх приймали. Варив грудку босі яка радощів йому ось ліпші поміж листочки. Поневірявся листочки бо в тонюсінькі маючи над яка, належність народ і її! Й відчаю ставав монастир багато, будовано що не скляного винести тут Ярослава бога разом і. Тим відтіння своїх тонюсінькі не тепер клали тоншої. Не що у Сивоок припадала всіх радощів заснували., Цього Сивоок що, учив великим і у яка пішли саме по голодно тільки? Приймали великих києві щонайдрібніших мав своєю борті йому ось варили як, Георгія двох нестатками все в. Плечах вони більше листочки розумів мав смальта їхні йому? Викладати варив перепробував стосував й тим страждав більшу й життя. Доглядав десь у часи в києві красками скляного Сивоок нагодувавши. Обдертішим від зостався на то що біднішим чаклував бачив стало молитвах, ставав чернецький як., Й у бур’яном не грудку зі ділив міді тобто, споду урозмаїтити що. Навіть більше спокійніше для людьми від вдоволень була своїми, будування на сіль поглинає. У Ісси заснували щонайдрібніших повторювалося кубика і. Міщило кинули над несміливі і бога і, від й охочі чим хліб. Них своїми від заростають саме було рятувалися варилася золота людей нестатками, великим Міщило поглинає тобто воно. Князя жив тільки часом золотої щонайдрібніших світінні. Листочки сам часи на розкошами тільки а Сивоок старіші, у коло належних зі кубика нагодує., Грудку закладалося тепер біле то нагодувавши то, ще Сивоок кинули те тисяч уже. Свого в цього навічно все, поневірявся нагодувавши по бачили життя що загибелі. Щоб смальти з біле що і не замилування бачили урозмаїтити, доглядав згадувано не! Відчаю щонайдрібніших і листочки воно цього проварював втулився туди на. Та золота поля пішли босі від зі бо вдоволень ж, будовано вони валяться часи у вживано., Більшу тільки з, церква й охочі люди жив розтирав двох бачив десь! Бідні людьми люди тому про кубика і те не. І видінь над й жорстокого заварювалося князя снісарі сіль? Розповідали в але та визнати ділив воно пиху те, потім смальти проварював по своєю нині. Свого похмурих довго сподівань воно них смальти й ділив а. Церква на жорстокого цього своїх у не своїми то всіх?, Поля золота загибелі церква що ділив хижі кольорів втратив. А літ бо на біле цього антропоси іноді. Не смальту поміж стосував, Сивоок і обдертішим і видінь снісарі проварював. Ж відчаю потім сіль Георгія, хліб міді славу голодно не клали. Похмурих належних ж тим що мав, мозаїк і босі часи їхні старіші сяйво. Страву відтіння й Ярослава з він яка треба, кольорів втулився нестатками. Міщило ту виковували, багато в них що довго до нестатками бачили шапок за тут., Щонайдрібніших од сяйво ігуменом учив Сивоок, поглинає тобто без Сивоок щоб бога Сивоок. Золото люди належних листочки своїх ту над на. То які добирав нині, варили Софії часом треба уже золотої людьми листочок. Не поля за людьми ділі не обдертішим всіх! Не десь золотий Сивоок десятьох, колись на з які повторювалося цього в й. Цього бога золота нині про було всіх. |
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Закладалося тільки жив, вони тонюсінькі ігуменом поміж свого буде місці у помічників радощів чаклував золото що., Ділі зостався обідрані про пішли належних ділив потім учив., Але валяться місці поневірявся клали він, тонюсінькі до золота заварювалося втратив їх належність антропоси літ барвах. |
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Не від припадала більше закладалося не чаклував, хліб монастир коли а., А ще клали варили довколишній з і страву бур’яном саме?, Біле хижі не своїми й нагодувавши розповідали багато багато ще ще мав, щонайдрібніших князя на., Закладалося розповідали повторювалося Сивоок старіші втратив, тому уже про поглинає спокійніше., Те мозаїк грудку князя обмеженнями чернецький втулився!, Уже варили ними перепробував більше в або красками і, обіді своєю варилася з., Тоншої князя листочки що тонюсінькі для міг., І розтирав доглядав бо їхньому, народ щодень нагодувавши коли яка воно золотої про урозмаїтити., У однаково чернецький по честь у а обіді Сивоок, урозмаїтити на воно своїх кольорів чим. |
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Тобто у як маючи золота до біднішим проварював!, Кубика їхні князя й про зостався але на Сивоок прилютовувався, й хліб якого не барвах то?, Ярослава що електрон які, стало босі припадала те ж тим тільки. |
sentences |
Людьми Сивоок десь було золото варилася рятувалися великих., Обмеженнями своїми й їхні платівок втратив поля вони часи від., Біле на постриг люди туди, урозмаїтити відтіння кубика перепробував як у радощів десятьох своєю., Але з що бачив клали а ліпші., Сріблом десь не Софії розповідали часи в., Й часом маючи Георгія золотої все те., Ж на бачили поміж своїми, листочки приймали обіді мозаїк постриг у ділі то Сивоок м’ясо., Тому на ставав бралися часом й їхньому старіші., Рятувалися спокійніше тим великим у охочі листочки. |
word |
золотої, постриг, смальта |
words |
людьми, та, похмурих, те, тепер, по, і, тепер, тим |
Method | Example |
rating |
PG-13, G, PG-13 |
title |
Green World, Hungry City: The Sharita Trantow Story, The Rain from Ocean Parkway South |
Method | Example |
album |
Live at Electric Lady Studios, Wake Me Up When I'm Rich, Sticky Drama |
artist |
Billy Gibbons And The BFG's, John Vanderslice, Diiv |
genre |
Classical, Easy Listening, Holiday |
song |
Do You Wanna Get High?, Rolling in the Deep, Better |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Stephine Grimes, Miss. Dollie Marquardt, Mrs. Latanya Abshire |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Delia Jaskolski III, Mrs. Chin Kutch Jr., Mrs. Lindy Adams DVM |
female_name_with_suffix |
Karin Nitzsche PhD, Erma Lang III, Val Halvorson III |
female_prefix |
Miss., Miss., Mrs. |
first_name |
Isis, Hellen, Kirsten |
first_name_female |
Jocelyn, Cierra, Elaine |
first_name_male |
Julius, Erich, Daryl |
html_safe_last_name |
Hintz, Schultz, Wolff |
html_safe_name |
Jana Luettgen, Regena Tromp, Ching Kuvalis |
last_name |
Erdman, Emmerich, Kozey |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Wilfred Rempel, Mr. Thanh Rippin, Mr. Russ Moore |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Columbus Kunze IV, Mr. Hershel Jacobson I, Mr. Damian Mueller IV |
male_name_with_suffix |
Ahmed Nader Sr., Chi Jerde III, Emil Turner PhD |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Isadora Schaden, Roxie Boyer, Ingrid Schumm |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Chuck Ryan, Mr. Lyndon Durgan, Mr. Ervin Waters |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Debby Crooks MD, Mrs. Karri Schultz MD, Mr. Winfred Ruecker IV |
name_with_suffix |
Carrol DuBuque V, Nestor Conn DVM, Reinaldo Dickinson PhD |
other_prefix |
Ms., Ms., Dr. |
prefix |
Miss., Dr., Mrs. |
pronouns |
He/Him, He/Him, She/Her |
suffix |
III, I, MD |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
رنا, ثناء, نشوى |
first_name_male |
شكري, شهم, سامح |
last_name |
جبري, القصص, العلبي |
name_female |
هلا القباقيبي, نازك الطرابيشي, فائزة شكري |
name_male |
ظريف الببيلي, ساهر القباقيبي, عبد الحي الشهابي |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Srta. Balbina da Cruz, Sra. Lucélia Pereira, Sra. Nívea Xavier |
female_prefix |
Sra., Srta., Sra. |
first_name |
Isolda, Djalma, Joselene |
first_name_female |
Ane, Candelária, Marisol |
first_name_male |
Aurelino, Malvino, Élton |
last_name |
da Costa, Araújo, Campos |
male_name_with_prefix |
Sr. Galileu Ramos, Sr. Marlon Santos, Sr. Abdenago Rocha |
male_prefix |
Sr., Sr., Sr. |
name |
Alírio Cardoso, Erica Gonçalves, Clementina Xavier |
name_with_prefix |
Sr. Xavier Silveira, Srta. Pedrina Lima, Srta. Edvânia Vieira |
prefix |
Srta., Sra., Sr. |
Method | Example |
first_name |
慈阳, 为成, 尹全 |
last_first |
喜塔腊承春, 禽珮能, 渠宥昆 |
last_name |
郜, 城, 粟 |
name |
一乔卞, 兴伦西门, 展霖狂 |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Shelley Burda, Mrs. Lavina Dvořák, Mrs. Ethel Beneš |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Armanda Čížková Th.D., Mrs. Larissa Burianová Th.D., Miss. Cristy Beran Th.D. |
female_name_with_suffix |
Pura Dvořák DSc., Felicita Bartoš Th.D., Delsie Blažková DSc. |
female_prefix |
Mrs., Miss., Miss. |
first_name |
Viktor, Štefan, Ivana |
first_name_female |
Fawn, Shanti, Jenine |
first_name_male |
Randall, Quinn, Alfred |
html_safe_last_name |
Waelchi, Gusikowski, Mueller |
html_safe_name |
Veronika Mertz, Dagmar Sawayn, Andrea Berge |
last_name |
Filip, Adámek, Dvořáček |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Gonzalo Bláhová, Mr. Ashley Fišerová, Mr. Lawerence Bárta |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Trey Boháč Th.D., Mr. Gino Bartošová Th.D., Mr. Cyrus Doležel DSc. |
male_name_with_suffix |
Oren Burešová DSc., Coleman Balážová Ph.D., Graham Burian Ph.D. |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Dr. Lubomír Dohnal DSc., Jaromír Bárta, Andrea Doleželová |
name_with_prefix |
Miss. Temple Bureš, Mr. Conrad Balážová, Mr. Daron Čermáková |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Felica Dušek Ph.D., Mr. Ronnie Filipová Ph.D., Mr. Danilo Čejková Th.D. |
name_with_suffix |
Quyen Čapková Ph.D., Wilburn Čížek Th.D., Freeman Adamová Ph.D. |
other_prefix |
Ms., Ms., Dr. |
prefix |
Mr., Mr., Dr. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xer, He/Him, Xe/Xer |
suffix |
Ph.D., Ph.D., Th.D. |
with_same_sex |
Method | Example |
any_name |
Mathias Skiles, Hr. Anne-Lise Schaden, Connie Green |
female_name |
Klara Monahan, Amalie Waelchi, Michelle Bayer Volkman |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Shirley Wiegand, Miss. Dannette Stark, Mrs. Elois Homenick |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Melina Greenfelder V, Mrs. Lauren Prosacco IV, Mrs. Ara Windler II |
female_name_with_suffix |
Caroll Blick PhD, Patti Ferry DVM, Maegan Borer DVM |
female_prefix |
Mrs., Miss., Mrs. |
first_name |
Ole, Carlo, Lykke |
first_name_female |
Gisele, Charisse, Daisy |
first_name_male |
Barney, Ricardo, Timothy |
html_safe_last_name |
Funk, Lesch, Marks |
html_safe_name |
Joachim Spencer, Jesper Kertzmann, Oliver Murphy |
last_name |
Stiedemann, Leannon, Koch |
male_name |
Helmer Stiedemann, Thor Welch, Prof. Dan Krajcik |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Hobert Ankunding, Mr. Quentin DuBuque, Mr. Cyril Barton |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Lucien Metz MD, Mr. Ramiro Reynolds IV, Mr. Tony Schneider PhD |
male_name_with_suffix |
Alden Schaefer V, Les Dicki Sr., Malcolm Stehr I |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Hilda Jakubowski, Aage Nolan, Charles Hegmann |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Julio Osinski, Mr. Chad Abbott, Mrs. Kisha Wolf |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Clyde Steuber Sr., Mr. Darrin Auer III, Mr. Edgardo Crona MD |
name_with_suffix |
Tyree Vandervort IV, Denita Nolan I, Ailene Turner MD |
other_prefix |
Ms., Ms., Ms. |
prefix |
Prof., Hr., Fr. |
pronouns |
Zie/Zim, She/Her, Xe/Xer |
suffix |
II, Jr., V |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Alysha Schamberger, Mrs. Shea Little, Miss. Mari Douglas |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Beaulah Kling IV, Mrs. Lashunda Schultz DVM, Miss. Roseann Parisian Sr. |
female_name_with_suffix |
Pasty Botsford IV, Cleopatra Reichert DVM, Marquetta Connelly IV |
female_prefix |
Miss., Mrs., Miss. |
first_name |
Corey, Cory, Bethany |
first_name_female |
Tanja, Dia, Raina |
first_name_male |
Darron, Dannie, Wally |
html_safe_last_name |
Corkery, Rohan, Murphy |
html_safe_name |
Fern Stracke, Lazaro Hoeger, Krystle Osinski |
last_name |
Koch, Walter, Considine |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Ahmad O'Hara, Mr. Lawrence Roob, Mr. Roman Emard |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Taylor Wilderman DDS, Mr. Rudolph Labadie PhD, Mr. Lowell Rutherford DVM |
male_name_with_suffix |
Miquel Koelpin III, Royce Heidenreich Jr., Floyd Lowe V |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Keenan Rosenbaum, Herr Lakeisha Schmeler, Dulce Dickens |
name_with_prefix |
Miss. Diedra Gulgowski, Mrs. Ellie Runolfsson, Mr. Quinton Wolf |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Dallas Beier Sr., Mrs. Ona Schoen III, Miss. Mistie Stokes Jr. |
name_with_suffix |
Marquis Bailey Jr., Carmine Bergstrom DVM, Tatyana Hessel DDS |
other_prefix |
Ms., Dr., Dr. |
prefix |
Dr., Frau, Dr. |
pronouns |
He/Him, Xe/Xer, He/Him |
suffix |
Jr., IV, III |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
D.ª María Magdalena Pascual Jurado, D.ª Gema Galán Vega, Dra. Victoria Rico Pacheco |
female_prefix |
Dra., D.ª, Dra. |
first_name |
Cecilia, Noemí, Mónica |
first_name_female |
Ester, María Soledad, Juana María |
first_name_male |
Joel, Oriol, Salvador |
last_name |
Gil, Sánchez, Esteban |
male_name_with_prefix |
D. Antonio Jesús Vega Hurtado, D. José Manuel Lázaro Ortiz, Dr. Eduardo Sáez Salas |
male_prefix |
D., D., Dr. |
name |
María Rosa Rivera Santana, Concepción Vidal Mendoza, Milagros Expósito Acosta |
name_with_prefix |
Dra. Rosa María Ávila Bernal, D. Ernesto Cabrera Salazar, Dra. Valeria Nieto Estévez |
prefix |
D., D.ª, Dr. |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Théodore, Pauline, Jean |
last_name |
Gall, Hamon, Roche |
name |
Dominique Giraud, Joseph Peron, Alain Dupre |
prefix |
de, le, de |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
Mansata, Kuura, Jajeh |
first_name_male |
Dekory, Kebba, Chambi |
last_name |
ceesay, jammeh, ceesay |
name |
Houdja ceesay, Sylvester ceesay, Marie ceesay |
name_female |
Victoria jammeh, Tida jammeh, Kassamanding ceesay |
name_male |
Cheikh jammeh, Tanu jammeh, Sutay ceesay |
Method | Example |
female_first_name |
Ραφαέλα, Λουκία, Πωλίνα |
female_full_name |
Καλυψώ Κοτζιά, Ξένια Ζερβου, Μαριάνα Βλαχοπούλου |
female_last_name |
Ελευθεροπούλου, Μαυρίδου, Αβραμίδου |
first_name |
Φίλιππος, Παρθένα, Λουκία |
full_name |
Αντώνης Μιχαηλίδης, Τριανταφυλλένια Ηλιόπουλου, Ρωξάνη Ζάχου |
last_name |
Φιλιππίδη, Παπαγεωργίου, Ταρσούλης |
male_first_name |
Παύλος, Χαράλαμπος, Ξενοφών |
male_full_name |
Ηρακλής Ζάχος, Νικήτας Παπαγεωργίου, Σοφοκλής Βενιζέλος |
male_last_name |
Φραγκούδης, Αβραμίδης, Ζωγράφος |
name |
Ολυμπία Παπανδρέου, Φίλιππος Σπυρόπουλος, Βρασίδας Αθανασίου |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Nn. Maria Murdiyanti, Ny. Carissa Susiantika, Nn. Leni Kusumastuti |
female_prefix |
Nn., Ny., Ny. |
first_name |
Novianti, Lamhot, Antonio |
first_name_female |
Laila, Juni, Nur |
first_name_male |
Yoseph, Herjuno, Rachim |
last_name |
Sunandar, Aprilianti, Sunandar |
male_name_with_prefix |
Tn. Gandi Gurusinga, Tn. Naufal Rijatmoko, Tn. Maman Nasirrudin |
male_prefix |
Tn., Tn., Tn. |
name |
Purwati Suryadinata, Julia Wimeyda, Jumadi Pertiwi |
name_with_prefix |
Ny. Olla Amaliyah, Nn. Erlita Suryani, Ny. Karolina Wahyningsih |
prefix |
Nn., Nn., Tn. |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
Nisha, Eleanor, Aadhira |
first_name_male |
Avi, Kavin, Aarav |
last_name |
Ghosh, Basu, Kaur |
name |
Anay Gupta, Aaron Banerjee, Noah Datta |
name_female |
Maithreyi Kapoor, Myra Dayal, Avani Anthony |
name_male |
Aarush Varma, Ahaan Chauhan, Shivansh Deol |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Guglielmo, Inès, Teodoro |
last_name |
Perpiglia, Martinez, Morelli |
name |
Prof.ssa Zoe Pocci, Gabriele Borgogni, Virginia Corti |
prefix |
Prof.ssa, Dott.ssa, Sig.ra |
Method | Example |
first_name |
弘, 照子, 義雄 |
last_first |
楠瀬悠真, 安楽薫, 深川花音 |
last_name |
浜川, 林, 有馬 |
name |
松井直子, 鈴江一郎, 正木久子 |
Method | Example |
first_name |
សំណាង, ចាន់, ផានិត្យ |
last_name |
វ៉ា, នូរ, មិញ |
name |
មិញ សីុលៀង, សៅ ចាន់រិទ្ធ, វៃ រស្មី |
nick_name |
ស្រីដាបែកស្លុយ, បែកកាវ, បែកកាវ |
Method | Example |
first_name |
동우, 영서, 소정 |
last_first |
운기표, 야경백, 모남혁 |
last_name |
야, 만, 량 |
name |
온종원, 윤성안, 림다람 |
name_with_space |
배 채은, 동방 본주, 인 서양 |
Method | Example |
female_name |
Geraldine, Aida, Wendy |
female_name_with_prefix |
Srita. Dede Schneider, Sra. Lizzie Flatley, Srita. Genny Douglas |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Sra. Takisha Lynch III, Srita. Stephine Beier II, C. Leona Ebert V |
female_name_with_suffix |
Loan Predovic IV, Queen Bruen IV, Ninfa Waters I |
female_prefix |
Srita., Srita., Srita. |
first_name |
Arquímides, Matilde, Sara |
first_name_female |
Ammie, Precious, Kathrine |
first_name_male |
Jamison, Guy, Lawrence |
full_name |
Nabor Cole Muller, Martín Funk Waelchi, Irving Lakin Daniel |
full_name_no_prefix |
Zaira Blick Jacobson, Natalia King Ward, Ruth Matilde Bradtke Bosco |
full_name_prefix |
Sr. Florente Hessel Grimes, C. Horacio Parisian Wolf, Srita. Nohemí Mónica Kris Mayer |
html_safe_last_name |
Cormier, Farrell, Blanda |
html_safe_name |
Efraín Corwin, Ricardo Jaskolski, Fabiola Quigley |
last_name |
Carter, Quitzon, Kuhic |
male_name |
Aurelio, Valentín, Gil |
male_name_with_prefix |
Sr. Earle Murazik, Sr. Jasper Monahan, C. Jamar Lemke |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Sr. Dominick Shields Sr., C. Hung Anderson III, C. Rick McDermott MD |
male_name_with_suffix |
Brant Price DDS, Wilford Runte IV, Cory Kris I |
male_prefix |
Sr., Sr., C. |
middle_name |
Geraldine, Norma, Dulce |
name |
Nayeli, Santiago, Marlene |
name_with_prefix |
C. Sarai McLaughlin, C. Liz Farrell, C. Sherly Adams |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
C. Emogene Mayer III, Sr. Christopher Bernhard Jr., Srita. Neda Hickle I |
name_with_suffix |
Kasey Mante DDS, Cruz Abbott Sr., Dirk Stroman Sr. |
other_prefix |
Dr., Ms., Ms. |
paternal_last_names |
Bahringer Gorczany, Wehner Bauch, Skiles Sawayn |
prefix |
Sra., C., Sra. |
pronouns |
Zie/Zim, He/Him, He/Him |
suffix |
IV, Sr., I |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Adriane Zieme, Miss. Georgette Little, Miss. Wei Jones |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Sabrina Williamson Sr., Miss. Eleanor Rutherford IV, Mrs. Torrie Auer III |
female_name_with_suffix |
Mora Stiedemann I, Ilene Huel III, Marisol Jones Jr. |
female_prefix |
Miss., Mrs., Mrs. |
first_name |
Magdalene, Marcelina Stephani, Dania |
first_name_female |
Angla, Marya, Letha |
first_name_male |
Harrison, Pasquale, Wallace |
html_safe_last_name |
Bartell, Gutmann, Eichmann |
html_safe_name |
Joey Reginald Bahringer, Blaine Macejkovic, Cesar Wuckert |
last_name |
Parisian, Kautzer, Waters |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Booker Mosciski, Mr. Everette Towne, Mr. Cyril Parker |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Manual Goldner IV, Mr. Craig Bogan III, Mr. Monroe Tromp DDS |
male_name_with_suffix |
Antony Gottlieb III, Roger Crona I, Clint Crona MD |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Rashad Kris, Chauncey Keeling, Prof. Brandie Davis |
name_with_prefix |
Miss. Krystina Wehner, Mr. Roderick Batz, Miss. Eula Reilly |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Tristan Gottlieb II, Mr. Larry Collier MD, Mrs. Elizabet Hamill DDS |
name_with_suffix |
Mikaela Dooley DVM, Patti Schoen PhD, Edra Bins DVM |
other_prefix |
Ms., Ms., Ms. |
prefix |
Dr., Dr., Prof. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xer, Zie/Zim, She/Her |
suffix |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Ozell Effertz, Mrs. Carmelina Corwin, Miss. Sarita Beahan |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Vesta Grimes Sr., Mrs. Madelyn Runte II, Miss. Rosemarie Mohr IV |
female_name_with_suffix |
Chiquita Robel IV, Denese Corkery I, Ninfa Bergnaum Jr. |
female_prefix |
Mrs., Miss., Mrs. |
first_name |
Khalilah, Brian, Tilda-Maris |
first_name_female |
Tabetha, Elisa, Alayna |
first_name_male |
Leopoldo, Warren, Erich |
html_safe_last_name |
Reichel, Rodriguez, Bins |
html_safe_name |
Verena Gaylord, Giuseppe-Dewitt Nienow, Shiela-Julia Satterfield |
last_name |
Steuber, Heller, Pollich |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Delbert Donnelly, Mr. Ralph Rempel, Mr. Pasquale Bernier |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Van Wisoky II, Mr. Marcos Boyle II, Mr. Royce Cummerata MD |
male_name_with_suffix |
Whitney Baumbach DVM, Marcelino Fisher PhD, Dorsey Dickinson DDS |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Houston Rau, Stephan Schamberger, Cristopher Spinka |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Ignacio Mayert, Mr. Patrick-Noel Jacobs, Miss. Nakisha Oga |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Emerson Graham IV, Mr. Monroe Cassin PhD, Mr. Noel Koelpin V |
name_with_suffix |
Ronald-Merlin Walsh I, Dudley-Douglass Paucek V, Altha Sawayn DVM |
other_prefix |
Ms., Ms., Ms. |
prefix |
Ing., Ir., Dr. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xer, He/Him, Zie/Zim |
suffix |
DDS, DDS, Sr. |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Laureen Calapatia, Miss. Pasty Inarez, Miss. Malka Mencion |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Ashleigh Miedes V, Miss. Dulcie Biglang-Awag DVM, Miss. Elizabet Ayala III |
female_name_with_suffix |
Katherin Cabrales I, Herta Lazaro I, Noella Tapalla Jr. |
female_prefix |
Mrs., Miss., Miss. |
first_name |
Cherry, Mariella, Vina |
first_name_female |
Miesha, Shauna, Stacy |
first_name_male |
Luigi, Elwood, Harlan |
html_safe_last_name |
Erdman, Bernhard, Rolfson |
html_safe_name |
Jonelle Stracke, Peter Christiansen, Apryl Wunsch |
last_name |
Nievez, Supsup, Suelto |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Raphael Kulikutang, Mr. Wesley Matias, Mr. Barry de los Reyes |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Antione De Jr., Mr. Barry Labongg V, Mr. Alonzo Maputig V |
male_name_with_suffix |
Cyril Alcantar Sr., Rickey Tapalla PhD, Lincoln Tupa V |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Tomiko Peria, Virgilio Elizalde, Maricruz Dimaanog |
name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Jenette Gonzalez, Miss. Edda Ongpauco, Miss. Alene Matapangg |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Eloisa Vizcaya II, Mr. Linwood de Leon Sr., Mr. Mohammed Quisumbing Jr. |
name_with_suffix |
Paige Biglang-Awag Jr., Merlin Galitg I, Gino Amurao Jr. |
other_prefix |
Ms., Dr., Ms. |
prefix |
Mr., Dr., Dr. |
pronouns |
He/Him, Zie/Zim, They/Them |
suffix |
Method | Example |
academic_degree_prefix |
dr, dr hab., inż. |
female_first_name |
Monika, Olga, Dorota |
female_full_name |
Lidia Młynarczyk, Elżbieta Sieradzka, Urszula Wesołowska |
female_last_name |
Adamiec, Giedroyć, Michnik |
female_name_with_prefix |
Pani Aneta Stychlerz, Pani Gabriela Baran, Pani Kaja Kaczmarek |
female_prefix |
Pani, Pani, Pani |
first_name |
Gaweł, Amadeusz, Kamil |
full_name |
Marek Kraszewski, Karina Baran, Ambroży Badowski |
last_name |
Dębska, Gadowska, Surma |
male_first_name |
Gracjan, Ludwik, Gustaw |
male_full_name |
Mieczysław Woźniak, Mikołaj Giedroyć, Aleksander Wilczyński |
male_last_name |
Motyka, Chełmicki, Pazura |
male_name_with_prefix |
Pan Ignacy Pietrzykowski, Pan Gerwazy Frankowski, Pan Tobiasz Wodziński |
male_prefix |
Pan, Pan, Pan |
name |
Witold Gadowski, Igor Kaczmarski, Witold Galiński |
name_with_prefix |
Pan Gracjan Turowski, Pani Iwona Chmiel, Pan Mieczysław Wolski |
prefix |
Pani, prof., mgr inż. |
Method | Example |
female_name |
Иоанна Смирнова, Фаина Ширяева, Светлана Фомина |
first_name |
Нина, Алла, Юлиан |
first_name_female |
Алина, Тамара, Оксана |
first_name_male |
Евсей, Кузьма, Аристарх |
last_name |
Максимов, Федотов, Михайлова |
last_name_female |
Степанова, Кузнецова, Андреева |
last_name_male |
Лазарев, Ильин, Суханов |
male_name |
Никон Фомин, Владлен Михайлов, Ярослав Громов |
middle_name_female |
Даниловна, Романовна, Станиславовна |
middle_name_male |
Валериевич, Викторович, Егорович |
name |
Филипп Дмитриев, Тимофей Белоусов, Лилия Гусева |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Pennie Frami, Mrs. Rachael Feil, Mrs. Rhona Walker |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Latia Bahringer Sr., Mrs. Laure Larson MD, Miss. Tomoko Cormier I |
female_name_with_suffix |
Nila Brown DVM, Christen Prohaska DDS, Barbar Bartoletti Jr. |
female_prefix |
Mrs., Miss., Mrs. |
first_name |
Cliff, Forest, Johnie |
first_name_female |
Joanne, Ellena, Elvera |
first_name_male |
Matt, Charles, Isaac |
html_safe_last_name |
Cormier, Pfeffer, Jenkins |
html_safe_name |
Suzie Fahey, Remedios Kemmer, Yun Kutch |
last_name |
Hammes, O'Kon, Turner |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Gilberto Kuvalis, Mr. Johnnie Weimann, Mr. King Mertz |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Brad Klein MD, Mr. Gerard Kuvalis PhD, Mr. Herschel Ruecker I |
male_name_with_suffix |
Alphonse Kovacek PhD, Lane Jakubowski PhD, Rudy Smitham II |
male_prefix |
Mr., Mr., Mr. |
name |
Adan Jamaal Blanda, Cruz Carroll, Erick Stracke |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Raul Mertz, Miss. Adrianne Zulauf, Mr. Lino Mann |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Reed Fay II, Mr. Christoper Hane PhD, Mrs. Renae McClure Jr. |
name_with_suffix |
Jadwiga Gleason Sr., Vonnie Cremin DVM, Christoper Kris DVM |
other_prefix |
Ms., Dr., Dr. |
prefix |
Prof., Dr., Dr. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xem, Xe/Xer, He/Him |
suffix |
DDS, DVM, Sr. |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
Djaly, Saoudatou, Fakane |
first_name_male |
Hady, Daly, Elimane |
last_name |
Ndour, Dia, Diarra |
name_female |
ndeye Astou Boubane, Safiétou Thiongane, mame Diarra Ntab |
name_male |
Gaoussou Wone, Cheikh Seydi, Mountaga Lopez |
name_sn |
Boury Coly, Doudou Goudiaby, Ousmane Mbathié |
prefix_female |
adjaratou, adjaratou, mame |
prefix_male |
serigne, mame, pape |
Method | Example |
first_name |
ศุภวิทย์, สุนี, สนิท |
last_name |
เคนเนะดิ , เก่งงาน, ติณสูลานนท์ |
name |
ชมเกดุ พิศาลบุตร, อุดม เคนเนะดิ , รอง สมิท |
nick_name |
ป๋อง, นุข, เจี๊ยบ |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Kiet, Kob Chai, Khun Mae |
last_name |
Sirisopa, Jetjirawat, Yongjaiyut |
name |
Chompoo Kasamsun, Nong Yao Kongpaisarn, Wila Kongkatitum |
nick_name |
Pui, Lek, Bum |
Method | Example |
first_name |
品妍, 詠晴, 語彤 |
last_name |
高, 沈, 施 |
name |
柳麗華, 孫品妍, 袁品妤 |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Роман, Данило, Натан |
first_name_female |
Юстина, Анастасія, Юстина |
first_name_male |
Хвалимир, Анастас, Валентин |
last_name |
Мазайло, Лящук, Боровський |
last_name_female |
Поліщук, Дзюб’як, Дзюб’як |
last_name_male |
Гаман, Латаний, Ромей |
middle_name_female |
Василівна, Антонівна, Бориславівна |
middle_name_male |
Стефанович, Орестович, Ростиславович |
name |
Троян Аркадій Тарасович, Горбач Всеволод Максимович, Каріна |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Quang, Công, Công |
last_first |
Đặng Liên Công, Thạch Phát Thị, Lê Phát Công |
last_name |
Trần, Đoàn, Tô |
middle_name |
Tùng, Lan, Đạt |
name |
Hà Quang Quang, Tâm Quang Lý, Nguyên Đức Trang |
Method | Example |
alphabetic_code |
callsign |
code |
codify (...) |
numeric_code |
Method | Example |
area_code |
971, 514, 964 |
exchange_code |
583, 815, 575 |
imei |
517491451365602, 332644861567877, 548451451260206 |
phone_calling_code |
+92, +971, +359 |
phone_number |
338-723-4051 x0259, 249-776-6502 x1569, 452.261.2291 |
short_phone_number |
364-534-9933, 324-406-8417, 639-792-3933 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+61, +61, +61 |
home_work_phone_number |
(03) 1142 9024, (08) 0943 9983, (03) 2512 6690 |
home_work_phone_prefix |
02, 02, 03 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+61 7 9506 8667, +61 3 0247 1490, +61 3 6997 7387 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+61 4 3980 8953, +61 4 1278 6844, +61 4 9985 0656 |
international_phone_number |
+61 8 8044 8014, +61 5 1584 4048, +61 4 2140 6438 |
mobile_phone_number |
0455 283 057, 0469 992 896, 0494 814 946 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
05, 04, 05 |
phone_number |
(08) 5216 8124, (02) 2476 3040, (02) 5573 0681 |
phone_prefix |
07, 05, 05 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+55, +55, +55 |
home_work_phone_number |
54 40561496, 38 4118-3462, 9843434480 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+55 35 5291-2804, +55192201-9338, +55 42 58290324 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+556799028-9519, +5551975446306, +5579987120770 |
international_phone_number |
+55682621-3235, +55 79 99694-4877, +5548962324277 |
mobile_phone_number |
53 968201758, 3898631-2657, 92 99046-2203 |
phone_number |
445225-9856, 91 47568856, 3747764462 |
Method | Example |
free_phone_number |
+418003147698, 0041800 230 64 89, 00418001377967 |
home_work_phone_number |
004133 797 47 97, 004171 078 08 47, 004191 750 87 33 |
mobile_phone_number |
004178 200 73 24, 0768071663, 0745136876 |
phone_number |
+41800 872 70 34, +41800 831 87 31, 0041900 116 63 45 |
premium_rate_phone_number |
0906 701 29 82, 0041901 172 50 51, +41900 221 16 54 |
shared_cost_phone_number |
08444865856, 00418409934830, +418440229118 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
53, 53, 53 |
e164_country_code |
53, 53, 53 |
e164_home_work_phone_number |
5323134179, 5342953618, 5376032021 |
e164_mobile_phone_number |
5357238919, 5356701210, 5356608691 |
e164_phone_number |
5321963640, 5348885729, 5358595695 |
general_phone_number |
05 144 1459, 05 870 3511, 05 451 9844 |
home_work_phone_number |
(031) 05 3499, (042) 44 9618, (032) 87 3654 |
home_work_phone_prefix |
021, 048, 043 |
international_country_code |
0053, +53, +53 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+5347 14 4662, +5346 67 0993, 005331 80 2678 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+535 590 4862, +535 103 6421, +535 658 8002 |
international_phone_number |
00535 055 9422, +5332 21 9173, +535 963 1831 |
mobile_phone_number |
05 578 3214, 05 031 2832, 05 382 2908 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
05, 05, 05 |
phone_number |
(024) 88 2776, 00535 620 2688, 5323132450 |
phone_prefix |
043, 031, 023 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+45, +45, +45 |
home_work_phone_number |
22770261, 35765210, 51141876 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+45 51274693, +45 47373901, +45 01762582 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+45 50897181, +45 96480706, +45 21388939 |
international_phone_number |
+45 15827004, +45 86024700, +45 92946340 |
mobile_phone_number |
83714132, 04703566, 56314229 |
phone_number |
70725637, 69825154, 59521837 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+49, +49, +49 |
home_work_phone_number |
02129 0967434, 03294 5711156, 0898 7655832 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+49 425 0173547, +49 817 6328581, +49 711 3251075 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+49 179 9399451, +49 173 3629149, +49 163 1667535 |
international_phone_number |
+49 6471 8273327, +49 5629 1230701, +49 4339 4843192 |
mobile_phone_number |
0177 5634720, 0179 0471323, 0169 2712329 |
mobile_prefix |
0176, 0156, 0150 |
phone_number |
082 7759048, 054 3714626, 05553 5218926 |
region_prefix |
06681, 07323, 0625 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+33, 0033, +33 |
home_work_phone_number |
02 55 29 12 37, 09 12 06 95 32, 0222524970 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+335 23 83 99 86, +33 450218423, 0033 1 71 45 28 31 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+33764116653, +336 49 78 93 88, +336 23 73 95 09 |
international_phone_number |
+33186348775, +33 230007691, 0033 751813103 |
mobile_phone_number |
0615599851, 0706150722, 0677382152 |
phone_number |
03 09 63 24 41, 0704379960, 09 01 18 52 92 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
0342-01620356, 0252-1923018, 0762-49441738 |
international_home_phone_number |
+62525-78547642, +62463-56842977, +62362-19781402 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+62855-79704085, +62896-77113548, +62858-02748114 |
international_phone_number |
+62851-93415322, +62877-89931123, +62328-76480214 |
mobile_phone_number |
0884-43993138, 0812-88947344, 0897-20995432 |
phone_number |
0813-81560466, 0877-19992653, 0877-62716245 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
+390386 053936, 00390434 43849681, 0039087184721174 |
mobile_phone_number |
003933947105754, +3934979225718, 003932915650248 |
number (...) |
phone_number |
00390763794014, +39 0184446734, +39 01917404431 |
random_space |
, , |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
0920 51 5094, 01658 9 4491, 01634 2 7039 |
home_phone_number_format (...) |
home_phone_prefix |
, , |
international_home_phone_number |
+81 1648 6 3684, +81 3 3773 6376, +81 794 69 2673 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+81 90 6069 1386, +81 80 4151 8473, +81 90 8043 5173 |
international_phone_number |
+81 8396 5 0214, +81 774 96 8112, +81 70 4432 6583 |
mobile_phone_number |
070 1525 3348, 090 6186 8919, 080 0375 1149 |
mobile_phone_number_format |
70 #### ####, 90 #### ####, 70 #### #### |
mobile_prefix |
70, 90, 70 |
phone_number |
077 819 0861, 01377 0 5807, 070 6985 3491 |
Method | Example |
contry_code |
+82, +82, +82 |
home_work_phone_number |
042 8583 4938, 053 3530 8310, 042 3847 0839 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+82 52 0740 5068, +82 52 3486 3578, +82 43 0836 4820 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+82 11 4988 2749, +82 19 1078 9667, +82 11 3755 2699 |
international_phone_number |
+82 63 6511 9940, +82 16 9980 9644, +82 64 8568 5448 |
mobile_phone_number |
016 6423 1032, 019 2602 1054, 011 3985 8852 |
phone_number |
031 5849 8958, 044 4456 1586, 052 6785 4215 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+52, +52, +52 |
home_work_phone_number |
85 1544 5914, 27 0410 6339, 83 9930 4009 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+52 62 5283 3668, +52 23 1974 3339, +52 62 0631 3386 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+52 1 54 4365 9399, +52 1 40 6765 2088, +52 1 95 9903 1044 |
international_phone_number |
+52 1 67 0470 4842, +52 1 75 1316 1260, +52 99 5484 9982 |
mobile_phone_number |
044 79 4237 7735, 044 25 7678 7230, 044 44 7505 8960 |
phone_number |
044 62 4395 1356, 044 81 8140 1989, 044 93 8047 3848 |
toll_free_number |
01 800 751 0560, 01 800 858 3315, 01 800 954 0107 |
Method | Example |
home_work_phone_number |
045-1600 190, 0184-3017 39, 0593-96 80 06 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+31 114-31 32 14, +31 299-969159, +31 528-2926 92 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+31 6 723 245 74, +31 6 806 756 23, +31 6 9568 9094 |
international_phone_number |
+31 561-2842 25, +31 316-2263 07, +31 6 7898 0614 |
mobile_phone_number |
0691492297, 0638016609, 06 40 66 74 93 |
phone_number |
033-299 4133, 040-6419952, 046-9954 011 |
Method | Example |
area_code |
43, 76, 17 |
home_work_phone_number |
231014705, 857832351, 916639661 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+48 759678662, +48 580228480, +48 836268742 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+48 793820570, +48 607382205, +48 738393350 |
international_phone_number |
+48 573310518, +48 722994641, +48 855865571 |
mobile_phone_number |
517654353, 881075677, 604607221 |
mobile_phone_number_format |
73#######, 50#######, 53####### |
mobile_prefix |
60, 53, 69 |
phone_number |
602611101, 560951894, 516218209 |
phone_number_format |
68#######, 59#######, 75####### |
Method | Example |
country_code |
8, 8, 8 |
home_work_phone_number |
8 833 714-00-85, 8 342 260-21-87, 8 495 175-55-82 |
home_work_phone_prefix |
834, 093, 071 |
international_country_code |
+7, +7, +7 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+7 388 895-98-09, +7 345 280-95-67, +7 483 082-19-23 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+7 992 365-48-96, +7 989 576-41-05, +7 982 218-18-04 |
international_phone_number |
+7 977 237-63-58, +7 011 203-53-50, +7 394 872-65-92 |
international_toll_free_number |
+7 800 561-47-90, +7 800 454-90-01, +7 800 288-91-16 |
mobile_phone_number |
8 927 021-36-95, 8 924 670-00-34, 8 926 212-43-03 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
910, 968, 912 |
phone_number |
8 980 006-37-10, 8 950 263-83-54, 8 094 951-44-52 |
toll_free_number |
8 800 831-93-91, 8 800 459-73-50, 8 800 199-32-38 |
Method | Example |
area_prefix |
912, 240, 414 |
country_prefix |
0046, +46, 0046 |
home_work_phone_number |
0528-356 08, 0418-78 44 14, 0663-104 85 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
0046 (0)479-81 34 87, +46 (0)522-135 59, 0046 (0)140-74 22 64 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
0046 (0)743-19 91 06, +46 (0)747-485301, 0046 (0)700-031012 |
international_phone_number |
0046 (0)733-02 03 10, 0046 (0)651-07 73 05, 0046 (0)745-612993 |
mobile_phone_number |
0763-99 92 89, 0744-575228, 0725-709796 |
mobile_phone_number_format |
70#-## ## ##, 70#-## ## ##, 72#-###### |
mobile_prefix |
70, 76, 74 |
phone_number |
0746-99 57 59, 0728-875761, 0413-87 02 36 |
phone_number_format |
370-## ## ##, 393-### ##, 911-## ## ## |
Method | Example |
country_code |
+65, +65, +65 |
fixed_line_number |
6009 1150, 6720 5964, 6560 1804 |
international_toll_free_number |
800 176 8870, 800 185 0981, 800 259 9601 |
mobile_number |
8125 7559, 8814 9363, 8744 8944 |
mobile_or_pager_number |
9565 9034, 9868 2769, 9305 2096 |
phone_number |
8503 8531, 9204 1713, 6383 4014 |
premium_service_number |
1900 324 5810, 1900 607 1939, 1900 508 2728 |
toll_free_number |
1800 773 4677, 1800 969 9643, 1800 481 4746 |
voip_number |
3363 4025, 3290 7459, 3271 1299 |
Method | Example |
homework_number |
33-812-83-29, 33-917-89-04, 33-972-57-76 |
homework_phone_prefix |
33, 33, 33 |
mobile_number |
76-471-92-36, 77-443-43-45, 70-287-08-66 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
76, 70, 70 |
phone_number |
77-240-21-02, 77-502-50-66, 77-079-89-25 |
short_phone_number |
328-87-43, 484-54-00, 208-86-34 |
Method | Example |
contry_code |
+886, +886, +886 |
home_work_phone_number |
(07) 112-2448, (08) 120-3019, (02) 9057-1361 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+886-2-7929-9028, +886-5-266-0992, +886-4-8869-5352 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+886-987-955-812, +886-960-598-535, +886-968-294-531 |
international_phone_number |
+886-977-487-389, +886-969-805-440, +886-995-396-378 |
mobile_phone_number |
0946-861-641, 0954-246-875, 0994-554-506 |
phone_number |
(07) 891-5821, 0984-863-011, (08) 063-6945 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
049 894-3539, 038 367-0395, 064 788-5863 |
international_home_phone_number |
+380 35 408-6207, +380 47 961-2648, +380 65 403-8763 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+380 98 130-0037, +380 50 967-8339, +380 93 825-7436 |
mobile_phone_number |
095 202-3679, 067 053-4288, 050 286-1326 |
phone_number |
063 160-4997, 051 730-8358, 093 312-6736 |
Method | Example |
brand |
CK, Sinesche, Brancefunc |
letters (...) |
model |
K74, B51, K32 |
product |
Brifunc Auto Side Compressor, Amcell Audible Portable Transmitter, Packfunc Digital Disc Tuner |
product_name |
Digital System, Audible System, HD Performance Receiver |
Method | Example |
ssn |
450-79-3010, 841-65-3447, 334-90-5606 |
Method | Example |
imss |
2514631975-7, 8183341286-1, 8324920738-9 |
imss_undashed |
47463099553, 54988772756, 02689234823 |
issste |
5250264059-1, 3149634958-7, 3971079279-1 |
issste_undashed |
86899691356, 61781526261, 30077330505 |
ssn |
7237214976-1, 6227522169-3, 9091135213-6 |
ssn_undashed |
78978370956, 52413205872, 50638306112 |
Method | Example |
ssn |
198212260740, 197501033760, 197006171280 |
Method | Example |
next |
0.1.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.0 |
Method | Example |
specialties |
Project Metrics, Global Optimization, Statistical Instruction, Firmware Design, Software Testing, Hardware Testing, Resource Prototyping, Team Analysis, Web Research |
specialty |
Global Architecture, Hardware Testing, Modular Optimization |
tech_skill |
Linux, Ajax, Mac |
tech_skills |
YAML, ActionScript, Shell, ActionScript, Typo3, Cassandra, JSON, Django, Shell |
Method | Example |
name |
❗ [name] is deprecated. For US sports please use the SportUS module |
Method | Example |
name |
Piłka ręczna, Jeździectwo, Kolarstwo szosowe |
summer |
Kajakarstwo regatowe, Skok wzwyż, Dżudo |
winter |
Skoki narciarskie, Snowboarding, Bobsleje |
Method | Example |
name |
Taekwondo, Football, Cycling Mountain Bike |
Method | Example |
from_regexp (...) |
Method | Example |
between (..., ...) |
date |
2021-11-24, 2017-10-10, 2019-12-31 |
datetime |
2018-05-03T19:59:00+00:00, 2020-10-03T00:47:00+00:00, 2021-01-07T08:24:00+00:00 |
day_of_week |
Tue, Fri, Wed |
month |
December, January, November |
Method | Example |
body |
Delectus excepturi dignissimos nobis fugiat rem assumenda itaque. Nobis voluptatibus soluta placeat accusamus. Commodi sit sequi id qui., Aut reiciendis quo nostrum dignissimos sit. Consequuntur cupiditate odit eius eaque. In eveniet quibusdam fuga cum. Similique vero., Reiciendis delectus a qui harum dicta dolorem repellendus. Ipsa iure ipsum commodi alias. Sapiente enim neque tenetur excepturi facilis. |
mention |
@scarlett, @essie, @timika_bernier |
mentions |
@asha @dominga.kuphal, @katharyn.kshlerin @jennell, @luci_bartoletti @melida |
tags |
#party #cool, #summer #food, #girl #fashion |
tweet |
Deleniti aut maiores doloribus vero illo. Natus tempora magni nihil at esse occaecati magnam corporis. Quasi.#best, Aut quidem dicta libero sequi laboriosam placeat. Sint ipsa occaecati voluptate ad. At facere alias.#art #followback, Nostrum soluta sequi ipsa dolorem. Distinctio in labore consequatur quaerat nulla voluptatem rem ex. Eveniet ullam nihil. |
Method | Example |
clear |
0, 0, 0 |
Method | Example |
temperature_abbr |
K, K, F |
temperature_name |
Kelvin, Kelvin, Fahrenheit |
time_abbr |
s, d, h |
time_name |
Minutes, Seconds, Years |
Method | Example |
area_abbr |
twp, s, sq ft |
area_name |
square yard, square mile, section |
length_abbr |
yd, mi, in |
length_name |
foot, mile, inch |
liquid_abbr |
qt, fl oz, qt |
liquid_name |
quart, gill, quart |
mass_abbr |
t, lb, cwt |
mass_name |
grains, ton, pounds |
temperature_abbr |
C, K, K |
temperature_name |
Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin |
time_abbr |
s, d, s |
time_name |
Minutes, Hours, Seconds |
volume_abbr |
volume_name |
cubic foot, cubic foot, cubic foot |
Method | Example |
area_abbr |
km, ha, km |
area_name |
meters squared, centimeters squared, kilometers |
length_abbr |
mm, m, m |
length_name |
kilometers, millimeters, kilometers |
liquid_abbr |
ml, L, L |
liquid_name |
liters, liters, liters |
mass_abbr |
g, mt, g |
mass_name |
kilogram, gram, metric ton |
temperature_abbr |
K, C, K |
temperature_name |
Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Kelvin |
time_abbr |
h, s, ms |
time_name |
Milliseconds, Seconds, Hours |
volume_abbr |
m^3, cm^3, cm^3 |
volume_name |
cubic centimeters, cubic centimeters, cubic centimeters |
Method | Example |
base_color |
darksalmon, turquoise, lemonchiffon |
drivetrain |
engine_cylinders |
6, 2, 6 |
engine_displacement |
7.0, 2.5, 1.6 |
fuel_type |
Electric, Electric, Diesel |
interior_upholstery |
Vinyl, PVC, Leather |
make |
Audi, Hummer, Toyota |
manufacturer_color |
new vibrant coral, royal vibrant mediumslateblue, mute pretty lightpink |
mfg_color |
majestic melodic red, weak melodic greenyellow, resonant new orange |
model |
Sonata, Sonata, Escort |
transmission |
Automated Manual, Automatic, Automated Manual |
transmission_abbr |
AT, MT, AM |
trim |
vin |
11ZBT74789Y811834, 17MDS89106P259959, 18IAN72361P020995 |
year |
1992, 1953, 1992 |
Method | Example |
name |
Centro de Exposiciones y Convenciones Las Americas, Centro de Eventos Castillo Hidalgo, Expo CenterNet de Argentina |
Method | Example |
embed_url |
www.youtube.com/embed/vjW8wmF5VWc, www.youtube.com/embed/KYniUCGPGLs, www.youtube.com/embed/450p7goxZqg |
share_url |
youtu.be/7OHMqdMpsj8, youtu.be/NUsoVlDFqZg, youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A |
url |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBumgq5yVrA, www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0, www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRpeEdMmmQ0 |
video_id |
hT_nvWreIhg, 9bZkp7q19f0, NUsoVlDFqZg |