0.25.0 (2024-01-10)
- trt: dropped support for caffe refinedet
- allow returning images in json in base64 format (05096fd)
- build Deepdetect + pytorch MPS on Apple platforms (aa8822d)
- recompose action to recreate an image from a GAN + crop (e1118b1)
- torch: add map metrics with arbitrary iou threshold (20d8ebe)
- torch: Added param
add more explicit error messages (ca2703c)
allow two chain calls with the same name to be executed simultaneously (b26b5b9)
chain: empty predictions were too empty (57bed0b)
docker: build CPU dockers (9e56aba)
no resize when training with images (e84c616)
prevent crash when a service is deleted before finishing predict (0ef1f46)
support boolean value for service info parameters (737724d)
torch architecture selected correctly at docker build (5eb7890)
torch: black&white image now working with crnn & dataaug (2b07002)
torch: concurrent_predict was always true (edb28c1)
trt: update to v8.6.1 & docker 23.05 & ubuntu 22.04 (0e516bb)