Optimize the size of roof solar panel installations
Solidar is a calculator to find out the optimal number of solar panels to install on the roof of a building, given the features of the roof and the energy use of the residents.
It takes data like the dimensions of the roof, its tilt and orientaion, the energy use and the electric fare, and, then, generates a report with the proposed a number of panels, their economic cost and estimations the eventual savings.
This software is licensed under a GNU Affero Licence 3.0 or later. A short non-binding summary is that you have the right to use, modify and distribute it with no warranty as long as you grant the same rights to the users you redistribute to, including your modifications and considering online use as redistribution.
Full binding version of the License
git clone git@github.com:som-labs/solidar.git
cd solidar
npm install
npm run dev
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