- Fixed
caused by NSE updating the method they use for loading symbols on their website. Issue: #54 , #55 , #56 - No longer uses the web scraping technique to load symbols
- Instead uses the API to load symbols as that is what the new NSE website uses
- Removed
as it is no longer required
- Updated documentation:
- Removed
from dependencies
- Removed
- Fixed
with tksheet versions>=5.0.29
. Issue: #24 , #25 , #28 , #32 and #33. Pull Request: #34 (Thanks to @yjagota) - Fixed redundant code. Pull Request: #19 (Thanks to @QuickLearner171998)
- Bumped dependencies to fix known vulnerabilities
- Updated documentation:
- Added new contributors to the list
- Updated table formatting
- Fixed typos
New App Icon:
Improved Documentation
Added Option to alert if last time the data was updated is 5 minutes or more called
Warn Late Server Updates
Downloading the app icon can be disabled now changing the value of
in the config file- This is to speed up loading times while using the .py version
Added Saving New settings for subsequent runs
- New Saved settings:
- Load App Icon
- Warn Late Server Updates
- New Saved settings:
Improved Logging:
- New Logging messages:
- Beta status
- Beta version number
- New Logging messages:
Disabled resizability for About window
Bumped dependencies for
version -
Removed numpy import by casting all numpy.float64 and numpy.int64 types to float and int
- Removed numpy from requirements but will be installed by pandas anyways
Fixed icon not loading in
version -
Prevents crashing the program if it fails to check for updates
Prevents crashing the program if icon fails to load correctly
- Runs the program with the default icon instead
Program will exit if an error occurs while trying to load symbols
- Error message window will be displayed before exiting
- Added Support for Linux
- Notifications only supports Windows 10
- List of Stocks and Indices is loaded dynamically
from https://www.nseindia.com/products-services/equity-derivatives-list-underlyings-information everytime
- Program is now not required to be updated when there are changes in Stocks and Indices
- Added name of stock or index in notifications
- Reworked configuration reading and writing
- Settings will stay persistent across updates
- Only invalid values are corrected and missing values are appended
- Unless a user tampers with it, the config does not reset completely
- If your running the .py version, icons are now temporarily downloaded every time you run the program and need not be saved separately
- Disabled text input in Dropdown menus on Login page to prevent errors
- Improved Logging:
- New Logging messages:
- OS Name and Version
- Error Class along with Error Message
- New Logging messages:
- Note: Users who are still running version 4.x are recommended to directly update to 5.2 to prevent settings from resetting
- Added Support for Stocks (Total 141 Stocks).
Issue: #8
- Set Index Mode or Stock Mode then select your preferred Index or Stock
- Values are in 10s in Stock mode and 1000s in Index mode (to compensate for low values of stocks)
- Symbol of the Stock is present in the names of the .csv files
- Appropriate Units are reflected in the headers of .csv files
- Added Saving New settings for subsequent runs
- New Saved settings:
- Index/Stock Mode
- Selected Stock
- New Saved settings:
- Fixed possible issues while reading configuration
- Optimised retrieving data from the API
- Added Dumping Entire Option Chain data to a .csv file.
Issues: #3
and #4
- Dump Entire Option Chain is disabled by default (Enable from Option menu or Ctrl+O)
- Saves this setting for subsequent runs
- Added Notifications for changes in value of OI Upper and Lower Boundary Strike Prices
- Renamed 'Export all to CSV' option to 'Export Table to CSV'
- Fixed Call and Put OI for 2nd Strike Price not being displayed in K when the Strike Prices were consecutive
- Fixed issues where export would fail and program would stop if the .csv file is open in some other program or is inaccessible
- Fixed issue where program stops immediately if you start it before market opens when you have auto stop enabled
- Prevents crash during Checking for updates due to poor internet connection
- Fixed 'Quitting Program' being logged even if Debug Logging was off
- Fixed possible issues while reading configuration
- Added support for FINNIFTY index
- Dropped support for NIFTYIT index
- Added Live Exporting of Data rows to a .csv file
- Live Exporting is disabled by default (Enable from Option menu or Ctrl+B)
- Supports exporting data while running multiple instances with different indices and/or expiry dates selected
- Filename contains the selected index and expiry date. For eg. NSE-OCA-NIFTY-14-Jan-2021.csv will only have the data for NIFTY and 14 Jan 21 regardless of the instance running
- Adds Column Names to the .csv file if it is created for the first time
- Added Toast Notifications on Windows when a state of a label changes (except PCR label)
- Notifications are disabled by default (Enable from Option menu or Ctrl+N)
- Added option to automatically stop the program at 3:30pm when market closes
- Auto Stop is disabled by default (Enable from Option menu or Ctrl+K)
- Added Auto and Manual Check for updates
- Auto Check for updates are enabled by default (Disable from Option menu or Ctrl+U)
- Added Saving settings for subsequent runs
- Saved settings:
- Selected Index
- Refresh Interval
- Live Export
- Notifications
- Auto stop at 3:30pm
- Auto Check for Updates
- Debug Logging
- Settings are saved to NSE-OCA.ini
- Resets NSE-OCA.ini file if incorrectly configured
- Saved settings:
- Fixed issue where Points would be 0 for some strike prices. Issue: #6
- Added NSE icon to all windows (if icon file is missing, default icon will be used)
- Improved Option Menu
- Improved messages in Alert boxes
- Improved Buttons
- Modified some Labels
- Improved Logging:
- New Logging messages:
- Whether running instance is .py version or .exe
- Version number
- Logging Started
- Logging Stopped
- Program Quitting
- Removed unnecessary messages:
- 'Nse' object has no attribute 'options' 10
- module 'sys' has no attribute '_MEIPASS' 0
- invalid command name ".!combobox2" 4
- Changed name of the log file from nse.log to NSE-OCA.log
- New Logging messages:
- Many Code Improvements
- Added 2nd Highest Call and Put Open Interest and their corresponding Strike Price
- It is calculated between the OI boundary range (highest in the range)
- Added option to change refresh interval
- Reworked Login Screen
- Added Type Hints in code everywhere
- Added requirements.txt
- Reduced size of .exe by ~10%
- Ceased releasing Python Compiled Files (.pyc/.pyw)
- Since it runs only on specific versions of Python
- Fixed an issue when program would stop refreshing after a few hours (creates a new session everytime)
- Fixed an issue when program would stop refreshing after every ~2 hours (creates a new session everytime)
- Fixed an issue when the program would stop refreshing after one connection error
- Added Debug Logging (Use this to report any issues)
- Now uses sessions and cookies to access the website to solve many connection errors
- Added units in bottom labels
- Changed label "Points" to "Value"
- Refactored code
- Drastically reduced .exe size (~98MB to ~35MB)
- Fixed an issue when the program would stop responding if the internet connection is poor
- Fixed an issue when no data would be retrieved if the program is run before the website updates for the first time on a day (~9:15 am)
- Fixed an issue when no data would be retrieved if the expiry date selected expires when the program is running. This now throws an error and stops the program.
- Added units in column labels
- Slightly reduced the width of the program's main window
- Fixed error when the entered strike price is towards the upper limit or the lower limit of the table
- The missing values will be set to 0
- Used to auto-py-to-exe to compile the program to a .exe file (beta)
- README.md updated
- Now compatible with the new NSE website
- Instead of scraping the data from the html the program now calculates the data from a json file which is also the implementation of the new website (Thanks to @medknecth)
- Since the values on the new website display contracts instead of shares, the values in the program have been updated to display in thousands instead of lacs
- Completely reworked the main code
- Updated Login window
- Dropped support for shares
- Now only supports the following indexes: NIFTY, BANKNIFTY and NIFTYIT
- Refreshes every 1 min now, increased from the earlier 30 sec
- Requires a new module: json
- Instructions about the data is included in README.md
- Object Oriented
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Since the new website disallows and is made for preventing web scraping, you may encounter more connection errors
- Added GUI
- Red and Green colour indication for data based on trends
- Added Stop and Start functionality
- Added Export to .csv option
- Added About window with version and links for developer GitHub profile, README, license, releases and sources
- Instructions about the data is included in README.md
- Enter the final URL from the browser and your preferred Strike Price
- In case of network or connection errors the program doesn't crash and will keep retrying infinitely
- If a ZeroDivisionError occurs or some data doesn't exist the value of the variable will be defaulted to 0
- The program infinitely refreshes every 30 seconds
- New data is printed only if the server time has changed (To prevent printing duplicate data)
- Check README.md to see what data is printed and how it's calculated
- PEP 8 format