All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.0-alpha.7 (2022-07-23)
- api: api standard response json (5df845f)
- api: ensure login expired relogin once (8909522)
- api: update avatar api (d3c58ad)
- code: login expired code (5d833f0)
- icons: add png icons (30b7f2c)
- icons: update icons (416c880)
- icons: update tabs icons (3214cb5)
- navigator: navigator components use (4d38632)
- pages: mine center activities icon (0759aeb)
- pages: subpackages page and config (2d7a726)
- store: declaring this in function (8b0c5ed)
- tabs: updata tabs (2b677be)
- utils: ensure avatar url (efebf41)
0.1.0-alpha.6 (2022-07-07)
- componenst: simple card component (40896d8)
- components: component XmActivities styles (0058c37)
- components: global components define (06950ce)
- components: registy component XmActivities (e160b53)
- components: wallet components (65d51b7)
- components: XmActivities component (b713fcd)
- components: XmActivities components (f79c60d)
- components: XmWallet component (66d3678)
- component: XmWallet component (5c356ab)
- componnets: update components (4d710f7)
- icons: use iconfont font icons (d745e51)
- macro: typescript config define macro (1ed72f8)
- nutui: nutui components (33b5d83)
- pages: add new shops bars list (b4cb5be)
- pages: center mine update (06e97ab)
- pages: mine center layout complete (d1064fd)
- pages: mine center use iconfont icons (d4688a1)
- pages: mine functional bars (4f83998)
- pages: mine pages developing (b99ff50)
- pages: page card area (e3aa126)
- pages: pages swiper components (a9e4642)
- pages: wallet (5ec6d30)
- pages: wallet card main (cd693a7)
- stylelint: stylelint about :global :local (d5ffbe3)
- types: dom.weixin.d.ts (47bb26f)
- types: GlobalComponents type definition (c2403fa)
0.1.0-alpha.5 (2022-07-02)
- compoents: import path modified (4dee0f9)
- components: html5 event in weixin (c764bb5)
- lint: stylelint check commit (8b8faaa)
- store: use pinia store more functional (2214ed9)
- style: fix stylelint error (7889a75)
0.1.0-alpha.4 (2022-07-01)
- api: the login api return token (94c2222)
- api: weixin user info api complete (67ff80e)
- app: adjust the app constructor (a5e5458)
- components: components (f1d87f3)
- components: defineComponent (f783e35)
- components: global components (0b4d1d3)
- components: global components register (8c008df)
- components: interface type (49b6ca9)
- components: load required components (eb5182e)
- components: upgrade global componnets (7f1d4bf)
- http: replace token name in header (f8fd30c)
- page: mine page (4cd525b)
- pages: mine center (21f6488)
- pages: mine center user info (2a43026)
- pages: mine pages with avatar (3b30850)
- pages: open data wx user profile (96b9b63)
- store: pinia store the auth (90c0489)
- app: fix App import error (efd4efc)
0.1.0-alpha.3 (2022-06-27)
- api: organize api (cf1e83d)
- http: response interceptor http code (4d82901)
- http: axios http service client (bf391cb)
- http: header interceptor (855bd9f)
- http: header token (8cec2b1)
- http: more http code definition (6f12afd)
- http: service http (220a9b3)
- http: taro interceptors (ef811ff)
- http: Taro 请求拦截器 (51081e2)
- login: login wx chain method (2a31bfb)
- page: about user (3708166)
- prettier: update prettier config (4c835f1)
- api: remove hideloading (dec9a34)
0.1.0-alpha.2 (2022-06-23)
- api: 使用局域网IP地址,方便在手机上也可以访问网络 (7306b56)
- api: 登录接口调试 (317e3d2)
- config: appid更新为测试号appid (866daea)
- http: construct wx http client (30e2a9a)
- icons: add new tabbar icons (873b1c3)
- interface: declare common interface (2641a00)
- login: debug login api (7dc2d8a)
- pages: add a new page functional center (d407e80)
0.1.0-alpha.1 (2022-06-04)
- icons: add tarba icons (63fb602)
- pages: add decrement button (c8b754f)
- pages: add new page min (253ea27)
- components: the component`s name props is must the used compoent name (f34e9ea)
- pages: div is not available in miniproress (9813293)
- docs: readme
- .vscode (9b64d88)
- commitizen (733700a)
- component: use taro components (28cefed)
- docs: add (d85ffaa)
- eslint ts检查相关插件依赖 (90830aa)
- eslint 同时支持vue和TS文件 (6fb3c89)
- eslint 集成prettier 规则 (8f2d772)
- format prettier (5f90def)
- format prettier (e02b454)
- format prettier (9b0995f)
- glob functionally (50b5e14)
- husky 配置 (45bf27b)
- taro 组件库使用: taro组件库使用 (2af5dc6)
- update (f44650a)
- update husky (f65ddfe)
- vue&ts同时兼具 - eslint配置 (1998fb9)
- 基本格式化 (25b0a6c)
- end_of_line style (37c89ea)