changes while debugging for clean compilation
changes while debugging for clean compilation
Further edits, adding device/ansiterm-token.sml.
Further edits, adding device/ansiterm-token.sml.
sorting out and renaming logical vs device (physiical) styles and tokens
sorting out and renaming logical vs device (physiical) styles and tokens
further cleanuip for clean compilation
further cleanuip for clean compilation
added separate definition of an ANSITermStyle structure in ansiterm-s…
added separate definition of an ANSITermStyle structure in ansiterm-s…
updating examples for Version 11 and ANSITermDevice
updating examples for Version 11 and ANSITermDevice
updating examples for Version 11.0
updating examples for Version 11.0
updated for Version 11.0, revised some comments in forma…
updated for Version 11.0, revised some comments in forma…
debugging (type and signature matching errors, no testing yet)
debugging (type and signature matching errors, no testing yet)
adjusting cm files for flattened sources
adjusting cm files for flattened sources
Flattening the prettyprint/src directory, moving device out of src.
Flattening the prettyprint/src directory, moving device out of src.
Updating printformat.s* with needed parameters.
Updating printformat.s* with needed parameters.
final (?) modifications of formatting.s* and doc/str-Formatting.adoc …
final (?) modifications of formatting.s* and doc/str-Formatting.adoc …
Added spaces format function in Formatting: FORMATTING
Added spaces format function in Formatting: FORMATTING
edited todo.txt, clean up in doc
edited todo.txt, clean up in doc
Edited README files, and moved device/device-notes.txt to device/READ…
Edited README files, and moved device/device-notes.txt to device/READ…
edited and device/device-notes.txt
edited and device/device-notes.txt
moving and removing files (doc directory)
moving and removing files (doc directory)
Cleaning up and simplifying the PrettyPrint device code and model.
Cleaning up and simplifying the PrettyPrint device code and model.
editing and moviiing prettyprint (dbm) files
editing and moviiing prettyprint (dbm) files
Further edits for JHR suggested changes. Formatting.format == Format.…
Further edits for JHR suggested changes. Formatting.format == Format.…