- Lazy wire declaration for FactoryInterface
- Ability to use nested queries in JOIN statements
- on argument in join() methods is deprecated, use on() function directly
- Optimizations in load method with "using" option
- Container is not clonable
- StemplerLoader synced with Twig abstraction, StemplerSource introduced
- SourceContext (twig like) have been added
- Added late bindings (locate outer record based on Interface or role name)
- Added detach() method into HasMany relation
- Dropped support of PHP5+
- Code coverage improvements
- Cache component removed (replaced with PSR-16)
- Views component moved to Framework bundle
- Validation component moved to Framework bundle
- Translation component moved to Framework bundle
- Encryption component moved to Framework bundle
- Migrations component moved in
- Automatic migration generation is now part of Migration component
- Security component moved in
- Monolog dependency removed
- PHPUnit updated to 5.0 branch
- Symfony dependencies updated to 3.0 branch
- Schema definitions moved to array constants instead of default property values
- Simplified PaginatorInterface
- Reactor component moved in
- Debugger (log manager) component removed
- Improved implementation of Tokenizer component
- ScoperInterface moved into Framework bundle
- Container now validates scalar agument types when supplied by user
- Improved polyfills for SQLServer
- Improved SQL injection prevention
- Improved timezone management
- Refactoring of DBAL schemas
- Bugfixes
- Unions with ordering in SQLServer
- Invalid parameter handling for update queries with nested selection
- Pagination classes are immutable now
- Removed features
- Embedded validations
- Magic getter and setter methods via __call()
- setValue and packValue methods added
- "fields" property is now private
- SolidableTrait is now part of models
- Refactoring of SchemaBuilder
- RecordSelector does not extend SelectQuery anymore
- Transactional (UnitOfWork) support
- Improvements in memory mapping
- Improvements in tree operations (save)
- Removed features
- ActiveRecord thought direct table communication
- MutableNumber accessor
- Validations
- Bugfixes
- ManyToMany relations to non-saved records
- BelongsToRelation to non-saved records
- Definition of morphed relations must be explicit now
- All ORM entities MUST have proper primary key now
- Ability to define custom column types in combination with accessors
- Relation loaders and schemas are immutable now
- Memory scope are optional now
- Record does not have "source" method by default now (see SourceTrait)
- Moved to latest PHP7 mongo drivers
- Removed features
- Validations
- Removed parent document reference in compositions
- Scalar array split into multiple versions
- CompositableInterface improved
- Document does not have "source" method by default now (see SourceTrait)
- Improved implementation of RackspaceServer
- Added GridFS server support