Released on the App Store 2021/10/04
- Sort tracks in the widget by the in-app sort order as opposed to the order they are selected in (3fda8c7)
Released on the App Store 2021/07/17
- Fix issue with new tracks not showing in the tracks list (e381324)
- Widgets!
- There are now 3 sizes of customizable widgets for your Home Screen or Today View.
- Fix laggy ticking
- Ticking days should now happen immediately when tapped
- Fix text wrap issue on "Yesterday" text on larger Dynamic Type sizes (#48)
- Add a basic launch screen (#49)
- Add version and build numbers in settings (#52)
- Fix layout of tracks row when large number of tracks exist (#54)
- 2021/06/23 on GitHub
- 2021/07/09 on the App Store
- Track groups
- In-app purchase that allows you to group tracks together and swipe between groups on the main screen