This is an NFT that is sompletely stored on chain without using ipfs.The NFT image can be switched between two Car logo's lamborghini or ferrari.
Install foundry
curl -L | bash
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd NFT/
Install dependencies
forge install cyfrin/foundry-devops@0.2.2 --no-commit && forge install foundry-rs/forge-std@v1.8.2 --no-commit && forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v5.0.2 --no-commit
To deploy the NFT, first run anvil on terminal
Deploy the NFT Locally on anvil
forge script script/DeployMyNft.s.sol:DeployMyNft --rpc-url --private-key "use a private key from anvil" --broadcast
Mint the NFT
forge script script/MintAndFlip.s.sol:MintNft --rpc-url --private-key "use the deployed private key" --broadcast
Flip the Image of the NFT
forge script script/MintAndFlip.s.sol:FlipNft --rpc-url --private-key "use the deployed private key" --broadcast
If you are planning to add this NFT to you metamask,after flip you may have to re-add the nft to be able to see the flipped image
You can deploy this to sepolia or any testnet or only have to enter the rpc url of the chain that you are deploying and your private key.
The contract is not tested by experts and can have bugs or vulnerabilties.If you are planning to use this on a mainnet,deploy it at your own risk (please dont use your private keys in plain text in the terminal or in the contract or in the project files,only use them after some kind of encryptions only!)
To run tests, run the following command
forge test