Open a new release issue in the repository, following the release issue template.
Create a new branch for the release
git checkout -b release-2024.9.1
Clean the branch
git clean -fxdq
Increment the version in
following our version specification -
Build the package locally:
yarn install # build the package yarn run build # for the browser bundle - this will generate a dist directory for the # compiled assets, by using the prod target we ensure assets will be # optimised accordingly, you can check the contents in the /dist directory yarn run webpack:prod bundle # pack the bundle yarn pack --filename conda-store-ui.tgz
You need to be logged in to the npmjs
registry to publish the package.
And have access to the conda-store
npm namespace.
Perform a local dry run publish:
# dry run publish to npmjs npm publish --verbose --access public conda-store-ui.tgz --dry-run
If the dry run looks good, continue with the release checklist items.
If there are issues with the GitHub Release UI, ensure that whatever code you published is checked into git, then tag and push both the commit and the tag:
# use the same version here as in package.json, but without a leading `v` git tag -a YYYY.M.ReleaseNumber # push to upstream git push && git push --tags
In case the Release GitHub Actions workflow fails, publish to npmjs manually. You need access to the conda-store-ui npm package for this:
# you will need to login first - and have access to the npm namespace # npm login --registry https://registry.npmjs.org --scope @conda-store-ui # publish release to npmjs npm publish --verbose --access public conda-store-ui.tgz