Bootstrap your MEV bot strategies with a simple boilerplate to build on top of.
A set of Zero Knowledge modules, written in Rust and designed to be used in other system programming environments.
A STARK proof to sync a Bitcoin full node in an instant.
🏎️ A curated list of Aleo & Leo code and resources 🏎️
The multi-asset shielded pool (MASP) provides a unified privacy set for all assets on Namada.
A fast, secure, and portable multichain light client for Ethereum
A static analyzer for NEAR smart contract in Rust
Interchain Standards (ICS) for the Cosmos network & interchain ecosystem.
personal notes about bitcoin and bitcoin core
A fork of libsecp256k1 with support for advanced and experimental features such as Confidential Assets and MuSig2
Ethereum libraries in Go for interacting with Ethereum nodes
Rust implementation of multi party Ed25519 signature scheme.
Cairo is the first Turing-complete language for creating provable programs for general computation.
Painless multisig for many keys across many cosmos-sdk chains
🔨 An adaptive frontend for smart contract interaction
Reproduce DeFi hacked incidents using Foundry.
This repository contains a list of the most popular and widely used tools in web3 security. If you find any tools missing, you can create a pull request and be a contribute the project.
DEPRECATED in favor of
The smart contract development tool for Pythonistas, Data Scientists, and Security Professionals
A simple, modular, and fast framework for writing MEV bots in Rust.
An open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool designed for the case where you already know most of your password/seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.
DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps development, resources and references!
SmartBugs: A Framework to Analyze Ethereum Smart Contracts
Retroactively estimate Uniswap-ish MEV on Flashbots MEV-Share by simulating backrun-arbitrages.