diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 5548ef4bb..43bf0391f 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- improvement: Allow the admin to update payment method only the overdue subscription item without cancel PayZen subscription
- improvement: add payment transfer/check to accounting settings
+- updates translations
## v6.3.11 2024 February 2
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.de.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.de.yml
index ef91ed4c3..f887adb28 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.de.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ de:
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@ de:
date: "Datum"
title: "Zahlungsmittel aktualisieren"
- update_info: "Bitte geben Sie unten das neue Zahlungsmittel an, damit der Zahlungszeitplan fortgesetzt werden kann."
+ update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule."
select_payment_mean: "Neues Zahlungsmittel auswählen"
method_Transfer: "Per Banküberweisung"
method_Check: "Per Scheck"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.es-MX.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.es-MX.yml
index 0a1cdf607..f9537dd5f 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.es-MX.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.es-MX.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ es-MX:
card: "Pagos con tarjeta"
wallet_debit: "Pagos con cartera virtual"
other: "Otros medios de pago"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Crédito de cartera virtual"
sales: "Ventas"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@ es-MX:
date: "Fecha"
title: "Actualizar el medio de pago"
- update_info: "Por favor, especifique a continuación el nuevo medio de pago para que este calendario de pagos continúe."
+ update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule."
select_payment_mean: "Seleccione un nuevo medio de pago"
method_Transfer: "Por transferencia bancaria"
method_Check: "Por cheque"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml
index 11d4ce82f..6fcbdf1f2 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ es:
card: "Pagos con tarjeta"
wallet_debit: "Pagos con cartera virtual"
other: "Otros medios de pago"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Crédito de cartera virtual"
sales: "Ventas"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@ es:
date: "Fecha"
title: "Actualizar el medio de pago"
- update_info: "Por favor, especifique a continuación el nuevo medio de pago para que este calendario de pagos continúe."
+ update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule."
select_payment_mean: "Seleccione un nuevo medio de pago"
method_Transfer: "Por transferencia bancaria"
method_Check: "Por cheque"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml
index abaff8a61..8447dd0cb 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ fr:
card: "Paiements par carte"
wallet_debit: "Paiements par porte-monnaie virtuel"
other: "Autres moyens de paiement"
+ transfer: "Paiements par virement"
+ check: "Paiements par chèque"
wallet_credit: "Crédit du porte-monnaie virtuel"
sales: "Ventes"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@ fr:
date: "Date"
title: "Mettre à jour le moyen de paiement"
- update_info: "Veuillez indiquer ci-dessous le nouveau moyen de paiement pour que cet échéancier de paiement puisse continuer."
+ update_info: "Veuillez indiquer ci-dessous le moyen de paiement pour mettre à jour cette échéance."
select_payment_mean: "Sélectionner un nouveau moyen de paiement"
method_Transfer: "Par virement bancaire"
method_Check: "Par chèques"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.it.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.it.yml
index 3699cd582..bb49b0859 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.it.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ it:
card: "Pagamenti con carta"
wallet_debit: "Pagamenti del portafoglio virtuale"
other: "Altri mezzi di pagamento"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Credito portafoglio virtuale"
sales: "Vendite"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@ it:
date: "Data"
title: "Aggiorna il metodo di pagamento"
- update_info: "Si prega di specificare di seguito il nuovo mezzo di pagamento per questo programma di pagamenti per continuare."
+ update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule."
select_payment_mean: "Selezionare un nuovo metodo di pagamento"
method_Transfer: "Con bonifico bancario"
method_Check: "Con assegno"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml
index 317f2ebc2..b6d2e9fda 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@
date: "Dato"
title: "Update the payment mean"
- update_info: "Please specify below the new payment mean for this payment schedule to continue."
+ update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule."
select_payment_mean: "Select a new payment mean"
method_Transfer: "By bank transfer"
method_Check: "By check"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml
index badb74982..2e2ad24c9 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ pt:
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
@@ -1147,7 +1149,7 @@ pt:
date: "Data"
title: "Atualizar o método de pagamento"
- update_info: "Por favor especifique abaixo o novo método de pagamento para este calendário de pagamentos continuar."
+ update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule."
select_payment_mean: "Selecione um novo método de pagamento"
method_Transfer: "Por transferência bancária"
method_Check: "Por cheque"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.sv.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.sv.yml
index 5021b1183..c24e89186 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.sv.yml
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ sv:
card: "Kortbetalningar"
wallet_debit: "Virtuella plånboksbetalningar"
other: "Andra betalningsmetoder"
+ transfer: "Transfer"
+ check: "Check"
wallet_credit: "Virtuell plånbokskredit"
VAT: "Moms"
sales: "Försäljning"
@@ -519,33 +521,33 @@ sv:
edition_of_the_description_tooltip: "Upplagan av beskrivningens verktygstips"
describe_the_training_in_a_few_words: "Beskriv utbildningen med några ord."
description_is_limited_to_255_characters: "Beskrivningen är begränsad till 255 tecken."
- description_was_successfully_saved: "Description was successfully saved."
- training_successfully_deleted: "Training successfully deleted."
- unable_to_delete_the_training_because_some_users_already_booked_it: "Unable to delete the training because some users already booked it."
- confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
- do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Do you really want to delete this training?"
+ description_was_successfully_saved: "Beskrivningen har sparats."
+ training_successfully_deleted: "Utbildningen har tagits bort."
+ unable_to_delete_the_training_because_some_users_already_booked_it: "Det går inte att ta bort utbildningen eftersom användare redan bokat den."
+ confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs"
+ do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Vill du verkligen ta bort den här utbildningen?"
filter_status: "Filter:"
- status_enabled: "Enabled"
- status_disabled: "Disabled"
- status_all: "All"
- trainings_settings: "Settings"
+ status_enabled: "Aktiverad"
+ status_disabled: "Inaktiverad"
+ status_all: "Alla"
+ trainings_settings: "Inställningar"
#create a new training
- add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
+ add_a_new_training: "Lägg till en ny utbildning"
- title: "Settings"
- automatic_cancellation: "Trainings automatic cancellation"
- automatic_cancellation_info: "Minimum number of participants required to maintain a session. You will be notified if a session is cancelled. Credit notes and refunds will be automatic if the wallet is enabled. Otherwise you will have to do it manually."
- automatic_cancellation_switch: "Activate automatic cancellation for all the trainings"
- automatic_cancellation_threshold: "Minimum number of registrations to maintain a session"
- must_be_positive: "You must specify a number above or equal to 0"
- automatic_cancellation_deadline: "Deadline, in hours, before automatic cancellation"
- must_be_above_zero: "You must specify a number above or equal to 1"
- authorization_validity: "Authorisations validity period"
- authorization_validity_info: "Define a validity period for all training authorisations. After this period, the authorisation will lapse"
- authorization_validity_switch: "Activate an authorization validity period"
- authorization_validity_period: "Validity period in months"
- validation_rule: "Authorisations cancellation rule"
+ title: "Inställningar"
+ automatic_cancellation: "Automatisk avbokning av utbildningar"
+ automatic_cancellation_info: "Minst antal deltagare som krävs för att ett tillfälle ska bli av. Du kommer att meddelas om ett tillfälle ställs in. Kreditnotor och återbetalningar kommer att skapas automatiskt om plånboken är aktiverad. Annars måste du göra det manuellt."
+ automatic_cancellation_switch: "Aktivera automatisk avbokning för alla utbildningar"
+ automatic_cancellation_threshold: "Minsta antal bokningar för att ett tillfälle ska bli av"
+ must_be_positive: "Du måste ange ett nummer över eller lika med 0"
+ automatic_cancellation_deadline: "Deadline, i timmar, före automatisk annullering"
+ must_be_above_zero: "Du måste ange ett nummer över eller lika med 1"
+ authorization_validity: "Giltighetstid för tillstånd"
+ authorization_validity_info: "Definiera en giltighetstid för alla utbildningstillstånd. Efter denna period kommer behörigheten att upphöra"
+ authorization_validity_switch: "Aktivera en giltighetsperiod för auktorisering"
+ authorization_validity_period: "Giltighetstid i månader"
+ validation_rule: "Auktorisering annuleras enligt"
validation_rule_info: "Definiera en regel som upphäver ett tillstånd om utrustningen i samband med utbildningen inte är bokade för en viss tidsperiod. Denna regel råder över giltighetstiden för tillstånd."
validation_rule_switch: "Aktivera valideringsregeln"
validation_rule_period: "Tidsgräns i månader"
@@ -599,63 +601,63 @@ sv:
add_a_price_category: "Lägg till priskategori"
usages_count: "Användningar"
price_category: "Priskategori"
- category_name: "Category's name"
+ category_name: "Kategorins namn"
category_name_is_required: "Kategorins namn är obligatoriskt."
enter_here_the_conditions_under_which_this_price_is_applicable: "Ange här de villkor under vilka detta pris är tillämpligt"
conditions_are_required: "Förutsättningar krävs."
- price_category_successfully_created: "Price category successfully created."
- unable_to_add_the_price_category_check_name_already_used: "Unable to add the price category, check that the name is not already used."
- unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh: "An unexpected error occurred, please refresh the page."
- price_category_successfully_updated: "Price category successfully updated."
- unable_to_update_the_price_category: "Unable to update the price category."
- unable_to_delete_this_price_category_because_it_is_already_used: "Unable to delete this price category because it is already used."
- do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "Do you really want to delete this price category?"
- price_category_successfully_deleted: "Price category successfully deleted."
- price_category_deletion_failed: "Price category deletion failed."
- types: "Types"
+ price_category_successfully_created: "Priskategorin har skapats."
+ unable_to_add_the_price_category_check_name_already_used: "Det går inte att lägga till priskategorin, kontrollera att namnet inte redan används."
+ unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh: "Ett oväntat fel uppstod, vänligen uppdatera sidan."
+ price_category_successfully_updated: "Priskategorin har uppdaterats."
+ unable_to_update_the_price_category: "Det går inte att uppdatera priskategorin."
+ unable_to_delete_this_price_category_because_it_is_already_used: "Det går inte att ta bort denna priskategori eftersom den redan används."
+ do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna priskategori?"
+ price_category_successfully_deleted: "Priskategorin har tagits bort."
+ price_category_deletion_failed: "Priskategorin raderades inte."
+ types: "Typer"
standard: "Standard"
- family: "Reserved for members"
- nominative: "Nominative"
- pre_registration: "Pre-registration"
- NUMBER_pre_registered: " {NUMBER} pre-registered"
+ family: "Reserverat för Medlemmar"
+ nominative: "Namngivet"
+ pre_registration: "Föranmälan"
+ NUMBER_pre_registered: " {NUMBER} förregistrerad"
#add a new event
- add_an_event: "Add an event"
- none: "None"
- every_days: "Every days"
- every_week: "Every week"
- every_month: "Every month"
- every_year: "Every year"
+ add_an_event: "Lägg till ett evenemang"
+ none: "Inget"
+ every_days: "Varje dag"
+ every_week: "Varje vecka"
+ every_month: "Varje månad"
+ every_year: "Varje år"
#edit an existing event
- edit_the_event: "Edit the event"
- confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
- edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
- edit_this_event: "Only this event"
+ edit_the_event: "Redigera evenemanget"
+ confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs"
+ edit_recurring_event: "Du håller på att uppdatera ett återkommande evenemang. Vad vill du uppdatera?"
+ edit_this_event: "Bara detta evenemang"
edit_this_and_next: "Detta evenemang samt framtida"
edit_all: "Alla evenemang"
date_wont_change: "Varning: du har ändrat evenemangsdatumet. Denna ändring kommer inte att spridas till andra tillfällen av det återkommande evenemanget."
event_successfully_updated: "Evenemanget är uppdaterat."
events_updated: "Evenemanget och {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{en annan} other{{COUNT} andra}}har uppdaterats"
unable_to_update_the_event: "Det gick inte att uppdatera evenemanget"
- events_not_updated: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not updated} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}."
- error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to delete the requested price because it is associated with some reservations"
- other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
+ events_not_updated: "Av {TOTAL} evenemang har {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{ett inte uppdaterats} other{{COUNT} inte tagits bort}}."
+ error_deleting_reserved_price: "Det går inte att ta bort det begärda priset eftersom det är associerat med vissa bokningar"
+ other_error: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade när evenemanget uppdaterades"
#event reservations list
- the_reservations: "Reservations:"
- user: "User"
- payment_date: "Payment date"
- full_price_: "Full price:"
- reserved_tickets: "Reserved tickets"
- show_the_event: "Show the event"
- no_reservations_for_now: "No reservation for now."
- back_to_monitoring: "Back to monitoring"
- canceled: "Canceled"
- date: "Date"
- booked_by: "Booked by"
- reservations: "Reservations"
+ the_reservations: "Bokningar:"
+ user: "Användare"
+ payment_date: "Betalningsdatum"
+ full_price_: "Ordinarie pris:"
+ reserved_tickets: "Reserverade biljetter"
+ show_the_event: "Visa evenemanget"
+ no_reservations_for_now: "Ingen bokning för tillfället."
+ back_to_monitoring: "Tillbaka till övervakning"
+ canceled: "Avbruten"
+ date: "Datum"
+ booked_by: "Bokad av"
+ reservations: "Bokningar"
status: "Status"
gestion: "Förvaltning"
validation: "Godkännande"
@@ -710,56 +712,56 @@ sv:
group: "Grupp"
category: "Kategori"
prominence: "Prominens"
- price: "Price"
- machine_hours: "Machine slots"
- prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.
For example, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged {PRICE}."
- you_can_override: "You can override this duration for each availability you create in the agenda. The price will then be adjusted accordingly."
- machines: "Machines"
- credits: "Credits"
- subscription: "Subscription"
- related_trainings: "Related trainings"
- add_a_machine_credit: "Add a machine credit"
- machine: "Machine"
- hours: "Slots (default {DURATION} minutes)"
- related_subscriptions: "Related subscriptions"
- please_specify_a_number: "Please specify a number."
- none: "None" #grammar concordance with training.
- an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "An error occurred while saving the number of credits."
- an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "An error occurred while deleting credit with the {TRAINING}."
- an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "An error occurred: unable to find the credit to revoke."
- an_error_occurred_while_creating_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "An error occurred while creating credit with the {TRAINING}."
- not_set: "Not set"
- error_a_credit_linking_this_machine_with_that_subscription_already_exists: "Error: a credit linking this machine with that subscription already exists."
- changes_have_been_successfully_saved: "Changes have been successfully saved."
- credit_was_successfully_saved: "Credit was successfully saved."
- error_creating_credit: "Unable to create credit, an error occurred"
- do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_subscription_plan: "Do you really want to delete this subscription plan?"
- subscription_plan_was_successfully_deleted: "Subscription plan was successfully deleted."
- unable_to_delete_the_specified_subscription_an_error_occurred: "Unable to delete the specified subscription, an error occurred."
- coupons: "Coupons"
- list_of_the_coupons: "List of the coupons"
- discount: "Discount"
- nb_of_usages: "Number of usages"
+ price: "Pris"
+ machine_hours: "Utrustning"
+ prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "Alla priser beräknas automatiskt baserat på den timtaxa som anges här.
Till exempel, om du definierar en timtaxa på {RATE}: kommer en plats på {DURATION} minuter, att debiteras {PRICE}."
+ you_can_override: "Du kan åsidosätta denna varaktighet för varje tillgänglighet du skapar på agendan. Priset kommer då att justeras därefter."
+ machines: "Utrustning"
+ credits: "Krediter"
+ subscription: "Prenumeration"
+ related_trainings: "Relaterade utbildningar"
+ add_a_machine_credit: "Lägg till en utrustningskredit"
+ machine: "Utrustning"
+ hours: "Plats (standard {DURATION} minuter)"
+ related_subscriptions: "Relaterade prenumerationer"
+ please_specify_a_number: "Ange ett nummer."
+ none: "Inget" #grammar concordance with training.
+ an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "Ett fel inträffade när antalet krediter skulle sparas."
+ an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Ett fel inträffade vid borttagning av kredit med {TRAINING}."
+ an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "Ett fel uppstod: kan inte hitta krediten att återkalla."
+ an_error_occurred_while_creating_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Ett fel inträffade när krediten skulle skapas med {TRAINING}."
+ not_set: "Har inte angetts"
+ error_a_credit_linking_this_machine_with_that_subscription_already_exists: "Fel: en kredit som länkar denna utrustning med prenumerationen finns redan."
+ changes_have_been_successfully_saved: "Ändringarna har sparats."
+ credit_was_successfully_saved: "Krediten har sparats."
+ error_creating_credit: "Det gick inte att skapa kredit, ett fel uppstod"
+ do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_subscription_plan: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna prenumerationsplan?"
+ subscription_plan_was_successfully_deleted: "Prenumerationsplanen har tagits bort."
+ unable_to_delete_the_specified_subscription_an_error_occurred: "Det gick inte att ta bort den angivna prenumerationen, ett fel inträffade."
+ coupons: "Rabattkuponger"
+ list_of_the_coupons: "Lista över rabattkuponger"
+ discount: "Rabatt"
+ nb_of_usages: "Antal användningsområden"
status: "Status"
- add_a_new_coupon: "Add a new coupon"
- display_more_coupons: "Display the next coupons"
- disabled: "Disabled"
- expired: "Expired"
- sold_out: "Sold out"
- active: "Active"
- all: "Display all"
- confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
- do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_coupon: "Do you really want to delete this coupon?"
- coupon_was_successfully_deleted: "Coupon was successfully deleted."
- unable_to_delete_the_specified_coupon_already_in_use: "Unable to delete the specified coupon: it is already used with some invoices and/or some payment schedules."
- unable_to_delete_the_specified_coupon_an_unexpected_error_occurred: "Unable to delete the specified coupon: an unexpected error occurred."
- send_a_coupon: "Send a coupon"
- coupon: "Coupon"
- usages: "Usages"
- unlimited: "Unlimited"
- coupon_successfully_sent_to_USER: "Coupon successfully sent to {USER}"
- an_error_occurred_unable_to_send_the_coupon: "An unexpected error prevent from sending the coupon."
- code: "Code"
+ add_a_new_coupon: "Lägg till en ny kupong"
+ display_more_coupons: "Visa nästa kupong"
+ disabled: "Inaktiverad"
+ expired: "Utgått"
+ sold_out: "Slutsåld"
+ active: "Aktiv"
+ all: "Visa allt"
+ confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs"
+ do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_coupon: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna kupong?"
+ coupon_was_successfully_deleted: "Kupongen har tagits bort."
+ unable_to_delete_the_specified_coupon_already_in_use: "Det går inte att ta bort den angivna kupongen: den används redan med vissa fakturor och/eller vissa betalningsscheman."
+ unable_to_delete_the_specified_coupon_an_unexpected_error_occurred: "Det går inte att ta bort den angivna kupongen: ett oväntat fel inträffade."
+ send_a_coupon: "Skicka en kupong"
+ coupon: "Rabattkupong"
+ usages: "Användningsområden"
+ unlimited: "Obegränsat"
+ coupon_successfully_sent_to_USER: "Kupongen har skickats till {USER}"
+ an_error_occurred_unable_to_send_the_coupon: "Ett oväntat fel förhindrar att kupongen skickas."
+ code: "Kod"
enabled: "Aktiverad"
validity_per_user: "Giltighet per användare"
once: "Bara en gång"
@@ -819,76 +821,76 @@ sv:
create_pack: "Skapa detta paket"
pack_successfully_created: "Det nya förbetalda paketet har skapats."
- new_extended_price: "New extended price"
- new_extended_price_info: "Extended prices allows you to define prices based on custom durations, instead of the default hourly rates."
- create_extended_price: "Create extended price"
- extended_price_successfully_created: "The new extended price was successfully created."
+ new_extended_price: "Nytt utökat pris"
+ new_extended_price_info: "Utökade priser gör att du kan definiera priser baserat på anpassade varaktigheter, i stället för standard timpriser."
+ create_extended_price: "Nytt utökat pris"
+ extended_price_successfully_created: "Det nya utökade priset har skapats."
- extended_price_deleted: "The extended price was successfully deleted."
- unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the extended price: "
- delete_extended_price: "Delete the extended price"
- confirm_delete: "Delete"
- delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this extended price?"
+ extended_price_deleted: "Det utökade priset har tagits bort."
+ unable_to_delete: "Kan inte ta bort det utökade priset: "
+ delete_extended_price: "Ta bort det utökade priset"
+ confirm_delete: "Ta bort"
+ delete_confirmation: "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta utökade pris?"
- edit_extended_price: "Edit the extended price"
- confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
- extended_price_successfully_updated: "The extended price was successfully updated."
+ edit_extended_price: "Redigera det utökade priset"
+ confirm_changes: "Bekräfta ändringar"
+ extended_price_successfully_updated: "Det utökade priset har uppdaterats."
- manage_plans_categories: "Manage plans' categories"
+ manage_plans_categories: "Hantera plankategorier"
- categories_list: "List of the plan's categories"
- no_categories: "No categories"
- name: "Name"
- description: "Description"
- significance: "Significance"
+ categories_list: "Lista över plankategorier"
+ no_categories: "Inga kategorier"
+ name: "Namn"
+ description: "Beskrivning"
+ significance: "Signifikans"
- create: "New category"
- update: "Edit the category"
+ create: "Ny kategori"
+ update: "Redigera kategori"
- name: "Name"
- description: "Description"
- significance: "Significance"
- info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
+ name: "Namn"
+ description: "Beskrivning"
+ significance: "Signifikans"
+ info: "Kategorier kommer att visas efter signifikans. Ju högre signifikans du anger, desto tidigare kommer kategorin att visas."
- title: "New category"
- cta: "Create the category"
- success: "The new category was successfully created"
- error: "Unable to create the category: "
+ title: "Ny kategori"
+ cta: "Redigera kategori"
+ success: "Den nya kategorin har skapats"
+ error: "Det går inte att skapa kategori: "
- title: "Edit the category"
- cta: "Validate"
- success: "The category was successfully updated"
- error: "Unable to update the category: "
+ title: "Redigera kategori"
+ cta: "Bekräfta"
+ success: "Kategorin har uppdaterats"
+ error: "Det går inte att uppdatera kategorin: "
- title: "Delete a category"
- confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
- cta: "Delete"
- success: "The category was successfully deleted"
- error: "Unable to delete the category: "
+ title: "Ta bort en kategori"
+ confirm: "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna kategori? Om du gör det kommer planerna som är kopplade till denna kategori inte att sorteras längre."
+ cta: "Ta bort"
+ success: "Kategorin har tagits bort"
+ error: "Det går inte att ta bort kategorin: "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
- add_a_coupon: "Add a coupon"
- unable_to_create_the_coupon_check_code_already_used: "Unable to create the coupon. Please check that the code is not already used."
+ add_a_coupon: "Lägg till kupong"
+ unable_to_create_the_coupon_check_code_already_used: "Det gick inte att skapa kupongen. Kontrollera att koden inte redan används."
#mettre à jour un code promotionnel
- coupon: "Coupon:"
- unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "Unable to update the coupon: an error occurred."
+ coupon: "Rabattkupong:"
+ unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "Det gick inte att uppdatera kupongen: ett fel inträffade."
#add a subscription plan on the platform
- add_a_subscription_plan: "Add a subscription plan"
+ add_a_subscription_plan: "Lägg till en prenumerationsplan"
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
- subscription_plan: "Subscription plan:"
+ subscription_plan: "Prenumerationsplan:"
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
- invoices: "Invoices"
- accounting_periods: "Accounting periods"
- invoices_list: "Invoices list"
- filter_invoices: "Filter invoices"
- operator_: "Operator:"
- invoice_num_: "Invoice #:"
- customer_: "Customer:"
+ invoices: "Fakturor"
+ accounting_periods: "Redovisningsperioder"
+ invoices_list: "Lista med fakturor"
+ filter_invoices: "Filtrera fakturor"
+ operator_: "Operatör:"
+ invoice_num_: "Fakturanr:"
+ customer_: "Kund:"
date_: "Datum:"
invoice_num: "Fakturanr"
date: "Datum"
@@ -939,56 +941,56 @@ sv:
refund: "Återbetala"
payment_schedule: "Betalningsschema"
model: "Modell"
- documentation: "Documentation"
- 2_digits_year: "2 digits year (eg. 70)"
- 4_digits_year: "4 digits year (eg. 1970)"
- month_number: "Month number (eg. 1)"
- 2_digits_month_number: "2 digits month number (eg. 01)"
- 3_characters_month_name: "3 characters month name (eg. JAN)"
- day_in_the_month: "Day in the month (eg. 1)"
- 2_digits_day_in_the_month: "2 digits in the month (eg. 01)"
- n_digits_daily_count_of_invoices: "(n) digits, daily count of invoices (eg. ddd => 002 : 2nd invoice of the day)"
- n_digits_monthly_count_of_invoices: "(n) digits, monthly count of invoices (eg. mmmm => 0012 : 12th invoice of the month)"
- n_digits_annual_amount_of_invoices: "(n) digits, annual count of invoices (ex. yyyyyy => 000008 : 8th invoice of this year)"
- beware_if_the_number_exceed_the_specified_length_it_will_be_truncated_by_the_left: "Beware: if the number exceed the specified length, it will be truncated by the left."
- n_digits_count_of_orders: "(n) digits, count of invoices (eg. nnnn => 0327 : 327th order)"
- n_digits_daily_count_of_orders: "(n) digits, daily count of orders (eg. ddd => 002 : 2nd order of the day)"
- n_digits_monthly_count_of_orders: "(n) digits, monthly count of orders (eg. mmmm => 0012 : 12th order of the month)"
- n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "(n) digits, annual count of orders (ex. yyyyyy => 000008 : 8th order of this year)"
- add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Add a notice regarding the online sales, only if the invoice is concerned."
- this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "This will never be added when a refund notice is present."
- eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(eg. X[/VL] will add "/VL" to the invoices settled by online card)'
- add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Add a notice regarding refunds, only if the invoice is concerned."
- this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "This will never be added when an online sales notice is present."
- eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: '(eg. R[/A] will add "/A" to the refund invoices)'
- add_a_notice_regarding_payment_schedule: "Add a notice regarding the payment schedules, only for concerned documents."
- this_will_never_be_added_with_other_notices: "This will never be added when any other notice is present."
- eg_SE_to_schedules: '(eg. S[/E] will add "/E" to the payment schedules)'
- code: "Code"
- enable_the_code: "Enable the code"
- enabled: "Enabled"
- disabled: "Disabled"
- order_number: "Order number"
- elements: "Elements"
- VAT: "VAT"
- enable_VAT: "Enable VAT"
- VAT_rate: "VAT rate"
- VAT_history: "VAT rates history"
- VAT_notice: "This parameter configures the general case of the VAT rate and applies to everything sold by the Fablab. It is possible to override this parameter by setting a specific VAT rate for each object."
- edit_multi_VAT_button: "More options"
- multiVAT: "Advanced VAT"
- multi_VAT_notice: "Please note: The current general rate is {RATE}%. Here you can define different VAT rates for each category.
For example, you can override this value, only for machine reservations, by filling in the corresponding field below. If no value is filled in, the general rate will apply."
- VAT_rate_machine: "Machine reservation"
- VAT_rate_space: "Space reservation"
- VAT_rate_training: "Training reservation"
- VAT_rate_event: "Event reservation"
- VAT_rate_subscription: "Subscription"
- VAT_rate_product: "Products (store)"
- changed_at: "Changed at"
- changed_by: "By"
- deleted_user: "Deleted user"
- refund_invoice_successfully_created: "Refund invoice successfully created."
- create_a_refund_on_this_invoice: "Create a refund on this invoice"
+ documentation: "Dokumentation"
+ 2_digits_year: "Årtal i två positioner (t. ex. 70)"
+ 4_digits_year: "Årtal i fyra positioner (t. ex. 1970)"
+ month_number: "Månadsnummer (t. ex. 1)"
+ 2_digits_month_number: "2 siffrors månadsnummer (t. ex. 01)"
+ 3_characters_month_name: "3 teckens månadsnamn (t. ex. JAN)"
+ day_in_the_month: "Dag i månaden (t. ex. 1)"
+ 2_digits_day_in_the_month: "2 siffror i månaden (t. ex. 01)"
+ n_digits_daily_count_of_invoices: "(n) siffror, daglig räkning av fakturor (t. ex. ddd => 002 : Andra fakturan för dagen)"
+ n_digits_monthly_count_of_invoices: "(n) siffror, månadsantal fakturor (t. ex. mmmm => 0012 : 12: e faktura i månaden)"
+ n_digits_annual_amount_of_invoices: "(n) siffror, årligt antal fakturor (t. ex. yyyyyy => 000008 : 8: e fakturan för detta år)"
+ beware_if_the_number_exceed_the_specified_length_it_will_be_truncated_by_the_left: "Observera: om antalet överskrider den angivna längden, kommer det att trunkeras till vänster."
+ n_digits_count_of_orders: "(n) siffror, antal fakturor (t. ex. nnn => 0327 : 327: e beställningen)"
+ n_digits_daily_count_of_orders: "(n) siffror, dagligt antal beställningar (t. ex. ddd => 002 : Andra beställningen för dagen)"
+ n_digits_monthly_count_of_orders: "(n) siffror, månadsantal fakturor (t. ex. mmmm => 0012 : 12: e fakturan för månaden)"
+ n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "(n) siffror, antal beställningar för året (t. ex. yyyyyy => 000008: 8: e beställningen i år)"
+ add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Lägg till ett meddelande om onlineförsäljning, endast om fakturan berörs."
+ this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "Detta kommer aldrig att läggas till när en kreditnota finns."
+ eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(t. ex. X[/VL] kommer att lägga till "/VL" till fakturorna betalade online med kort)'
+ add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Lägg till ett meddelande om återbetalning, endast om fakturan berörs."
+ this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "Detta kommer aldrig att läggas till när ett onlinesäljmeddelande finns."
+ eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: '(t. ex. R[/A] kommer att lägga till "/A" till kreditnotorna)'
+ add_a_notice_regarding_payment_schedule: "Lägg till ett meddelande om betalningsscheman, endast för berörda dokument."
+ this_will_never_be_added_with_other_notices: "Detta kommer aldrig att läggas till när något annat meddelande finns."
+ eg_SE_to_schedules: '(t. ex. S[/E] kommer att lägga till "/E" till betalningsscheman)'
+ code: "Kod"
+ enable_the_code: "Aktivera koden"
+ enabled: "Aktiverad"
+ disabled: "Inaktiverad"
+ order_number: "Beställningsnummer"
+ elements: "Element"
+ VAT: "Moms"
+ enable_VAT: "Aktivera moms"
+ VAT_rate: "Momssats"
+ VAT_history: "Historik för momssatser"
+ VAT_notice: "Denna parameter konfigurerar standardmomssatsen och gäller allt som säljs. Det är möjligt att åsidosätta denna parameter genom att ställa in en specifik momssats för varje objekt."
+ edit_multi_VAT_button: "Fler alternativ"
+ multiVAT: "Avancerad moms"
+ multi_VAT_notice: "Notera: Den nuvarande generella momssatsen är {RATE}%. Här kan du ange olika momssatser för varje kategori.
Du kan till exempel åsidosätta detta värde, vid bokning av utrustning, genom att fylla i motsvarande fält nedan. Om inget värde fylls i gäller det allmänna priset."
+ VAT_rate_machine: "Utrustningsbokning"
+ VAT_rate_space: "Lokalbokning"
+ VAT_rate_training: "Bokning av utbildning"
+ VAT_rate_event: "Evenmangsbokning"
+ VAT_rate_subscription: "Prenumeration"
+ VAT_rate_product: "Produkter (butik)"
+ changed_at: "Ändrad vid"
+ changed_by: "Av"
+ deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
+ refund_invoice_successfully_created: "Kreditnota har skapats."
+ create_a_refund_on_this_invoice: "Skapa en återbetalning för denna faktura"
refund_mode: "Återbetalningsläge:"
do_you_want_to_disable_the_user_s_subscription: "Vill du avaktivera användarens prenumeration:"
elements_to_refund: "Element att återbetala"
@@ -1039,1536 +1041,1536 @@ sv:
start_date: "Från"
end_date: "Till"
closed_at: "Stängd vid"
- closed_by: "By"
- period_total: "Period total"
- perpetual_total: "Perpetual total"
- integrity: "Integrity check"
- confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
- confirm_close_START_END: "Do you really want to close the accounting period between {START} and {END}? Any subsequent changes will be impossible."
- period_must_match_fiscal_year: "A closing must occur at the end of a minimum annual period, or per financial year when it is not calendar-based."
- this_may_take_a_while: "This operation will take some time to complete."
- period_START_END_closed_success: "The accounting period from {START} to {END} has been successfully closed. Archive generation is running, you'll be notified when it's done."
- failed_to_close_period: "An error occurred, unable to close the accounting period"
- no_periods: "No closings for now"
- accounting_codes: "Accounting codes"
- export_accounting_data: "Export accounting data"
+ closed_by: "Av"
+ period_total: "Perioden totalt"
+ perpetual_total: "Evigt totalt"
+ integrity: "Integritetskontroll"
+ confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs"
+ confirm_close_START_END: "Vill du verkligen stänga redovisningsperioden mellan {START} och {END}? Eventuella ändringar är omöjliga."
+ period_must_match_fiscal_year: "En avslutning måste ske i slutet av en årsperiod eller per räkenskapsår när den inte är kalenderbaserad."
+ this_may_take_a_while: "Denna operation kommer att ta lite tid att slutföra."
+ period_START_END_closed_success: "Redovisningsperioden från {START} till {END} har stängts framgångsrikt. Skapandet av arkiv körs, du kommer att meddelas när det är klart."
+ failed_to_close_period: "Ett fel uppstod, kan inte stänga redovisningsperioden"
+ no_periods: "Inga avslutningar just nu"
+ accounting_codes: "Redovisningskoder"
+ export_accounting_data: "Exportera redovisningsdata"
export_what: "What do you want to export?"
- export_VAT: "Export the collected VAT"
- export_to_ACD: "Export all data to the accounting software ACD"
- export_is_running: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready."
- export_form_date: "Export from"
- export_to_date: "Export until"
- format: "File format"
- encoding: "Encoding"
+ export_VAT: "Exportera den upptagna momsen"
+ export_to_ACD: "Exportera all data till bokföringsprogrammet ACD"
+ export_is_running: "Exporten körs. Du kommer att meddelas när den är klar."
+ export_form_date: "Exportera från"
+ export_to_date: "Exportera till"
+ format: "Filformat"
+ encoding: "Textkodning"
separator: "Separator"
- dateFormat: "Date format"
- labelMaxLength: "Label (max)"
- decimalSeparator: "Decimal separator"
- exportInvoicesAtZero: "Export invoices equal to 0"
- columns: "Columns"
+ dateFormat: "Datumformat"
+ labelMaxLength: "Etikett (max)"
+ decimalSeparator: "Decimalavgränsare"
+ exportInvoicesAtZero: "Exportera fakturor lika med 0"
+ columns: "Kolumner"
- journal_code: "Journal code"
- date: "Entry date"
- account_code: "Account code"
- account_label: "Account label"
- piece: "Document"
- line_label: "Entry label"
- debit_origin: "Origin debit"
- credit_origin: "Origin credit"
- debit_euro: "Euro debit"
- credit_euro: "Euro credit"
- lettering: "Lettering"
- start_date: "Start date"
- end_date: "End date"
- vat_rate: "VAT rate"
- amount: "Total amount"
+ journal_code: "Journalkod"
+ date: "Transaktionsdatum"
+ account_code: "Kontokod"
+ account_label: "Kontonamn"
+ piece: "Dokument"
+ line_label: "Postens etikett"
+ debit_origin: "Ursprungsdebitering"
+ credit_origin: "Ursprungskredititering"
+ debit_euro: "Euro debitering"
+ credit_euro: "Euro kreditering"
+ lettering: "Textning"
+ start_date: "Startdatum"
+ end_date: "Slutdatum"
+ vat_rate: "Momssats"
+ amount: "Totalt belopp"
- payzen_keys_info_html: "
To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the PayZen identifiers and keys.
Retrieve them from your merchant back office.
" - client_keys: "Client key" - payzen_public_key: "Client public key" - api_keys: "API keys" - payzen_username: "Username" - payzen_password: "Password" - payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name" + payzen_keys_info_html: "För att kunna ta betalt online måste du konfigurera PayZen identifierare och nycklar.
Hämta dem från din betalningsleverantör.
" + client_keys: "Klientnyckel" + payzen_public_key: "Publik klientnyckel" + api_keys: "API-nyckel" + payzen_username: "Användarnamn" + payzen_password: "Lösenord" + payzen_endpoint: "REST API servernamn" payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key" stripe_keys_form: - stripe_keys_info_html: "To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the Stripe API keys.
Retrieve them from your dashboard.
Updating these keys will trigger a synchronization of all users on Stripe, this may take some time. You'll receive a notification when it's done.
" - public_key: "Public key" - secret_key: "Secret key" + stripe_keys_info_html: "För att kunna ta betalt online måste du konfigurera Stripe API-nycklar.
Hämta dem från din instrumentpanel.
Uppdatering av dessa nycklar kommer att utlösa en synkronisering av alla användare på Stripe, detta kan ta lite tid. Du får ett meddelande när det är klart.
" + public_key: "Publik nyckel" + secret_key: "Hemlig nyckel" payment: - payment_settings: "Payment settings" - online_payment: "Online payment" - online_payment_info_html: "You can enable your members to book directly online, paying by card. Alternatively, you can restrict the booking and payment processes for administrators and managers." - enable_online_payment: "Enable online payment" - stripe_keys: "Stripe keys" - public_key: "Public key" - secret_key: "Secret key" - error_check_keys: "Error: please check your Stripe keys." - stripe_keys_saved: "Stripe keys successfully saved." - error_saving_stripe_keys: "Unable to save the Stripe keys. Please try again later." - api_keys: "API keys" - edit_keys: "Edit keys" - currency: "Currency" - currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of Stripe supported currencies." - currency_alert_html: "Warning: the currency cannot be changed after the first online payment was made. Please define this setting carefully before opening Fab-manager to your members." - stripe_currency: "Stripe currency" - gateway_configuration_error: "An error occurred while configuring the payment gateway: " + payment_settings: "Betalningsinställningar" + online_payment: "Onlinebetalning" + online_payment_info_html: "Du kan göra det möjligt för dina medlemmar att boka direkt online, betala med kort. Alternativt kan du begränsa boknings- och betalningsprocesserna för administratörer och ansvariga." + enable_online_payment: "Aktivera onlinebetalning" + stripe_keys: "Stripe Api-nycklar" + public_key: "Publik nyckel" + secret_key: "Hemlig nyckel" + error_check_keys: "Fel: kontrollera dina Stripe-nycklar." + stripe_keys_saved: "Stripenycklar sparades framgångsrikt." + error_saving_stripe_keys: "Det gick inte att spara Stripe-nycklarna. Försök igen senare." + api_keys: "API nycklar" + edit_keys: "Redigera nycklar" + currency: "Valuta" + currency_info_html: "Vänligen ange valuta som används för online-betalning. Du bör ange en ISO-kod med tre bokstäver från listan över stödda valutor." + currency_alert_html: "Varning: valutan kan inte ändras efter den första onlinebetalningen. Vänligen definiera denna inställning noga innan du öppnar systemet för dina medlemmar." + stripe_currency: "Stripe valuta" + gateway_configuration_error: "Ett fel inträffade när betalningsgatewayen skulle konfigureras: " payzen_settings: - payzen_keys: "PayZen keys" - edit_keys: "Edit keys" - payzen_public_key: "Client public key" - payzen_username: "Username" - payzen_password: "Password" - payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name" + payzen_keys: "PayZen nycklar" + edit_keys: "Redigera nycklar" + payzen_public_key: "Publik klientnyckel" + payzen_username: "Användarnamn" + payzen_password: "Lösenord" + payzen_endpoint: "REST API servernamn" payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key" - currency: "Currency" - payzen_currency: "PayZen currency" - currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of PayZen supported currencies." - save: "Save" - currency_error: "The inputted value is not a valid currency" - error_while_saving: "An error occurred while saving the currency: " - currency_updated: "The PayZen currency was successfully updated to {CURRENCY}." + currency: "Valuta" + payzen_currency: "PayZen valuta" + currency_info_html: "Vänligen ange nedan den valuta som används för online-betalning. Du bör ange en ISO-kod med tre bokstäver från listan över stödda valutor." + save: "Spara" + currency_error: "Det inmatade värdet är inte en giltig valuta" + error_while_saving: "Ett fel inträffade när valutan skulle sparas: " + currency_updated: "PayZen-valutan har uppdaterats till {CURRENCY}." #select a payment gateway select_gateway_modal: - select_gateway_title: "Select a payment gateway" - gateway_info: "To securely collect and process payments online, Fab-manager needs to use an third-party service authorized by the financial institutions, called a payment gateway." - select_gateway: "Please select an available gateway" + select_gateway_title: "Välj din betalningsgateway" + gateway_info: "För att på ett säkert sätt samla in och hantera betalningar online måste Fab-manager använda en tredjepartstjänst som godkänts av de finansiella institutionerna, en betalningsgateway." + select_gateway: "Välj en tillgänglig gateway" stripe: "Stripe" payzen: "PayZen" - confirm_button: "Validate the gateway" + confirm_button: "Validera gateway" payment_schedules_list: - filter_schedules: "Filter schedules" - no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display" - load_more: "Load more" - card_updated_success: "The user's card was successfully updated" + filter_schedules: "Filtrera scheman" + no_payment_schedules: "Inga betalningsscheman att visa" + load_more: "Ladda mer" + card_updated_success: "Användarens kort har uppdaterats" document_filters: - reference: "Reference" - customer: "Customer" - date: "Date" + reference: "Referens" + customer: "Kund" + date: "Datum" update_payment_mean_modal: - title: "Update the payment mean" - update_info: "Please specify below the new payment mean for this payment schedule to continue." - select_payment_mean: "Select a new payment mean" - method_Transfer: "By bank transfer" - method_Check: "By check" - confirm_button: "Update" + title: "Uppdatera betalningsmedel" + update_info: "Please specify below the payment method to update this payment schedule." + select_payment_mean: "Välj ett nytt betalsätt" + method_Transfer: "Banköverföring" + method_Check: "Med check" + confirm_button: "Uppdatera" #management of users, labels, groups, and so on members: - users_management: "Users management" - import: "Import members from a CSV file" - users: "Users" - members: "Members" - subscriptions: "Subscriptions" - search_for_an_user: "Search for an user" - add_a_new_member: "Add a new member" - reservations: "Reservations" - username: "Username" - surname: "Last name" - first_name: "First name" - email: "Email" - phone: "Phone" - user_type: "User type" - subscription: "Subscription" - display_more_users: "Display more users..." - administrators: "Administrators" - search_for_an_administrator: "Search for an administrator" - add_a_new_administrator: "Add a new administrator" - managers: "Managers" - managers_info: "A manager is a restricted administrator that cannot modify the settings of the application. However, he will be able to take reservations for any members and for all managers, including himself, and to process payments and refunds." - search_for_a_manager: "Search for a manager" - add_a_new_manager: "Add a new manager" - delete_this_manager: "Do you really want to delete this manager? This cannot be undone." - manager_successfully_deleted: "Manager successfully deleted." - unable_to_delete_the_manager: "Unable to delete the manager." - partners: "Partners" - partners_info: "A partner is a special user that can be associated with the «Partner» plans. These users won't be able to connect and will just receive notifications about subscriptions to their associated plan." - search_for_a_partner: "Search for a partner" - add_a_new_partner: "Add a new partner" - delete_this_partner: "Do you really want to delete this partner? This cannot be undone." - partner_successfully_deleted: "Partner successfully deleted." - unable_to_delete_the_partner: "Unable to delete the partner." - associated_plan: "Associated plan" - groups: "Groups" - tags: "Tags" - authentication: "Authentication" - confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" - confirm_delete_member: "Do you really want to delete this member? This cannot be undone." - member_successfully_deleted: "Member successfully deleted." - unable_to_delete_the_member: "Unable to delete the member." - do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_administrator_this_cannot_be_undone: "Do you really want to delete this administrator? This cannot be undone." - this_may_take_a_while_please_wait: "Warning: this may take a while, please be patient." - administrator_successfully_deleted: "Administrator successfully deleted." - unable_to_delete_the_administrator: "Unable to delete the administrator." - changes_successfully_saved: "Changes successfully saved." - an_error_occurred_while_saving_changes: "An error occurred when saving changes." - export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready." + users_management: "Användarhantering" + import: "Importera användare från CSV-fil" + users: "Användare" + members: "Medlemmar" + subscriptions: "Prenumerationer" + search_for_an_user: "Sök användare" + add_a_new_member: "Lägg till en ny medlem" + reservations: "Bokningar" + username: "Användarnamn" + surname: "Efternamn" + first_name: "Förnamn" + email: "E-post" + phone: "Telefon" + user_type: "Användartyp" + subscription: "Prenumeration" + display_more_users: "Visa fler medlemmar..." + administrators: "Administratörer" + search_for_an_administrator: "Sök efter administratör" + add_a_new_administrator: "Lägg till administratör" + managers: "Ansvariga" + managers_info: "En ansvarig är en begränsad administratör som inte kan ändra inställningarna i programmet. Den kommer dock att kunna ta bokningar för alla medlemmar och för alla ansvariga, inklusive sig själv, och behandla betalningar och återbetalningar." + search_for_a_manager: "Sök efter en ansvarig" + add_a_new_manager: "Lägg till en ny ansvarig" + delete_this_manager: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna ansvariga? Detta kan inte ångras." + manager_successfully_deleted: "Ansvarig har tagits bort." + unable_to_delete_the_manager: "Det går inte att ta bort ansvarig." + partners: "Samarbetspartners" + partners_info: "En samarbetspartner är en speciell användare som kan associeras med planerna «Partner». Dessa användare kommer inte att kunna ansluta och kommer bara att få meddelanden om prenumerationer på deras tillhörande plan." + search_for_a_partner: "Sök efter en samarbetspartner" + add_a_new_partner: "Lägg till en ny samarbetspartner" + delete_this_partner: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna partner? Detta kan inte ångras." + partner_successfully_deleted: "Samarbetspartnern har tagits bort." + unable_to_delete_the_partner: "Det går inte att ta bort samarbetspartnern." + associated_plan: "Associerad plan" + groups: "Grupper" + tags: "Taggar" + authentication: "Authentisering" + confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs" + confirm_delete_member: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna medlem? Detta kan inte ångras." + member_successfully_deleted: "Medlemmen har tagits bort." + unable_to_delete_the_member: "Det går inte att ta bort medlemmen." + do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_administrator_this_cannot_be_undone: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna administratör? Detta kan inte ångras." + this_may_take_a_while_please_wait: "Varning: detta kan ta ett tag, var tålmodig." + administrator_successfully_deleted: "Administratören har tagits bort." + unable_to_delete_the_administrator: "Kunde inte ta bort administratören." + changes_successfully_saved: "Ändringar sparade." + an_error_occurred_while_saving_changes: "Ett fel uppstod när ändringarna skulle sparas." + export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Exporten körs. Du kommer att meddelas när den är klar." tag_form: - tags: "Tags" - add_a_tag: "Add a tag" - tag_name: "Tag name" - new_tag_successfully_saved: "New tag successfully saved." - an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_new_tag: "An error occurred while saving the new tag." - confirmation_required: "Delete this tag?" - confirm_delete_tag_html: "Do you really want to delete this tag?Warning: changing the role of a user is not a harmless operation.
Varning: ändra en användares roll är inte en harmlös operation.
selector to prevent any risk of breaking the application. Meanwhile please be careful, any changes in the home page editor at the top of the page may broke your styles, always refer to the HTML code."
- error_SETTING_locked: "Unable to update the setting: {SETTING} is locked. Please contact your system administrator."
- an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "An error occurred while saving the setting. Please try again later."
- book_overlapping_slots_info: "Allow / prevent the reservation of overlapping slots"
- allow_booking: "Allow booking"
- overlapping_categories: "Overlapping categories"
- overlapping_categories_info: "Preventing booking on overlapping slots will be done by comparing the date and time of the following categories of reservations."
- default_slot_duration: "Default duration for slots"
- duration_minutes: "Duration (in minutes)"
- default_slot_duration_info: "Machine and space availabilities are divided in multiple slots of this duration. This value can be overridden per availability."
- modules: "Modules"
- machines: "Machines"
- machines_info_html: "The module Reserve a machine module can be disabled."
- enable_machines: "Enable the machines"
- machines_module: "machines module"
- spaces: "Spaces"
- spaces_info_html: "A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room. Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.
Warning: It is not recommended to disable spaces if at least one space reservation was made on the system.
" - enable_spaces: "Enable the spaces" - spaces_module: "spaces module" - plans: "Plans" - plans_info_html: "Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users.
Warning: It is not recommended to disable plans if at least one subscription is active on the system.
" - enable_plans: "Enable the plans" - plans_module: "plans module" - trainings: "Trainings" - trainings_info_html: "Trainings are fully integrated Fab-manager's agenda. If enabled, your members will be able to book and pay trainings.
Trainings provides a way to prevent members to book some machines, if they do have not taken the prerequisite course.
" - enable_trainings: "Enable the trainings" - trainings_module: "trainings module" - store: "Store" - store_info_html: "You can enable the store module that provides an easy way to sell various products and consumables to your members. This module also allows you to manage stocks and track orders." - enable_store: "Enable the store" - store_module: "store module" - invoicing: "Invoicing" - invoicing_info_html: "You can fully disable the invoicing module.
This is useful if you have your own invoicing system, and you don't want Fab-manager generates and sends invoices to the members.
Warning: even if you disable the invoicing module, you must to configure the VAT to prevent errors in accounting and prices. Do it from the « Invoices > Invoicing settings » section.
" - enable_invoicing: "Enable invoicing" - invoicing_module: "invoicing module" - account_creation: "Account creation" - accounts_management: "Accounts management" - members_list: "Members list" - members_list_info: "You can customize the fields to display in the member management list" - phone: "Phone" - phone_is_required: "Phone required" - phone_required_info: "You can define if the phone number should be required to register a new user on Fab-manager." - address: "Address" - address_required_info_html: "You can define if the address should be required to register a new user on Fab-manager.. home-page
selectorn för att förhindra risk för att bryta programmet. Under tiden var försiktig, eventuella förändringar i hemsideseditorn högst upp på sidan kan bryta dina stilar, hänvisa alltid till HTML-koden."
+ error_SETTING_locked: "Det går inte att uppdatera inställningen: {SETTING} är låst. Kontakta din systemadministratör."
+ an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "Ett fel inträffade när inställningen skulle sparas. Försök igen senare."
+ book_overlapping_slots_info: "Tillåt / förhindra bokning av överlappande platser"
+ allow_booking: "Tillåt bokning"
+ overlapping_categories: "Överlappande kategorier"
+ overlapping_categories_info: "Förhindra bokning på överlappande platser kommer att göras genom att jämföra datum och tid för följande kategorier av bokningar."
+ default_slot_duration: "Standardvaraktighet för platser"
+ duration_minutes: "Varaktighet i minuter"
+ default_slot_duration_info: "Utrustnings- och lokaltillgänglighet är indelad i flera platser av denna varaktighet. Detta värde kan åsidosättas per tillgänglighet."
+ modules: "Moduler"
+ machines: "Utrustning"
+ machines_info_html: "Modulen Reservera utrustning kan inaktiveras."
+ enable_machines: "Aktivera utrustningen"
+ machines_module: "utrustningsmodul"
+ spaces: "Lokaler"
+ spaces_info_html: "En lokal kan till exempel vara en bygdegård eller ett mötesrum. Deras särdrag är att de kan bokas av flera personer samtidigt.
Varning: Det rekommenderas inte att inaktivera mellanslag om minst en mellanslagsreservation gjordes på systemet.
" + enable_spaces: "Aktivera lokalerna" + spaces_module: "modulen Lokaler" + plans: "Planer" + plans_info_html: "Prenumerationer ger ett sätt att segmentera dina priser och ge fördelar för återkommande användare.
Varning: Det rekommenderas inte att inaktivera planer om minst en prenumeration är aktiv på systemet.
" + enable_plans: "Aktivera planerna" + plans_module: "modulen Planer" + trainings: "Utbildningar" + trainings_info_html: "Utbildningar är helt integrerade systemets kalendarium. Om aktiverad, kommer dina medlemmar att kunna boka och betala utbildningar.
Utbildningar ger ett sätt att hindra medlemmar att boka viss utrustning, om de inte har gått förkunskapskursen.
" + enable_trainings: "Aktivera utbildningarna" + trainings_module: "utbildningsmodul" + store: "Butik" + store_info_html: "Du kan aktivera butiksmodulen som ger ett enkelt sätt att sälja olika produkter och förbrukningsvaror till dina medlemmar. Modulen låter dig även att hantera lager och spåra beställningar." + enable_store: "Aktivera butiken" + store_module: "butiksmodul" + invoicing: "Fakturering" + invoicing_info_html: "Du kan helt inaktivera faktureringsmodulen.
Detta är användbart om du har ett eget faktureringssystem och du inte vill att systemet genererar och skickar fakturor till medlemmarna.
Varning: även om du inaktiverar faktureringsmodulen, du måste konfigurera momsen för att förhindra fel i bokföring och priser. Gör det från modulen « Fakturor > Faktureringsinställningar ».
" + enable_invoicing: "Aktivera fakturering" + invoicing_module: "faktureringsmodul" + account_creation: "Skapa konto" + accounts_management: "Kontohantering" + members_list: "Medlemslista" + members_list_info: "Du kan anpassa de fält som ska visas i listan över medlemmar" + phone: "Telefon" + phone_is_required: "Telefon krävs" + phone_required_info: "Du kan ange om telefonnumret ska vara obligatoriskt för att registrera en ny användare i systemet." + address: "Adress" + address_required_info_html: "Du kan definiera om adress krävs för att registrera en ny användare.When an administrator or a manager in logged-in, a feature tour will be triggered the first time he visits each section of the application. You can change this behavior to one of the following values:
När en administratör eller en ansvarig är inloggad, kommer en rundtur att erbjudas första gången den besöker varje avsnitt i programmet. Du kan ändra detta beteende till ett av följande värden:
The virtual wallet allows you to allocate a sum of money to users. Then, can spend this money as they wish, in Fab-manager.
Members cannot credit their wallet themselves, it's a privilege of managers and administrators.
" - enable_wallet: "Enable wallet" - public_agenda: "Public agenda" - public_agenda_info_html: "The public agenda offers to members and visitors a general overview of the Fablab's planning.
Please note that, even logged, users won't be able to book a reservation or modify anything from this agenda: this is a read-only page.
" - enable_public_agenda: "Enable public agenda" - statistics: "Statistics" - statistics_info_html: "Enable or disable the statistics module.
If enabled, every nights, the data of the day just passed will be consolidated in the database of a powerful analysis engine. Then, every administrators will be able to browse statistical charts and tables in the corresponding section.
" - enable_statistics: "Enable statistics" + once: "En gång" + session: "Utifrån session" + manual: "Manuell start" + notifications: "Aviseringar" + email: "E-post" + email_info: "E-postadressen från vilken aviseringar kommer att skickas. Du kan använda en icke-existerande adress (som noreply@..) eller en befintlig adress om du vill tillåta dina medlemmar att svara på de meddelanden de får." + email_from: "Utförarens adress" + wallet: "Plånbok" + wallet_info_html: "Den virtuella plånboken låter dig fördela en summa pengar till användarna som edan kan spendera dessa pengar som de vill i systemet.
Medlemmar kan inte kreditera sin plånbok själva, det är förunnat ansvariga och administratörer.
" + enable_wallet: "Aktivera plånbok" + public_agenda: "Publikt kalendarium" + public_agenda_info_html: "Det publika kalendariet ger medlemmar och besökare en allmän översikt över Ringamålas planering.
Observera att inloggade användare inte kan boka en bokning eller ändra något från denna sida: detta är en skrivskyddad sida.
" + enable_public_agenda: "Aktivera publikt kalendarium" + statistics: "Statistik" + statistics_info_html: "Aktivera eller inaktivera statistikmodulen.
Om aktiverad så kommer varje natt data för dagen som just passerat konsolideras i databasen av en kraftfull analysmotor. Sedan kommer varje administratör att kunna bläddra i statistiska diagram och tabeller i motsvarande avsnitt.
" + enable_statistics: "Aktivera statistik" account: - account: "Account" - customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings" - user_validation_required: "validation of accounts" - user_validation_required_title: "Validation of accounts" - user_validation_required_info: "By activating this option, only members whose account is validated by an administrator or a manager will be able to make reservations." + account: "Konto" + customize_account_settings: "Anpassa kontoinställningar" + user_validation_required: "validering av konton" + user_validation_required_title: "Validering av konton" + user_validation_required_info: "Genom att aktivera detta alternativ kommer endast medlemmar vars konto är validerat av en administratör eller en ansvarig att kunna göra bokningar." user_validation_setting: - customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Customization of the {SETTING} successfully saved." - error_SETTING_locked: "Unable to update the setting: {SETTING} is locked. Please contact your system administrator." - an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "An error occurred while saving the setting. Please try again later." - user_validation_required_option_label: "Activate the account validation option" - user_validation_required_list_title: "Member account validation information message" - user_validation_required_list_info: "Your administrator must validate your account. Then, you will be able to access all the booking features." - user_validation_required_list_other_info: "The resources selected below will be subject to member account validation." - save: "Save" + customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Anpassning av {SETTING} har sparats." + error_SETTING_locked: "Det går inte att uppdatera inställningen: {SETTING} är låst. Kontakta din systemadministratör." + an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "Ett fel uppstod medan filen laddades. Vänligen försök igen senare." + user_validation_required_option_label: "Aktivera valideringsalternativet för konto" + user_validation_required_list_title: "Valideringsmeddelande för medlemskonto" + user_validation_required_list_info: "Administratören måste validera ditt konto. Då får du tillgång till alla bokningsfunktioner." + user_validation_required_list_other_info: "De resurser som valts nedan kommer att godkännas av medlemskontot." + save: "Spara" user_validation_required_list: - subscription: "Subscriptions" - machine: "Machines" - event: "Events" - space: "Spaces" - training: "Trainings" - pack: "Prepaid pack" - confirm: "Confirm" - confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" - organization: "Organization" - organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "You can display additional fields for users who declare themselves to be an organization. You can also choose to make them mandatory at account creation." - organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "Warning: the activated fields will be automatically displayed on the issued invoices. Once configured, please do not modify them." + subscription: "Prenumerationer" + machine: "Utrustning" + event: "Evenemang" + space: "Lokaler" + training: "Utbildningar" + pack: "Förbetalda paket" + confirm: "Bekräfta" + confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs" + organization: "Organisation" + organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "Du kan visa ytterligare fält för användare som förklarar sig vara en organisation. Du kan också välja att göra dem obligatoriska vid skapande av konto." + organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "Varning: de aktiverade fälten kommer att visas automatiskt på de utfärdade fakturorna. När du har konfigurerat dem, vänligen ändra dem inte." supporting_documents_type_modal: - successfully_created: "The new supporting documents request has been created." - unable_to_create: "Unable to delete the supporting documents request: " - successfully_updated: "The supporting documents request has been updated." - unable_to_update: "Unable to modify the supporting documents request: " - new_type: "Create a supporting documents request" - edit_type: "Edit the supporting documents request" - create: "Create" - edit: "Edit" + successfully_created: "Begäran om underlag har skapats." + unable_to_create: "Det går inte att neka underlagen: " + successfully_updated: "Begäran om underlag har uppdaterats." + unable_to_update: "Det går inte att ändra begäran om underlag: " + new_type: "Skapa en begäran om underlag" + edit_type: "Redigera begäran om underlag" + create: "Skapa" + edit: "Redigera" supporting_documents_type_form: - type_form_info: "Please define the supporting documents request settings below" - select_group: "Choose one or many group(s)" - name: "Name" + type_form_info: "Vänligen definiera inställningarna för underlagsbegäran nedan" + select_group: "Välj en eller flera grupp(er)" + name: "Namn" supporting_documents_types_list: - add_supporting_documents_types: "Add supporting documents" - all_groups: 'All groups' - supporting_documents_type_info: "You can ask for supporting documents, according to the user's groups. This will ask your members to deposit those kind of documents in their personnal space. Each members will be informed that supporting documents are required to be provided in their personal space (My supporting documents tab). On your side, you'll be able to check the provided supporting documents and validate the member's account (if the Account Validation option is enabled)." - no_groups_info: "Supporting documents are necessarily applied to groups.By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.
Please note: the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.
" - online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. You cannot collect this payment schedule by online card." + about_to_cash: "Du är på väg att bekräfta inlösen av en extern betalning. Klicka inte på knappen nedan förrän du har betalat ut den begärda betalningen." + about_to_confirm: "Du håller på att bekräfta din {ITEM, select, subscription{prenumeration} reservation{bokning} other{order}}." + payment_method: "Betalningsmetod" + method_card: "Online med kort" + method_check: "Med swish" + method_transfer: "Banköverföring" + card_collection_info: "Genom att validera kommer du att bli tillfrågad om medlemmens kortnummer. Detta kort kommer att debiteras automatiskt vid deadlines." + check_collection_info: "Genom att validera bekräftar du att du har {DEADLINES} kontroller, så att du kan samla in alla månadsbetalningar." + transfer_collection_info: "Genom att validera bekräftar du att du konfigurerar {DEADLINES} bank autogiro så att du kan samla in alla månatliga betalningar.
Observera: banköverföringarna hanteras inte automatiskt av Fab-manager.
" + online_payment_disabled: "Online-betalning är inte tillgänglig. Du kan inte hämta detta betalningsschema med onlinekort." local_payment_modal: - validate_cart: "Validate my cart" - offline_payment: "Payment on site" + validate_cart: "Validera min kundvagn" + offline_payment: "Betalning på plats" check_list_setting: - save: 'Save' - customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Customization of the {SETTING} successfully saved." + save: 'Spara' + customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Anpassning av {SETTING} har sparats." #feature tour tour: conclusion: - title: "Thank you for your attention" - content: "If you want to restart this contextual help, press F1 at any time or click on [? Help] from the user's menu.
If you need additional help, you can check the user guide (only in French for now).
The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), contact-us for more info.
" + title: "Tack för er uppmärksamhet" + content: "Om du vill starta om denna kontextuella hjälp, tryck på F1 när som helst eller klicka på [? Hjälp] från användarens meny.
Om du behöver ytterligare hjälp kan du kolla användarhandboken (endast på franska just nu).
Fab-managerns team ger även personlig support (hjälp med att komma igång, hjälp med installation, anpassning etc., Kontakta oss för mer information.
" trainings: welcome: - title: "Trainings" - content: "Here you can create, modify and delete trainings. It is also the place where you can validate the training courses followed by your members." + title: "Utbildningar" + content: "Här kan du skapa, ändra och ta bort utbildningar. Det är också platsen där du kan validera de kurser som följs av dina medlemmar." welcome_manager: - title: "Trainings" - content: "This is the place where you can view the trainings and their associations with the machines. It is also the place where you can validate the training courses followed by your members." + title: "Utbildningar" + content: "Här kan du se utbildningarna och deras koppling med utrustning. Det är också platsen där du kan validera de kurser som genomförs av dina medlemmar." trainings: - title: "Manage trainings" - content: "With each training, a default number of places is associated. However, the number of actual places may be modified for each session.
The training sessions are scheduled from the administrator tab « Calendar ».
Furthermore, a training may be associated with one or more machines. This makes it a prerequisite for the reservation of these machines.
" + title: "Hantera utbildningar" + content: "Vid varje utbildning associeras ett standardantal platser. Antalet platser kan dock ändras för varje session.
Utbildningarna är schemalagda från administratörsfliken « Kalender ».
Dessutom kan en utbildning kopplas till utrustning. Detta gör det till en förutsättning för bokning av denna utrustning.
" filter: - title: "Filter" - content: "By default, only active courses are displayed here. Display the others by choosing another filter here." + title: "Filtrera" + content: "Som standard visas endast aktiva kurser här. Visa de andra genom att välja ett annat filter här." tracking: - title: "Trainings monitoring" - content: "Once a training session is finished, you can validate the training for the members present from this screen. This validation is essential to allow them to use the associated machines, if applicable." + title: "Övervakning av utbildningar" + content: "När ett träningspass är avslutat kan du validera utbildningen för de medlemmar som är närvarande från den här skärmen. Denna validering är nödvändig för att tillåta dem att använda tillhörande utrustning, om tillämpligt." calendar: welcome: - title: "Calendar" - content: "From this screen, you can plan the slots during which training, machines and spaces will be bookable by members." + title: "Kalender" + content: "Från den här skärmen kan du planera de platser under vilka utbildning, utrustning och lokaler kommer att vara bokningsbara för medlemmar." agenda: - title: "The calendar" - content: "Click in the calendar to start creating a new availability range. You can directly select the entire time range desired by maintaining your click." + title: "Kalendern" + content: "Klicka i kalendern för att börja skapa ett nytt tillgänglighetsintervall. Du kan direkt välja hela det tidsintervall som önskas genom att behålla ditt klick." export: - title: "Export" - content: "Start generating an Excel file, listing all the availability slots created in the calendar." + title: "Exportera" + content: "Börja generera en Excel-fil, lista alla tillgängliga platser som skapats i kalendern." import: - title: "Import external calendars" - content: "Allows you to import calendars from an external source in iCal format." + title: "Importera externa kalendrar" + content: "Låter dig importera kalendrar från en extern källa i iCal-format." members: welcome: - title: "Users" - content: "Here you can create, modify and delete members and administrators. You can also manage groups, labels, import / export with spreadsheet files and connect SSO software." + title: "Användare" + content: "Här kan du skapa, modifiera och ta bort medlemmar och administratörer. Du kan också hantera grupper, etiketter, importera / exportera med kalkylblad filer och ansluta SSO-program." list: - title: "Members list" - content: "By default, this table lists all the members of your Fab-manager. You can sort the list in a different order by clicking on the header of each column." + title: "Medlemslista" + content: "Som standard visar denna tabell alla medlemmar i din Fab-manager. Du kan sortera listan i en annan ordning genom att klicka på rubriken i varje kolumn." search: - title: "Find a user" - content: "This input field allows you to search for any text on all of the columns in the table below." + title: "Hitta en användare" + content: "Detta inmatningsfält låter dig söka efter någon text på alla kolumner i tabellen nedan." filter: - title: "Filter the list" - content: "Filter the list below to display only users who have not confirmed their email address or inactive accounts for more than 3 years.
Please notice that the GDPR requires that you delete any accounts inactive for more than 3 years.
" + title: "Filtrera listan" + content: "Filtrera listan nedan för att visa endast användare som inte har bekräftat sin e-postadress eller inaktiva konton i mer än 3 år.
Observera att GDPR kräver att du tar bort alla konton som är inaktiva i mer än 3 år.
" actions: - title: "Members actions" - content: "The buttons in this column allow you to display and modify all of the member's parameters, or to delete them irreversibly.
In the event of a deletion, the billing information will be kept for 10 years and statistical data will also be kept anonymously.
" + title: "Medlemmar åtgärder" + content: "Knapparna i den här kolumnen låter dig visa och ändra alla medlems parametrar, eller ta bort dem oåterkalleligt.
I händelse av en radering, faktureringsuppgifterna kommer att sparas i 10 år och statistiska uppgifter kommer också att lagras anonymt.
" exports: - title: "Export" - content: "Each of these buttons starts the generation of an Excel file listing all the members, subscriptions or reservations, current and past." + title: "Exportera" + content: "Var och en av dessa knappar startar genereringen av en Excel-fil som listar alla medlemmar, prenumerationer eller reservationer, nuvarande och förflutna." import: - title: "Import members" - content: "Allows you to import a list of members to create in Fab-manager, from a CSV file." + title: "Importera medlemmar" + content: "Låter dig importera en lista med medlemmar att skapa i Fab-manager, från en CSV-fil." admins: - title: "Manage administrators" - content: "In the same way as the members, manage the administrators of your Fab-manager here.Groups allow you to better segment your price list.
When you set up Fab-manager for the first time, it is recommended to start by defining the groups.
" + title: "Hantera grupper" + content: "Grupper tillåter dig att bättre segmentera din prislista.
När du ställer in Fab-manager för första gången rekommenderas det att börja med att definiera grupperna.
" labels: - title: "Manage tags" - content: "The labels allow you to reserve certain slots for users associated with these same labels." + title: "Hantera taggar" + content: "Etiketterna ger dig möjlighet att reservera vissa platser för användare som är associerade med samma etiketter." sso: - title: "Single Sign-On" - content: "Here you can set up and manage a single authentication system (SSO)." + title: "SSO" + content: "Här kan du konfigurera och hantera ett enda autentiseringssystem (SSO)." invoices: welcome: - title: "Invoices" - content: "Here you will be able to download invoices and credit notes issued, as well as manage everything related to accounting and invoicing.
If you use third-party software to manage your invoices, it is possible to deactivate the billing module. For this, contact your system administrator.
" + title: "Fakturor" + content: "Här kommer du att kunna ladda ner utfärdade fakturor och kreditfakturor , samt hantera allt som rör redovisning och fakturering.
Om du använder tredjepartsprogramvara för att hantera dina fakturor är det möjligt att inaktivera faktureringsmodulen. För detta, kontakta din systemadministratör.
" welcome_manager: - title: "Invoices" - content: "Here you will be able to download invoices and create credit notes." + title: "Fakturor" + content: "Här kan du ladda ner fakturor och skapa kreditfaktura." list: - title: "Invoices list" - content: "By default, this table lists all the invoices and credit notes issued by Fab-manager. You can sort the list in a different order by clicking on the header of each column." + title: "Lista med fakturor" + content: "Som standard listar denna tabell alla fakturor och kreditfakturor utfärdade av systemet. Du kan sortera listan i en annan ordning genom att klicka på rubriken i varje kolumn." chained: - title: "Chaining indicator" - content: "This icon ensures the inalterability of the accounting data of the invoice on this line, in accordance with the French finance law of 2018 against VAT fraud.
If a red icon appears instead of this one , please contact technical support immediately.
" + title: "Kedjande indikator" + content: "Denna ikon säkerställer att räkenskaperna för fakturan är oföränderliga på denna rad, i enlighet med bokföringslagen.
Om en röd ikon visas istället för den här , vänligen kontakta teknisk support omedelbart.
" download: - title: "Download" - content: "Click here to download the invoice in PDF format." + title: "Ladda ner" + content: "Klicka här för att ladda ner fakturan i PDF-format." refund: - title: "Credit note" - content: "Allows you to generate a credit note for the invoice on this line or some of its sub-elements. Warning: This will only generate the accounting document, the actual refund of the user will always be your responsibility." + title: "Kreditfaktura" + content: "Låter dig generera en kreditfaktura för fakturan på den här raden eller några av dess underelement. Varning: Detta kommer bara generera bokföringsdokumentet, den faktiska återbetalningen av användaren kommer alltid att vara ditt ansvar." payment-schedules: - title: "Payment schedules" - content: "Some subscription plans may be configured to allow the members to pay them with a monthly payment schedule.
Here you can view all existing payment schedules and manage their deadlines.
Click on [+] at the beginning of a row to display all deadlines associated with a payment schedule, and run some actions on them.
" + title: "Betalningsschema" + content: "Vissa prenumerationsplaner kan konfigureras så att medlemmarna kan betala dem med en månatlig betalningsschema.
Här kan du se alla befintliga betalningsscheman och hantera deras deadlines.
Klicka på [+] i början av en rad för att visa alla deadlines kopplade till ett betalningsschema, och köra några åtgärder på dem.
" settings: - title: "Settings" - content: "Here you can modify the parameters for invoices generation. Click on the item you are interested in to start editing.
In particular, this is where you can set if you are subject to VAT and the applicable rate.
" + title: "Inställningar" + content: "Här kan du ändra parametrarna för generering av fakturor. Klicka på det objekt du är intresserad av för att börja redigera.
I synnerhet är det här du kan ställa in om du är momsbelagd och tillämplig taxa.
" codes: - title: "Accounting codes" - content: "Set the accounting codes here for all kinds of entries generated by the software. This setting is only required if you use the accounting export functionality." + title: "Redovisningskoder" + content: "Ange redovisningskoderna här för alla typer av poster som genereras av programvaran. Denna inställning krävs endast om du använder funktionen för export av bokföring." export: - title: "Accounting export" - content: "Once the codes have been configured, click here to access the interface allowing you to export the entries to a third-party accounting software." + title: "Bokföringsexporter" + content: "När koderna har konfigurerats, klicka här för att komma åt gränssnittet så att du kan exportera poster till en tredje parts redovisningsprogram." payment: - title: "Payment settings" - content: "If you want to allow your members to book directly online by paying by credit card, you can activate and configure this feature from this page." + title: "Betalningsinställningar" + content: "Om du vill tillåta dina medlemmar att boka direkt online genom att betala med kreditkort, kan du aktivera och konfigurera denna funktion från denna sida." periods: - title: "Close accounting periods" - content: "The regulations of your country may require you to close your accounts regularly. The interface accessible from this button allows you to do this.
In France, if you are subject to VAT anti-fraud law BOI-TVA-DECLA-30-10-30-20160803, this closing is mandatory at least once a year.
As a reminder, if you have to use a certified software (take the test here), you are under the legal obligation to provide a certificate of compliance of the software. Contact-us to get it.
" + title: "Stäng bokföringsperioder" + content: "Reglerna i ditt land kan kräva att du stänger dina konton regelbundet. Gränssnittet tillgängligt från denna knapp låter dig göra detta.
I Frankrike, om du omfattas av momsskyddslagen BOI-TVA-DECLA-30-10-20160803, Denna stängning är obligatorisk minst en gång per år.
Som en påminnelse, om du måste använda en certifierad programvara (ta testet här), du har en rättslig skyldighet att tillhandahålla ett intyg om efterlevnad av programvaran. Kontakt-oss för att få den.
" pricing: welcome: - title: "Subscriptions & Prices" - content: "Manage subscription plans and prices for the various services you offer to your members." + title: "Prenumerationer och priser" + content: "Hantera prenumerationsplaner och priser för de olika tjänster du erbjuder till dina medlemmar." new_plan: - title: "New subscription plan" - content: "Create subscription plans to offer preferential prices on machines and spaces to regular users." + title: "En prenumerationsplan" + content: "Skapa prenumerationsplaner för att erbjuda förmånliga priser på maskiner och utrymmen till återkommande användare." trainings: - title: "Trainings" - content: "Define training prices here, by user group." + title: "Utbildningar" + content: "Definiera utbildningspriserna här, efter användargrupp." machines: - title: "Machines" - content: "Define here the prices of the machine slots, by user group. These prices will be applied to users who do not have subscriptions." + title: "Utrustning" + content: "Definiera här priserna på platser, efter användargrupp. Dessa priser kommer att tillämpas på användare som inte har prenumerationer." spaces: - title: "Spaces" - content: "In the same way, define here the prices of the spaces slots, for the users without subscriptions." + title: "Utrymmen" + content: "På samma sätt, definiera här priserna på platser, för användare utan abonnemang." credits: - title: "Credits" - content: "Credits allow you to give certain services for free to users who subscribe to a plan.
You can, for example, offer 2 hours of 3D printer for all annual subscriptions; or training of your choice for student subscribers, etc.
" + title: "Krediter" + content: "Krediter tillåter dig att ge vissa tjänster gratis till användare som prenumererar på en plan.
Du kan till exempel erbjuda 2 timmars hoolabaloo för alla årliga prenumerationer; eller utbildning av ditt val för studentprenumeranter, etc.
" coupons: - title: "Coupons" - content: "Create and manage promotional coupons allowing to offer punctual discounts to their holders." + title: "Rabattkuponger" + content: "Skapa och hantera kampanjkuponger som gör det möjligt att erbjuda punktliga rabatter till sina innehavare." events: welcome: - title: "Events" - content: "Create events, track their reservations and organize them from this page." + title: "Evenemang" + content: "Skapa händelser, spåra deras bokningar och organisera dem från denna sida." list: - title: "The events" - content: "This list displays all past or future events, as well as the number of reservations for each of them." + title: "Evenemangen" + content: "Denna lista visar alla tidigare eller kommande evenemang, samt antalet bokningar för vart och ett av dem." filter: - title: "Filter events" - content: "Only display upcoming events in the list below; or on the contrary, only those already passed." + title: "Filtrera evenemang" + content: "Visa endast kommande evenemang i listan nedan; eller tvärtom, bara de som redan passerat." categories: - title: "Categories" - content: "Categories help your users know what type of event it is. A category is required for each of the newly created events." + title: "Kategorier" + content: "Kategorier hjälper dina användare att veta vilken typ av händelse det är. En kategori krävs för varje nyskapad händelse." themes: - title: "Themes" - content: "Themes are an additional (and optional) categorization of your events. They can group together different events of very different forms.
For example, a two-day course about marquetry and an evening workshop about the handling of the wood planer, can be found in the theme « carpentry ».
" + title: "Teman" + content: "Teman är ytterligare en (och frivillig) kategorisering av dina evenemang. De kan gruppera ihop olika evenemang av mycket olika former.
Till exempel en tvådagars kurs om mattvävning och en kvällsworkshop om broderi, kan hittas i temat « textil ».
" ages: - title: "Age groups" - content: "This other optional filter will help your users find events suited to their profile." + title: "Åldersgrupp" + content: "Detta andra valfria filter hjälper dina användare att hitta händelser som passar deras profil." prices: - title: "Pricing categories" - content: "The price of events does not depend on groups or subscriptions, but on the categories you define on this page." + title: "Priskategorier" + content: "Priset för evenemang beror inte på grupper eller prenumerationer, utan på vilka kategorier du definierar på denna sida." projects: welcome: - title: "Projects" - content: "Here you can define all the elements that will be available for members to document the projects they carry out. You can also define various parameters related to the projects." + title: "Projekt" + content: "Här kan du definiera alla element som kommer att vara tillgängliga för medlemmar att dokumentera de projekt som de utför. Du kan också definiera olika parametrar relaterade till projekten." abuses: - title: "Manage reports" - content: "Access here the management of reports.
Visitors can signal projects, for example for copyright infringement or for hate speech.
GDPR requires you to delete this reporting data once the required actions have been taken.
" + title: "Hantera rapporter" + content: "Åtkomst för hantering av rapporter.
Besökare kan signalera projekt, till exempel för upphovsrättsintrång eller för hatretorik.
GDPR kräver att du tar bort denna rapporteringsdata när de nödvändiga åtgärderna har vidtagits.
" settings: - title: "Settings" - content: "Comments, CAD files ... Manage project parameters here
You can also activate OpenLab projects, in order to display the projects shared by other Fab Labs in your gallery.
" + title: "Inställningar" + content: "Kommentarer, CAD-filer ... Hantera projektparametrar här
Du kan också aktivera OpenLab-projekt, För att visa projekt som delas av andra Fab Labs i ditt galleri.
" statistics: welcome: - title: "Statistics" - content: "From here, you will be able to access many statistics on your members and their uses within your Fab Lab.
In accordance with GDPR, users who have deleted their account continue to be reported in the statistics, but anonymously.
" + title: "Statistik" + content: "Härifrån kommer du att kunna få tillgång till statistik om dina medlemmar och deras användning av ditt Fab Lab.
I enlighet med GDPR fortsätter användare som har raderat sitt konto att rapporteras i statistiken, men anonymt.
" export: - title: "Export data" - content: "You can choose to export all or part of the statistical data to an Excel file." + title: "Exportera data" + content: "Du kan välja att exportera hela eller delar av statistikuppgifterna till en Excel-fil." trending: - title: "Evolution" - content: "Visualize the evolution over time of the main uses of your Fab Lab, thanks to graphs and curves." + title: "Utveckling" + content: "Visualisera utvecklingen över tid för de viktigaste användningsområdena för ditt Fab Lab, med hjälp av grafer och kurvor." settings: welcome: - title: "Application customization" - content: "From here, you can configure the general settings of Fab-manager, enable or disable the optional modules and customize various elements of the interface." + title: "Anpassning av program" + content: "Härifrån kan du konfigurera de allmänna inställningarna för Fab-manager, aktivera eller inaktivera de valfria modulerna och anpassa olika delar av gränssnittet." general: - title: "General settings" - content: "A lot a settings can be customized from here. Take time to look all over this page, it will let you customize messages, documents, optional modules, registrations, visual aspect of Fab-manager, and much more." + title: "Allmänna inställningar" + content: "En hel del en inställningar kan anpassas härifrån. Ta dig tid att titta över hela denna sida, det kommer att låta dig anpassa meddelanden, dokument, valfria moduler, registreringar, visuell aspekt av Fab-Manager och mycket mer." home: - title: "Customize home page" - content: "This WYSIWYG editor allows you to customize the appearance of the home page while using different components (last tweet, brief, etc.).
Warning: Keep in mind that any uncontrolled changes can break the appearance of the home page.
" + title: "Anpassa startsidan" + content: "Denna WYSIWYG-redigerare låter dig anpassa utseendet på startsidan när du använder olika komponenter (senaste tweet, kort etc.).
Varning: Tänk på att eventuella okontrollerade förändringar kan bryta utseendet på startsidan.
" components: title: "Insert a component" - content: "Click here to insert a pre-existing component into the home page." + content: "Klicka här för att infoga en befintlig komponent i startsidan." codeview: - title: "Display HTML code" - content: "This button allows you to directly view and modify the code of the home page. This is the recommended way to proceed, but it requires prior knowledge of HTML." + title: "Visa HTML-kod" + content: "Denna knapp låter dig direkt visa och ändra koden för startsidan. Detta är det rekommenderade sättet att gå vidare, men det kräver förkunskaper i HTML." reset: - title: "Go back" - content: "At any time, you can restore the original home page by clicking here." + title: "Gå tillbaka" + content: "När som helst kan du återställa den ursprungliga hemsidan genom att klicka här." css: - title: "Customize the style sheet" - content: "For advanced users, it is possible to define a custom style sheet (CSS) for the home page." + title: "Anpassa formatmallen" + content: "För avancerade användare är det möjligt att definiera en anpassad formatmall (CSS) för startsidan." about: - title: "About" - content: "Fully personalize this page to present your activity." + title: "Om" + content: "Helt anpassa denna sida för att presentera din aktivitet." privacy: - title: "Privacy policy" - content: "Explain here how you use the data you collect about your members.
GDPR requires that a confidentiality policy is defined, as well as a data protection officer.
" + title: "Integritetspolicy" + content: "Förklara här hur du använder de uppgifter du samlar in om dina medlemmar.
GDPR kräver att en sekretesspolicy definieras, liksom ett dataskyddsombud.
" draft: - title: "Draft" - content: "Click here to view a privacy policy draft with holes, which you just need to read and complete." + title: "Utkast" + content: "Klicka här för att se en sekretesspolicy utkast med hål, som du bara behöver läsa och slutföra." reservations: - title: "Reservations" - content: "Opening hours, chance to cancel reservations... Each Fablab has its own reservation rules, which you can define on this page." + title: "Bokningar" + content: "Öppettider, möjlighet att avboka... Varje Fablab har sina egna bokningsregler, som du kan definiera på denna sida." open_api: welcome: title: "OpenAPI" - content: "Fab-manager offers an open API allowing third-party software to deal simply with its data. This screen allows you to grant accesses to this API." + content: "Fab-manager erbjuder ett öppet API som gör det möjligt för tredjepartsprogram att hantera sina data. Denna skärm låter dig ge åtkomst till detta API." doc: - title: "Documentation" - content: "Click here to access the API online documentation." + title: "Dokumentation" + content: "Klicka här för att komma åt API: et online dokumentation." store: - manage_the_store: "Manage the Store" - settings: "Settings" - all_products: "All products" - categories_of_store: "Store categories" - the_orders: "Orders" - back_to_list: "Back to list" + manage_the_store: "Hantera rapporter" + settings: "Inställningar" + all_products: "Alla produkter" + categories_of_store: "Butikskategorier" + the_orders: "Beställningar" + back_to_list: "Tillbaka till listan" product_categories: - title: "All categories" - info: "Arrange categories with a drag and drop on a maximum of two levels. The order of the categories will be identical between the list below and the public view. Please note that you can delete a category or a sub-category even if they are associated with products. Those products will be left without categories. If you delete a category that contains sub-categories, the latter will also be deleted." + title: "Alla kategorier" + info: "Ordna kategorier genom dra och släpp på högst två nivåer. Ordningen för kategorierna kommer att vara identisk mellan listan nedan och den publika vyn. Observera att du kan ta bort en kategori eller en underkategori även om de är associerade med produkter. Dessa produkter kommer att lämnas utan kategorier. Om du tar bort en kategori som innehåller underkategorier kommer de senare också att raderas." manage_product_category: - create: "Create a product category" - update: "Modify the product category" - delete: "Delete the product category" + create: "Skapa en produktkategori" + update: "Ändra produktkategorin" + delete: "Ta bort produktkategorin" product_category_modal: - new_product_category: "Create a category" - edit_product_category: "Modify a category" + new_product_category: "Skapa en kategori" + edit_product_category: "Ändra en kategori" product_category_form: - name: "Name of category" + name: "Namn på kategori" slug: "URL" - select_parent_product_category: "Choose a parent category (N1)" - no_parent: "No parent" + select_parent_product_category: "Välj en överordnad kategori (N1)" + no_parent: "Ingen förälder" create: - error: "Unable to create the category: " - success: "The new category has been created." + error: "Det går inte att skapa kategori: " + success: "Den nya kategorin har skapats." update: - error: "Unable to modify the category: " - success: "The category has been modified." + error: "Det går inte att uppdatera kategorin: " + success: "Kategorin har ändrats." delete: - confirm: "Do you really want to delete {CATEGORY}?The invoices are generated as PDF files, named with the following prefix.
" - schedule_filename: "Edit the payment schedule file name" - schedule_filename_info: "InformationThe payment shedules are generated as PDF files, named with the following prefix.
" + disable_invoices_zero: "Inaktivera fakturor på 0" + disable_invoices_zero_label: "Generera inte fakturor på {AMOUNT}" + filename: "Redigera filnamnet" + filename_info: "InformationFakturorna genereras som PDF-filer, namngivna med följande prefix.
" + schedule_filename: "Redigera filnamnet för betalningsschemat" + schedule_filename_info: "InformationBetalningsplanerna genereras som PDF-filer, namngivna med följande prefix.
" prefix: "Prefix" - example: "Example" - save: "Save" - update_success: "The settings were successfully updated" + example: "Exempel" + save: "Spara" + update_success: "Inställningarna sparades" vat_settings_modal: - title: "VAT settings" - update_success: "The VAT settings were successfully updated" - enable_VAT: "Enable VAT" - VAT_name: "VAT name" - VAT_name_help: "Some countries or regions may require that the VAT is named according to their specific local regulation" - VAT_rate: "VAT rate" - VAT_rate_help: "This parameter configures the general case of the VAT rate and applies to everything sold by the Fablab. It is possible to override this parameter by setting a specific VAT rate for each object." - advanced: "More rates" - hide_advanced: "Less rates" - show_history: "Show the changes history" - VAT_rate_machine: "Machine reservation" - VAT_rate_space: "Space reservation" - VAT_rate_training: "Training reservation" - VAT_rate_event: "Event reservation" - VAT_rate_subscription: "Subscription" - VAT_rate_product: "Products (store)" - multi_VAT_notice: "Please note: The current general rate is {RATE}%. You can define different VAT rates for each category.