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A tetra-sexagesimal and decimal converter

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What is Tetra-sexagesimal?

Tetra-sexagesimal is a number system that is base 64. The digits include 0-9 and a whole deck of poker cards as listed out below:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

♦️A ♣️A ♥️A ♠️A

♦️2 ♣️2 ♥️2 ♠️2

♦️3 ♣️3 ♥️3 ♠️3

♦️4 ♣️4 ♥️4 ♠️4

♦️5 ♣️5 ♥️5 ♠️5

♦️6 ♣️6 ♥️6 ♠️6

♦️7 ♣️7 ♥️7 ♠️7

♦️8 ♣️8 ♥️8 ♠️8

♦️9 ♣️9 ♥️9 ♠️9

♦️10 ♣️10 ♥️10 ♠️10

♦️J ♣️J ♥️J ♠️J

♦️Q ♣️Q ♥️Q ♠️Q

♦️K ♣️K ♥️K ♠️K



Convesion between tetra-sexagesimal and decimal

This is similar to conversions between any number systems. Our converter has two components: the JavaScript part that does the conversion and the HTML part that does the I/O.

Different dialects

Firstly, you need to determine the suit order. The ranking can be alphabetical (♣️, ♦️, ♥️, ♠️), reversed-alphabetical (♠️, ♥️, ♦️, ♣️), or alternating-colours (♦️, ♣️, ♥️, ♠️). Also, to some people, Ace is larger than K. Our converter supports different dialects and can provide translation between them.

Typing tetra-sexagesimal with a standard keyboard

Except for the ten arabic numbers (0-9), the poker cards are typed using key sequences.

♣️ is typed with C

♦️ is typed with D

♥️ is typed with H

♠️ is typed with S

10 in a card suit is typed with T

Two jokers are typed with JH and JL (as high and low)

For example, a whole suit of ♣️ can be written as:

CA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CT CJ CQ CK


Suppose we choose the alternating colour (♦️, ♣️, ♥️, ♠️) order and Ace goes before K.

Decimal -> Tetra-sexagesimal -> typing

0 (DEC) -> 0 (TET) -> 0

10 (DEC) -> ♦️A (TET) -> DA

19 (DEC) -> ♣️3 (TET) -> C3

62 (DEC) -> 🃏(TET) -> JL

64 (DEC) -> 10 (TET) -> 10

100 (DEC) -> 1♥️7 (TET) -> 1H7

129 (DEC) -> 21 (TET) -> 21

256 (DEC) -> 40 (TET) -> 40

1024 (DEC) -> ♥️20 (TET) -> H20

4096 (DEC) -> 100 -> 100

262,144 (DEC) -> 1000 -> 1000

Do you see the biggest advantage of tetra-sexagesimal? It's so compact!!!

Other possible number systems