The theme sources files are located in public.
Laravle users see
The original source files to run Tailwind has been included to enable you to run the same setup.
To run the source files follow these steps:
- Download or clone this repo, moving into the root and install NPM
npm install
Watch the html files as you make changes. You can install NPM Live-Server to watch for changes in html files and auto reload the pages.
to install Live Server globally:
npm install -g live-server
Then to run and watch the public folder:
live-server public
For production the stylesheet will need to be perged of all unused CSS classes.
To do this open postcss.config.js then uncomment:
content: [
defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || []
To it looks like this:
content: [
defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || []
Then install NPM if you haven't already by running
npm install
Next recompile the styles.css by running
npm run build
this will then remove all unused styles from tailwind into the public/css/tailwind.css file.
This should only be done for deployment.