cm help
cm self-update
cm --version
cm init
cm get
cm update-deps
cm update
cm build-deps
cm build
cm ls
cm module
cm ref
cm analyzer
cm show-configs
cm check-deps
cm show-deps
cm usages
cm pack
cm status
Prints help for command
cm help <command-name>
cm <command-name> /?
cm <command-name> --help
cm help init
Updates cement itself (automatically updated every 5 hours)
cm self-update
Shows cement's version
cm --version
Inits current directory as 'cement tracked'
cm init
$HOME directory cannot be used with this command
Gets module with all deps
cm get [-f/-r/-p] [-v] [-m[=branch]] [-c <config-name>] module_name[/configuration][@treeish] [treeish]
cm get module_name@treeish/configuration
-c/--configuration gets deps for corresponding configuration
-f/--force forces local changes(not pulling from remote)
-r/--reset resets all local changes
-p/--pull-anyway tries to fast-forward pull if local changes are found
-m/--merged[=some_branch] checks if <some_branch> was merged into current dependency repo state.
checks for 'master' by default
-v/--verbose show commit info for deps
--git-depth <depth> adds '--depth <depth>' flag to git commands
cm get kanso/client@release -rv
cm get kanso -c client release -rv
Updates deps for current directory
cm update-deps [-f/-p/-r] [--bin] [-m] [-c <config-name>] [--allow-local-branch-force] [-v]
-c/--configuration updates deps for corresponding configuration
-f/--force forcing local changes(not pulling from remote)
-r/--reset resetting all local changes
-p/--pull-anyway try to fast-forward pull if local changes are found
-m/--merged[=some_branch] checks if <some_branch> was merged into current dependency repo state.
Checks for 'master' by default
--allow-local-branch-force allows forcing local-only branches
-v/--verbose show commit info for deps
--git-depth <depth> adds '--depth <depth>' flag to git commands
cm update-deps -r --progress
Updates module for current directory
cm update [-f/-r/-p] [-v] [treeish]
-f/--force forcing local changes(not pulling from remote)
-r/--reset resetting all local changes
-p/--pull-anyway try to fast-forward pull if local changes are found
-v/--verbose show commit info for deps
--git-depth <depth> adds '--depth <depth>' flag to git commands
This command runs 'update' ('git pull origin treeish') command for module
If treeish isn't specified, cement uses current
Performs build for current module dependencies
cm build-deps [-r|--rebuild] [-q|--quickly] [-v|--verbose|-w|--warnings] [-p|--progress] [-c|--configuration <config-name>]
-r/--rebuild - rebuild all deps (default skip module if it was already built,
according to its commit-hash)
-q/--quickly - build deps in parallel
-c/--configuration - build deps for corresponding configuration
-v/--verbose - show full msbuild output
-w/--warnings - show warnings
-p/--progress - show msbuild output in one line
--cleanBeforeBuild - delete all local changes if project's TargetFramework is 'netstandardXX'
Performs build for the current module
cm build [-v|--verbose|-w|-W|--warnings] [-p|--progress] [-c|--configuration <config-name>]
-c/--configuration - build corresponding configuration
-v/--verbose - show full msbuild output
-w/--warnings - show warnings
-W - show only obsolete warnings
-p/--progress - show msbuild output in one line
--cleanBeforeBuild - delete all local changes if project's TargetFramework is 'netstandardXX'
Lists all available modules
cm ls [-l|-a] [-b=<branch>] [-u] [-p]
-l/--local lists modules in current directory
-a/--all lists all cement-known modules (default)
-b/--has-branch<=branch> lists all modules which have such branch
--local key by default
-u/--url shows module fetch url
-p/--pushurl shows module pushurl
cm ls --all --has-branch=temp --url
Adds new or changes existing cement module
Don't delete old modules
cm module <add|change> module_name module_fetch_url [-p|--pushurl=module_push_url] [--package=package_name]
--pushurl - module push url
--package - name of repository with modules description, specify if multiple
Adds or fixes references in *.csproj
ref add
Adds module target reference assemblies to msbuild project file
cm ref add <module-name>[/configuration] <project-file>
cm ref add nunit myproj.csproj
Adds reference to nunit.framework.dll to myproj.csproj and adds nunit to 'module.yaml' file
ref fix
Fixes deps and references in all csproj files to correct install files
cm ref fix [-e]
-e/--external try to fix references to not cement modules or to current module
change <HintPath>..\..\props\libprops\bin\Release\4.0\Kontur.Core.dll</HintPath>
to <HintPath>..\..\core\bin\Release\Kontur.Core.dll</HintPath>
Adds analyzers in *.sln
analyzer add
Adds analyzer target reference assemblies to msbuild project files into solution
cm analyzer add <module-name>/[<configuration>] [<solution-file>]
cm analyzer add analyzers.async-code/warn
Adds analyzer from module analyzers.code-style to all projects
in current solution and adds analyzers.code-style to 'module.yaml' file
cm analyzer add analyzers.async-code mysolution.sln
Adds analyzer from module analyzers.code-style to all projects
in mysolution.sln and adds analyzers.code-style to 'module.yaml' file
Shows configurations of module
cm show-configs [<module_name>]
Checks deps in module.yaml and references in *.csproj
cm check-deps [-c configName]
-c/--configuration - check deps for specific configuration
-a/--all - show csproj names which has bad references
-s/--short - show only section with bad references
-e/--external - check references to not cement modules or to current module
Shows module deps in arbor.js
cm show-deps [-c <config-name>]
Performs operations with module usages
usages show
shows the modules linked to the given dependence
cm usages show [-m=<module>] [-c=<configuration>] [-b=<branch>] [-a]
-m/--module - module name (current module name by default)
-c/--configuration - configuration name (* by default)
-b/--branch - branch name (* by default)
-a/--all - show every branch of each parent
-e/--edges - prints graph in proper format
for graph visualizers(i.e.
cm usages show -m=logging
show the modules which linked to the logging/full-build master
usages build
tries get and build all modules (in masters) linked to the current
cm usages build [-b=<branch>] [-p]
-b/--branch - checking parents which use this branch (current by default)
-p/--pause - pause on errors
usages grep
search for given pattern in modules (in masters)
linked to the current (<branch>, master by default)
cm usages grep [-b=<branch>] [-i/--ignore-case] [-s/--skip-get] <patterns>
[-f <patternFile>] [-- <fileMask>]
-s/--skip-get - skip cloning modules
-f <patternFile> - search for patterns from file (line delimited)
<patterns> - patterns for search
<fileMasks> - limit the search to paths matching at least one pattern
patterns combined with --or by default, can be combined with --and (<p1> --and <p2>)
for other options see help for `git grep` command
cm usages grep "new Class" "Class.New" -- *.cs
show lines contains "new Class" or "Class.New" in modules linked to the current, only in *.cs files
Packs project to nuget package.
Replaces file references to package references in csproj file and runs 'dotnet pack' command.
Allows to publish nuget package to use outside of cement.
Searches cement deps in nuget by module name.
cm pack [-v|--verbose|-w|-W|--warnings] [-p|--progress] [-c configName] <project-file>
-c/--configuration - build package for specific configuration
-v/--verbose - show full msbuild output
-w/--warnings - show warnings
-W - show only obsolete warnings
-p/--progress - show msbuild output in one line
Prints status of modifed git repos in the cement tracked dir
It checks repo for push/pull and local state
cm status
Runs anywhere in the cement tracked tree