Nuxt 3 Apollo GraphQL Hasura ESLint TypeScript Codegen
Generate OG Images with Vue templates in Nuxt.
Remote Functions. Instead of Event Handlers.
Find and magically fix 12+ link issues that may be negatively effecting your Nuxt SEO.
MDC supercharges regular Markdown to write documents interacting deeply with any Vue component.
Enable locally-located assets in Nuxt Content
Nuxt Editable is a free content editor UI to embed in your Nuxt site.
🚧 The Atomic UI framework for Nuxt, powered by Unocss engine 💛
Using Nuxt Layers to build a complete monorepo architecture
Bring Vite's CLI shortcuts feature to Nuxt.
Additional module for @nuxt/content that replaces or adds createdAt and updatedAt dates based on the git history.
A static code analysis tool for detecting code smells and best practice violations in Vue.js and Nuxt.js projects
Build tiny desktop apps with Tauri, Nuxt 3 and NuxtUI
Quickly Start your Nuxt Project - A community-driven collection of templates for your next project, from landing pages to complete web applications.
AuthJS edge-compatible authentication Nuxt module.
SSR-safe, zero-config Web Workers integration for Nuxt.
Simple social sharing for your Nuxt Sites
Agile Retrospective Tool. Open-source, real-time, and designed to make your team's voice heard loud and clear
Open-source SaaS Starter. Built using Nuxt 3, Prisma, Neon, Sidebase Nuxt Auth, Resend, Stripe, Nuxt UI, Nuxt Content