A python library that generates patterns (in matplotlib) using the perlin noise algorithm.
This library intends to serve as a dynamic placeholder images generator similar to the dynamically colored egg on twitter.
These are some of the patterns generated by pyramage.
pip install pyramage
from pyramage import Pyramage
# Pyramage.generate_perlin_image(size, perlin scan depth, cmap/colormap)
Pyramage.generate_perlin_image(100, 4, 'terrain')
Accent Accent_r PuBuGn PuBuGn_r YlOrRd YlOrRd_r
Blues Blues_r PuOr PuOr_r afmhot afmhot_r
BrBG BrBG_r PuRd PuRd_r autumn autumn_r
BuGn BuGn_r Purples Purples_r binary binary_r
BuPu BuPu_r RdBu RdBu_r bone bone_r
CMRmap CMRmap_r RdGy RdGy_r brg brg_r
Dark2 Dark2_r RdPu RdPu_r bwr bwr_r
GnBu GnBu_r RdYlBu RdYlBu_r cividis cividis_r
Greens Greens_r RdYlGn RdYlGn_r cool cool_r
Greys Greys_r Reds Reds_r coolwarm coolwarm_r
OrRd OrRd_r Set1 Set1_r copper copper_r
Oranges Oranges_r Set2 Set2_r cubehelix cubehelix_r
PRGn PRGn_r Set3 Set3_r flag flag_r
Paired Paired_r Spectral Spectral_r gist_earth gist_earth_r
Pastel1 Pastel1_r Wistia Wistia_r gist_gray gist_gray_r
Pastel2 Pastel2_r YlGn YlGnBu gist_heat gist_heat_r
PiYG PiYG_r YlGnBu_r YlGn_r gist_ncar gist_ncar_r
PuBu PuBu_r YlOrBr YlOrBr_r gist_rainbow gist_rainbow_r
summer summer_r gist_stern gist_stern_r magma magma_r
tab10 tab10_r gist_yarg gist_yarg_r nipy_spectral nipy_spectral_r
tab20 tab20_r gnuplot gnuplot_r ocean ocean_r
tab20b tab20b_r gnuplot2 gnuplot2_r pink pink_r
tab20c tab20c_r gray gray_r plasma plasma_r
terrain terrain_r hot hot_r prism prism_r
turbo turbo_r hsv hsv_r rainbow rainbow_r
twilight twilight_r inferno inferno_r seismic seismic_r
twilight_shifted twilight_shifted_r jet jet_r spring spring_r
viridis viridis_r winter winter_r