- * placeholder based on the thumbnail url provided by the oembed shortcode provider.
- */
-(() => {
- const ssembed = {
- init: (editor) => {
- const insertTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.INSERT_VIA_URL', 'Insert media via URL');
- const editTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.EDIT_MEDIA', 'Edit media');
- const deleteTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.DELETE_MEDIA', 'Delete media');
- const contextTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.MEDIA', 'Media');
- editor.addCommand('ssembed', () => {
- // See HtmlEditorField.js
- jQuery(`#${editor.id}`).entwine('ss').openEmbedDialog();
- });
- editor.addCommand('ssembed-delete', () => {
- const node = editor.selection.getNode();
- // selecting the div correctly
- if (editor.dom.is(node, filter)) {
- node.remove();
- // selecting the image inside the div
- } else if (editor.dom.is(node.parentNode, filter)) {
- node.parentNode.remove();
- // anything else
- } else {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.error({ error: 'Unexpected selection - expected embed', selectedNode: node });
- }
- });
- // Button in main toolbar
- editor.ui.registry.addButton('ssembed', {
- tooltip: insertTitle,
- icon: 'embed',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssembed'),
- stateSelector: filter
- });
- // Right click context menu item
- editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('ssembed', {
- text: contextTitle,
- icon: 'embed',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssembed'),
- });
- // Context menu when an embed is selected
- // edit button
- editor.ui.registry.addButton('ssembededit', {
- tooltip: editTitle,
- icon: 'edit-block',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssembed'),
- });
- // delete button
- editor.ui.registry.addButton('ssembeddelete', {
- tooltip: deleteTitle,
- icon: 'remove',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssembed-delete'),
- });
- // actual menu
- editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar('ssembed', {
- predicate: (node) => editor.dom.is(node, filter),
- position: 'node',
- scope: 'node',
- items: 'alignleft aligncenter alignright | ssembededit ssembeddelete'
- });
- // Replace the tinymce default media commands with the ssembed command
- editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', (e) => {
- const cmd = e.command;
- const ui = e.ui;
- const val = e.value;
- if (cmd === 'mceMedia') {
- e.preventDefault();
- editor.execCommand('ssembed', ui, val);
- }
- });
- editor.on('GetContent', (o) => {
- const content = jQuery(`
- // Transform [embed] shortcodes
- content
- .find(filter)
- .each(function replaceWithShortCode() {
- // Note: embed
contains placeholder
, and potentially caption
- const embed = jQuery(this);
- // If placeholder has been removed, remove data-* properties and
- // convert to non-shortcode div
- const placeholder = embed.find('img.placeholder');
- if (placeholder.length === 0) {
- embed.removeAttr('data-url');
- embed.removeAttr('data-shortcode');
- return;
- }
- // Find nested element data
- const caption = embed.find('.caption').text();
- const width = parseInt(placeholder.attr('width'), 10);
- const height = parseInt(placeholder.attr('height'), 10);
- const url = embed.data('url');
- const properties = sanitiseShortCodeProperties({
- url,
- thumbnail: placeholder.prop('src'),
- class: embed.prop('class'),
- width: isNaN(width) ? null : width,
- height: isNaN(height) ? null : height,
- caption,
- });
- const shortCode = ShortcodeSerialiser.serialise({
- name: 'embed',
- properties,
- wrapped: true,
- content: properties.url
- });
- embed.replaceWith(shortCode);
- });
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
- o.content = content.html();
- });
- editor.on('BeforeSetContent', (o) => {
- let content = o.content;
- // Transform [embed] tag
- let match = ShortcodeSerialiser.match('embed', true, content);
- while (match) {
- const data = match.properties;
- // Add base div
- const base = jQuery('
- .attr('data-url', data.url || match.content)
- .attr('data-shortcode', 'embed')
- .addClass(data.class)
- .addClass('ss-htmleditorfield-file embed');
- // Add placeholder
- const placeholder = jQuery('
- .attr('src', data.thumbnail)
- .addClass('placeholder');
- // Set dimensions
- if (data.width) {
- placeholder.attr('width', data.width);
- }
- if (data.height) {
- placeholder.attr('height', data.height);
- }
- base.append(placeholder);
- // Add caption p tag
- if (data.caption) {
- const caption = jQuery('
- .addClass('caption')
- .text(data.caption);
- base.append(caption);
- }
- // Inject into code
- content = content.replace(match.original, (jQuery('
- // Search for next match
- match = ShortcodeSerialiser.match('embed', true, content);
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
- o.content = content;
- });
- // getMetadata method on a returned object is used by the "help" plugin
- return {
- getMetadata() {
- return {
- name: 'Silverstripe Embed',
- url: 'https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/4/developer_guides/forms/field_types/htmleditorfield',
- };
- }
- };
- },
- };
- tinymce.PluginManager.add('ssembed', (editor) => ssembed.init(editor));
-jQuery.entwine('ss', ($) => {
- $('.js-injector-boot #insert-embed-react__dialog-wrapper').entwine({
- Element: null,
- Data: {},
- ReactRoot: null,
- onunmatch() {
- // solves errors given by ReactDOM "no matched root found" error.
- this._clearModal();
- },
- _clearModal() {
- const root = this.getReactRoot();
- if (root) {
- root.unmount();
- this.setReactRoot(null);
- }
- // this.empty();
- },
- open() {
- this._renderModal(true);
- },
- close() {
- this.setData({});
- this._renderModal(false);
- },
- /**
- * Renders the react modal component
- *
- * @param {boolean} isOpen
- * @private
- */
- _renderModal(isOpen) {
- const handleHide = () => this.close();
- // Inserts embed into page
- const handleInsert = (...args) => this._handleInsert(...args);
- // Create edit form from url
- const handleCreate = (...args) => this._handleCreate(...args);
- const handleLoadingError = (...args) => this._handleLoadingError(...args);
- const attrs = this.getOriginalAttributes();
- // create/update the react component
- let root = this.getReactRoot();
- if (!root) {
- root = createRoot(this[0]);
- }
- root.render(
- );
- this.setReactRoot(root);
- },
- _handleLoadingError() {
- this.setData({});
- this.open();
- },
- /**
- * Handles inserting the selected file in the modal
- *
- * @param {object} data
- * @returns {Promise}
- * @private
- */
- _handleInsert(data) {
- const oldData = this.getData();
- this.setData(Object.assign({ Url: oldData.Url }, data));
- this.insertRemote();
- this.close();
- },
- _handleCreate(data) {
- this.setData(Object.assign({}, this.getData(), data));
- this.open();
- },
- /**
- * Find the selected node and get attributes associated to attach the data to the form
- *
- * @returns {object}
- */
- getOriginalAttributes() {
- const data = this.getData();
- const $field = this.getElement();
- if (!$field) {
- return data;
- }
- const node = $($field.getEditor().getSelectedNode());
- if (!node.length) {
- return data;
- }
- // Find root embed shortcode
- const element = node.closest(filter).add(node.filter(filter));
- if (!element.length) {
- return data;
- }
- const image = element.find('img.placeholder');
- // If image has been removed then this shortcode is invalid
- if (image.length === 0) {
- return data;
- }
- const caption = element.find('.caption').text();
- const width = parseInt(image.width(), 10);
- const height = parseInt(image.height(), 10);
- return {
- Url: element.data('url') || data.Url,
- CaptionText: caption,
- PreviewUrl: image.attr('src'),
- Width: isNaN(width) ? null : width,
- Height: isNaN(height) ? null : height,
- Placement: this.findPosition(element.prop('class')),
- };
- },
- /**
- * Calculate placement from css class
- */
- findPosition(cssClass) {
- const alignments = [
- 'leftAlone',
- 'center',
- 'rightAlone',
- 'left',
- 'right',
- ];
- if (typeof cssClass !== 'string') {
- return '';
- }
- const classes = cssClass.split(' ');
- return alignments.find((alignment) => (
- classes.indexOf(alignment) > -1
- ));
- },
- insertRemote() {
- const $field = this.getElement();
- if (!$field) {
- return false;
- }
- const editor = $field.getEditor();
- if (!editor) {
- return false;
- }
- const data = this.getData();
- // Add base div
- const base = jQuery('
- .attr('data-url', data.Url)
- .attr('data-shortcode', 'embed')
- .addClass(data.Placement)
- .addClass('ss-htmleditorfield-file embed');
- // Add placeholder image
- const placeholder = jQuery('
- .attr('src', data.PreviewUrl)
- .addClass('placeholder');
- // Set dimensions
- if (data.Width) {
- placeholder.attr('width', data.Width);
- }
- if (data.Height) {
- placeholder.attr('height', data.Height);
- }
- // Add to base
- base.append(placeholder);
- // Add caption p tag
- if (data.CaptionText) {
- const caption = jQuery('
- .addClass('caption')
- .text(data.CaptionText);
- base.append(caption);
- }
- // Find best place to put this embed
- const node = $(editor.getSelectedNode());
- let replacee = $(null);
- if (node.length) {
- replacee = node.filter(filter);
- // Find find closest existing embed
- if (replacee.length === 0) {
- replacee = node.closest(filter);
- }
- // Fail over to check if the node is an image
- if (replacee.length === 0) {
- replacee = node.filter('img.placeholder');
- }
- }
- // Inject
- if (replacee.length) {
- replacee.replaceWith(base);
- } else {
- // Otherwise insert the whole HTML content
- editor.repaint();
- editor.insertContent($('
').append(base.clone()).html(), { skip_undo: 1 });
- }
- editor.addUndo();
- editor.repaint();
- return true;
- },
- });
diff --git a/client/src/entwine/TinyMCE_sslink-file.js b/client/src/entwine/TinyMCE_sslink-file.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f017ec8a7..000000000
--- a/client/src/entwine/TinyMCE_sslink-file.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* global tinymce, ss */
-import i18n from 'i18n';
-import TinyMCEActionRegistrar from 'lib/TinyMCEActionRegistrar';
-import React from 'react';
-import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
-import jQuery from 'jquery';
-import ShortcodeSerialiser from 'lib/ShortcodeSerialiser';
-import InsertMediaModal from 'containers/InsertMediaModal/InsertMediaModal';
-import Injector, { loadComponent } from 'lib/Injector';
-import * as modalActions from 'state/modal/ModalActions';
-const commandName = 'sslinkfile';
-const plugin = {
- init(editor) {
- // Add "Link to external url" to link menu for this editor
- TinyMCEActionRegistrar.addAction(
- 'sslink',
- {
- text: i18n._t('AssetAdmin.LINKLABEL_FILE', 'Link to a file'),
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- onAction: (activeEditor) => activeEditor.execCommand(commandName),
- priority: 80
- },
- editor.getParam('editorIdentifier'),
- ).addCommandWithUrlTest(commandName, /^\[file_link/);
- // Add a command that corresponds with the above menu item
- editor.addCommand(commandName, () => {
- const field = jQuery(`#${editor.id}`).entwine('ss');
- field.openLinkFileDialog();
- });
- },
-const modalId = 'insert-link__dialog-wrapper--file';
-const InjectableInsertMediaModal = loadComponent(InsertMediaModal);
-jQuery.entwine('ss', ($) => {
- $('textarea.htmleditor').entwine({
- openLinkFileDialog() {
- let dialog = $(`#${modalId}`);
- if (!dialog.length) {
- dialog = $(`
- $('body').append(dialog);
- }
- dialog.addClass('insert-link__dialog-wrapper');
- dialog.setElement(this);
- dialog.open();
- },
- });
- /**
- * Assumes that $('.insert-link__dialog-wrapper').entwine({}); is defined for shared functions
- */
- $(`.js-injector-boot #${modalId}`).entwine({
- ReactRoot: null,
- renderModal(isOpen) {
- // We're updating the redux store from outside react. This is a bit unusual, but it's
- // the best way to initialise our modal setting.
- const { dispatch } = Injector.reducer.store;
- dispatch(modalActions.initFormStack('insert-link', 'admin'));
- const handleHide = () => {
- dispatch(modalActions.reset());
- this.close();
- };
- const handleInsert = (...args) => this.handleInsert(...args);
- const attrs = this.getOriginalAttributes();
- const folderId = this.getFolderId();
- const requireLinkText = this.getRequireLinkText();
- // create/update the react component
- let root = this.getReactRoot();
- if (!root) {
- root = createRoot(this[0]);
- this.setReactRoot(root);
- }
- root.render(
- );
- },
- /**
- * @param {Object} data - Posted data
- * @return {Object}
- */
- buildAttributes(data) {
- const shortcode = ShortcodeSerialiser.serialise({
- name: 'file_link',
- properties: { id: data.ID },
- }, true);
- // Add anchor
- const anchor = data.Anchor && data.Anchor.length ? `#${data.Anchor}` : '';
- const href = `${shortcode}${anchor}`;
- return {
- href,
- target: data.TargetBlank ? '_blank' : '',
- title: data.Description,
- };
- },
- /**
- * Get default upload folder
- *
- * @returns {(number|null)}
- */
- getFolderId() {
- const $field = this.getElement();
- if (!$field) {
- return null;
- }
- // Check type safely
- const folderId = Number($field.data('config').upload_folder_id);
- return isNaN(folderId) ? null : folderId;
- },
- getOriginalAttributes() {
- const editor = this.getElement().getEditor();
- const node = $(editor.getSelectedNode());
- // Get href
- const hrefParts = (node.attr('href') || '').split('#');
- if (!hrefParts[0]) {
- return {};
- }
- // check if file is safe
- const shortcode = ShortcodeSerialiser.match('file_link', false, hrefParts[0]);
- if (!shortcode) {
- return {};
- }
- return {
- ID: shortcode.properties.id ? parseInt(shortcode.properties.id, 10) : 0,
- Anchor: hrefParts[1] || '',
- Description: node.attr('title'),
- TargetBlank: !!node.attr('target'),
- };
- },
- });
-// Adds the plugin class to the list of available TinyMCE plugins
-tinymce.PluginManager.add(commandName, (editor) => plugin.init(editor));
-export default plugin;
diff --git a/client/src/entwine/TinyMCE_ssmedia.js b/client/src/entwine/TinyMCE_ssmedia.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 010ae1d34..000000000
--- a/client/src/entwine/TinyMCE_ssmedia.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-/* global tinymce, window */
-/* eslint-disable
- no-param-reassign,
- func-names
-import jQuery from 'jquery';
-import i18n from 'i18n';
-import React from 'react';
-import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
-import Injector, { loadComponent } from 'lib/Injector';
-import InsertMediaModal from 'containers/InsertMediaModal/InsertMediaModal';
-import ShortcodeSerialiser, { sanitiseShortCodeProperties } from 'lib/ShortcodeSerialiser';
-import * as modalActions from 'state/modal/ModalActions';
-import { imageSizePresetButtons } from './TinyMCE_ssmedia_sizepressets';
-const InjectableInsertMediaModal = loadComponent(InsertMediaModal);
-const filter = 'img[data-shortcode="image"]';
-(() => {
- const ssmedia = {
- /**
- * Initilise this plugin
- *
- * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE editor object
- */
- init(editor) {
- const insertTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.INSERT_FROM_FILES', 'Insert from Files');
- const editTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.EDIT_IMAGE', 'Edit image');
- const deleteTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.DELETE_IMAGE', 'Delete image');
- const contextTitle = i18n._t('AssetAdmin.FILE', 'File');
- editor.addCommand('ssmedia', () => {
- // See HtmlEditorField.js
- jQuery(`#${editor.id}`).entwine('ss').openMediaDialog();
- });
- editor.addCommand('ssmedia-delete', () => {
- const node = editor.selection.getNode();
- if (editor.dom.is(node, filter)) {
- node.remove();
- } else {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.error({ error: 'Unexpected selection - expected image', selectedNode: node });
- }
- });
- // Button in main toolbar
- editor.ui.registry.addButton('ssmedia', {
- tooltip: insertTitle,
- icon: 'image',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssmedia'),
- stateSelector: filter
- });
- // Right click context menu item
- editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('ssmedia', {
- text: contextTitle,
- icon: 'image',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssmedia'),
- });
- // Context menu when an embed is selected
- // edit button
- editor.ui.registry.addButton('ssmediaedit', {
- tooltip: editTitle,
- icon: 'edit-block',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssmedia'),
- });
- // delete button
- editor.ui.registry.addButton('ssmediadelete', {
- tooltip: deleteTitle,
- icon: 'remove',
- onAction: () => editor.execCommand('ssmedia-delete'),
- });
- // size presets
- const sizePresets = editor.getParam('image_size_presets');
- let buttonList = [];
- if (sizePresets) {
- buttonList = imageSizePresetButtons(editor, sizePresets);
- }
- // the menu itself
- editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar('ssmedia', {
- predicate: (node) => editor.dom.is(node, filter),
- position: 'node',
- scope: 'node',
- items: `${buttonList.join(' ')} | ssmediaedit ssmediadelete`
- });
- // Replace the mceAdvImage and mceImage commands with the ssmedia command
- editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', (e) => {
- const cmd = e.command;
- const ui = e.ui;
- const val = e.value;
- if (cmd === 'mceEditImage' || cmd === 'mceImage') {
- e.preventDefault();
- editor.execCommand('ssmedia', ui, val);
- }
- });
- editor.on('GetContent', (o) => {
- const content = jQuery(`
- // Transform [image] shortcodes
- content.find(filter)
- .add(content.filter(filter))
- .each(function () {
- const el = jQuery(this);
- const obj = {
- // Requires server-side preprocessing of HTML+shortcodes in HTMLValue
- src: el.attr('src'),
- id: el.data('id'),
- width: el.attr('width'),
- height: el.attr('height'),
- class: el.attr('class'),
- // don't save caption, since that's in the containing element
- title: el.attr('title'),
- alt: el.attr('alt'),
- loading: el.data('loading')
- };
- const shortCode = ShortcodeSerialiser.serialise({
- name: 'image',
- properties: sanitiseShortCodeProperties(obj),
- wrapped: false,
- });
- el.replaceWith(shortCode);
- });
- // Insert innerHTML in order to retain all nodes incl.