Filters: must be deactivated on default: Button "Enable Filters" - or hidden in sidebar! because: at 20 Needs, 20 checked boxes confuse users must be taken into account in URL (for sharing) display amount of items right of filter! (e.g. you see that you can filter out all 427 trees) on EVERY Map provide filters for our 3 categories! so you can filter on the organic map to deactivate buying_selling! - then you should see all "alternative" POIs each filter needs "disable all"/"enable all" buttons!
how to handle multiple values on filter-key show items when at least one filter is checked? "bartering" is checked, I want to see all bartering how to handle if key is not set anyway? -> filter entry "unknown" must be shown for ALL filters
handling of multiple filters EACH filter must be checked for an object. es reicht nicht, wenn z.b. identity=commons angehakt ist, aber opening_hours=off weggeklickt wurde. -> for each filter-group the return-value must be true for an object to be displayed -> one FALSE in a main group is enough to hide an object!
what if tags.identity=commons;permaculture ; filters.identity=[commons=true, permaculture=false] ?
-> at least one must be checked in subgroup, don`t hide if one is disabled
object.display = [ [ g1subf1 || g1ubf2 || ... || g1subfn ] && [ g2subf1 || g2subf2 || ... || g2subfn ] ]
if I check "organic" as main group, how to handle items which have no tag set? - as if organic=no? - display anyway - hide anyway? - > add for each filter an item "unknown" -> will be best case! how to handle at provides and interaction? unknown should only match if it does NOT match any in the whitelist!
for filtering, use -OK -> replacement for markercluster
DONE: * show Nr. of POIs for each filter * show only items currently in field of view -OK * update on map.on('moveend' map.on('viewreset' -OK -> loadPOI * value regex checks -> ok replaced with split ";\s" special chars : +.(){}[]^$?| (? (?! (!=
TODO: * all filter function in own JS file, map.js gets too long * close all open cluster spiders on running the filters! * enable/disable all buttons * show in overview if somewhere a filter is enabled * href links to filters enabled/disabled
Interaction wo die CSAs hintun?
sidebar: 3 sub-categories: needs (topic???) identity interaction
organic (show only organic)
with sub-filter (only/limited)
organic = only
organic = yes
organic = limited
organic = no (default disabled)
+ defaults!
+ filter labels
second_hand (ev. via interaction=rebuying_reselling)?
yes limited no
opening hours ("binary" filter independent from all others)
diet: (show only vegan=only)
special map:
e.g. on "green" map,
trees (← canditate for filtering out)
filter: by changing OP queries? simply css hiding will not do -> clustering! -> what to do with hidden POIs? -> solved with PruneCluster attribute "filtered"
word "filter" means: filter out all other - keep one
ablauf, wann filter anwenden bei filterchange -OK bei laden von neuen POIs -OK
reihenfolge der Filter knock-out sind binary filter, wie opening hours diet regional -> es gibt keine "binary" filter, da der wert auch ungesetzt sein kann -> ~"ternary"?
wie entscheiden, ob ein punkt angezeigt wird -zuerst die knockout-filter, da nur anzeigen wenn tag gesetzt ist -dann die "soft"-filter, nur anzeigen wo häckchen gesetzt ... -_-
wir brauche
in der var filters sind für jeden filter die funktionen, die das filtern übernehmen... filterfunktionen bekommen ein osm-object und geben true/false zurück