Information about the module is contained in module.yaml
Each module may consist of one or several configurations (for example, client configuration, configuration with server part, configuration including tests).
Each configuration may include the following sections:
- deps
- build
- install/artifacts
Configurations may be inherited to avoid repeating of dependencies information.
A module shall contain configuration full-build
, including all the others, if possible. It will be used while execution of the following commands cm get
and cm build
Optional configuration default
can contain default build and deps sections.
# configuration description section client
# list of dependencies of client configuration
# dependencies are listed in the following form: <moduleName>[@branchName][/configName]
# kanso – reference to kanso module
# kanso/client – reference to kanso in client configuration
# kanso@develop/client - kanso from develop branch in client configuration
# '@' and '/' marks in branch name should be shielded by '\'
- core
- log4net
- nunit
- logging
- http
- http.rp
- topology
# to prefer current branch in deps
# or use <moduleName>@$CURRENT_BRANCH to prefer current branch in some module;
# you can also choose any specific branch name in deps:
# - force: mybestbranch
# or provide a comma-separated list of preferred branches:
# - force: mybestbranch,notsogoodbranch,leastfavoritebranch
# master branch is always the default option if all forced branches are missing
# information on build of the present module in the present configuration
# build solution Kontur.Drive.sln in Client configuration
target: Kontur.Drive.sln
configuration: Client
# Information on results of the present configuration build
- bin/Kontur.Drive.Client.dll
- bin/Kontur.Drive.ServiceModel.dll
# For operation of Kontur.Drive.Client.dll you need a reference on logging module build
- module logging
# Or a reference on nuget bundle
- nuget Newtonsoft.Json/6.0.8
# Configuration sdk "expands" configuration client (> client)
# and is a configuration at default (*default) (it is used at referencing on this module)
sdk > client *default:
# in order to avoid repetition of dependencies lists
# deps from client are inherited here and you have no need to state them once again
- auth
- libfront
- zebra
- kanso
- upload-service
- access-control
- zebra-utils
- config
- zookeeper
# Section build is NOT inherited
target: Kontur.Drive.sln
configuration: Sdk
# Section install is inherited, so you need to add only missing binaries
- Kontur.Drive.TestHost/bin/Release/Kontur.Drive.TestHost.exe
- Kontur.Drive.TestHost/bin/Release/ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll
# DLL files that can be used by other modules,
# but are ignored while running cm ref add
- Kontur.Drive.TestHost/bin/Release/SomeOther.dll
# Configuration full-build expands client and sdk
full-build > client, sdk:
# So, you state diff on deps (in configuration full-build kanso/full-build is used.
# At first, we “delete” kanso from dependencies, then add kanso/full-build)
- -kanso
- kanso/full-build
target: Kontur.Drive.sln
configuration: Release
target: None
configuration: None
# A statement of build target
target: Solution.sln
# An assembling tool. msbuild - for MSBuild.exe at Windows and xbuild at *nix. dotnet - for new .NET Core
name: msbuild
# msbuild version, the latest at default
version: "14.0"
# set VS150COMNTOOLS=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\Tools\
# Solution configuration
configuration: Release
# You can state your parameters here. Default parameters are not used.
# Quotation marks in parameters are shielded by '\'.
# Default parameters for msbuild:
# /t:Rebuild /nodeReuse:false /maxcpucount /v:m /p:WarningLevel=0 /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 (if not stated)
parameters: "/p:WarningLevel=0"
- name: a.release # You shall name each part
target: a.sln
configuration: release
- name: b.debug
target: b.sln
configuration: debug
<Project xmlns="">
<Target Name="Rebuild">
<Exec Command="ping > 1.txt" />
target: build.xproj
configuration: Release
default: # Description in a default configuration
- myhooks/pre-push # A way to a hook in a repository
# will be copied to <module_name>/.git/hooks
# A hook inbuilt into pre-commit will check that files containing non-ASCII symbols have UTF-8 with BOM coding
- pre-commit.cement
full-build *default: # Other module configurations
If there is a hook in a present branch, then it is not deleted when you switch to another branch. If you want to use your hook with pre-commit.cement, just add its call-out into your hook
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
In case it is undesirable to have specific configuration being automatically updated with cm ref add
/cm ref fix
commands, it is possible to mark such a section with unmanaged-deps
unmanaged-deps: true
- mylib