The HERMES project employs a lightweight governance model.
All decisions are made by the HERMES Steering Group together with the maintainer(s) of the repositories affected by the decision.
Decisions that adhere to a single repository in the scope of the HERMES project are made by lazy consensus:
- The maintainer of the repository makes a decision and notifies the HERMES Steering Group
mention). - If no members of the Steering Group veto the decision within the decision period of one week (168 hours), the decision becomes effective and can be acted upon. The maintainer and any member of the Steering Group can ask for a longer decision period, which must be granted. During this period, the steering committee should meet to discuss the decision.
- If one or more members of the Steering Group veto the decision, the decision is discussed until consensus is reached.
Decisions that adhere to more than one repository in the scope of the HERMES project must be based on full consensus within the Steering Group.
The following are the repositories that are governed by the Steering Group.
- (Maintainer: Stephan Druskat)
- (Maintainer: Oliver Bertuch)
- (Maintainer: Sophie Kernchen)
- (Maintainer: Michael Meinel)
- (Maintainer: Oliver Bertuch)
- (Maintainer: Michael Meinel)
- (Maintainer: Oliver Bertuch)
- (Maintainer: Stephan Druskat)
New repositories may be added to, and existing repositories may be removed from, the project by the Steering Group by updating the above list. Any update needs lazy consensus as defined above from all members of the Steering Group.
The HERMES Steering Group has three members, each of whom represents one of the three Helmholtz centers who were funded under the original Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration project (ZT-I-PF-3-006), i.e., German Aerospace Center (DLR), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ).
Currently the Steering Group consists of:
- Stephan Druskat (DLR),
- David Pape (HZDR),
- Nitai Heeb (FZJ),
Whenever a member of the Steering Group wants to step down, they are asked to nominate a successor. If no successor is named, the two remaining members seek a successor affiliated with the Helmholtz center of the leaving member. New members of the Steering Group join if neither of the other two members disagrees with the decision to join.
Each repository in the scope of the HERMES project should have one maintainer at all times. The Steering Group appoints the maintainer for this repository in agreement with the appointed person. Whenever a maintainer wants to step down, they are asked to nominate a successor. If no successor is named, the Steering Group seeks a successor. One member of the Steering Group steps in as interim maintainer until a successor is found.