go-slalom demonstrates how to create a basic service to run in kubernetes. The service includes the following:
- handles interrupts expected from kubernetes
- basic liveness and readiness end-points
- endpoints for enabling/disabling readiness and liveness endpoints
- endpoint for basic service information
First lets clone and build go-slalom locally
# tell go to use modules (still opt-in feature)
export GO111MODULE=on
# create a directory to checkout to
mkdir /tmp/slalom
cd /tmp/slalom
# clone go-slalom and cd to it
git clone git@github.com:slalom/go-slalom.git
cd go-slalom
# build
go build
go-slalom includes a basic cli built using cobra. It is common in go to build a cli for starting a service and/or administering the service. Lets check it out
# run to see cli help message
./go-slalom help
Notice that go-slalom main
just calls cmd.Execute()
func main() {
The package cmd
contains the commands. The file root.go
implements the root command and the other files implement
sub commands. corba provides a clean cli.
One of the cli commands is start
. Run it to start ther server
./go-slalom start
You should see logging similar to below.
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting server...","service":"api","time":"2019-05-09T13:22:03-07:00"}
In a separate console run curl localhost:8008/version
. You should see similar output
"commit": "unknown",
"version": "0.0.1"
The start
command (in cmd package) calls
See pkg/api/server.go
. It does the following:
- creates a signal handler to handle interrupts
- registers handler functions
- create and run the server in background using a goroutine
- enable probes to tell kubernetes it is ready for traffic
- wait for an interrupt
- disable probes to tell kubernetes it is unavailable
- gracefully shutdown server