<a name"1.5.1">
<a name"1.5.0">
- main.js:
- taBind.js: Fix bug #843 -- improper closing of list elements (a0b79276)
- textAngular-santitize: Fix for internal model ignores style attr #854 (9fc7288b)
<a name"1.4.6">
- textAngular:
- textAngular: textAngular-sanitize now respects and keeps most whitespace and html comments! (aba8265, closes [#846, #847]
- textAngularSetup: textAngularSetup - fixed dependency issue with textAngularSetup to all use of constant taRegisterTool. Closes PR #866 (textAngular#866)
<a name"1.4.5">
- Fix(css): fixed css/js mistake in the 1.4.4 release!
<a name"1.4.4">
- coverage: Gruntfile -- coverage back to 100% and fixed the banner. (55f2c9a3)
- gitcommit: Demo pages was not being included (aa570e87)
- textAngular:
- Fix(main): tests weren't running without requireJS (e40874ad
- Fix issue with two baners being included in the build (776db53)
- Fix memory leak for event window.blur (bd3e84f1)
- Fix 644 parse whitespace from plaintext (5c028f5b)
- Fix(Readme): Plunkr was not loading (e10644de)
- Fix image resize (e9d6f079)
- fix popover requires 2 clicks to hide (fed6cca0)
- textAngular: Full support for commonjs (Closes #737, #712, #713, #716, #708, #709, #853) (a0a84553)
- demo: Updated the demo pages to 1.4.3 (ddd000df)
<a name"1.4.3">
- textAngular: Fix image resize broken for chrome (86072d4b)
- textAngularSetup: Inorder to fully block Undo or Redo, one must also call event.preventDefault() (aedc38e4)
- textAngular: Fix remove CSSRule-when-no-rules (0eb2f38)
- taToolbar: Update insertVideo to handle youtube link variants (1372bc1d)
- test: Added coverage for 'justifyFull' button. (72cca334)
- textAngularSetup:
- Added taOptions.keyMappings to customize key bindings. (05546ab4)
- Added taOptions.keyMappings to adjustment the key bindings for Redo, Undo, ... (de12e3e3)
- Added a taOptions:forceTextAngularSanitize to verify sanitizer provider. (ad04836b)
- Added a taOptions:forceTextAngularSanitize to verify sanitizer provider. (8e642c15)
If you were using a different sanitize provider instead of textAngular-sanitize we will now detect this and throw an error. To eliminate this error set taOptions.forceTextAngularSanitize: false
<a name"1.4.2">
- textAngular: corrected undefined event #796 (6186ed52)
- taBind: Reapply selector handles on focus (f05857e3)
- textAngular: Fixed resize image issue (52fb20c0)
- grunt: Update javascript path in watch target (58df955d)
- textAngular:
- textAngular:
- textAngularDemo: Updated the demo to be in synch with this release (93fd4048)
- globals: Added aria-hidden to hidden input, to hide it from screen readers (b49bf814)
- textAngularSetup: Enhanced toolbar to handle TAB and SHIFT-TAB KEYS. (8df51fb)
- taToolFunctions: Create factory for sharable functions (032611dd)
This changes the structure of the files - all production files are now in the dist folder, this makes where PR's should be done a little more clear.
If you were referencing the src/*.js files they will need to be updated to dist/*js.
- taPaste: Fix the taPaste order s.t. sanitizer is called after paste handler. (108857f6, closes #686)
The minimum required versions of AngularJS is 1.3 and Rangy is 1.3.
chrome: Make the matcher for detecting bad chorem tags more lenient (05fe7a61)
taBind.formatters: Catch unwrapped content (0cd98dd3, closes #584)
taBind.keyevents: Attempted fix for polish character issues (26226dda, closes #518)
taBinde.undomanager: Fix a bug with redo/undo beyond the borders (dd023c30, closes #558)
taTools: Added options for tools in taOptions (7fb00a02)
- placeholder: multiple textAngular will cause CSSRule index error (943f08d5)
- taBind.$formatters: Fix an issue where unwrapped tags broke the textarea display (d39c7b63, closes #566)
- taBind: Fix tab focus issue. (8693e1d6, closes #483, #379)
- textAngular.popover: Add scroll top offset. (f12eb86d)
- taSanitize: Close XSS vector, See http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0167, http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/100929 and https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/#/vulnerabilities/100929 for details. (f5f27c26)
- taSelection: Fix selecting end of element being after trailing
- globals: Fix document.head undefined in IE<9 (da435392, closes #530)
- sanitize: Port script/style fix over from main repo. (7975a26d, closes #533)
- taBind.paste: Fix some paste isuses. (f989f6c2)
- taSelection: Fix a bug in insert HTML. (7003b27b)
- ta-hidden-input: Add new class for hidden inputs (07eda5a8)
- ta-paste: Add attribute that allows intercetping of the pasted content. (39698985)
- taDOM: New services or dealing with html nodes (a08bdc53)
- dependancies: Changed Bootstrap to Bootstrap-css-only (9250bf5a, closes #527)
- npm: Fix installation issues with npm (902fa692, closes #522)
- dependancies: Revert back to stable rangy version (498176d2)
- taSanitize: Fix issue with last pre-tag overwriting all previous. (230e779e, closes #508)
- Bower: Rangy-official renamed to rangy. (652204c9)
- Bower: Rangy-official renamed to rangy. (652204c9)
- taBind:
- main.events: ng-focus wasn't being triggered on focus. (3928bc50, closes #482)
- taBind._blankTest: Fix a bug where the first tag had really big attributes and cut off the actual c (fe800b24, closes #484)
- taBind: Add blankTest tests and seperate service (c3900a4a)
- textAngular.resize: Fixes resize overlay with more than one image (c08ddd75, closes #470)
- textAngular.resize-overlay: Catch when height or width is NaN (efcb4115, closes #470)
- textangular: Fix focus issues in IE11 (a5200e38, closes #443)
- taBind: Catch edge case on mouseup handler when no children (e1140893, closes #446)
- textAngular: Add stop of update selected styles on blur. (c877991d, closes #443)
- textAngular: Fixes the window blur check for updating styles (72a5da81)
- taBind:
- taBind.paste: Fix multi-paste issue (58f75379, closes #392)
- taSanitize:
- textAngular: Prevent updateSelectedStyles loop when out of document focus (81a37de7)
- DOM: Fix for convert to lists (75cc1441, closes #377)
- placeholder: add missing return (799a4ff0)
- taBind: Fix paste issues (f9d7e423, closes #407)
- taExecCommand: Fix List conversion bug. (d97842c6, closes #399)
- $animation: Fix angular 1.3.x compatability. (b74ddf61, closes #401)
- placeholder: Fix the IE 11 bug with CSS style insert (8e9e6625, closes #390)
- taExecCommand:
- bower: Fix files in main bower definition. (00954faf, closes #382)
- taBind: Fixes paste nested list from word issues (43bc8d9d)
- taExecCommand: Fixes blockquote issue. (63480a67, closes #377)
- taBind: Press enter to escape a blockquote (717c291c)
- taBind: Fix for only inline elements like
(7123785f) - taExecCommand: Fixes bug with blockquotes. (5edb37cf)
- taBind:
- textAngularSetup: Fix wordcount and charcount display with large numbers. (42f1e349)
- compile: Keep copyright notices in minified files (9fe51ab6)
- styling: Support other CSS frameworks. (280522a3)
- taBind: Fixes paste lists, more lenient stripping of spans. (5ff572f6)
- taExecCommand: Attempt to wrap unwrapped content in list breaks. (7b873df8)
- taBind: Fix some paste from word issues. (ca8af8b1)
- Setup: Make the rangy loaded check more forgiving. (ec778431)
- taBind: Fix the drop handler not re-applying on select handler (af233b9f)
- taExecCommand: Fix lists for FF specifically. (0924a8ca, closes #290)
- taSanitize: Allow id attribute. (7afc96c0, closes #355)
- taTranslations: Change Constant to Value (58781ee9)
- taBind.undoManager: Add undoManager to taBind. (bd2bb0ae)
- taBind: Add paste from word converting. (e9edbdfe)
- taTools: Fixes the wordcount to count correctly. (fb208874)
- taTools:
- If disabled is a value, respect it
- Fix align active state when Justify / Full
- Cleaned Up character count and stopped it from counting \n and \n\r linebreak characters.
- taBind: Fixes a list bug
- IE/Paste: More IE paste fixes.
- fileDropHandler: Fixes non-binding and long running file drop handlers not updating the model
- taExecCommand: Shim the insertHTML function
- taTools:
- Add option to override default class
- New word and character count tools.
- Youtube videos now default to poster image from youtube API
- taBind:
- Validation on just whitespace
- Ignoring keyup event on unnecessary keys
- Remove Isolate Scope
- window.event: Window.event is undefined on FF
- taExecCommand: Collapsed selection creates link with url
- taTools: Fix clear collapsed list selection
- animations: Disable animations while switching views
- paste: Allow pasting of styles and random trash into the editor by sanitizing the paste event
- taSelection: Add selection function
- taSanitize: Add background-color to accepted style options
- taTools: Add Strikethrough tool
- CSP Compliance: TextAngular is now CSP Compiant
###OLD Changelog - PRE v1.3.0-pre1
2014-07-26 v1.2.2
- FIX #190, #201, #206, #223, #224,
- Merge #209, #204
- Add option to disable sanitizer #233
2014-05-19 v1.2.1
- Release
2014-05-12 v1.2.1-pre6
- FIX some FormatBlock issues.
- Add .ta-bind class to the ta-bind directive.
2014-05-01 v1.2.1-pre5
- ADD Included some css built into the editor - no need for extra stylesheets unless you want to override.
- CHANGE The registerTools function to be the entire signature so directives can be included as wanted.
- ADD resizeOverlay functionality, includes a new scroll window that the ta-text editor nests inside to make positioning better (TODO: tests).
- FIX ta-default-wrap in chrome bug.
- ADD Class .ta-bind to all ta-bind directive elements.
- FIX ta-default-wrap and other funkyness with ul/ol tags, #155.
- FIX some execCommand bugs by adding taExecCommand.
2014-04-08 v1.2.1-pre4
- Fixing IE bugs with ta-default-wrap.
2014-04-08 v1.2.1-pre3
- Fixing a change focus bug introduced in v1.2.1-pre2
- Changing the code so ta-bind no longer requires rangy-core.js, making it an optional requirement again.
2014-04-08 v1.2.1-pre2
- Fixed up ta-default-wrap. This now requires rangy-core.js
- Fixed an IE Paste issue.
- Fixed a webkit bug causing contenteditables not to loose focus.
2014-03-24 v1.2.1-pre1
- Moved setup functions into a seperate file, textAngularSetup.js. This file must be included before textAngular.js file. Using the defaults and textAngular.min.js causes no changes.
- Adding the Image and Link click popup functions.
- Adding ability to drag and drop files into the editor.
- Manager now can add and remove tools dynamically.
- Added Custom Renderers adding the ability to use placeholders, eg an image, in the editor and display something else in display mode. Uses factory function
to do this.
2014-02-28 v1.2.0
- Lots and Lots of changes, too many to list. Structural changes and added functionality. Supports down to IE8 and all other browsers.
2013-12-11 v1.1.2
- Updated to work correctly with IE (console.log bug)
2013-12-11 v1.1.2-pre3
- Added support for .focussed class and ng-focus to allow dynamic styling on focus events. #47
- Updates to fix Angular.JS breaking with parameter renaming minification. #49
- Minor bug fix to disable links from being 'clickable' in the editor.
- Updated the default toolbar to include ALL default tools.
- Update the tools to use activeState better.
- Small update to allow use of ta-bind outside of textAngular.
- Changed the raw html view to use a text-area for better compatability.
2013-12-09 v1.1.2-pre2
- Added input for form submission. #43
- Slight restructure and update into of /demo.
- Moved a lot of the README.md to the online Wiki. #34
- Changed pre-release tag names to -preX as we aren't really doing alpha - beta - RC format.
2013-12-05 v1.1.2-alpha (v1.1.2-pre1)
- Added bundled demo pages.
- Fixed Escaping of < and > #30
- Fixed stripping of style and class attributes and other parsing issues whilst maintaining the chrome fixes. #35 #30 #5
- Fixed two-way-binding not working #38
- Updated Readme.md and consolidated the readme out of the textAngular.js file.
2013-12-2 v1.1.1
- Fixed buttons still submitting form. #29
- Fix for Null ngModel value. Thanks to @slobo #22
- Added Ability to override just "display" for default button set. Thanks to @slobo #27
2013-11-9 v1.1.0
- Re-written to only depend on Angular and Angular-Sanitize. No More jQuery.
- Re-worked to be more angular-esq in it's initiation and use. Less reliance on global variables except for defaults and more use of bindings on attributes.
- Default styles are Bootstrap 3 classes, options to change these classes.
- Restructured the Toolbar to make it more plugin friendly, all tool buttons are encapsulated in their own scope that is a child of the individual textAngular bound scope.
2013-11-6 v1.0.3
- $sce isn't required anymore* Thanks to @nadeeshacabral
- bower support added* Thanks to @edouard-lopez
2013-10-11 v1.0.2
- Fixed issue with images not calling the compileHTML method*
- Fixed issue in chrome where styling was getting added for unordered lists*
- You can now change the model from the outside and have it affect the textAngular instance contents*
- Cleaned up code*
2013-10-10 v1.0.1
- Added Tooltip Option, title has been renamed icon, and title is now the tooltip*
- The minified version actually works now*