Releases: sikalabs/hello-world-server
Releases · sikalabs/hello-world-server
9b06321 feat: Add hostname to hello word response text
32f2b9f feat: Add optional background color (config. using env BACKGROUND_COLOR)
Docker images
docker pull sikalabs/hello-world-server:v0.3.0
docker pull sikalabs/hello-world-server:v0.3.0-arm64v8
docker pull sikalabs/hello-world-server:arm64v8
5db28f5 feat: Add run_timestamp_unix, run_timestamp_rfc3339 & run_timestamp_unixdate to status API
347ce0b feat: Add hostname to status API
45e6e00 feat: Add status endpoint (/api/status, /status) with request counter
08c5959 feat: Add in-memory request counter
9dfd9a6 feat: Add livez & readyz endpoints (/api/livez, /livez, /api/readyz, /readyz)
50bbf2a feat: Add version API endpoints (/api/version, /version)
e9d69f5 feat: Create first version of hello world server
7e99d7f Initial commit, sikalabs/hello-world-server
Docker images
docker pull sikalabs/hello-world-server:v0.1.0
docker pull sikalabs/hello-world-server:v0.1.0-arm64v8