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Raphael Kiffer edited this page May 5, 2015 · 1 revision


In many situation, when your application code starts to grow significantly, you have to face several challenges:

  • report analytics systematically corresponding to the Activity/Fragment life cycle events ;
  • do similar things, provide common interfaces and behavior in Activities/Fragments which cannot share common inheritance (think of the MapActivity or of the ListActivity, or the GroupActivity or even the FragmentActivity, which cannot share a customizable ancestor class) ;
  • handling the exceptions systematically and in an homogeneous way. Many kind of exception may occur: while invoking web services, when the business objects states are not those expected, when using a faulty component, while executing things in background threads ;
  • introduce some Activities workflows, typically when an Activity should be displayed before another one if some conditions are not met, like accessing to a screen which requires that an authentication/registration process has already been executed.

To ease the developer to face and address in a centralized and consistent way those situations, the framework proposes a central component named the ActivityController.

The ActivityController component

The ActivityController is a simple singleton object (accessible through the ActivityController.getInstance() method), which enables to register three types of components, namely:

  • an ExceptionHandler through the ActivityController.registerExceptionHandler() method. This ExceptionHandler will be invoked by the framework any time a managed exception is thrown ;
  • an Activity Redirector through the ActivityController.registerRedirector() method. This Redirector will be requested by the framework any time an Activity is being started ;
  • an Activity/Fragment Interceptor through the ActivityController.registerInterceptor() method. This Interceptor will be requested by the framewok on any droid4me-ready Activity/Fragment throughout its life cycle, through events depicted by the InterceptorEvent enumerated type.

The ExceptionHandler interface

This interface behavior and responsibility is handled in the ExceptionHandler documentation. It will be invoked by the ActivityController.handleException() method, which will decide which of the ExceptionHandler method to be invoked.

The Redirector interface

The Redirector interface is very simple and exposes only one method:

Intent getRedirection(Activity activity)

This method will be invoked by the ActivityController.needsRedirection() method, during the Activity.onCreate() method. The created Activity reference is provided, and the Redirector interface implementation is responsible for returning a non-null Activity Intent if such an Activity is supposed to be started before the current Activity. This enables to handle workflows in a central place in the application code, just like a regular web controller would do.

In the case the getRedirection() method returns a non-null Intent, it will be used to start the underlying Activity, and this intent will be appended the original Intent argument through the bundle ActivityController.CALLING_INTENT attribute. Later on, the redirected Activity may be resumed by using the ActivityController.extractCallingIntent() method.

The Interceptor interface

The Interceptor interface is very simple and exposes a single method:

void onLifeCycleEvent(Activity activity, Object component, ActivityController.Interceptor.InterceptorEvent event)

This method will be invoked by the ActivityController.onLifeCycleEvent() method, during many of the Activity/Fragment life cycle events, as soon as those entities are droid4me-ready. Those events are described in the InterceptorEvent enumerated type documentation, and the framework ensures that this method will always be invoked from the UI thread.

In cooperation with the Activity/Fragment Smartable entity Smarted.get/setAggregate() method, this hook enables to perform transverse operation things in a very centralized way, without necessarily having to derive from a common class, which is very convenient because it is sometimes not possible, and it reduces components coupling.

Integration with the SmartApplication

The ActivityController component is usually initialized in the Application.onCreate() method, which is a good candidate for registering the application ExceptionHandler, the Redirector and the Interceptor. And in order to ease even more this initialization, the framework offers three registration methods.

If you intend to initialize the ActivityController component by yourself, think of initializing it early during the application execution, before any Activity has been started.

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