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457 lines (376 loc) · 21.9 KB

Version 2.0.1 (Sat 10, 2016)

  • Issue #218: Upgrade Cats to 0.7.2, Scalaz to 7.2.6 and support Scala 2.12.0-RC1

Version 2.0.0 (Aug 31, 2016)

  • Issue #216: Change type-class design in monix.types to an encoding inspired by the Scato and Scalaz 8, cleaning up the available types; also enable 2.12.0-M5 support, although releases are not automatic, because Cats doesn't yet support Scala 2.12

Version 2.0-RC13 (Aug 19, 2016)

Emergency bug fix:

  • Issue #215: the instance created by Task.gatherUnordered keeps state and has problems running (with runAsync) a second time

Version 2.0-RC12 (Aug 19, 2016)

Bug fixes:

  • Issue #211: CompositeCancelable.remove wasn't working after the changes in RC10, fixed it in RC11 and now added some more tests
  • Issue #213: Fixes Task / Coeval memoize operation


  • Issue #212: Upgraded Cats to version 0.7.0
  • PR #214: optimize Task, refactorings, some deprecations (details below)

Details on PR #214:

  • Upgraded the Cats dependency to version 0.7.0. Had some trouble with that (see cats#1329), but it is now functional
  • Renamed eval to evalAlways across the board (in Task, Coeval and Observable), but kept evalAlways with the @deprecated sign, so upgrade should be smooth. The reason is that evalAlways is an often used operation and deserves a shorter name
  • For Scalaz converts introduced Task.delay as an alias of Task.eval, Task.suspend as an alias of Task.defer and Task.async as an alias of Task.create
  • Renamed Task.eval(Coeval) to Task.coeval(Coeval) and Observable.eval(Coeval) to Observable.coeval(Coeval) in order to avoid a conflict
  • Removed Task.both because it is just an alias for Task.mapBoth. Judging in retrospective, we probably should've added it a @deprecated warning instead; on the other hand both and mapBoth are so close that the IDE will probably suggest mapBoth (at least IntelliJ IDEA does)
  • Refactor the Task internals again, for optimizations and simplifications:
    • Simplified the internal states, e.g. instead of having Now, Error, Always and Once, we now have a single Delay(coeval), thus reusing the Coeval type for computing asynchronous values
    • Get rid of the Task.Attempt type, it never made any sense that one. People can use Coeval.Attempt if they need a Try alternative (and convert to Task if they end up needing a Task)
    • Introduced Scheduler.executeAsync and Scheduler.executeLocal as extension methods powered by macros, for zero-overhead, because building Runnable instances is too annoying
    • Used Scheduler.executeLocal and LocalRunnable in key points in the Task implementation to reduce forking
    • Made Task.gather be based on Task.gatherUnordered and it is now way faster
  • Moved everything from monix.types.shims to monix.types

Version 2.0-RC11 (Aug 19, 2016)

Bug fixes:

  • Issue #207: Task flatMap loop isn't cancelable
  • Issue #210: Fixed CompositeCancelable.remove, a bug introduced in the last release (RC10)


  • Issue #208: Uniquely name threads generated from ThreadFactory
  • Issue #210: Refactorings for performance and coherence reasons, described below

Issue #210 changes for the monix-execution sub-project:

  • introduced the CallbackRunnable interface for marking Runnable instances that could be executed on the current thread, on a local trampoline, as an optimization
  • introduced LocalBatchingExecutor, a mixin for schedulers that can execute CallbackRunnable locally, using a trampoline
  • made AsyncScheduler for the JVM be able to execute CallbackRunnable instances by inheriting from LocalBatchingExecutor; but not on top of Javascript
  • fixed critical bug in CompositeCancelable that was introduced in the last release

Issue #210 changes for the monix-eval sub-project:

  • optimized Task.fromFuture to the point that it has near zero overhead

  • optimized Task.gather, Task.gatherUnordered, Task.sequence

  • Task.gather now forces asynchronous execution for the given tasks

  • Task.gatherUnordered also forces asynchronous execution

  • optimized the Task trampoline in general

  • introduced Callback.async wrapper and asyncApply extension method

  • renamed Task.zipWith to Task.zipMap (rename across the board, also for Observable)

  • added Task.executeOn for overriding the Scheduler

  • added Task.fork overload with a scheduler override

  • added Task.async as an alias of Task.create

Issue #210 changes for the monix-types sub-project:

  • moved all shims to monix.types.shims, in order to differentiate them from type-classes that are not shims
  • added the Deferrable type-class, to express lazy evaluation concerns (e.g. evalOnce, evalAlways, defer, memoize)
  • added the Evaluable type-class, for computations that will eventually produce a value

Issue #210 changes for the monix-reactive project:

  • for foldLeft methods, make the seed be just a normal by-name parameter instead of a Coeval, because otherwise it isn't compatible with other type-classes / interfaces
  • affected methods are foldLeft, foldLeftAsync
  • rename zipWith to zipMap
  • rename combineLatestWith to combineLatestMap
  • add Observable.fromAsyncStateAction
  • fix Consumer.foldLeftAsync

Version 2.0-RC10 (Aug 10, 2016)


  • Issue #200: Add an executeNow extension method for Scheduler, taking a by-name callback, as initializing Runnable instances is too annoying
  • Issue #201: Fixes and optimizes Task.gatherUnordered - as an edge-case, it wasn't stack safe and it has been optimized to be more efficient
  • Issue #202: Added asyncOnSuccess and asyncOnError as extension methods for Callback and made Task.create safe by forcing an asynchronous boundary when calling the callback (onSuccess/onError); also optimizes Task.chooseFirstOfList and TestScheduler
  • Issue #203: Changed the onOverflow function signature for OverflowStrategy types supporting it - it can now return an Option and if it returns None, then we don't signal any messages downstream, thus making it easier to just log that overflow happened without extra tricks

Version 2.0-RC9 (Jul 31, 2016)

Bug fixes:

  • Issue #193: Task Applicative instance doesn't run the tasks in parallel
  • Issue #194: Task.mapBoth is not stack-safe


  • Issue #196: Add the Consumer.create builder
  • Issue #166: Generalize Task.sequence, Task.gather and Task.gatherUnordered for arbitrary collections


  • updated Scala.js version to 0.6.11
  • updated Cats version to 0.6.1
  • changed PGP signing key
  • increased timeout on the reactive streams publisher tests

Version 2.0-RC8 (Jun 29, 2016)

Critical bug fix:

  • BUG #181: the default operators on CancelableFuture are triggering StackOverflow exceptions

New Features:

  • Issue #184: introducing the Consumer type, a factory of subscribers that makes it easier to specify reusable and composable consumers and for example, it makes it possible, out of the box, to load-balance the workload between multiple subscribers in parallel; see the description
  • Issue #186 (related to issue #168): adds the Observable.interleave2 operator, similar with the one in FS2 (former scalaz-streams)
  • Issue #180: the Observer.feed function now has an overload that does not take a cancelable, because it's awkward coming up with one if it isn't needed; there's also a onNextAll extension for both Observer and Subscriber which can push a whole collection of events
  • Issue #187: integrates the MonadCombine type-class from Cats, being similar to the Scalaz MonadPlus, as somehow this was missed in the initial integration
  • Issue #177 reviews exposed traits and abstract classes, making sure they inherit from Serializable
  • Issue #85: small change,
    clarifies the ScalaDoc on the RefCountCancelable type
  • Issue #162: implements the Observable.takeUntil(trigger: Observable[Any]) operator, an operator that takes from the source until another observable triggers an event
  • Issue #189: for Observable operators that return a single item (e.g. sumF, foldLeftF, etc.) adds variants that do the same thing, but return Task results instead, so now we have foldLeftL, sumL, etc. that return tasks
  • Issue #190: changes many observable operators, that were taking by-name parameters or initial state parameters (e.g. headOrElseF, foldLeftF, etc), to take Coeval params instead, in order to have fine control over the evaluation model
  • Issue #191: introduces by default an implicit conversion from Any to Coeval.Now, to make it easier to use Coeval as function parameters - the default will thus simply be strict evaluation, strictness being usually the default in Scala

Version 2.0-RC7 (Jun 21, 2016)

Bug fixes:

  • BUG #170: Task.materializeAttempt doesn't work for BindAsync, leading to onErrorHandleWith not working with errors triggered in flatMap on async tasks

New Features:

  • Issue #171: Add Scheduler builder on the JVM that allows specifying just the ExecutionModel, falling back global otherwise
  • Issue #174: Scalaz integration (in addition to the Cats integration) for FP goddess
  • Issue #175: Reintroduce all of project Sincron into monix-execution, which means that now monix-execution exposes Atomic references. This project was split from Monix, but the decision didn't make sense and the exposed functionality is super useful and in the spirit of monix-execution
  • Issue #176: now that we have Task, we introduce TaskApp, a safe App type that allows one to specify pure programs

Version 2.0-RC6 (Jun 15, 2016)

Breaking changes:

  • Issue #157: Renaming Observable.doOnCancel to doOnSubscriptionCancel because its meaning has changed since Monifu 1.x and it will cause pain
  • Issue #160 (breaking change): Revamp the buffer operators on Observable
  • Issue #161 (breaking change): Revamp the ConcurrentSubject and Pipe constructors

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • Bug #153: already fixed in 2.0-RC5 for Task, but now also fixed for Coeval
  • Issue #155: Coeval enhancements and fixes
  • Issue #156: Adding Observable.doOnTerminate for executing a piece of logic when onComplete or onError happens, or when the subscriber stops the streaming with Stop
  • Issue #158: Observable.fromIterator takes now an optional onFinish callback for resource deallocation, because the Iterator interface doesn't provide a close() that could be used
  • Issue #163: added Observable.fromInputStream, fromCharsReader and fromLinesReader for reading from, and data sources
  • Issue #164: Add Observable.executeOn, as alternative to observeOn
  • Issue #165: Simplification of the Cats integration

Version 2.0-RC5 (May 31, 2016)

Critical bug fix:

  • Bug 153 - Task.sequence and Task.gather return a shared mutable.ListBuffer

Version 2.0-RC4 (May 31, 2016)

  • Issue #89 - reintroducing a minimal Cats integration, along with tests based on cats-laws. We are splitting monix.type into its own sub-project and monix-cats depends on it. This ensures that the pick what you use approach also works with monix-cats, as people wanting just Task should not get Observable, yet Observable needs integration as well.
  • Issue #149 - documentation related fixes
    • Improved the description of Task
    • Task.unit is now a final val
    • Task.never now shares the reference instead of building a new instance every time
    • Exposing Task.unsafeStartNow and Task.unsafeStartAsync, as otherwise Task.unsafeCreate is useless. So we should expose all of them, or none at all.
    • FutureUtils.Extensions.dematerialize was named "materialize" (WTF!) and is renamed
    • Task should inherit just from Serializable and not from Product
  • Issue #150 - add a new Task.doOnFinish operator that executes once a task is finished.
  • Issue #151 - changing Future.sequence to be ordered in both execution and effects
  • Issue #152 - introduce Task.gather which behaves like the previous sequence and Task.gatherUnordered which doesn't do ordering for results either.

Version 2.0-RC3

  • Issue #147 - Make BehaviorSubject and ReplaySubject remove subscribers that triggered Stop while connecting, thus freeing the memory sooner, otherwise the GC cannot free the subscriber because its reference is kept captive until the next Subject.onNext
  • Remove tut and site from project/plugins, as the documentation will be handled in the repository
  • Re-enable code coverage in Travis and fix the build to actually test Scala 2.10.6

Version 2.0-RC2

Minor release with a single bug fix:

Version 2.0-RC1

Feature freeze. There's lots of interesting stuff to work on, but I'd rather have a stable 2.0 release first.

Bug fix:

  • Issue #143 - on RefCountObservable cancel and stop should be idempotent

Version 2.0-M2

The theme and the big issue of this release has been redesigning Task's implementation and introducing Coeval. See Issue #141 for details.

List of changes:

  • Issue #88: the Task implementation has been redesigned from scratch
  • Issue #89: Cats integration has been tried and yielded very positive results, but is being delayed
  • Issue #96 and issue 99: add MulticastStrategy for safer building of multicast Observables
  • Issue #127: Introduce operators onErrorHandle and onErrorHandleWith
  • Issue #128: operators materialize, dematerialize and memoize for Task (and Coeval)
  • Issue #113: Introduce the bufferIntrospective operator
  • Issue #123: underlying protocol changes, did some fixes for the work that already happened for M1
  • Issue #131: renamed Ack.Cancel to Ack.Stop in order to differentiate it as a verb from Cancelable.cancel, because in version 2.0 they are two different actions (and it's more semantically correct this way)
  • Issue #132: introduced the Observable.onCancelTriggerError operator
  • Issue #133: introduced the Observable.doOnDownstreamStop and doOnCancel (which is one reason for #131)
  • Issue #134: New operator Observable.switchIfEmpty
  • Issue #136: Clarify reactive streams, initiated monix.execution.rstreams for reusable subscription types and added the ReactivePublisher type-class for things that can be converted to org.reactivestreams.Publisher (both Observable and Task are instances)
  • Issue #140: Add type-class hierarchy, to be integrated with both Cats and Scalaz
  • Issue #141: reimplement Task from scratch, introduce Coeval, introduce Scheduler.executionModel

Version 2.0-M1

Milestone release for version 2.0, supplied as a preview. The final 2.0 release should not have major changes compared to this first milestone, but API breakage may still happen.

This version is not production ready. Use at your own risk.

List of changes:

  • Issue #60 - initiated the docs sub-project with tutorials type-checked as part of the test process
  • Issue #88 - add Monix's own Task, an alternative to Future and the Scalaz Task
  • Issue #89 - initial integration with Cats
  • Issue #90 - remove functionality that isn't relevant to the purpose of Monix and be supported
  • Issue #91 - project rename and reorganization (epic API breakage)
  • Issue #93 - renamed Observable.onSubscribe to Observable.unsafeSubscribeFn, because it shouldn't be used directly, unless you really, really know what you're doing
  • Issue #94 - fixed comments style to ScalaDoc
  • Issue #96 - removed Observable.create because it is unsafe
  • Issue #100 - enhanced the Scheduler interface
  • Issue #102 - brought back sun.misc.Unsafe (actually this was done in separate project, as part of issue #104)
  • Issue #104 - separated the Atomic implementations in the Sincron
  • Issue #106 - enabled code coverage reports
  • Issue #111 - improved test coverage
  • Issue #114 - initiated the benchmarks sub-project to track performance issues
  • Issue #115 - Cancelable.cancel now returns Unit and not Boolean
  • Issue #118 - Fix materialize, add dematerialize
  • Issue #119 - Introduced Pipe, renamed Channel in ConcurrentSubject, renamed SynchronousObserver in SyncObserver, renamed SynchronousSubscriber in SyncSubscriber
  • Issue #121 - Clarified the contract for synchronous pipelines, got rid of the hacks from internal, replacing them with macro-driven extensions for Future[Ack]
  • Issue #123 - Changed the protocol of Observable.subscribe, back-pressuring onComplete and onError is now optional and Observable.unsafeSubscribeFn needs to return a usable Cancelable instead of Unit (big internal change)
  • Issue #125 - Modified contract of AsyncScheduler, added a new ExecutorScheduler

Version 1.2

  • Issue #113 - Introduce the bufferIntrospective operator

Version 1.1

  • Issue #125 - Modify contract of AsyncScheduler, and add a new Scheduler type based entirely on Java's ScheduledExecutor
  • Update versions of SBT dependencies
  • Documentation changes (fixed missing argument in Observable docs, add code of conduct mention)