The core CureFuzz is in the folder ./rl-baselines3-zoo/fuzz/
The RL algorithm is in the folder ./rl-baselines3-zoo
The RL model we evaluate is borrowed from these awesome repositories:,, which are under MIT license.
Run the following:
# Setup environment
conda create -n RLWalk python=3.6.3
conda env update --name RLWalk --file environment_RLWalk.yml
conda activate RLWalk
cp ./gym/ ./
pip install -e .
cp ./stable_baselines3/ ./
pip install -e .
# Download trained models
cd ./rl-baselines3-zoo
git clone
Check the default path of the model is correct in ./
Run python --alg tqc --env BipedalWalkerHardcore-v3 --folder rl-trained-agents/ --guide --no-render --n-timesteps 300
to start fuzz testing.