diff --git a/dist/index.js b/dist/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d53635 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,713 @@ +function _type_of$1(obj) { + "@swc/helpers - typeof"; + return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; +} +var token = '%[a-f0-9]{2}'; +var singleMatcher = new RegExp('(' + token + ')|([^%]+?)', 'gi'); +var multiMatcher = new RegExp('(' + token + ')+', 'gi'); +function decodeComponents(components, split) { + try { + // Try to decode the entire string first + return [ + decodeURIComponent(components.join('')) + ]; + } catch (e) { + // Do nothing + } + if (components.length === 1) { + return components; + } + split = split || 1; + // Split the array in 2 parts + var left = components.slice(0, split); + var right = components.slice(split); + return Array.prototype.concat.call([], decodeComponents(left), decodeComponents(right)); +} +function decode$1(input) { + try { + return decodeURIComponent(input); + } catch (e) { + var tokens = input.match(singleMatcher) || []; + for(var i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++){ + input = decodeComponents(tokens, i).join(''); + tokens = input.match(singleMatcher) || []; + } + return input; + } +} +function customDecodeURIComponent(input) { + // Keep track of all the replacements and prefill the map with the `BOM` + var replaceMap = { + '%FE%FF': '\uFFFD\uFFFD', + '%FF%FE': '\uFFFD\uFFFD' + }; + var match = multiMatcher.exec(input); + while(match){ + try { + // Decode as big chunks as possible + replaceMap[match[0]] = decodeURIComponent(match[0]); + } catch (e) { + var result = decode$1(match[0]); + if (result !== match[0]) { + replaceMap[match[0]] = result; + } + } + match = multiMatcher.exec(input); + } + // Add `%C2` at the end of the map to make sure it does not replace the combinator before everything else + replaceMap['%C2'] = '\uFFFD'; + var entries = Object.keys(replaceMap); + for(var _i = 0; _i < entries.length; _i++){ + var key = entries[_i]; + // Replace all decoded components + input = input.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), replaceMap[key]); + } + return input; +} +function decodeUriComponent(encodedURI) { + if (typeof encodedURI !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('Expected `encodedURI` to be of type `string`, got `' + (typeof encodedURI === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _type_of$1(encodedURI)) + '`'); + } + try { + // Try the built in decoder first + return decodeURIComponent(encodedURI); + } catch (e) { + // Fallback to a more advanced decoder + return customDecodeURIComponent(encodedURI); + } +} + +function includeKeys(object, predicate) { + var result = {}; + if (Array.isArray(predicate)) { + for(var _i = 0; _i < predicate.length; _i++){ + var key = predicate[_i]; + var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key); + if (descriptor == null ? void 0 : descriptor.enumerable) { + Object.defineProperty(result, key, descriptor); + } + } + } else { + // `Reflect.ownKeys()` is required to retrieve symbol properties + for(var _i1 = 0, _Reflect_ownKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(object); _i1 < _Reflect_ownKeys.length; _i1++){ + var key1 = _Reflect_ownKeys[_i1]; + var descriptor1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key1); + if (descriptor1.enumerable) { + var value = object[key1]; + if (predicate(key1, value, object)) { + Object.defineProperty(result, key1, descriptor1); + } + } + } + } + return result; +} + +function splitOnFirst(string, separator) { + if (!(typeof string === 'string' && typeof separator === 'string')) { + throw new TypeError('Expected the arguments to be of type `string`'); + } + if (string === '' || separator === '') { + return []; + } + var separatorIndex = string.indexOf(separator); + if (separatorIndex === -1) { + return []; + } + return [ + string.slice(0, separatorIndex), + string.slice(separatorIndex + separator.length) + ]; +} + +function _array_like_to_array(arr, len) { + if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; + for(var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++)arr2[i] = arr[i]; + return arr2; +} +function _array_with_holes(arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; +} +function _array_without_holes(arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _array_like_to_array(arr); +} +function _define_property(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { + value: value, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true, + writable: true + }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +function _extends() { + _extends = Object.assign || function(target) { + for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ + var source = arguments[i]; + for(var key in source){ + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { + target[key] = source[key]; + } + } + } + return target; + }; + return _extends.apply(this, arguments); +} +function _iterable_to_array(iter) { + if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); +} +function _iterable_to_array_limit(arr, i) { + var _i = arr == null ? null : typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr["@@iterator"]; + if (_i == null) return; + var _arr = []; + var _n = true; + var _d = false; + var _s, _e; + try { + for(_i = _i.call(arr); !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true){ + _arr.push(_s.value); + if (i && _arr.length === i) break; + } + } catch (err) { + _d = true; + _e = err; + } finally{ + try { + if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); + } finally{ + if (_d) throw _e; + } + } + return _arr; +} +function _non_iterable_rest() { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); +} +function _non_iterable_spread() { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); +} +function _sliced_to_array(arr, i) { + return _array_with_holes(arr) || _iterable_to_array_limit(arr, i) || _unsupported_iterable_to_array(arr, i) || _non_iterable_rest(); +} +function _to_consumable_array(arr) { + return _array_without_holes(arr) || _iterable_to_array(arr) || _unsupported_iterable_to_array(arr) || _non_iterable_spread(); +} +function _type_of(obj) { + "@swc/helpers - typeof"; + return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; +} +function _unsupported_iterable_to_array(o, minLen) { + if (!o) return; + if (typeof o === "string") return _array_like_to_array(o, minLen); + var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); + if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; + if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); + if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _array_like_to_array(o, minLen); +} +var isNullOrUndefined = function(value) { + return value === null || value === undefined; +}; +// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-code-point +var strictUriEncode = function(string) { + return encodeURIComponent(string).replaceAll(/[!'()*]/g, function(x) { + return "%" + x.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); + }); +}; +var encodeFragmentIdentifier = Symbol('encodeFragmentIdentifier'); +function encoderForArrayFormat(options) { + switch(options.arrayFormat){ + case 'index': + { + return function(key) { + return function(result, value) { + var index = result.length; + if (value === undefined || options.skipNull && value === null || options.skipEmptyString && value === '') { + return result; + } + if (value === null) { + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + '[', + index, + ']' + ].join('') + ]); + } + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + '[', + encode(index, options), + ']=', + encode(value, options) + ].join('') + ]); + }; + }; + } + case 'bracket': + { + return function(key) { + return function(result, value) { + if (value === undefined || options.skipNull && value === null || options.skipEmptyString && value === '') { + return result; + } + if (value === null) { + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + '[]' + ].join('') + ]); + } + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + '[]=', + encode(value, options) + ].join('') + ]); + }; + }; + } + case 'colon-list-separator': + { + return function(key) { + return function(result, value) { + if (value === undefined || options.skipNull && value === null || options.skipEmptyString && value === '') { + return result; + } + if (value === null) { + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + ':list=' + ].join('') + ]); + } + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + ':list=', + encode(value, options) + ].join('') + ]); + }; + }; + } + case 'comma': + case 'separator': + case 'bracket-separator': + { + var keyValueSeparator = options.arrayFormat === 'bracket-separator' ? '[]=' : '='; + return function(key) { + return function(result, value) { + if (value === undefined || options.skipNull && value === null || options.skipEmptyString && value === '') { + return result; + } + // Translate null to an empty string so that it doesn't serialize as 'null' + value = value === null ? '' : value; + if (result.length === 0) { + return [ + [ + encode(key, options), + keyValueSeparator, + encode(value, options) + ].join('') + ]; + } + return [ + [ + result, + encode(value, options) + ].join(options.arrayFormatSeparator) + ]; + }; + }; + } + default: + { + return function(key) { + return function(result, value) { + if (value === undefined || options.skipNull && value === null || options.skipEmptyString && value === '') { + return result; + } + if (value === null) { + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + encode(key, options) + ]); + } + return _to_consumable_array(result).concat([ + [ + encode(key, options), + '=', + encode(value, options) + ].join('') + ]); + }; + }; + } + } +} +function parserForArrayFormat(options) { + var result; + switch(options.arrayFormat){ + case 'index': + { + return function(key, value, accumulator) { + result = /\[(\d*)]$/.exec(key); + key = key.replace(/\[\d*]$/, ''); + if (!result) { + accumulator[key] = value; + return; + } + if (accumulator[key] === undefined) { + accumulator[key] = {}; + } + accumulator[key][result[1]] = value; + }; + } + case 'bracket': + { + return function(key, value, accumulator) { + result = /(\[])$/.exec(key); + key = key.replace(/\[]$/, ''); + if (!result) { + accumulator[key] = value; + return; + } + if (accumulator[key] === undefined) { + accumulator[key] = [ + value + ]; + return; + } + accumulator[key] = _to_consumable_array(accumulator[key]).concat([ + value + ]); + }; + } + case 'colon-list-separator': + { + return function(key, value, accumulator) { + result = /(:list)$/.exec(key); + key = key.replace(/:list$/, ''); + if (!result) { + accumulator[key] = value; + return; + } + if (accumulator[key] === undefined) { + accumulator[key] = [ + value + ]; + return; + } + accumulator[key] = _to_consumable_array(accumulator[key]).concat([ + value + ]); + }; + } + case 'comma': + case 'separator': + { + return function(key, value, accumulator) { + var isArray = typeof value === 'string' && value.includes(options.arrayFormatSeparator); + var isEncodedArray = typeof value === 'string' && !isArray && decode(value, options).includes(options.arrayFormatSeparator); + value = isEncodedArray ? decode(value, options) : value; + var newValue = isArray || isEncodedArray ? value.split(options.arrayFormatSeparator).map(function(item) { + return decode(item, options); + }) : value === null ? value : decode(value, options); + accumulator[key] = newValue; + }; + } + case 'bracket-separator': + { + return function(key, value, accumulator) { + var isArray = /(\[])$/.test(key); + key = key.replace(/\[]$/, ''); + if (!isArray) { + accumulator[key] = value ? decode(value, options) : value; + return; + } + var arrayValue = value === null ? [] : value.split(options.arrayFormatSeparator).map(function(item) { + return decode(item, options); + }); + if (accumulator[key] === undefined) { + accumulator[key] = arrayValue; + return; + } + accumulator[key] = _to_consumable_array(accumulator[key]).concat(_to_consumable_array(arrayValue)); + }; + } + default: + { + return function(key, value, accumulator) { + if (accumulator[key] === undefined) { + accumulator[key] = value; + return; + } + accumulator[key] = _to_consumable_array([ + accumulator[key] + ].flat()).concat([ + value + ]); + }; + } + } +} +function validateArrayFormatSeparator(value) { + if (typeof value !== 'string' || value.length !== 1) { + throw new TypeError('arrayFormatSeparator must be single character string'); + } +} +function encode(value, options) { + if (options.encode) { + return options.strict ? strictUriEncode(value) : encodeURIComponent(value); + } + return value; +} +function decode(value, options) { + if (options.decode) { + return decodeUriComponent(value); + } + return value; +} +function keysSorter(input) { + if (Array.isArray(input)) { + return input.sort(); + } + if ((typeof input === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _type_of(input)) === 'object') { + return keysSorter(Object.keys(input)).sort(function(a, b) { + return Number(a) - Number(b); + }).map(function(key) { + return input[key]; + }); + } + return input; +} +function removeHash(input) { + var hashStart = input.indexOf('#'); + if (hashStart !== -1) { + input = input.slice(0, hashStart); + } + return input; +} +function getHash(url) { + var hash = ''; + var hashStart = url.indexOf('#'); + if (hashStart !== -1) { + hash = url.slice(hashStart); + } + return hash; +} +function parseValue(value, options, type) { + if (type === 'string' && typeof value === 'string') { + return value; + } + if (typeof type === 'function' && typeof value === 'string') { + return type(value); + } + if (options.parseBooleans && value !== null && (value.toLowerCase() === 'true' || value.toLowerCase() === 'false')) { + return value.toLowerCase() === 'true'; + } + if (type === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(Number(value)) && typeof value === 'string' && value.trim() !== '') { + return Number(value); + } + if (options.parseNumbers && !Number.isNaN(Number(value)) && typeof value === 'string' && value.trim() !== '') { + return Number(value); + } + return value; +} +function extract(input) { + input = removeHash(input); + var queryStart = input.indexOf('?'); + if (queryStart === -1) { + return ''; + } + return input.slice(queryStart + 1); +} +function parse(query, options) { + options = _extends({ + decode: true, + sort: true, + arrayFormat: 'none', + arrayFormatSeparator: ',', + parseNumbers: false, + parseBooleans: false, + types: Object.create(null) + }, options); + validateArrayFormatSeparator(options.arrayFormatSeparator); + var formatter = parserForArrayFormat(options); + // Create an object with no prototype + var returnValue = Object.create(null); + if (typeof query !== 'string') { + return returnValue; + } + query = query.trim().replace(/^[?#&]/, ''); + if (!query) { + return returnValue; + } + for(var _i = 0, _query_split = query.split('&'); _i < _query_split.length; _i++){ + var parameter = _query_split[_i]; + if (parameter === '') { + continue; + } + var parameter_ = options.decode ? parameter.replaceAll('+', ' ') : parameter; + var _splitOnFirst = _sliced_to_array(splitOnFirst(parameter_, '='), 2), key = _splitOnFirst[0], value = _splitOnFirst[1]; + if (key === undefined) { + key = parameter_; + } + // Missing `=` should be `null`: + // http://w3.org/TR/2012/WD-url-20120524/#collect-url-parameters + value = value === undefined ? null : [ + 'comma', + 'separator', + 'bracket-separator' + ].includes(options.arrayFormat) ? value : decode(value, options); + formatter(decode(key, options), value, returnValue); + } + for(var _i1 = 0, _Object_entries = Object.entries(returnValue); _i1 < _Object_entries.length; _i1++){ + var _Object_entries__i = _sliced_to_array(_Object_entries[_i1], 2), key1 = _Object_entries__i[0], value1 = _Object_entries__i[1]; + if ((typeof value1 === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _type_of(value1)) === 'object' && value1 !== null && options.types[key1] !== 'string') { + for(var _i2 = 0, _Object_entries1 = Object.entries(value1); _i2 < _Object_entries1.length; _i2++){ + var _Object_entries__i1 = _sliced_to_array(_Object_entries1[_i2], 2), key2 = _Object_entries__i1[0], value2 = _Object_entries__i1[1]; + var type = options.types[key1] ? options.types[key1].replace('[]', '') : undefined; + value1[key2] = parseValue(value2, options, type); + } + } else if ((typeof value1 === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _type_of(value1)) === 'object' && value1 !== null && options.types[key1] === 'string') { + returnValue[key1] = Object.values(value1).join(options.arrayFormatSeparator); + } else { + returnValue[key1] = parseValue(value1, options, options.types[key1]); + } + } + if (options.sort === false) { + return returnValue; + } + // TODO: Remove the use of `reduce`. + // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-reduce + return (options.sort === true ? Object.keys(returnValue).sort() : Object.keys(returnValue).sort(options.sort)).reduce(function(result, key) { + var value = returnValue[key]; + result[key] = Boolean(value) && (typeof value === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _type_of(value)) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) ? keysSorter(value) : value; + return result; + }, Object.create(null)); +} +function stringify(object, options) { + if (!object) { + return ''; + } + options = _extends({ + encode: true, + strict: true, + arrayFormat: 'none', + arrayFormatSeparator: ',' + }, options); + validateArrayFormatSeparator(options.arrayFormatSeparator); + var shouldFilter = function(key) { + return options.skipNull && isNullOrUndefined(object[key]) || options.skipEmptyString && object[key] === ''; + }; + var formatter = encoderForArrayFormat(options); + var objectCopy = {}; + for(var _i = 0, _Object_entries = Object.entries(object); _i < _Object_entries.length; _i++){ + var _Object_entries__i = _sliced_to_array(_Object_entries[_i], 2), key = _Object_entries__i[0], value = _Object_entries__i[1]; + if (!shouldFilter(key)) { + objectCopy[key] = value; + } + } + var keys = Object.keys(objectCopy); + if (options.sort !== false) { + keys.sort(options.sort); + } + return keys.map(function(key) { + var value = object[key]; + if (value === undefined) { + return ''; + } + if (value === null) { + return encode(key, options); + } + if (Array.isArray(value)) { + if (value.length === 0 && options.arrayFormat === 'bracket-separator') { + return encode(key, options) + '[]'; + } + return value.reduce(formatter(key), []).join('&'); + } + return encode(key, options) + '=' + encode(value, options); + }).filter(function(x) { + return x.length > 0; + }).join('&'); +} +function parseUrl(url, options) { + var _url__split; + options = _extends({ + decode: true + }, options); + var _splitOnFirst = _sliced_to_array(splitOnFirst(url, '#'), 2), url_ = _splitOnFirst[0], hash = _splitOnFirst[1]; + if (url_ === undefined) { + url_ = url; + } + var _url__split_; + return _extends({ + url: (_url__split_ = url_ == null ? void 0 : (_url__split = url_.split('?')) == null ? void 0 : _url__split[0]) != null ? _url__split_ : '', + query: parse(extract(url), options) + }, options && options.parseFragmentIdentifier && hash ? { + fragmentIdentifier: decode(hash, options) + } : {}); +} +function stringifyUrl(object, options) { + options = _extends(_define_property({ + encode: true, + strict: true + }, encodeFragmentIdentifier, true), options); + var url = removeHash(object.url).split('?')[0] || ''; + var queryFromUrl = extract(object.url); + var query = _extends({}, parse(queryFromUrl, { + sort: false + }), object.query); + var queryString = stringify(query, options); + queryString && (queryString = "?" + queryString); + var hash = getHash(object.url); + if (typeof object.fragmentIdentifier === 'string') { + var urlObjectForFragmentEncode = new URL(url); + urlObjectForFragmentEncode.hash = object.fragmentIdentifier; + hash = options[encodeFragmentIdentifier] ? urlObjectForFragmentEncode.hash : "#" + object.fragmentIdentifier; + } + return "" + url + queryString + hash; +} +function pick(input, filter, options) { + options = _extends(_define_property({ + parseFragmentIdentifier: true + }, encodeFragmentIdentifier, false), options); + var _parseUrl = parseUrl(input, options), url = _parseUrl.url, query = _parseUrl.query, fragmentIdentifier = _parseUrl.fragmentIdentifier; + return stringifyUrl({ + url: url, + query: includeKeys(query, filter), + fragmentIdentifier: fragmentIdentifier + }, options); +} +function exclude(input, filter, options) { + var exclusionFilter = Array.isArray(filter) ? function(key) { + return !filter.includes(key); + } : function(key, value) { + return !filter(key, value); + }; + return pick(input, exclusionFilter, options); +} + +var queryString = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ + __proto__: null, + exclude: exclude, + extract: extract, + parse: parse, + parseUrl: parseUrl, + pick: pick, + stringify: stringify, + stringifyUrl: stringifyUrl +}); + +export { queryString as default }; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index c172a09..11b20ec 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "type": "module", "exports": { "types": "./index.d.ts", - "default": "./index.js" + "default": "./dist/index.js" }, "sideEffects": false, "engines": { @@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ }, "scripts": { "benchmark": "node benchmark.js", - "test": "xo && ava && tsd" + "test": "xo && ava && tsd", + "build": "rollup -c rollup.config.js" }, "files": [ - "index.js", + "dist/index.js", "index.d.ts", "base.js", "base.d.ts" @@ -51,10 +52,13 @@ "split-on-first": "^3.0.0" }, "devDependencies": { + "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.2.3", + "@rollup/plugin-swc": "^0.3.1", "ava": "^6.1.1", "benchmark": "^2.1.4", "deep-equal": "^2.2.3", "fast-check": "^3.15.1", + "rollup": "^4.20.0", "tsd": "^0.30.7", "xo": "^0.57.0" }, diff --git a/rollup.config.js b/rollup.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79873ac --- /dev/null +++ b/rollup.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import {defineConfig} from 'rollup'; +import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; +import swc from '@rollup/plugin-swc'; + +const swcConfig = { + swc: { + env: { + target: 'es5', + }, + }, +}; +export default defineConfig({ + input: 'index.js', + output: { + file: 'dist/index.js', + format: 'esm', + }, + plugins: [ + resolve(), + swc(swcConfig), + ], +}); diff --git a/test/exclude.js b/test/exclude.js index d38d8e4..e911f80 100644 --- a/test/exclude.js +++ b/test/exclude.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('excludes elements in a URL with a filter array', t => { t.is(queryString.exclude('http://example.com/?a=1&b=2&c=3#a', ['c']), 'http://example.com/?a=1&b=2#a'); diff --git a/test/extract.js b/test/extract.js index eaf5e0b..c156b47 100644 --- a/test/extract.js +++ b/test/extract.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('extracts query string from url', t => { t.is(queryString.extract('https://foo.bar/?abc=def&hij=klm'), 'abc=def&hij=klm'); diff --git a/test/parse-url.js b/test/parse-url.js index 35f8ae4..523ab49 100644 --- a/test/parse-url.js +++ b/test/parse-url.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('handles strings with query string', t => { t.deepEqual(queryString.parseUrl('https://foo.bar#top?foo=bar'), {url: 'https://foo.bar', query: {}}); diff --git a/test/parse.js b/test/parse.js index 3409255..4962f73 100644 --- a/test/parse.js +++ b/test/parse.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('query strings starting with a `?`', t => { t.deepEqual(queryString.parse('?foo=bar'), {foo: 'bar'}); diff --git a/test/pick.js b/test/pick.js index 41dffa0..dce9b63 100644 --- a/test/pick.js +++ b/test/pick.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('picks elements in a URL with a filter array', t => { t.is(queryString.pick('http://example.com/?a=1&b=2&c=3#a', ['a', 'b']), 'http://example.com/?a=1&b=2#a'); diff --git a/test/properties.js b/test/properties.js index af2b435..67398c7 100644 --- a/test/properties.js +++ b/test/properties.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import deepEqual from 'deep-equal'; import fastCheck from 'fast-check'; import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; // Valid query parameters must follow: // - key can be any unicode string (not empty) diff --git a/test/stringify-url.js b/test/stringify-url.js index 706a272..e707b51 100644 --- a/test/stringify-url.js +++ b/test/stringify-url.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('stringify URL without a query string', t => { t.is(queryString.stringifyUrl({url: 'https://foo.bar/'}), 'https://foo.bar/'); diff --git a/test/stringify.js b/test/stringify.js index 0cbdb49..cbd1e72 100644 --- a/test/stringify.js +++ b/test/stringify.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import test from 'ava'; -import queryString from '../index.js'; +import queryString from '../dist/index.js'; test('stringify', t => { t.is(queryString.stringify({foo: 'bar'}), 'foo=bar');