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Marc Cornellà edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 9 revisions

This page is meant to describe the most common problems with oh-my-zsh and what you can do to diagnose them:

Keyboard shortcut problems


bindkey '^L' clear-screen

Two main things could go wrong:

  1. The key sequence (^L in the example) does not match the key sequence being sent to the terminal:

    You can see the exact sequence a keyboard shortcut sents by pressing CTRL+V and then the keyboard shortcut.
    For example: CTRL+V, CTRL+L will output ^L (^ represents the Control key).

  2. The command executed (clear-screen in the example) has an error. In that case, post both the key binding and the definition of the command (if exists) like so:

    • key binding: bindkey '^[[1;6D'
      will print "^[[1;6D" insert-cycledleft

    • command definition: which insert-cycledleft
      will print insert-cycledleft () { ... }

      Notice that sometimes the command is a builtin zle widget and so the which command won't work. If that's the case, just post the key binding and we'll figure it out.

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